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上海牛津英语4A讲义 M1U1 Meeting new people

1. 词汇: classmate 同学 schoolmate 校友 deskmate 同桌 friend朋友

meet 遇见 people人们 eleven 十一 twelve十二

thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty二十 student number 学号 sit 坐 skip跳绳 live居住 near在……附近 year年 well好 mask 面具

2. 词组: my classmate 我的同学 go to the park 去公园 ride a bicycle骑自行车 skip a rope 跳绳 live near the school住在学校附近 walk to school走路去学校 play basketball 打篮球 like reading喜欢阅读 years old 岁 —Nice to meet you!很高兴遇到你!

—Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴遇到你! See you!再见!

3. 语法:形容词性物主代词 his,her,your,my,its,their,our 形容词性物主代词(所有格)后必须加名词。

my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother His/Her name is……

This is my sister.Her name’s Sally.(向别人介绍某个人) Can 句型 can后的动词必须是原形 He can swim very fast. He can’t sing. Can he climb a tree? 主语是第一人称I、we,第二人称you和第三人称复数they、his parents等的时候,句中动词用原形;


She lives near our school. She walks to school every day. My friend has a nice dress。

变否定句和疑问句时要添加助动词doesn’t和does,动词要变回原形。 My brother doesn’t like his toy car. Does Kitty walk to school every day?

like后面加 名词复数 We like balls.

动词ing形式 We like playing basketball. to do We like to play basketball.

do-doing的规则:直接加ing singing,playing,painting,jumping 去末尾的e,加ing writing,dancing,coming 双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing swimming,skipping running desk,mask 练习:


This is _____(I) new classmate._____(she) name’s Sally. That’s _____(we) English teacher. _____(he) brother is my classmate.

_____(I) deskmate is Jill,_____(she) hair is long. 二、读句子,用适当的代词填空。

Jack is my friend.______ sister is Kitty.

What’s Jack’s sister’s name?_____ name’s Kitty. Mr Li is our teacher.______ has got a red car. Who’s your father?The tall man is _____ father. Has your brother got a big ball?No,_____ hasn’t. My father is a doctor._____is tall._____ car is black. -Is that ____ ruler?-Yes,it’s _____ ruler.

Eddie and I are cclassmate.That’s _____ classroom, -Are ____ in Class2 ?Yes,___ am.

Look at these trees.____ are tall and green.______ roots(根) are long. 三、按要求该句子:

1.I like this book.( 一般疑问句)

______ _____ like this book?

2.Jill lives near the school.(否定句) Jill ______ _______ near the school. 3.Ginger likes to eat fish.(一般疑问句) _____Ginger _____ to eat fish?

4.They walk to school every day.( 一般疑问句)

______ they _____ to school every day?

5.Ben and Alice can swim very fast.(对划线提问) ______ ______ Ben and Alice ______?

M1U2 Abilities

1. 词汇:climb 爬 draw 画画 paint 用颜料画画 swim 游泳 read读 write 写 Jump 跳 hop单脚跳 picture画,图 dream梦 interview 采访

guest嘉宾 everyone大家,每个人fast 快 high高 very 很,非常 welcome欢迎 both(两个)都 dolphin海豚 wasp黄蜂 crisp薯片

2. 词组:paint a picture画一幅画 climb a tree爬树 count to three数到三 very much非常 read a book看书 swim in the river在河里游泳 fly very high飞得很高 swim very fast游得很快 very well很好

both super都很棒 our guest我们的嘉宾 welcome to 欢迎来到…… 3. 语法:1.can句型

肯定句:I/He/She/They can run fast. 否定句:I/He/She/They can’t run fast.

一般疑问句:Can you/he/she/they run fast? 特殊疑问句:What can you/he/she/they do? 2.have got,has got 表示某人又某物 4. 写作:能用所学语言对一个人进行描述。

题目:My friend/classmate/father

5. 形容词性物主代词his,her,your,my,its,their,our 练习:


1.同音词:see _____ for_____ here_____ 2.反义词:tall______ young_____ black______ 3.同类词:draw_____ eleven_____ your______

4.复数: people______ foot______ glass______ watch______ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:

Here ____(be) some bread for you.

How many _______(class) are there in your school? Where is ______(you) white rubber? My father can______(drive) a car. Who____(be) that tall lady?

Supergirl _____ write,but she ______(can) fly high. ______you count the bookls?No,I _____(can). Here ____(be) two _____(glass) of milk. Don’t _____(ride) the bicycle on the road. Can ____(you) pony sing?

-______(be) you fifteen?-No,he______(not be) fifteen, -Can her brother ______(write) ABC?-No,he ______(can). Please give____(I) that book. 三 按要求写句子:

1.Mary can read the book.Mary can’t write.(合成一句) _________________________________. 2.My friend can play football well.(否定句) My friend _____ play football well.

3.My parents can swim fast.(改成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) ______ your ______ fast?Yes,_____ _____. 4.I can ride a bicycle to the park.(一般疑问句) _____ you ____ a bicycle to the park? 5.Can his sister draw well?(肯定句) ______ _____ ______ _____ well. 6.Sam can jump.(划线提问) ______ _____ Sam ______?

7.Our classmate can sing .(对划线提问) _____ can _____ classmate _____?

8.He likes swimming in the river.(把like改为can) He _____ _____ in the river.

9.Their father is Tim.( 对划线提问) ______ their father?

10.Her brother has got some nice pictures.( 一般疑问句) _____ her brother ______ _____nice pictures?

M1U3 How do you feel?

1. 词汇:back 回来 biscuit饼干 feel感觉 happy高兴的 sad伤心的 hungry 饿

full饱的 thirsty口渴的 tired累的 crow乌鸦 bottle瓶子

water水 drink喝 pebble小石子 so所以 then那么,然后 idea办法 toast烤面包 post 邮局 lamp灯 postman邮递员 large大的 cream奶油 berry 果冻 want需要,想要

2.词组:a new bicycle一辆新自行车 have some biscuits吃些饼干 each other对方 drink some water喝些水 thirsty and tired又渴又累a good idea一个好主意 a bottle of water一瓶水a piece of toast一片烤面包 long and thin又长又细 post lamp路灯 post office邮局 be full of充满了…… be tired of厌倦 —Have some biscuits.—Thank you. I have an idea.我有一个主意。

3.语法:—How do you feel?—I’m /we’re hungry. —How does Danny feel?—He’s thirsty. 以here,there开头的句子be动词用is还是are要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。

Here’s some water for you. Here are some pebbles.

There is a bottle under the tree. There are three crows in the tree. 练习:


1.peach复数___________ 2.sad反义词___________ 3.her 主格__________ 4.young反义词___________ 5.right同音词__________ 6.I宾格____________ 7.hungry反义词__________ 8.bike同义词___________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Have some_________(biscuit).

2.-How ____(do)the lime taste?-It’s sweet.

3.-How _____(do) his sister feel?-They are tired. 4.Your hair____(be) long.

5.-Where are the______(mouse)?-They are under the bed. 6.Those are _______(Betty) red coats. 7.-How ___(do) Jill feel?-She’s happy.

8.The monkey _______(like) to eat bananas.

9.-______(have) some juice,please. -No,thanks.I________(not be)thirsty. 10.Here______(be) some juice.

11.-What can his brother ______(do)? 12.Here is ____(a) old man.

13.What_____(have) your son got?

14.There are three ________(knife) in my box.

15.-How_______(do) your grandma feel?-She’s fine. 16.Sam likes________(make) the snowman. 17.Can Teddy______(swim) in the sea?

18._______they_______(like) to eat chicken? 19.There______(is) any water in the bottle. 三、按要求改句子:

1.Mary can make some strawberry cakes.(否定句) Mary _____ make _____ strawberry cakes.

2.Has her deskmate got a blue skateboard?(肯定句) Her ______ _____ got a blue skateboard. 3.I have got a new colour ball.(一般疑问句) ______ you _____ a new ball? 4.Sam is on the sofa.(对划线提问) ______ _____ Sam? 5.I’m sad.( 用how提问) How _____ you _____?

6.Grandma is fine.( 对划线提问) ______ ______ grandma?

7.Sam is hungry.( 对划线提问) How ____ Sam ______?

8.We are thirsty and hungry now.( 对划线提问) _____ _____ ______ _____ now?

9..There is a bottle under the tree.( 对划线提问) How ______ ______ ______ there under the tree? 10.My pencil is yellow and red.( 对划线提问) ______ ______ is your pencil?

11.Her father is thirty-eight.( 对划线提问) ______ _____ is her father?

12.There are some pebbles in the bottle.(一般疑问句) _____ there ______ pebbles in the bottle? 13.I have got an umbrella.(将I改为the girl) The girl ____ got an umbrella.

M2U1 Jill’s family

单词:uncle 叔,舅,伯 aunt 姨妈,姑妈,舅妈 cousin 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 parents父母亲 grandparents祖(外祖)父母 family家庭 welcome欢迎 dive跳水 really真的 Mid-autumn Day中秋节 watch看,欣赏 riddle谜语 sometimes有时 bright明亮的 lady女士 dish盘子 wash洗 catch抓 cook做饭 put放 garden花园 visit看望 photo照片 mooncake月饼 词组:my mother’s brother我母亲的兄弟 have some mooncakes吃月饼 watch the beautiful moon in the garden在花园里看美丽的月亮

the girl in the short black dress那个穿着短的黑色连衣裙的女孩 the lady in the long red skirt那个穿着长的红色裙子的女士 the man in the bright green shirt那个穿着鲜绿色衬衣的男士 catch the fish抓鱼wash the dishes洗盘子cook the fish煮鱼

put the fish on the plate把鱼放在盘子里 on Mid-autumn Day在中秋节 visit her grandparents看望祖父母

句型:1.to have句型:

肯定句:I have (got)a nice coat. Jill has(got) a nice cat.

否定句:I don’t have (got)a nice dress. Jill doesn’t have (got) a nice cat. 或I haven’t (got) a nice dress. Jill hasn’t (got) a nice cat. 一般疑问句:Do you have a nice dress? Does Jill have a nice cat?

或Have you (got) a nice dress? Has Jill (got) a nice cat? 特殊疑问句:What have you(got)? What has Jill(got)?

或How many…… do you have?How many…… does she have? 2.-Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?

-He’s my…… 他是我的(……亲人)

3.Here’s some water. Here are some biscuits. 4.That’s right.你是对的。 5.Really?真的吗?

6.How many uncles and aunts do you have? 练习:


father(同类词)_______ _______ ________ ________

grandmother(同义词)_______ your(主格)______ four(同音词)________ he(所有格)_______ family(复数)________ aunt(同音词)_________ dive(名词)_______ dance(ing形式)_______ fat(反义词)_________ hi(同音词)_______ we(所有格)_______ boy(复数)_________ 二、用所给词的正确形式填空:

1._____ you ______(have) friends?Yes,I _____.

2.Who are ______(this) girls?They’re my ______(classmate). 3.I have ____(a) uncle._____(he) name is Bob.

4.How many _____(bus) can you see?I can see one_____(bus). 5.My auns can ______(dance).They like_______(dance).

6.That man is the _____((boy) father.He _________(not like) peaches.

7.This is ________(photo) of Jill’s family.There ____(be) five people in the family.

8.My parents_____(have) some riddles for me. 三、按要求写句子:

1.That man is my father.( 一般疑问句)

_______that man_____ father? 2. .She’s my cousin.( 对划线提问)

_______ she?

3.This girl’s name is Kitty.( 对划线提问) _____ ______ this girl’s name?

4.Her brother’s name is David.( 对划线提问) ______ _____ her brother’s name?

5..We have some mooncakes.(一般疑问句,并肯定回答) _____ _____ have ______ mooncakes?Yes,_____ _______. 6.Wangrong is tired.( 对划线提问) _____ _____ Wangrong _____?

M2U2 Jobs

单词:doctor医生 nurse护士 teacher教师 student学生 police officer警察 fire火 firefighter消防员 cook厨师 bus driver巴士司机 job工作

call打电话 fire station消防站 bring带来 engine引擎 brave勇敢的

afraid害怕 dangerous危险的 princess公主 pretty漂亮的 dream梦 price价格 dress连衣裙 dream梦 care关心

词组:call the fire station打电话给消防站 brave firefighter 勇敢的消防员 Visit a fire station参观一个消防站 put out the fire灭火

Play with fire玩火 help people帮助人们 be afraid of害怕…… 句型:1.-What does he do?/What is he? -He’s a doctor.

2.Welcome to our fire station.

3.祈使句:Don’t play with fire.(否定句) 同义句:You can’t play with fire. Close the door,please.(肯定句) Please don’t close the door.(否定句) 4. I can help people.

help后加名词和代词的宾格:help Alice/me/her/him/it/them 5. I like my job. 6.-Thank you.

-You’re welcome.



( )Who is he? A.I can put out fire. ( )What does he do? B.I’m Mr Brown.

( )What can he do? C.I’m happy. I like my job. ( )Where is he? D.I’m a firefighter. ( )How does he feel? E.I’m at the fire station. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. What ____ their mother ____(do)?She’s a cook.

2. Can the firefighter ______?Yes.He likes _____.(paint) 3. Look at the ______(fireman).They are brave. 4. What _____(be) you?We’re _____(postman).

5. How many _____(dress)has the princess?She’s one. 6. Our grandfathers have some riddles for _____(we) . 7. What are the ______(lady)?They’re _______(nurse).

8. Do you have ____(a) uncle?Yes,I do.He’s _______(drive) 9. Welcome to _____home.Look at the photo.This is _____(I)

10. The girl ____(be) Betty.She’s _____(Paul) cousin.They’re _____ (cousin). 三、按要求改句子。

1.What does your mother do?(改成句意相同的句子) _____ _____ your mother?

2.My uncle is a police officer (对划线部分提问) What _____ _____ uncle ____? 3.They’re nurses.(对划线部分提问) What _____ they _____?

4.Tom is a young doctor.(改成否定句,句意不变) Tom _____ ______ _____ doctor.

5.Don’t play with fire,children.( 改成句意相同的句子)

Children ____ play with fire.

6.What are you?( 改成句意相同的句子)


7.The police officers are brave(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) __________________________________?Yes,_____ ______. 8.That lady is a teacher.( 改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) ______________________________?No,_____ ______. 9.We are at the fire station.( 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ you?

10.He’s a cook.( 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ he _____? 四、按要求写词:

doctor(同类词)_______ ________ _________ _________

dangerous(反义词)_______ pretty(同义词)_______ bring(反义词)_____ firefighter(同义词)_______ Ben(所有格)________their(主格)_______

M2U3 I have a friend

单词:coat外套 shirt男衬衣 blouse女衬衣 skirt短裙 T-shirt T恤

sweater毛衣 jeans牛仔裤 shorts短裤 strong强壮的 sharp尖的 blunt钝的 tooth(teeth)牙齿 foot(feet) 脚 net网 bite咬 kid小孩 bread面包 sock袜子 jacket夹克衫 wear穿 shoe鞋

词组:a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤 a pair of shorts一条短裤

a pair of shoes一双鞋 a pair of socks一双短袜 small and sharp又小又尖 an orange coat一件橙色的上衣

句型:1.to have 句型

肯定句: I have a pink and white T-shirt. It has small but sharp teeth.

否定句:I haven’t (got) a pink and white T-shirt..

It hasn’t (got) small but sharp teeth.

一般疑问句:Have you (got) a pink and white T-shirt?

Has (got) small but sharp teeth?

特殊疑问句:What have you(got)? What has itl(got)? 2.They’re friends now. 练习:


1. They_____ a cousin.He _____ a big apple. 2. _____Sally two dresses?Yes,she _______.

3. They ______ a football.He ______ a basketball. 4. Mary and Ben ______cards.They can play cards. 5. What ______ you?I _____a pink scarf. 6. The girl ______two big eyes. 7. We _____ two nice dresses. 二、用is,am,are,have,has填空。

1/.I _____ a car driver. I ____ a new car.

2.The butterfly ______six legs.They ______ long.

3.That man _____ three robots.They ______ for children. 4.______ Jill a T-shirt?Yes,her T-shirt ____ black and red. 5.These ladies _____ doctors.They _____ white dresses. 6.We ______students.We ______a football. 7.What ____ you? I ____ a driver. 8.Peter and Sally _____ friends.

9.The rabbit ______ two big eyes.Its eyes ______ red. 10.Our uncle ______ a firefighter.He _____ brave.

11.Your mother _____ three skirts.They _____new and nice. 三、按要求改写句子。

1.I have a pair of blue jeans.(I改为my cousin) My cousin _____ a pair of blue jeans. 2. Danny has some friends.(改为否定句) Danny _____ ______ friends.

3. Mrs White has long hair.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ______ Mrs White long hair? Yes,_____ ______.

4. These are blue coats.(对划线部分提问) ______ _______ these?

5. His shirt is purple.(对划线部分提问) ______ _____ ______ his shirt?

6. The mouse’s teeth are sharp.(改成意思相同的句子) The mouse ______ ______ teeth.

7. The rabbit has red eyes.(改成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) _____ _______ the rabbit red eyes?Yes,_____ ______. 8. Paul has a skateboard.Kitty has a skateboard.(合成一句) Paul and Kitty _____ two ______.

9. Jill has a white dress.(改成意思相同的句子) ______ dress ______ white.

10. The lion is afraid.(改成否定句,句意不变) The lion _____ _______.

11. Sally has a skirt.It’s pink.(合成一句) Sally has_____ ______ skirt.

12. The rabbit’s eyes are red.(改成句意相同的句子) The rabbit_____ _____ eyes.

13. The firefighter has a strong body.(改成一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _____ the firefighter a strong body?No,____ ______. 14. Danny has a yellow T-shirt.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Danny?

15. Mr Black is a police officer.He’s brave.( 合成一句) Mr Black _____ _____ ______ police officer. 三、按要求写出适当的词:

shorts (同类词):______ ________ _________ _________ pink:(同类词) _______ _______ _________ _________

strong(反义词)_______ sharp(反义词)________ afraid(反义词)________ tall(反义词)________ branch(复数)________ strawberry(复数)________ kid(同义词)_______ tooth(复数)_________ foot(复数)_________ mouse(复数)_______ child(复数)________ them(主格)_________

