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一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案.

1.(1分)Look, ______ man with black glasses is my host father in Britain.( ) A.an B.a

C.the D./

2.(1分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?( ) A.order B.afford C.monitor D.corner

3.(1分)I will tell you my opinion on keeping pets, and Jane will express________.( ) A.her B.hers C.she D.herself

4.(1分)Go straight down the street and you'll see the post office on your right, _______ the

kindergarten(幼儿园).( )

A.opposite B.between C.among D.across

5.(1分)The students donated over two _________ books at our school charity sale last Friday.( )

A.thousands B.thousand

C.thousands of D.thousand of

6.(1分)The price of housing in Nanjing is so high that many people can't afford ________ a flat.( )

A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.buy

7.(1分)Since Tencent released Wechat, it ________ one of the most popular apps in the world.( )

A.became B.has become C.has been D.was

8.(1分)The organizer decided to cancel the concert ________ the tickets didn't sell well.( )

A.because B.until C.although D.if

9.(1分)In Britain, cars _______ keep to the left according to the traffic rules.( )

A.must B.may C.can D.need

10.(1分)For foreigners who are interested in Chinese gardens, Suzhou is one of ______ places to visit.( ) A.attractive

B.more attractive

C.most attractive D.the most attractive

11.(1分)﹣ What's the matter with you, Tony? You look pale. ﹣ I _________ to watch the football match last night.( ) A.put up B.turned up

C.picked up

D.stayed up

12.(1分)Jack's mother wonders ___________________.( ) A.that the computer cost him much B.how much will he pay for the computer C.if the computer will cost him much D.how much he would pay for the computer

13.(1分)To make our city more beautiful, people __________ to throw rubbish into the river.( ) A.allow

B.don't allow

C.are allowed D.aren't allowed

14.(1分)﹣The case is very heavy,Miss Wu.Would you like me to carry it for you? ﹣___________.( )

A.With pleasure. B.No,you needn't. C.Yes,I'd love to.

D.It's very kind of you.

15.(1分)﹣ Would you mind stepping forward a bit? I'm afraid it's too crowded here.

﹣ _________________( ) A.Never mind.

B.I'm sorry for that.

C.Of course. D.Not at all.


16.(10分)All of us know something about the USA and the Americans. But movies and TV often give the wrong idea about the country and its people. People

