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1. ability
the ability to do the capability of doing
be (un)able to do be capable of sth/doing
1 主语可以是物 2 可以加不好的事
Cf. was able to do ( = managed to do = succeeded in doing sth)
enable sb. to do
2. (ab)normal adj.
n. above normal below normal return to normal
Cf. average adj. 平均的; 典型,有代表性的
n. above/below average on (the) average
against an average of … the average drivers
common adj. 人人都有;到处可见 It’s common to have a mobile phone now.
共同;共有 have …in common; common interest
ordinary adj.
general adj. 总的the general manager the general idea/outline
社会一般的the general public general knowledge
general election
generally speaking
in general VS in detail
usual adj.
universal adj. a universal truth/rule
a universal language/universal peace/donor
topics of universal interest
n. the universe Cf. space
aboard adv. prep
go aboard the ship.
On board
abroad adv.
go/study abroad; from home and abroad
5. absence n.
one’s absence from in the absence of = for lack of
absent adj. be absent from VS be present at
absorb vt.
absorb light/water/heat/the training/what he says
(sb.) be absorbed in sth/doing sth
7. accept vt. Cf accept an invitation
receive an invitation
Cf. be accepted by all
be well/coldly/poorly received by all
Cf. be accepted by a company
be admitted to/into a company
(un)acceptable adj. be acceptable to sb.
access (u)n. the access to the village
have (easy/no) access to the library
the Internet access
(in)accessible adj. be ~ to
accident n. Cf. accident
by accident = by chance = accidentally = unintentionally
on purpose = by intention = by design = purposefully = intentionally
according to the chairman/report
according to the specific situation
according to me (此表达法错,正确为so/as far as I am concerned)
account for 1)占据 Girls account for 30% of the whole class.
2)解释…的原因 The student could not account for his absence.
Give a detailed/full account of sth
Take sth into account/consideration
On no account should we give up. We should n
ot on any account give up.
with great accuracy
Cf. accurate
accuse sb. of sth
charge sb. with sth
arrest sb. for sth.


sb. for sth. = blame sth. on sb.
scold sb. for sth.
criticize sb. for sth.
excuse sb. ror
praise sb. for
accustomed adj. his accustomed seat/ an accustomed smile
be accustomed to sth./doing sth. = be used to sth./doing sth.
get accustomed to sth./doing sth. = get used to sth./doing sth.
ache n.
have a bad headache/stomachache
vi. = hurt
I ache all over.
My heart aches for you.
My leg has been hurting/aching since yesterday.
Cf. hurt (hurt, hurt)
vt. hurt my leg/have my leg hurt/hurt my feelings
vi. My leg hurts.
wound vt. a wounded solider
n. = injury
injure vt. injure his leg / injure his feelings
n. injury
damage vt. damage the table/chairs
damage one’s health/eyesight
n. do/cause damage to
Cf. damages
destroy vt.
spoil vt. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
a spoilt child
spoil his birthday party/the picnic
Cf. offend him
harm vt. harm sb.
harm one’s eyes
n. do harm to sb. = do sb. harm
= be harmful to = be bad for
achieve vt.
achieve success/ fame/recognition/an effect 达到(较抽象)
achieve a task/one’s aim 完成
achievement n. make achievements in
accomplish vt. accomplish a task/one’s aim 完成
accomplish something/nothing/wonders/whatever you do 做到(具体)
fulfill vt. fulfill a promise/contrast 履行
fulfill a task 完成
fulfill one’s needs/requirements = meet; satisfy 满足
acquire vt.
acquire sth. 获得 acquire a knowledge of French/a bad reputation 学得;养成
gain vt . gain sth. /gain(lose) five minutes a day
obtain vt. obtain sth. /obtain one’s goal
earn vt. earn sb. sth.
win vt. win sth./ win sb. sth. / win over sb.
~~ the desert; shout across the room; run across the plain
Come across
act as
act n. Cf. act
actual adj. the actual price/ the actual cost/ his actual words/ in actual fact
Cf. real real leather/silk
a real person in real life
true It’s not true. She made up the story.
true love/friends
adapt v. adapt sth. to sth.
adapt oneself to sth. = adapt to sth.
adopt vt. adopt a child
adopt a good attitude/the proposal
adjust vt. adjust the focus/ the clock
adjust oneself to sth. = adjust to sth.
add v. add sth. to sth.
add up A and B
dd that 接着说
add to sth. = increase sth. 增添了 add to our helplessness
(sth) add up to 总和
addition n. in addition to = besides
in addition = b


esides = furthermore = what’s more
address n. 注意词义
vt. address the envelope
address the meeting/ a large audience
admire vt. admire you/ admire your bravery /admire you for your bravery
admire the beautiful sunset = appreciate ~
admit vt. admit sb. to/into sp.
admit doing sth. VS deny doing sth.
Cf. permit vt. permit sth. permit doing sth. permit sb. to do
allow vt. allow sth. allow doing sth. allow sb. to do
advise doing advise sb. to do
recommend doing recommend sb. to do
advance v.
n. C/U make advances in = make progress in
advancement n. U
advanced technology / advanced course
take full advantage of = make full use of = make the most of
Cf. make the best of
have an advantage over sb.
adventure n. 冒险的活动
Cf. venture n. 冒险的事业 Every venture has the possibility of making or losing money.
advertise the new car model in the newspaper
advertise for a job/roommate
advise sb. on sth. suggest sth.
advise sb. to do suggest one’s doing
advise doing suggest (to sb.) that … (should) do
advise that…(should) do
give advice to sb. on sth. make a suggestion to sb.
give tips to sb. on sth.
affair (usu. pl.) foreign affairs/ political affairs
household affairs/ a love affair
Cf. business
do business with business hours on business or for pleasure
It’s none of your business.
set up/start a business
matter It’s a matter of choice/of personal tastes/life and death.
Is there anything the matter with you?
affect vt . affect a child’s growth (不良影响)
be affected by the story = be moved/touched by the story
be affected by a disease = be infected with/by a disease
= develop/catch/pick up/(carry) a disease
Cf. influence vt. influence a child’s thought/opinion
n. U have influence on
effect n. have an effect on
achieve the intended effect
cause and effect
create a wonderful sound effect
(sth.)take effect bring sth. into effect
effort n. make effort(s) to do without effort(s) in one’s efforts to do
spare no efforts to do through combined efforts
impact n. have an impact on
afford vt.
买得起 afford sth. afford to do
承受得起后果 A language learner cannot afford not to have a dictionary.
afraid adj. be afraid to do


be afraid of doing
Cf. I am afraid of dogs.
I fear dogs.
Dogs frighten me.
I am frightened at dogs.
agree to do
agree to my plan
agree with me/my words/what I said
His words don’t agree with his actions. 相符
The food/weather here does not agree with me. 适合,适宜
(All of them) agree on (a date)
come to/reach/arrive at an agreement
agreeable(= pleasant) people/weather
ahead of me 在前面;胜过
ahead of time/schedule VS behind time
ahead of one’s time/the times VS behind the times 落后于时代
aid n. a knowledge of first aid
hearing aids audio-visual aids teaching aids
come to/ go to one’s aid/help/rescue/assistance
with the aid of = with the help of
aid v. = help; assist
aid (sb.) with sth.
aid sb. in doing
aim his gun at the target aim his words at me
aim at sth.
aim to do = aim at doing The advert aims at promoting good service.
aim high
achieve one’s aim to do sth.
(adv.) The boss treats us all alike. (=in the same way)
(adj.) The two brothers look much alike.
Cf. A looks like B.
Cf. alive the oldest man alive catch sb. alive keep sb. alive
living the oldest living man the living and the dead a living language
lively a lively boy/lesson
live (adj.)a live broadcast/match experiment on live animals
(adv.)be broadcast live
all students/all the students/all of the students
all of them
in all
all in all
after all
above all
first of all
all over
(not) at all
almost nobody/nothing/no…
not nearly satisfactory = far from satisfactory/perfect/enough
almost/nearly everybody
Cf. almost/most/mostly
alone adj. She is alone, but she isn’t not lonely.
adv. do it alone = do it on one’s own = do it by oneself
Money alone(光,仅仅) can’t make me happy.
lonely adj. She is lonely.
a lonely girl
a lonely village = a remote/faraway village
amaze vt.
amuse vt.
have an ambition to do sth
achieve/realize/fulfill one’s ambition
a large amount of; a great deal of + U
plenty of, a large quantity of; large quantities of + U/C
masses of; a good many; a large number of + C
in ancient times VS in modern times
the ancients
be angry with sb. at/about sth.
announce vt. 公开宣布
announce sth. ( announce their marriage)
announce that…
declare vt. (权威.政府)宣布; 申报关税
declare sth. (declare peace/war)
declare sth/sb. (to be) + n./adj. (declare the meeting open)
declare that…

claim vt. 要求获得权利;认领某物
claim sth. (claim the wallet/ claim the reward)
自称 claim to do ( 无claim sb. to do)
claim that…
demand vt. 需要


demand sth. ( demand great care/patience)
= need sth.= call for sth. = require sth.
(强烈)要求 demand sth. ( demand an apology/ demand a reasonable explanation) demand to do (无demand sb. to do)
demand that…(should) do
require vt. 需要require sth.= need sth. = demand sth. = call for sth.
require doing = require to be done ( = want; need; deserve)
(规定) 要求require sb. to do
(sb. ) be required to do
require too much of sb. = ask too much of sb. = expect too much of sb. ( = beg sth. of sb.)
require that…(should) do
n. requirement meet/satisfy admission/entrance requirements
inquire vi. 咨询,询问
inquire for sth. = ask for
inquire about sth. = ask about
inquire into the matter
inquire after sb.
n. inquiry make inquiries for/about/into/after…
request vt. 请求 request sth. (from sb. )
request sb. to do
request that…(should) do
n. make an request for sth.
a pamphlet will be sent on/upon request
at one’s request = at the request of sb.
command vt. command the army / command silence 指挥
command respect/ command a high price 博得
command a large vocabulary/ command English = master
command sb. to do
command that…(should) do
n. have a good command of English = have a good mastery of English
annoy vt. 惹恼annoy sb. (with sth.) be annoyed by the poor bus service
disturb vt. 打搅disturb sb. (with sth.) Don’t disturb.
扰乱disturb the smooth surface of the river
disturb the balance of nature
使…心烦意乱be disturbed by the news
disturbance n.
interrupt vt. 打断interrupt us (with sth.) interrupt our conversation
bother vt . 打搅bother sb. with sth.
vi. 麻烦;费心Don’t bother to do that.
Don’t bother about supper.
He hasn’t even bothered to write to his parents.
answer vt. answer the question = reply to the question
answer the telephone/doorbell/the appeal of the government
answer for …为。。。负责
n. = reply
be anxious for sth. = be eager for=be desperate for
be anxious about sth. = be worried about
anyhow = anyway adv. 无论如何
Cf. somehow adv. 不知怎么的; 以某种方式
somewhat adv. = a bit; a little
apologize to sb. for s
make an apology to sb. for sth.
appeal vi.恳求;要求 appeal to sb. for sth./ appeal to sb. to do sth.
= call on sb. to do = urge sb. to do


诉诸appeal to war/arms
吸引appeal to me
appeal n. make an appeal for sth.
Have great appeal for sb. 对某人具有很大的吸引力
Cf. sb. appear/seem/happen to be/to do
There appear/seem/happen to be
It appear/seem/happen that…
Cf. sb. is said/reported/known/assumed/thought/believed…to be/to do
It is said/reported/known/assumes/thought/believed… that…
As is known, …..
have an appetite for sth. lose/stimulate one’s appetite
burst into applause warm applause join in the applause
electrical appliances = electrical equipment household appliances
Cf. appliance 器具electrical/household appliances
equipment U
tool carpenter’s tools /gardener’s tools
instrument lab/musical/medical instruments
an instrument for/of communication
device a device for peeling apples/for closing the door automatically
implement 用具farming/writing/gardening implements
facility U 便利 be used with great facility
pl.设施 kitchen/airport/educational/language teaching facilities
complete/fill in/fill out an application form
approve/refuse/reject/turn down an application
make an application to sb. for sth.
the new application(s) of sth. in (a field)
apply to sb. for sth.
apply the rule to this occasion
(The rule does not) apply to the case
The rule applies(be effective) till next May.
appoint him (as/to be) chairman of the board
meet at the appointed time
see patients by appointment only
make/have an appointment with sb.
have an appreciation of modern art/paintings
appreciate you/your talent
appreciate modern art/paintings
appreciate your help/appreciate your kindness in doing sth.
= thank you for your help = be grateful/thankful to you for your help
= show my gratitude to you for your help
批准approve the plan wait for the fund to be approved
同意approve (of) your opinion
area n. cover an area of 100 square meters
be outstanding in his area = in his field
Cf. region
argue with sb. over/about sth. augue for/against sth.
argument n.
arise vi. = come up; appear; emerge arise from
rise vi. = stand up = raise oneself rise to one’s feet
The flag is rising. a rising flag VS a risen sun
n. on the rise = on the increase rise and fall of an umpire
raise vt. raise oneself
raise a flag at the flag-raising ceremony
raise one’s voice /the rent
raise money = collect money
raise pets = keep pets
arouse vt. arouse curiosity/interest
arrange flowers arrange
arrange for sb. to do sth. Mom has arranged for me to study abroad.
arrange with sb. to do sth. I’ve arranged with Jack to meet at th


e square.
make arrangements/preparations for sth./to do sth.
arrive at VS. arrive in
The letter reached me yesterday. (不可用get to/arrive at)
arrive at an agreement/decision/conclusion
article n. 文章write an article on sth.
物品see articles of all kinds
Cf. item n. 一则新闻a news item = an item of news
一项many items on display/on the list/in the test paper
I love the last item on the program.
artificial adj. an artificial flower/ snow/ leg/hand/eye/satellite
an artificial smile/artificial manners
Cf. synthetic fibers/materials
false teeth a false statement/alarm
fake money a fake painting by Picasso
a faulty electric fan
such…as the same…as
such a great man as he=a great man like him
Cf. She is such a nice girl as is loved by all of us.
She is such a nice girl that she is loved by all of us.
She is such a nice girl as to be loved by all of us.
Cf. as, like
as, though, although
as, when, while
as, which
as…as, so…as
as; because; since
be/feel ashamed of sth.
Cf. shameful adj.
be/fall asleep VS a sleeping baby
be fast/sound asleep VS be wide awake
assign sth. to sb.
assign sb. to sth. I was assigned to that project.
assign sb. sth.
assign sb. to do sth.
联系;联想associate A with B A be associated with B
有关联relate A to B A be related to B
结合combine A with B A combine with B
连接; 联系link A to/with B = connect A to/with B
系 tie A to B
假定assume sth. (assume his innocence)
assume sb. (to be) + adj./n.
assume that
承担assume office/responsibility
assure sb. of sth. assure sb. that…
ensure sth. ensure sb. sth. ensure that…
guarantee vt. 保修 guarantee the clock for a year
保证guarantee to do = guarantee that…
担保guarantee the painting genuine
n. have a two-year guarantee under guarantee
a guarantee of happiness
a guarantee to do
a guarantee that…
insure his house against fire
attack vt. a disease/disaster attack/strike/hit a place
n. make/launch an attack on
die of a heart attack
attach sth. to sth.
attach to sth.
be attached to sth.
attempt sth. attempt to do sth.
make an attempt at sth. make an attempt to do sth.
attend a meeting/a concert/school/church
attend (to) a sick child = tend (to) = look after = take care of
attend to the matter
pay att
ention to sth./doing sth.
attract/draw/catch one’s attention catch one’s eye
call one’s attention to sth.
adopt/assume/take/maintain a po


sitive/negative attitude towards/about sth.
attract sb./sth.
attract sb. to/into sp.
distract sb. from sth./doing sth.
a tourist attraction (U)
a large /small audience ( = vocabulary)
an audience of 100
have authority over sb.
be available to sb. make sth available to sb.
Three basketball playgrounds are available to students.
avenge sth. on sb.
avoid sth. avoid doing sth.
Cf. prevent a disease
awake adj.
awaken vt. awaken sb.
wake vt. wake sb. (up)
vi. wake up
waken vt. waken sb.
award vt. award sb. sth. = award sth. to sb.
Cf. reward sb. with sth. for sth.
give/offer/hand sb. sth. = give/offer/hand sth. to sb.
present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb.
provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.
supply sb. with sth. = supply sth, to sb.
award n. Cf. reward, prize
Cf. be (un)aware of sth.
be conscious remain conscious after the accident
be conscious of sth.
be set in a background
look nice against the black background
backward adv. go backward VS go forward
adj. a background country
be badly needed/wanted be more badly needed/wanted
be badly done be worse done
be in bad/urgent need of sth
break/disturb/upset the balance of nature
keep/lose one’s balance
be in/out of balance
eat a balanced diet
ban vt. ban sth.
ban sb. from doing sth.
Cf. prevent/ stop/prohibit sb. (from) doing sth.
keep sb. from doing sth.
forbid sb. to do sth.
a bare mountain/branch bare feet/shoulders
Cf. empty an empty bottle/ room
vacant a vacant job/post
rare a rare stamp/species/flower/metal
Air is rare in the mountains.
scarce Fruit is scarce during the winter/war.
short be short of sth. give me short weight (短斤缺两)
make a bargain with sb. = make a deal with sb.
pick up a bargain
Cf. base an air base
the base of the vase/statue
basement in the basement
basis (pl. bases) the basis of the theory on a regular basis
foundation lay a solid foundation for sth.
the foundation of the PRC
the Nobel Foundation
the foundation of the building
have/take a bath the bathing suit
Cf. beach go to the beach play on the beach
coast off the coast along the coast on the coast
bank along the river bank
bear vt. 忍受(can’t) bear to do/doing sth.
bear=stand=endure=put up with=tolerate
怀有bear/keep sth. in mind bear love/hatred for her


带有bear no date/your signature/the Red Cross
承受bear the weight/the expense/the responsibility
生育bear flowers/fruit
born adj. be born of poor parents
be born in/into a rich family
be born lucky
be born to succeed
be born for the profession
a born actor
beat (beat, beaten) vt./vi.
Cf. beat 反复击打
My heart/the drum is beating fast.
beat a naughty boy
raindrops beat the window
waves beat the beach
strike(struck, stricken)
钟敲 The clock struck 12.
敲击Strike while the iron is hot.
He struck me on the head.
擦亮strike a match
袭击An earthquake struck the country. = attack.; hit
打动;留下印象Her beauty struck me.
突然想到The idea struck me. = The idea occurred to me.
It struck me that she was right. = It occurred to me that she was right.
hit(hit, hit)
击中The ball hit me on the back.
撞上The car hit the lamppost and blew up.
袭击An earthquake hit the area.
突然想到I hit on an idea. A strange idea hit him.
Cf. beat (beat, beaten) beat sb. /a team
defeat (defeated, defeated) defeat sb. /a team
win win a game/match
win a prize/some money
win over sb. / a team
lose lose a game/match
lose to sb. /a team
铺床make one’s/the bed
read sb. a bedtime story

106. before It was (not) long before she came back.
two days
a long time
It won’t be long before she comes back.
since It is/has been long since she came back.
two days
when It was two o’clock when she came back.
that It was at two o’clock that she came back.
It was long ago that she came back.
It was yesterday that she came back.

Cf .before long = soon She came back before long.
She will come back before long.
long before
beg (for) sth.
beg sth. of sb. = ask sb. of sb.
beg sb. to do
begin with sth.
begin sth. with sth.
to begin with
Cf. start 出发 We will start at 7am tomorrow.
(使)开始 When did the lesson/party/quarrel/fire start.
start a business/company = set up
(使)启动 The car won’t start.
I can’t start the car.
Cf. begin to do 进行时 She is beginning to do her homework.
非人做主语 It began to snow.
加认知情感动词 I began to love/realize/understand/know…
begin doing
from beginning to end
at/in the beginning (of)

Cf. behave behave oneself
She always behaves well.
act It’s time to act. We should act quickly.
Don’t take her seriously. She is acting.
She acts well in t


he play. She acted (the role of) Queen in the play.
My teacher acted as the interpreter in the interview.
function The machine is not functioning properly.
perform perform a trick/a play perform on the piano = play the piano
She performed well in the interview. The machine performed properly.
perform an operation/an experiment/one’s promise = conduct(=do)=carry out

Cf. believe
believe in I believe you/your words this time but I don’t believe in you.
= I don’t trust you.
She believes in God/Christianity/the existence of ghosts.
She believes in jogging for her health.
sth. benefit sb.
sb. benefit from sth.
sth .be beneficial to sb.
Cf. sb. gain sth./a lot from sth.
sb. profit from sth./doing sth.

You’d better do
Better do
It’s better to do
know better than to do

* be better-off be better-known

* beyond the river/the mountains
beyond all praise/expression/description/imagination

draw up a bill
adopt/pass a bill
pay the bill

Cf. bind bind a package with strings = tie
bind papers into a bundle
bind the soil
fasten fasten the seat belt/safety belt/your coat
stick(stuck, stuck)
刺;扎stick his fork into the meat
粘贴stick the stamp onto the envelope = attach
坚持stick to your idea
陷入困境be stuck/get stuck
tie 扎tie a package with strings
绑tie his dog to the tree
联系tie your success into others’ opinions
束缚be tied to the desk all day long
attach attach a stamp to the envelope = stick
附属be attached to the university
fix fix a bike = repair
安装;固定fix a cupboard to the wall/ fix a table to the ground
install install a telephone in the room
equip equip the room with a telephone

give birth to
Cf. a bit a little
a bit happy = a little happy
a bit of food = a little food
not a bit happy = not happy at all not a little happy = very happy

do one’s bit for
bit by bit = little by little= step by step = gradually

be written in black and white
blame sb. for sth. = blame sth .on sb.
be to blame (be to let)

Cf. blank fill in the blanks
a blank in one’s memory/in one’s life
gap watch the film from the gap between the two heads
the gap between her teeth
close/fill/narrow the generation gap
crack There is a crack in the wall
leak stop a leak in the roof/pipe

a blanket of air
blare one’s horns
all day long
bleed(bled, bled) bleed to death (starve to death/be bored to death)

He is blind in both eyes. 不能说成His left eye is


(同样用法: dumb, deaf)
be blind to sth.
a blind choice

* block n.
block vt. The street/water pipe was blocked.
Cf. hold up/crowd

be born with a certain blood type
a blood test/a blood transfusion/ the blood bank
stop the flow of blood
indicate one’s blood type

* blow(blew, blown) Cf. flow(flowed, flowed)
v. blow a whistle
blow up = explode = go off
blow out the candle Cf. put out the fire the candle go out
n. give sb. a heavy blow on the head
It was a great/deadly blow to me.
be on board
go on board
on the school board ( on a committee/on the school team//on a list)
a notice board

* body temperature the body language
body VS mind physical VS mental spiritual VS material

book a ticket = reserve
booking office

Cf. border a border conflict
cross the French border
the lace border of a handkerchief / a border of flowers round the lawn
edge the sharp/dull edge of a knife
on the edge of a table
on/at the edge of a river/the town

bore sb. to death
be bored with = be fed up with = be sick of = be tired of

* borrow sth. from sb. VS lend sth. to sb.
Cf. You can keep (不能用borrow) the book for two weeks.
some borrowed words in English

both…and… 用复数
Cf. not only…but also… / not…but…/either…or…/neither…nor… 就近分配

面on the bottom of the bottle VS on the top of the car on top of the world
点at the bottom of page 10 VS at the top of page 10
from the bottom of my heart (at the top of the mountain VS at the foot of …)
from top to bottom
on the bottom shelf

Cf. brain a brain disorder/damage
brains have (good/no) brains
use one’s brains
mind 头脑have a quick mind
理智lose one’s mind absence of mind
注意Out of sight, out of mind. have sth. in mind
with sth in mind
Cf. have sth. on one’s mind
意向make up one’s mind(s) to do
head a man with a big head
* brave adj. bravery n.
* breed n. Cf. species
* break one’s heart break a rule break a promise break a record
* have breakfast have a light/good breakfast have sth. for breakfast
* take/draw a deep breath hold one’s breath lose one’s breath = be out of breath
breathe air
give/offer a bribe to sb.
take bribes
brief adj. in brief = in short = to put it brief = briefly
a brief stay / a brief fashion
* (sb.)bring sth. to an end (sb.)put an end to sth. (sth) come to an end

* have broad shoulders Cf. open one’s eyes/mouth
have a broad view/horizon/mind
broaden one’s horizon/view/mind

browse through a book = skim a book=leaf through a book
Cf scan


nce at
stare at

budget n. a family/government budget for the coming year
build up vt. /vi.
build up one’s muscles/health/reputation/fortune/experience/character…
bump my head on/against a tree
bump into the wall = hit the wall
bump into sb. = meet with = run into = come across
relieve/lighten/bear/share a burden
burn vt. be burned to ashes
vi. Fire burns.
smell sth. burning (不是burned)
have the fire burning all night
a burning candle = a lighted candle

* burst into tears/laughter/applause/leaves
burst out crying/laughing

* bury oneself in a book/one’s studies
with his head buried in a newspaper

anything but
nothing but
none but
none other than
not…but…= not…but rather…
not that…but that…
but for = without 虚拟
虚拟 + but + 事实 Cf. 事实 + otherwise + 虚拟
Cf. but/except do
but/except to do

* business n. do business with sb. drive…out of business business hours
start/set up/have a business on this road
Mind your own business. It’s none of your business.
get down to business

* Cf. be busy with sth. be busy doing

* by day VS by night
by and by = soon = before long
by oneself Cf. by oneself = on one’s own
in oneself
of oneself
to oneself
for oneself
be late by 10 minutes be taller than I by a head follow me by 10 meters
be written by hand VS be written with the left hand
succeed by working hard VS succeed through hard work
by way of
be paid by the hour be sold by the jin (Cf. by sold in hundreds)
The room is 10 meters by 5.
by 的时态 By the time I was 5, I was already able to speak English.
By the time I was 5, I had already learned to speak English.
By the time I got to the station, the train had already left.
By the time I got to the station, the train was already moving

call on sb. = drop in on sb.
call at sp. = drop in at sp.
call sb. (up) = ring sb. (up) = give a ring to sb. = make a phone call to sb.
a calm sea VS. a rough sea
go on a camping trip
campaign n.(一连串)军事行动
Cf. war
运动run/start/launch a political/election a campaign
Cf. movement
as poor as poor can be
can not but do
Cf. cannot help doing
cannot help to do
cancel = call off
capture 掌握词义 capture one’s attention
care n. free from care
handle with care
give medical care to
leave my baby in/under the care of you
care of = look after = see to = attend to
take care not to do
care v. (not) care for a cup of coffee/the idea
(not) care about my clothes


(not) care to tell the truth
careful adj. be careful with money/the vase
be careful not to do
careless adj. It’s careless of sb. to do
career n. follow a nursing career = take up nursing as one’s career = make nursing her career
climb up the career ladder
abandon one’s stage career
read about the careers of her
adj. a career woman
Cf. job
occupation by occupation
profession by profession
case n. a (typical/successful/famous) case of = example
in this/that/no/any case in some cases in most cases
in a case ( on an occasion; in a situation; under a condition/circumstance)
as is often the case
in case of fire
in case it rains = in case it should rain
in the case of

* pay in cash Cf. pay by check pay by credit card buy sth. on credit
* casual VS formal

* catch me by the arm/hair/collar
catch the early train
catch a disease
catch sb. (in the act of) doing
catch hold of
catch sight of
catch up with Cf. keep up with the times

* cause n. 原因cause and effect
do sth. without good cause
the cause of the accident Cf. the reason for
the cause of SARS = the source (不是origin) of SARS
事业 a noble/just cause
vt. cause sth.
cause sb. to do sth.

*cease to do = cease doing Cf. stop to do, stop doing
cease fire VS open fire

celebrate sth.
observe sth.
congratulate sb. on sth.
central adj. the central nervous system
centre n. in the certre of a shopping centre
a political/economic/cultural centre

* the wedding/flag-raising/graduation/opening/closing ceremony
Cf. ceremony

I’m sure/certain that…
It’s certain(不可用sure) that…
for sure/certain
a certain book = some book
(sb.) be sure/certain of/about (人)对此肯定
(sb.) be sure/certain to do 说话者肯定(人)一定会。。。
Be sure/certain to do 务必。。。
Make sure/certain that… = See to it that… (不可用将来时)

* a chain of a mountain chain = a mountain range
a chain store a chain reaction a chain smoker

* Cf. certificate

challenge n. be faced with both an opportunity and a challenge
accept a challenge
vt. 挑战challenge sb. to sth. (challenge me to a race)
challenge sb. to do
质疑challenge sth. (challenge the data/the authority)

champion n. (sb) the world’s heavy weight cha
adj. a champion team
championship n. (sth) win a championship

* chance n. C = opportunity a chance to do
a chance of doing


possibility Sb. have/There is no chance of + n.
Sb. have/There is no chance of + one’s doing
Sb. have/There is no chance that…
Chances are (that)…

on Channel 8
character n. = personality * character(不用personality) training
characteristic n. = feature
adj. be characteristic of = be typical of = be unique to

* charge vt. charge sb. some money for sth. VS pay sb. some money for sth.
charge the battery
charge sb. with sth.
n. 费用the charge for admission service charge free of charge
掌管Cf. be in charge of
take charge of
be in the charge of
控告make a false charge
chase = run after
a cheap product Cf. a low price
check vt. Cf. check check the door locks/the correct answers/the shopping list
examine have my suitcase examined
The doctor examined him thoroughly.
examine the students on vocabulary/in English
test test the new sports car/medicine
test the air for radioactivity
test the students’ ability
n. Cf. check make a check on the data
examination a medical/physical/oral/written examination
test a blood test a nuclear test an IQ test
a test of a new medicine
stand the test of time
* chemical n.
adj. a chemical change
Cf. a chemistry teacher/book/lesson/lab/test

* in one’s childhood his childhood home
* choose vt. choose sth. from
There are many books to choose from.
choose sth. for sb.
choose sb. (as/to be) chairman = elect; make
choose to do
can’t choose but do
Cf. select
choice n. make a careful choice of friends
a wide choice of goods
There is no choice but to do

* classify my books into three groups
classify my books by/according to subjects

* clean vt. Cf. clean clean the table
clear clear the table (of books) clear the road (of snow)
clear the rubbish clear the debts
The sky cleared up.
The problem cleared up. clear up a problem
adj. Cf. clean a clean table have a clean record
clear a clear voice/explanation/sky/fact
a clear view/space
be clear of traffic/debt
have a clear conscience VS have a
guilty conscience

be clever with one’s fingers
cloth n. U 3 meters of cloth
C a table cloth
clothes n. (pl.) have many beautiful cl


a suit of clothes
clothing n. an article of clothing
food, clothing and transportation
* by a strange coincidence What a coincidence!
* collapse = break down
* What color shoes do you prefer?
* combine vt. (sb.) combine A with B
vi. A combine with B
combined adj. be combined with
through our combined efforts

comfort vt.
n. words of comfort live in comfort

* commit vt. 犯commit an error/a crime/suicide/robbery
交付commit the patient to the hospital
commit a poem to flames/the fire/paper/memory
commit his body to the earth/flames

*communicate with sb. by means of e-mail
communicate sth. to sb. = convey sth. to sb.
a major means of communication

* compare vt. compare A with/to B
compare A to B
compare sth.
Compared with A, B still has a long way to go.
vi. A (can’t) compare with/to B
comparison n. make a comparison between A and B
by comparison
in comparison with
beyond comparison
Cf. opposite adj. the opposite way
n. the opposite (of sth.)
contrary n. on the contrary
contrast n. in contrast to/with
be in beautiful/sharp contrast to/with
a funny/sharp/nice contrast to sth./sb.

* compete vi. compete with sb. for sth.
competition n. U stand out in the keen/fierce/intense competition
in competition with sb. for sth
C join in/take part in/participate in/take an active part in a competition
competitive adj. a competitive person/society/spirit
a competitive price/product

* complain to sb. of/about sth.
make a complaint to sb. of/about sth.

pay compliments to sb.
be composed of = be made up of = consist of
conceal sth. from sb. = hide/hold back sth. from sb.
concern vt. 关系到The matter concerns all of us.
To whom it may concern
everyone concerned
担心;关心be concerned about = concern oneself about
as far as I am concerned
n. 担心show concern about/for
关心的事My first/greatest concern is your health.
concerning prep. = about; as to; as for; in/with regard to…

* in conclusion as a conclusion

* condition n. 环境;情景 under a condition = under a circumstance
Cf. situation 处境 in a favorable/awkward situation
形势;局面 the present political/social situation

况 be in good/poor condition
the condition of weightlessness
working conditions/ housing conditions
Cf. state(抽象)情况 in a state of emergency/


心理状态one’s emotional state/one’s state of mind/ in an excited state
(物质)三态 exist in a solid/liquid/gaseous state
条件 meet one’s conditions
on condition that
conduct vt. conductor n. 注意词义丰富
confess vt. confess (to) sth. to sb.
confess (to) doing sth . to sb.
Cf. expose sth. to sb.
admit sth./doing sth.
be confident of/about sth.
have confidence in
confirm vt. 证实 confirm sth.(his theory/the news)
confirm that…
确认 confirm my belief
confirm me in my belief
conflict vi. conflict with sb./sth.
conflict n. a conflict of feelings/opinions
a conflict between them
be in conflict with
consider vt. 考虑 consider doing
All things considered, he has done a good job.
认为 consider sb .(to be/as) + adj./n.
be considered to do
considering prep. = given
Considering/Given his age, he has done a good job.
Considering that/Given that he is still young, he has done a good job.
Cf. considerate
take sth. into consideration = take sth. into account

constant adj. 不停的constant complaints/ noise / pain
固定不变的constant temperature / speed/weather
忠诚的a constant friend
Cf. continual 频繁的;反复的;陆续的 continual rain/invitations/complaints
continuous (时间空间)连续不断的 a continuous body of water
a continuous line of cars
continuous rain

* be under construction (be under repair/treatment/examination/way/observation)
Cf. be in progress
the construction site Cf. site
consult sb. about sth.
consult a dictionary = turn to a dictionary = refer to a dictionary
= look up a word in a dictionary
Cf. contact vt. 联络contact sb.
touch vt. 触摸touch me on the shoulder
感动The story touched me.
涉及 The matter touches your future.
I’d like to touch on the topic.
Cf. contact n. 接触explode on contact spread by contact make eye contact with
联络make contact with sb.
be in/keep in/get in contact with
lose contact with
touch n. 触觉It feels cold to the touch.
联络be in/keep in touch with
lose touch wit
be out of touch with
contain vt. 装着 The box contains my toys. The bottle contains some wine.
容纳 How much can this bottle/hall contain?


含有 contain a high level of carbon dioxide
include vt. 包括…为一部分 The toys include some of mine.
The price includes postage charges.
把…包括在内 They included me in the team.
Everyone should come here, including you and me.
, you and I included.
involve vt. 把…卷入/牵扯/连累 involve sb. with sb. involve sb. in sth.
(sb.) be involved with sb. (sb. ) be involved in sth.
(必然)包含;意味着 Winning the game involves both skills and fortune.
Taking the job involves traveling all around the world.
be contemporary with sb.
the content VS the form
a table of contents
(contents 常用复数)
continue sth. = go on with sth.
continue to do = continue doing
Cf. go on to do
go on doing
To be continued.
sign a contract with sb.
contribute vt. 捐助;提供 contribute a lot of money/some good ideas to the school
有助于contribute to good health/the growth of the suburbs
Cf. devote vt. devote time/energy/one’s life/oneself to sth./doing sth.
(sb.) be devoted to sth./doing sth.
专用于devote each Saturday/two pages/the space to sth./doing sth.
donate vt. 捐赠donate money/blood to a blood bank
donor n. VS recipient n.
* control n. U have control over sb./sth.
be in control VS be in the control of
be/get out of control
take/bring/have sb./sth. under control
control vt. (controlled, controlled)
* convenience n. at one’s (earliest) convenience
convenience stores
for the sake of convenience
convenient adj. Come to my office if it is convenient to/for you.
不能说 if you are convenient.
        be located in a convenient place
convey sth from …to. ..= carry
convey sth.(an idea) to sb. = communicate
corner n. in the corner of the house/one’s mouth
at/on the corner of Road A and Road B
around the corner It’s just around the corner. You can’t miss it
The Entrance Examintions are around the corner.
See her appear/disappear around the corner.
vt. fight like a cornered animal
* correct one’s homework Cf. mark one’s papers
* cost vt. sth. cost (sb.) some money
Cf. It take sb. some time to do sth.
It take some time for sb. to do sth.
sb. spend some time on sth.
sb spend some time (in) doing sth.

cost sb. sth. = cause sb
to lose sth.
n. at all costs = at any cost = anyway = anyhow
at the cost of = at the expense of
at one’s own cost = at one’s own expense


cost price
Cf. country, nation, state
the country = the countryside
* a couple of  一对(可分); 一两个;几个
* in the course of
take/do a course in economics
* cover vt. 覆盖cover the baby with a blanket Cf. wrap the baby in a blanket
cover an area of
(sp) be covered with sth.
掩盖cover up one’s mistake = hide/conceal
包含The story covers only 3 days.
The report covers all aspects of the problem.
走过cover 800 meters in 3 minutes
够用;够付Will 100 yuan cover the bill?
报导cover the Iraq War/the election campaign
n. a cover girl
from cover to cover
craft n. learn some old crafts
a spacecraft / many spacecraft

* crash vi. crash into another car = bump into = run into = hit
A vase crashed onto the ground.
n. be killed in an air/plane crash
fall to the ground with a loud crash.
Cf. crush vt. 压碎;压坏crush grapes/a tablet/my hat
smash vt.使粉碎 smash (up) all the windows

Cf. create God created the world.
create a character/a painting/a dress/a fashion
create a system/organization/state = set up
create confusion/an awkward situation/an effect = produce = bring about
invent invent the bell/the dictionary
invent a story/an excuse = make up
produce produce cars = manafacture
produce fine crops/wheat/eggs = bear = give birth to
produce your licence = take out
produce a play/a book/a film
produce confusion/an effect
credit n. 信用; 贷款; 存款
crowd n. a crowd of
a crowd gather/form around the scene
vt. (sp) be crowded with sth.
It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
cultivate some plants = grow = raise
(= plant 表示瞬间)
cultivate a child = bring up a child = educate a child
* cure vt. cure me cure a disease cure me of a disease
Cf. treat me treat a disease treat me for a disease with a medicine
对待treat me well/like his daughter
认为treat me as his friend = think of = regard = consider = look on/upon
招待treat me to dinner = entertain me to dinner(= entertain me with a film)
relieve me relieve the pain/symptom relieve me of the heavy bag/work
(使宽慰) (减轻) (减轻)
n.C There is no cure for AIDS.
Cf. treatment U under treatment
C try different treatments for cancer

* be curious about be modest about be economical about

* current adj. the current year/ the current chairman
current affairs
the current issue of the magazine
Doing sth. is current. = fashionab


Cf. latest
n. an electricity/air/warm/cold current
* custom n. Cf. custom
Cf. custom
cycle n. the cycle of the seasons the business cycle
= bicycle
vt. 使…循环cycle sth.
骑车cycle to work
Cf. circle vt./vi. 环绕
recycle vt.

* Cf. dairy (dairy products) diary (keep a diary) daily
* Cf. damp
danger n. be in danger
save sb. out of danger
a danger signal a danger zone
a danger to sb. = a threat to
dangerous adj. a dangerous tiger
Cf. a girl in danger
*Cf. need 情态 直接否定,疑问
行为 need + to do
+ doing = to be done
+ n.
dare 情态 直接否定,疑问
有过去时(dared) ,但无第三人称单数
可用于肯定句 dare say
行为 dare + to do
否定时to可省 (doesn’t dare to do = doesn’t dare do)
in the dark
dash n. 短跑; 一笔; 猛冲; 破折号
deal vi. how to deal with VS what to do with
n. make a deal with sb. = make a bargain with sb.
* debate n. Cf. debate
deceive sb. into doing sth. = cheat sb. into doing
persuade sb. into doing = persuade sb. to do
tempt sb. into doing
decide on sth.
decide against sth.
decline vt. Cf. decline decline the offer/invitation/gift
refuse refuse the offer/invitation/gift
refuse sb. sth. = refuse sth. to sb.
reject reject the offer/invitation/gift
reject a job candidate
be rejected by the army for his poor eyesight
rejected products/ fruit/paper
turn down
vi. Cf. reduce vt.
decorate sp. with sth.
fill the bottle with water
crowd the bag with books
line the streets with cars
decrease vi. Cf. reduce vt.
defend vt. Cf. defend 保护 defend myself (from/against a drunken man)
保卫(武力) defend our motherland against attack
捍卫 defend one’s ideas/right/claim
防守 defend well in the match
protect protect my eyes from the sunlight/the rain/the cold
preserve 保护(历史价
preserve the old temple/our culture/the dying language
保存食物preserve fruit in sugar/salt/cans
保持;维持preserve one’s strength/eyesight

