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Security Council Endorses Ban for Second Term as UN Chief

The U.N. Security Council has endorsed Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for a second five-year term as U.N. chief. The South Korean diplomat faces no other candidates and is likely to sail to reappointment in the U.N. General Assembly next week.

The U.N.?s most powerful organ held closed door consultations on Ban?s reappointment Thursday and then endorsed his second term Friday by acclamation in another private meeting. Had any of the five permanent members of the council vetoed recommending Ban's reappointment he would not have been eligible for another term.

After the meeting, the president of the U.N. Security Council for June, Gabonese Ambassador Nelson Messone, read a communiqué from the 15-member council.

"The Security Council, having considered the question of the recommendation for the appointment of the secretary-general of the United Nations, recommends to the General Assembly that Mr. Ban Ki-moon be appointed secretary-general of the United Nations for a second term of office from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016,” he said.

Speaking from the capital of Brazil, where he is on a Latin American tour, Ban said he was "deeply honored" by the Security Council's vote.

On Tuesday, the 192-member General Assembly is expected to reconfirm Ban in a resolution also to be adopted by acclamation.

Under the U.N. Charter, the post of secretary-general is rotated regionally and is currently held by Asia.

Ban, now 67, moved from being South Korea?s foreign minister to U.N. chief in January 2007. During his tenure he has made climate change, disarmament, gender inequality, and peace and security among his top priorities.

He has been a near-constant traveler, personally extending U.N. and international support to countries in crises from natural disasters to armed conflict.

Ban?s critics say he has not been as outspoken as he should be on issues such as human rights and complain that his “quiet diplomacy” has failed in reigning in the world?s dictators and despots.

As Space Shuttle Program Nears End, So Do Jobs

As crew members of the upcoming NASA space shuttle mission prepare for the final flight of the shuttle program, they say they are inspired by NASA's accomplishments, but also about the retirement of the shuttle fleet and lay-offs among the NASA community.

To the uninitiated, it might sound like people speaking in code - or gibberish - but that is the sound of astronauts and mission controllers in Houston communicating during an ascent simulation ahead of next month's launch of the space shuttle Atlantis.

Astronaut Chris Ferguson, commander of the upcoming Atlantis mission, told reporters at the Johnson Space Center in Houston that while the astronauts are in

space, their lives are in the hands of those on the ground.

"We count on those guys to get us through," said Ferguson.

Members of the Atlantis crew say that while their mission is at the forefront of their thoughts, the fact that this is the final shuttle flight is in the back of their minds.

It means saying good-bye to the shuttles - and good-bye to contract workers who have long worked on the shuttles at both Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers. Again, Commander Ferguson:

"It's a pivotal time for them in their lives," he said. "They want to see the shuttle program through as safely and as successfully as the missions that preceded it, but at the same time, they have other factors on their minds as well."

Other factors, Ferguson said, such as what they are going to do when Atlantis returns to Earth and the shuttle program ends.

NASA relies heavily on contractors for its shuttle program. According to figures provided by the space agency, as of last month, five out of every six people working on the shuttle program were contractors.

Once this mission is over, NASA's 1,100 full-time employees dedicated to the shuttle program will be absorbed into other NASA divisions - but thousands of contractors are not guaranteed work at the U.S. space agency.

Much of the contract work has already dried up. During the past five years, the number of contractors working on the shuttle program dropped from 14,000 to about 5,000. That figure will decline even further once Atlantis returns.

Astronaut Sandra Magnus, one of the four members of the Atlantis crew, said the program's end has not hit her completely, but instead "in bits and pieces." She told reporters about a trip to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in April to look at the orbiter and review the hardware with the ground team.

"And the day after we had this test, about half the team we were working with was going to be let go," said Magnus. "That was their last day. And that was really, for me, the first time it became, I guess I became emotional about it, because it was just so. . . It was very sad, but it was also very inspiring."

Magnus said she was struck by the dedication of the workforce.

"Even though they were leaving a job that they had for decades, they were still very excited about being a part of the space program, and they were very determined that they were going to give us Atlantis in the best shape it could be in," she said.

NASA is ending the 30-year-old shuttle program to focus on creating spacecraft that can go to asteroids or Mars.

Atlantis, the final shuttle to launch, is set to lift off July 8.

Food Prices Top G-20 Farm Ministers Meeting Agenda

High food prices have pushed an estimated 44 million more people into poverty in the past year, according to the World Bank. France says taming food price volatility is one of its major goals as current head of the Group of 20 leading and emerging economies.

For the first time, G-20 agriculture ministers will meet in Paris from June 22-23. The reasons and remedies for today?s volatile food prices are complex, says French Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire, and finding consensus among the G20 members has been a challenge. "I think at the beginning of the negotiation I was quite pessimistic," he said.

For example, there are contentious debates over the role of price speculation in the commodity markets. Investors have poured billions of dollars into these markets in just the past few years. Critics say that is fueling sharp spikes in prices. Le Maire says that while the investors profit, the developing world feels the pain. "Nobody can accept to have speculation on the poorest countries in the world, on the poorest people in the world," Le Maire added.

France is leading calls for more regulations on commodity trading.

But many economists are not convinced that would help. They say the evidence does not prove the case that the flood of new investment money is really behind the price spikes.

Le Maire says this has been one of the most difficult areas of discussion. But he is hopeful the agriculture ministers can find common ground. “After 10 months of negotiation, I really think that a consensus among G-20 members is not out of reach,” he said.

Le Maire says he would also like to see G-20 members reach a consensus to oppose export bans in response to crises. Russia suspended its wheat exports last summer after a serious drought cut its harvest by a third. Although the move was intended to protect Russia?s own food supplies, it was widely condemned for contributing to this year?s run-up in wheat prices.

Shenggen Fan, head of the International Food Policy Research Institute, says he does not expect the G-20 to pledge to keep markets open. “I think probably we will not reach certain agreement. But maybe some language will be there. Countries should be discouraged to use export bans to safeguard their own domestic food security. By doing that they will starve their neighbors,” Fan said.

Fan says there may be an agreement to exempt humanitarian food supplies from a ban, but not much more.

One of the biggest and most controversial issues in the food security debate that will likely not be addressed is the role of biofuels. National policies in the United States, Europe and Brazil support the use of food crops to produce fuel. Fan is one of many critics. “We know that biofuel has been a major cause of [the] last two rounds of food price increases. So, we do need to take urgent actions to prevent further expansion of biofuel production,” Fan said.

But these industries have strong domestic political support, and France did not include biofuels on the agenda for the Paris meeting.

On the positive side, analysts say the G-20 ministers might agree to set up an emergency grain reserve that can provide food supplies in humanitarian crises.

And there may be another financial commitment to help developing-world farmers become more productive. G8 leaders pledged $22 billion for this purpose in L?Aquila, Italy, in 2009.

But experts estimate that only about a quarter of that money has been delivered so far, and budgets are extremely tight in many G-20 countries. Charlotte Hebebrand of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council says wealthy countries should break the habit of over-promising and under-delivering.

“I think countries are going to lose credibility when these ambitious pledges are announced to great fanfare and then they are not implemented,” Hebebrand said.

On some levels, experts say what is most significant about the G-20 agriculture ministers meeting is that it is happening at all. Agriculture has been a neglected issue for years, which is part of the reason for the current crisis. The next challenge for the farm ministers, they say, is to convince their bosses to keep food security high on the agenda.

German authority detects first human spreading E. coli

BERLIN, June 17 (Xinhua) -- German authority said on Friday first case of human spreading deadly E. coli is detected, as death toll increases to 39 worldwide.A woman working in a kitchen of a catering company was infected by E. coli from sprouts, though she didn't fall ill immediately, said Harald Kehlborn, a spokesman for the consumer protection ministry of German state Hesse.Then she spread E. coli unconsciously to another 20 people through the food she prepared, said Kehlborn.The woman later developed serious complication of hemolytic- uremic syndrome (HUS), which causes failure of kidney and nervous system.According to the data of the Robert Koch Institute, Germany's national disease control centre, the number of people who are infected has reached 3,408 in Germany and 798 people have fallen into HUS, while the infection speed is slowing down.

China establishes national gene bank in Shenzhen

SHENZHEN, June 18 (Xinhua) -- China established its first national gene bank on Friday in south China's city of Shenzhen with the support of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), officials said.

With the establishment of the National Gene Bank in Shenzhen, China will be able to better protect, research and utilize its precious genetic resources, boosting the genetics industry and safeguarding the country's genetic information, said Qi Chengyuan, head of the high-tech industry department of the National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC).

The gene bank, which was approved by the NDRC in January, is based on data and facilities belonging to the BGI, but will grow with the help of extensive cooperation with other biological organizations both home and abroad, Qi said.

The national gene bank "aims to lead the development of international bioindustry as

one of the world's largest gene banks," said Yang Huanming, the BGI's president.

The BGI, the world's largest genome-mapping institute, has more than 1,000 biological analysis devices working with top-of-the-line genome-sequencing machines.

Analysts say the BGI differs from conventional labs, as it can handle data in vast quantities and industrialize its research. Some believe lower wages in China have also contributed to the BGI's competitiveness.

Yang Bicheng, the BGI's spokesman, said the payment and welfare packages BGI offers are competitive in China's bioindustry.

"A researcher with about two years of experience earns around 100,000 yuan (15,440 U.S. dollars) a year. More outstanding researchers can get more, but the gap is not too great," Yang said.

Yang said greater motivation comes from better prospects for academic achievements. "Our young researchers can work with the world's leading scientists, participate in global science projects and be pioneers in new fields of research. Only BGI offers these kinds of opportunities in China," Yang said.

The BGI has published 18 research papers in Science Magazine and the Nature Journal since 2007. The facility has become an international center for genome research and industrialization, with advanced technology and top talent, said Ji Xiaoming, head of the international cooperation department of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

China is working to make its genetic research industry into one of the country's pillar industries.

A plan approved by the State Council, or China's cabinet, in October 2010 said China will boost the industry by encouraging innovation, promoting industrial application of biological research, fostering market demand and deepening international cooperation.

China, New Zealand universities to build clinic for chronic diseases in N China TAIYUAN, June 18 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese medical university will join hands with the Massey University of New Zealand to set up a community clinic specializing in chronic diseases in north China's Shanxi Province.

The community clinic in Taiyuan, the provincial capital city, will provide medical services to more than 7,500 residents in the city's Hanxiguandong community, Ma Qianjin, vice president of the Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said on Friday.

Residents will be able to seek advice from both Chinese and New Zealand experts on how to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, said Ma.

The clinic, which is expected to open this year, will also provide residents with free health check-ups and create health records for them.

Bruce Ullrich, a Massey University board member, said on Friday that the clinic will





如表示“破坏”或“损坏”一词意义的动词,标题一般不用damage,而用一些较之简短的词,如hit,harm,hurt, ruin或wreck等。又如表示“放弃”这一概念的动词,标题一般不用abandon,而用drop,give up,quit,skip或yield 等,表示“爆炸”之类的动词意义时,一般不用 explode,而用blast,crash, ram或smash等词。



alter=change or modify(改变)





ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)


bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)





bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)



claim=ause the death of...(夺去……的生命)

clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)

curb=control or restrict(控制)

dip=decIlne or decrease(下降)




flout=insult(侮辱) foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬) lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论) mull=consider(考虑) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱) foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬) lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论) mull=consider(考虑) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败) slay=murder(谋杀) soar=skyrocket(急剧上升) spur=encourage(激励,鞭策) swap=exchange(交流,交换) sway=influence(影响) trim=reduce(削减) vie=compete(竞争)



中央电视台节目表英文翻译(全) TV Programmes

1. Topics in Focus 焦点访谈

2. News Probe新闻调查

3. News in 30 Minutes新闻30分

4. Business TV商业电视

5. Market Hotline市场热线

6. World Economic Report世界经济报道

7. Stock Market Analysis 股市分析

8. Soccer Night 足球之夜

9. Health Club 健康俱乐部

10.Spring Festival Gala Evening 春节联欢晚会11.Half the Sky半边天

12.Super Variety Show综艺大观

13.Garden for Opera Fans 戏迷园地

14.Big Pinwheel 大风车

15.Tangram 七巧板

16.Twelve Studio 12演播市

17.Chinese Ethnic Peoples 中华民族

18.Science and Technology Review科技博览

19.Human and Nature人与自然

20.Zhengda Variety Show 正大综艺

21.Gallery of Calligraphy Painting书坛画苑

22.Time Together across the Strait 天涯共此时

23.China Kaleidoscope华夏风情

24.China News 中国新闻

25.China Report 中国报道

26.Travelogue 旅行家 27.Around China中国各地 28.China Today今日中国 29.Sunday Topics 周日话题

30.English News 英语新闻

31.Oriental Fashion 东方时尚

32.Chinese Cooking厨艺

33.Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华医药34.Total Soccer 天下足球

35.Hoop Park篮球公园

36.Weather Report 天气预报

37.English News英语新闻

38.Sports World 体育世界

39.Lecture Room百家讲坛


41.Sports News 体育新闻

42.Mystery All Star 全明星猜想

43.Good Morning China 早安中国

44.Outlook 希望英语

45.Comic World 动漫世界

46.Under the Same Sky 同一片蓝天下

47.Lucky 52幸运52


49.Market Star 超市大赢家

50.Legal Report 今日说法

51.The Same Song同一首歌

52.Wanna Challenge想挑战吗?

53.Animal World 动物世界 54.Artist 艺术人生 55.Music Express 音乐快递 56.Face to Face 面对面

57.Diary Read Speedy Digest子午书简 58.Exploring 探索?发现 59.Approaching Science 走近科学 60.The New Stage of Life 第二起跑线 61.People in the News 新闻会客厅 62.Unusual Weekend 非常周末 63.Follow Me跟我学 64.Newslist 全球资讯榜

65.Culture Interview 文化访谈录 66.Around the World世界各地 67.Date on Saturday 相约星期六 68.China Movie Report 中国电影报道69.Movie Today今日影视 70.Music Story 音乐故事

71.Exploring High & Low 搜寻天下 72.World Cinema 世界影视博览 73.Global 环球影院 74.Movie & TV Club 影视俱乐部 75.Winner’s Circle 名将之约 76.Story 讲述 77.Midnight News 午夜新闻 78.China Week中国周刊 79.The True Story 纪事

80.World Express 国际时事 焦点访谈 Topics in Focus 新闻调查 News Probe

新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes 东方时空 Oriental Horizon 社会经纬 Net of Justice

夕阳红 Sunset Glow 商业电视 Business TV 市场热线 Market Hotline

世界经济报道 World Economic Report 股市分析 Stock Market Analysis 足球之夜 Soccer Night 健康俱乐部 Health Club

春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky

综艺大观 Super Variety Show 戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans 大风车 Big Pinwheel 七巧板 Tangram

12演播室 Twelve Studio

中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples

科技博览 Science and Technology Review 人与自然 Man and Nature

正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show

书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope 中国新闻 China News 中国报道 China Report 旅行家 Travelogue

中国各地 Around China 今日中国 China Today 周日话题 Sunday Topics 英语新闻 English News

