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Emamectin Benzoate


分子式与分子量:Bla:C49H75NO13.C7H6O2 1008.26 Blb:C48H73NO13.C7H6O2 994.23

性状:本品为白色或淡黄色结晶粉末;熔点:141-146℃;溶于丙酮和甲醇等溶剂、在水中溶解度极低(在 PH=5的水中溶解度为300ppm)不溶于正己烷

毒性:大鼠急性经口毒性LD50为92.6mg/kg体重(雌)喝126mg/kg(雄)。无致畸致癌 致突变作用。

杀虫机理:本品是一种高效的AVM类杀虫剂,它主要通过增强神经传导物质,刺激氯离子快速进入神经细胞,造成细胞功能丧失干扰神经行动,导致虫体瘫痪致死。 规格:90%原药 95%原药 1%乳油

2.15%乳油 1.9%乳油 2.15%微乳剂

贮藏:本品在干燥 密封 阴凉遮光条件下可长期保存。

Common Name: Emamectin Benzoate

Molecular formula and Molecular weight: Bla:C49H75NO13.C7H6O2 1008.26

Blb:C48H73NO13.C7H6O2 994.23

Description: White or light yellow crystalline powder; melting point :141-146 ℃; soluble in solvents such as acetone and methanol, very low solubility in water (at PH = 5 of the water solubility of 300ppm) is not soluble in hexane

Toxicity: Acute oral toxicity rat LD50 is 92.6mg/kg body weight (female) to drink 126mg/kg (male). No teratogenic carcinogenic mutation.

Insecticidal mechanism: The AVM product is a highly effective insecticide, it is mainly through the enhancement of neurotransmitter, to stimulate rapid chloride into nerve cells, resulting in the loss of interference with nerve cell function in action, leading to paralysis to death worms.

Specifications: 90% TC 95%TC 1% EC 2.15% EC 2.15% ME 1.9% EC

Storage: Sealed tightly and stored away from light in a cool and dry place.



电话:0312-7011125 传真:0312-7013157 手机:13931285309 邮编:071250

