
更新时间:2024-07-11 04:42:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





directions: there are ten statements in this section. number 1 to 6 are based on the main text while the rest are based on the passage in reading activity. listen carefully and decide if each of the following is true or false. (10 points) 1. true false

the boy never had any doubt about his mothers ability to do everything successfully. 正确答案:t 得分:1分 2. true false

mother cried because she was going to lose her new job for not knowing how to type. 正确答案:f 得分:1分 3. true false

the full eollment and a waiting list of the day nursery proved that nothing could stand in mothers way once she set her mind to do it.


得分:1分 4. true false

in order to earn enough money to get their children well-educated, the boys mother had 80 acres of land to farm besides her fulltime jobs. 正确答案:f

得分:1分 5. true false

seeing his mother crying in his presence, the boy gradually got aware that she bore a heavy pressure for the family. 正确答案: t

得分:1分 6. true false

mothers courage to go ahead not only helped herself find a respectable job but also inspired her son to overcome difficulties in his career. 正确答案:t

得分:1分 7. true false

the author was an orphan and was brought up by her aunt in morgantown, west virginia. 正确答案:f 得分:1分 8. true false

the author was left in a big house all by herself when her aunt ruth went to work, so she felt lonely. 正确答案:f

得分:1分 9. true false

the authors mother was once a teacher full of love of her students. 正确答案:t

得分:1分 10. true false

it was not until twenty years later when she was grown up and had a baby of her own that the author knew what her mother had been like. 正确答案:t 得分:1分

compound dictation

directions: in this section, you will hear a passage three times. when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. when the passage is read

for the second time, you are required to fill in the missing information. you can either use

the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (10 points)

dear mum, from the very beginning, you have supported me with your love. you gave me the11to try, the stimulation to dream, and the strength to believe in myself; you gave me the12care and13understanding. your love is14like a flower, strong like a15 , and16like the seasons. i wont forget your loving17forever, mum, although it seems beyond seeing or touching. it is noticeable by my heart.

dear mum,18 . tomorrow is mothers day. i know nothing in the world can express my love to you. but19 . i want to have a dance with you and dad in the graceful and loving music. dear mum, thanks for all what you have done to me in the past

twenty five years. thanks for your love,20 . happy mothers day, mum. wish you happy, healthy and beautiful everyday. i will love you forever. 11.


得分:1分 12.

正确答案:tender 得分:1分 13.

正确答案:sincere 得分:1分 14.

正确答案:pleasing 得分:1分 15. 正确答案:mountain 得分:1分 16.

正确答案:reliable 得分:1分 17.

正确答案:gentleness 得分:1分 18.

正确答案:i am really so grateful to have a mother like you 得分:1分 19.

正确答案:on this special day, i still want to send you a colorful bunch of fresh wildflowers 得分:1分 20.

正确答案:your tender care and fostering, your understanding and encouragement 得分:1分 reading comprehension

directions: there are two passages in this part. each passage is followed by some

questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices. click on the best choice. (20 points) passage one

growing into success is not an easy thing to experience. you will really get knocked around a bit as you determine to win in your chosen career. the biggest disadvantage you have to handle is the fear of failure. it can lead to many disastrous results.

the first thing fear of failure does is to breed an overcautious approach to opportunity. knowing when and how to make use of opportunity is fundamental to career success. having

knowledge about the opportunity, you then need to determine timing. positive and negative factors listed, you make your decision. if you have a fear of failure, you might be slow in taking the last step even though the opportunity passes detailed analysis.

secondly, fear of failure can keep you from speaking up and making the kind of impact that could uplift your career. a well-spoken word that solves a problem or sets off creativity could be just the thing to get you noticed as a valuable part of the team, but if youre sitting there stewing over (担忧) the kind of response youll get, then more times than not, youll remain silent and miss your moment to shine.

thirdly, fear of failure causes you to miss the point of personal and professional growth. failing is one of the best tutors in career development. consider the story of a new bank

president who went to meet his predecessor (前任). upon being introduced he quickly said, i would like to know what have

been the keys to your success. the older man looked at him for a moment and replied, young man, i can sum it up in two

words: good decisions. to that the young man replied, sir, but how does one come to know which are the good



p class=txt>true or false f t t f ft t f t t spot dictation

more attention was paid to the11in france at the time of rene coty. charles deschanel was then the financial minister. he stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. it would be necessary to produce quality goods for the12to compete with those produced in other countries. the french economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its13 . french industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people, let

alone14 . essential imports had stretched the15the breaking point. rents were tightly controlled, but the16affected general population most severely through the cost of food. food costs took as much as 80 percent of a workers income. wages, it is true, had risen. various sorts of essential family needs and

benefits were paid by the state, and there was full-time and17 . taken together, these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security. in this18 , workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.

the government was unwilling to let workers leave the country. it was feared this19would empty the labor force. the lack of qualified workers might slow the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced.

20employed abroad would only increase the quantity of

quality goods produced in foreign countries. also the quantity of quality goods produced in france would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.

11. quality of production 12. international market

13. import and export trade

14. long-ranged developments 15. national reputation to 16. extreme inflation

17. overtime employment 18. discouraging situation 19. migration of workers 20. qualified workers

reading comprehension

fingerprints, one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt in criminal charges, are now being placed in doubt. this is

because of a growing number of claims from defendants that their prints have been lifted and planted at scenes of crimes. and these allegations are being taken

seriously by lawyers, judges, and policemen because it is possible to move a fingerprint from one spot and place it

elsewhere. a committee of lawyers is making an investigation into fingerprinting. they are not aiming to establish if these allegations are true or not, but they are questioning current

fingerprinting methods as part of a general inquiry into scientific evidence.

how can a fingerprint be transferred? a fingermark left on a greasy glass or some other smooth surface can be lifted with a strip of adhesive. it can then be deposited on another, perhaps incriminating, object. before 1973, fingerprints at the scene of a crime used to be photographed for identification purposes and the objects carrying the prints were shown in court as well. however, this is no longer necessary. since 1973, a new

method of taking prints has been used. police experts can now use a strip of adhesive tape to lift a print which is then produced in court as evidence. as a result, criminals are

accusing the police of lifting their prints and planting them at the scene of a crime. and lawyers are worried about this increasing number of claims.

according to the ex-chief of scotland yards fingerprint

department, mr. harold squires, more than 55% of the cases he now gets are making these claims. but so far he has not seen any fingerprint evidence that proves the allegations to be true. lifting a mark and putting it on another object requires great skill and trouble. its almost impossible but it can be done. it can usually be easily detected by experts, but there is a

chance that even experts may not be able to tell. so he would like the old method of photographing prints and producing them together with the objects to be generally used again.

21.according to the passage, fingerprints have been regarded as __________ of a suspected criminals innocence or guilt. a.a minor proof b.the only proof c.a key proof

d.one of many proofs script:


22.the purpose of the investigation being made by a committee of lawyers is __________.

a.to establish the truth of the allegations from suspected criminals

b.to prove the innocence of the defendants c.to show the honesty of the policemen

d.to inquire into the reliability of present fingerprinting methods script:


23.since 1973 __________.

a.it has been essential to produce in court the objects on which the fingerprints were found

b.police fingerprinting methods have been simplified

c.claims against police fingerprinting methods have always been successful

d.the policemen have transferred a great number of fingerprints on incriminating objects script: 正确答案:b

24.from the passage we can conclude that __________.

a.many criminals have used fingerprints to prove that they are innocent

b.transferring fingerprints needs great skills and efforts c.people can always tell whether a fingerprint on an incriminating object is true or false

d.the new fingerprinting method is more reliable than

photographing prints and producing them together with the objects script:


25.mr. squires seems most concerned about __________. a.the dishonesty of the policemen b.the growing number of criminals

c.the possibility of failing to detect a transferred fingerprint d.the difficulty in getting the fingerprint evidence script:

正确答案:c script:

i experienced a long roller-coaster ride in the stock market. so did a lot of my friends. in 1999, the bull dominated the stock markets in the states and stocks simply soared, dow and nasdaq reaching their historical heights respectively. in

particular, the technology sector grew like crazy. you did not have to be a technology guru to pick the right stock and get rich. you just picked any technology stock, at sheer blind

random, and you would gain after a short period of time. that was the time when most of us — i mean the circle of our friends — got into the stock market.

in connell, i had taken a couple of finance courses and learnt some basic concepts about stocks, such as buy low, sell high, diversify your portfolio and invest for the long term. however, being a green hand in this market, i found it terribly hard to apply what i learnt. first of all, it was difficult to make a due judgment on when the price hit the bottom and was about to turn upward. i had a watch list. some stocks just had the momentum from nowhere and kept on inching higher and higher; some just went headlong in the opposite direction. secondly, it was easy to say diversify your portfolio. but with my little savings that i invested in the market, it did not seem to make sense to divide a couple of thousand dollars among several stocks. when i tried to apply the evaluation theories to the stocks, they were outrageously expensive, especially those internet stocks. on the other hand, the stocks of traditional industries were punished really hard. they were cheap buys to me and fit the theory of buying low, but they seemed to always stay in the red, with no hope of turning green.

testing the water, i picked two stocks i believed had good fundamentals and were bargains. my husband, who

understood nothing about the market, decided to go in an opposite direction. he picked only one technology stock simply by watching the news and following the hot sector. i was really dubious of how well he would fare.

after the day we picked the stocks, we would keep our eyes on how the market did every

day. however, we had different reactions to the market. the market soared one day and tanked another day; and to its rhythm, my spirit rose to the sky and then fell into the hell. although i told myself i should not be so emotional since i invested for the long term, i could not help myself jumping at the small percentage of gain and stomping at the loss.

26.when dow and nasdaq reached the historical heights in 1999, __________.

a.technology experts gained more

b.investors picked stocks at blind random c.technology stocks offered better benefits

d.more investors got into the stock market script:


27.the phrase diversify your portfolio in paragraph two most probably means ___________.

a.dont put all your eggs in one basket b.select more technology stocks

c.dont sell your stocks at relatively low prices d.add more money to your stock investment script:


28.the writer found it hard to apply the financial knowledge learnt in college because ________. a.some stocks went up from nowhere

b.some stocks reached their bottom unexpectedly c.stock prices advanced irregularly

d.technology stocks were outrageously expensive script:


29.according to the passage, the writer and her husband __________.

a.preferred stocks with good fundamentals c.picked stocks at blind random d.had different investment notion script:


30.it can be inferred from the passage that __________. a.the writer took risk into consideration

b.the writers life was greatly influenced by the market c.the writers husband was a better investor d.the writer would gain in the long run script:


vocabulary and structure

directions: each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. choose the one that best completes the sentence. (60 points)

31.those participants who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in __________. a.denying b.upsetting d.protesting script:


32.the newly released flash is __________ enjoyable, which makes a new record of circulation in the district. a.precisely b.immensely c.intensely d.preferably script:


33.the company planned to __________ a project to send relief aids to the local residents in the disaster area. a.isolate b.initiate c.originate d.generate script:


34.the energy gained from the sun can be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to __________ in human bodies. a.precede b.proceed c.progress d.program script:


35.the democratic party ___________70 percent of the total vote in that district owing to its flexible election strategy.



单元: 卷a


part i listening comprehension ( 14 minutes ) section a 1. a) t b) f

script: mr. doherty always dreams of writing about life on the farm so he moved to a farm with his family. 正确答案: b 2. a) t b) f

script: living on the farm gives them more opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and get close to nature. 正确答案: a 3. a) t b) f

script: mrs. doherty has to give up writing to maintain the farm because her husband is too busy writing to make more money. 正确答案: b 4. a) t b) f

script: the first winter on the farm was miserable because it was cold and boring. 正确答案: b 5. a) t b) f

script: mr. doherty decided to give up his fulltime job and depend totally on freelance the second year on the farm because he had to spend more time on the farm. 正确答案: a 6. a) t b) f

script: mr. doherty doesn’t make enough money now to maintain their living standard in the past but their life is not seriously affected. 正确答案: a 7. a) t b) f

script: three parts of our lives have changed: the way we work, the way we eat, and the way we entertain ourselves. 正确答案: a 8. a) t b) f

script: today’s working men and women are commuters who travel to work early and return home late. 正确答案: a 9. a) t b) f

script: fast food, takeout, and heat-and-serve dishes now take up the table of most american families. 正确答案: a 10. a) t b) f

script: the cleaver’s household is a fantasy both for the 1950s and now and therefore, too ideal to learn from. 正确答案: b section b

stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience, as we (11)_________________ to our changing environment. as a (12)_________________ influence, stress can help us take action. as a (13)_________________ influence, it can lead to health problems such as headache, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease.

our goal is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to (14)_________________ it and how to use it to help us.

(15)_________________ stress may make us feel bored; on the other hand, (16)_________________ stress may make us feel

tied up in knots. what we need to do is to find the (17)_________________ level of stress which will (18)_________________ overwhelm us.

there is no single level of stress that is optimal for all people. what is distressing to one may be a joy to another. moreover, our (19)_________________ and the amount which we can tolerate changes with our ages.

it has been revealed that most illness is related to uelieved stress. being aware of stress and its effect on our lives can help reduce its harmful effects. there are many sources of stress, and there are many possibilities for its management. here are three principles as to how to manage stress:

1. become aware of your stressor and your emotional and physical reactions.

2. recognize what you can change.

3. (20)_________________ of your emotional reactions to stress.

script:stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience, as we adjust to our changing environment. as a positive influence, stress can help us take action. as a negative influence, it can lead to health problems such as headache, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease.

our goal is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us. insufficient stress may make us feel bored; on the other hand, excessive stress may make us feel tied up in knots. what we need to do is to find the optimal level of stress which will motivate but not overwhelm us.

there is no single level of stress that is optimal for all people. what is distressing to one may be a joy to another. moreover, our personal stress requirements and the amount which we can tolerate changes with our ages.

it has been revealed that most illness is related to uelieved stress. being aware of stress and its effect on our lives can help reduce its harmful effects. there are many sources of stress, and there are many possibilities for its management. here are three principles as to how to manage stress:

1. become aware of your stressor and your emotional and physical reactions.

2. recognize what you can change.

3. reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress.

正确答案: adjust 正确答案: positive 正确答案: negative 正确答案: manage

正确答案: insufficient 正确答案: excessive 正确答案: optimal

正确答案: motivate but not

正确答案: personal stress requirements 正确答案: reduce the intensity

part ii reading comprehension ( 25 minutes ) section a

i’m not making anywhere near as much money as i did when i was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much either. i21 enough income to handle our $600-a-month mortgage payments plus the usual expenses for a family like ours. that includes everything from music lessons and dental bills to car repairs and college costs. when it comes to insurance, we have a poor man’s major-medical policy. we have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family. it22 80% of the costs beyond that. although we are stuck with paying minor expenses, our premium is low — only $560 a year — and we are23 against catastrophe.24 that and the policy on our two cars at $400 a year, we have no other insurance. but we are setting aside $2,000 a year in an ira. we’ve been able to make up the difference in income by25 without appreciably lowering our standard of living. we continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we

patronize local restaurants26 more expensive places in the city. we still attend the opera and ballet in milwaukee but only a few times a year. we eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.27 christmases are a memory, and we combine vacations with story assignments ?

i suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. it takes a couple of special qualities. one is a28 for solitude. because we are so busy and on such a tight budget, we don’t entertain much. during the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway. jim and emily are29 in school activities, but they too spend most of their time at home.

the other requirement is energy — a lot of it. the way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the30 to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices. instead, you do the work yourself. the only machinery we own (not counting the lawn mower) is a little three-horsepower rotary cultivator and a 16-inch chain saw.

a) picks up b) temptation c) given d) generate

e) involved f) instead of g) extravagant h) cutting up i) cutting back j) endurance k) covered l) aside from m) tolerance n) exotic o) pay 21. ______________________ 正确答案: d

22. ______________________ 正确答案: a

23. ______________________ 正确答案: k

24. ______________________ 正确答案: l

25. ______________________ 正确答案: i

26. ______________________ 正确答案: f

27. ______________________ 正确答案: g

28. ______________________ 正确答案: m

29. ______________________ 正确答案: e

30. ______________________ 正确答案: b section b

passage one

questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

genetically modified foods (or gm foods) are foods derived from genetically modified organisms. genetically modified

organisms have had specific changes introduced into their dna by genetic engineering techniques. gm foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. typically, genetically modified foods are transgenic plant products: soybean, corn, canola,

and cotton seed oil. animal products have also been developed, although as of july 2010 none are currently on the market. critics have objected to gm foods on several grounds,

including safety issues, ecological concerns, and economic concerns. however, genetically-modified foods are here to stay. that’s not to say that food produced by conventional

agriculture will disappear, but simply that food-buying patterns will polarize (两极分化): there will be a right market for

conventional food just as there is for organic food. it may even be that gm food will become the food of preference because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.

the reason gm food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep pace with the world’s predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion. it’s not just a question of more mouths to feed either. what is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture. genetic modification is analogous to nuclear power: nobody loves it, but climate change has made its adoption imperative, says economist paul collier of oxford university. declining

genetic modification makes a complicated issue more complex. genetic modification offers both faster crop adaptation and a biological, rather than chemical, approach to yield increases. the world has 800 million hungry people. until now, food supplies have been increased by improved varieties,

pesticides and artificial fertilizers: the green revolution. now we’re on the edge of a new revolution: a genetic one.

it may well be that in the long term it is the developing world that benefits most from gm foods. it’s true that for the next ten years or so gm crops may be too expensive. but the lesson of personal computers is applicable here — once the technology has been developed for profitable crops, it will spread and become affordable for all. this doesn’t mean, unfortunately,

and cotton seed oil. animal products have also been developed, although as of july 2010 none are currently on the market. critics have objected to gm foods on several grounds,

including safety issues, ecological concerns, and economic concerns. however, genetically-modified foods are here to stay. that’s not to say that food produced by conventional

agriculture will disappear, but simply that food-buying patterns will polarize (两极分化): there will be a right market for

conventional food just as there is for organic food. it may even be that gm food will become the food of preference because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.

the reason gm food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep pace with the world’s predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion. it’s not just a question of more mouths to feed either. what is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture. genetic modification is analogous to nuclear power: nobody loves it, but climate change has made its adoption imperative, says economist paul collier of oxford university. declining

genetic modification makes a complicated issue more complex. genetic modification offers both faster crop adaptation and a biological, rather than chemical, approach to yield increases. the world has 800 million hungry people. until now, food supplies have been increased by improved varieties,

pesticides and artificial fertilizers: the green revolution. now we’re on the edge of a new revolution: a genetic one.

it may well be that in the long term it is the developing world that benefits most from gm foods. it’s true that for the next ten years or so gm crops may be too expensive. but the lesson of personal computers is applicable here — once the technology has been developed for profitable crops, it will spread and become affordable for all. this doesn’t mean, unfortunately,

