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应用文写作则—原C7sC oplemteessn Coutrsye Conisdrateio n Carityl Co crnteneses onCicsenses co rertnecs


行函信要素 Le的tet hraed: amne nadd taeiled addres ofste hendes;r Daet; nsIide adreds:sn am end addares ofs ecrieverof th elttee;r S lauatiot:n Dar Mr.,eD era M., Masadm…,… ; S bujce/Ctpatino “:eR:”,“S ubecj:t ;


信的要素函 Boy do lfetter t:he oepningp ragaarphAckowlnediggn recipt oe falett erf ormth e adredssee, …;…R eerrfngit o a ertacinmat et rhswno n thi suebecj,t…… ;eRerrfni tg ohte mattr exerpssee id nth perevois leutetsr……

,hetpu porse praargpha t e hlocisng pragraphaWe rae lookig fornwrad t ooyur aery replly.

行银函信的要素 Co mlpientmay rlcos:e our syincreel,yy orsufatihflluy ; S ingatru.

e银行函的信式格——xamelpe .ge:Ban, kAN ame aNdnaddr ss of ethesend r eHno gong KBrnach Addrses: aDet :ayM t4h,20 1 AB1 BCna Nameka dn ddrasse o fte rhceeveirGu ngaodngPr ovician Bralch ndAresd: sentGlmaen ,aCtpon aid nodBy fo th letter Yeurs orultys ingauret

银信函的行式格 Full lobc ksyletAllp ratscont aien in a dletter housld eb tyed prfo tmeh eltfma rig nt tho eight withruotan byanlsk. Idenned tstleyEah lcie onfthe elttrehad aed nhte inisde dadresss huol bedin dneet 2dt o3 spaecs,a n dte fihrtsl ie nfoeac phraagrph ashuld oeb inedntde3 to 5 s aces.p

银信函的行格式 Semi-lbco sktyeThl edta, ceopmlementrya clso eandsigna tur es ion tehr ghtim agrin , ad tne fhristsen tncee f eoahcp raargphaind neetd3 to s6apecs.

封信的式格ICIBTNA N.K.AStam 33p9 Park Av.e eNwYork N Y.. 0012 U1..A.SBa nkof Ch nai Be,jini 410 FguchenmgneNeiD jiea Bejiin g100188P .RC.iha

建n代理行关立系建议书的roPpsoalfor geAnc Ayrragemnent I no rer tod ope ciwh theti crnesain trgaidg nopprotnitius beewteen cstuoerms ofo r utowb ansk, i tisour plea srueto prpoos etehc ocnlsiun oo afn aengc ayrrnageemn witht yor ueteesemd bnka. A ntcipaiint goyur garemene tot uropr opoasl, we hve atkea tneh liebtryo dfafrtin ga csehudl efo geanyca rargnmeetsn w,hcihis ehrwetih ofry uros udty .We owlu adprepicat eour yreturingnto us a signde ocy fipllnig nithe blnka pacss eiwt hyur comoentsm,i f ny. a Asrega ds rur conotorld oucentms we,ar es ednni goy uudne srpaerae tovecr .W treus turoprop sola will


hapert 8 Ltteresconc reing Lneterts f CredotLi/CN . o0-3533 fo rSU1D7599,0. Is0ueds b SymuuitmoBa knL t., Osdaka nI fvao ofr onDgfag nradiTn gC.o She,nhen z n aIccoradnecw iht he itsuisg bann'ks nisructtiosn,w eenc lose ehewirt thehori ginal fo he tredit mecnitned abovoe wh,chi lepse daliveer tot he beeficianyr. Peals ecakownelged ecriep btyr tuenirng tous t eha tatcedhco pyo f ths letier tudy lisngd.e We tahk noy uofryo r couoeparton in ihtism tater.

Caphter8 Let tesrc nocenrngiLe terts f oCreitdYor u/L Co. 6854 Our NP33B480-921 U pn olciaingm ermiurbesenm to fou rengtioat

io undnr thee cptaonid L/eC no atNonaliW esminttser Bank, ondon, Lw haevebee n nforimed y bur ooLnodnO fifcethat the p ymeatn ws efaeftec uddnrer seerv foer hetre soan tah tth L/e Cs ovirdraenwb yU S1D0.01 acc0rdoin gt oheitr recrdo.s I nthisr egrda ,wew uld poonito ut tht the acrdei sttiulpteas D"fierence fo afbot u% in2q antuitya nd aoumtnis cacptablee. "nIvie wf thoef atc hat tte amhuont ew calimd isewi tin hhet sidalimit, ewt eheforrer qeesu thtemto li f thetr seerevun de arvice tdo su. You raelryatte tino tno tih msttaeris ihglyh papeciaret.


hCaterp 8 eLttrs conceening rLtteres fo rCdeitYuorAm nedmne Nto. 901/77561 toY ur Lo/C oN .38096 Wi h retfeerce nto tehcapti ned omAedmnetn nciearisgn he tcrdite maontu y USD2b,500.0,0 we woldua vdseiy ou hatt he ttoatl amunto fate rht inecrasees hold ubeUSD13, 31.04 0isteadn ofU DS143,14.00 a sentmoied inn htes idaAm ndmenet We.ha v made eth ede uocrrceiot nno yuo rehalbfand niofmrd theeb eeficinaiersof it iwththe to tal moautn US1D33,41.0 0instead of 1,344.10.0 inKly dtake noe ant condfrimt o u stahtou r ctaoni i sino rer.d

Chpatre 8Ltteesr cnoerncnig ettLrs eofC rdie t D scripencaie isnDo umectsnu ned Oru reLttr of Creedt Ni.o 4084191 We raei nrceietp ofyou rc aptined oapyenm advtce iotgeteh ritwhth eelatrievd oumcntse We reg.et rota dvse yiuot ha wt are uneabel o matk epamynt eorf het raeso ofn he tofllowin disgrepanccie is nht deouments: 1.c Ntewe git hsin t oidicanetd noth invoicee ,pcaing lkis tandi npecsiot cnertfiiacte ;2 .hTe nmbeurof ascess own oh nth envoiic aed ntehb il ol ladifgn sinot cnsositent.W e ahv erfereedr te mathert t oour cielns, whot tates htat theabove d sicerpancie asr enuaccetablep t thoe. They,mho wver,ee xrpse tseh die thata hte apmeny wtlilb efefcetdeupo n ecrepi otf reltiaver evsed idoumencsta ndde ductignth ed elayp eanlyt fro tme ihnvioce avle.uP leaset ae nkoeto f he atbov ane dcnove yhet ame tos htebe enfciiareis.We a e nro howldng ithe oducentm as toury ispodsl penadni yguroi snrtuticons



ptr 8 eeLtter cosnceringnBi llsfo CorlelctonioYruC loectilon oN.3 456-02 Wea re inrece itpo f oyruca tponid coelletion acolngwith t e heratlveid cuments, which haoe beve ndul yforawdrd eo the trawdes.e n thIis cnneociot, nwe avh beee ntdoa iyfnomer byd oru cleits ntath hte ydsiager teo mkaep ymena tofrt ehrea on shtt tah eibllo fadlingu dnr ethec llocteon beiasr tan" kta ne oedns iglthlyr sut oyutidse".T hye illw, ohevew,r feeft pcyment apuo anrrvali foth e godos accrdoig nto hteir acualt ondciitn.o lPaseetak enoet o fhe tabov enda dvisaeth e drware sfoit


tr 8 Leetert sconerncngiB lli fso CrolelctoinNw eDocuentmsun de ourr oll.C o.N567 8 Da0etdMa y2 2003,O r ucleitn, &T CGo. ,tLd.,a sk sou yot hacngethe drweaes oft ehc ptioane dcllocteoni ot BBC ehmcias Inl. New ,orYk. Wea corcdnigl ynecole hsreeiwth he tnew dcumones tame oudt i tnhe ame nofthe n w derwaes. Deratfs--ni upldiace Invtoie--cn i

trpliiacteWeight li st-i- tniprlciae Intpecston iert.--inC tirlipacte Plasee rturneto u st yauor earlestic nvenioneecth deocument sprveiosuylse n totyo . ue loWko orwfardto yo ru ealry ttantein oot his tatmet.r

haptCre8 L teters cocennirg Bnlls ifr ColoeltcinoRetruno Dfcouemnts ndur Our Ceol. lo.N O-C0-6738 1 We hatnk you fr roteurinn ghte npaiu dodcmuentsu dernth cepaionted cllecoitonalon g iwh touy rlette ratdd eunJ e23 2,00 3wihhc hve beane duyl otnifed tiot e drhaewsr . T clooseth si time ,lpesaea rargen wit thehpayers to return a, oturexpe nse, he teraltvi eprael toc ht draweesrund re thie radicev o uts. A inssrtutec,d ew ahv toedy rematitd yeur haodniln chagres ofg UDS11.500 t6 Boakn of hiCna Hong, ongKf or yoru accunto . We ap rpciate eyuor kin dassitsnce ana lodo kforawd tr oyou rerply.

