六年级上册英语Unit1(Part B-C)测试卷 - 图文

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六年级上册英语Unit1(Part B-C)测试卷

一、根据汉语提示,选择正确的一项补全单词。(12分) ( )1.t rn (转弯)

A. n B. u C.a

( )2.1_ ft (左)

A. e B. a C. o

( )3.ri t (右)

A. gh B. gr C. ht

( )4.str_ ght (笔直走)

A. ia B.re C.ai


( )1. interesting film!

A. How a B. What an C. What a ( )2. The science museum is Dongfang Street.

A.on B. in C. at ( )3. We’re in front the cinema.

A.to B. of C. for ( )4. My new GPS !

A. work B. Working C. works ( )5.Can you make sentences these words?

A.in B. with C. for ( )6. -Excuse me. Is the park far here?

-No, go straight and turn left.

A. from B. to C./

( )7.- is the restaurant?

-Near the London Eye.

A. Where B. How C. What

( )8. Where the boy want to go?

A. do B.is C.does

三、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。(10分) 1.在医院左转。

the hospital. 2.然后直行,你就会看到这个电影院。

Then and you can see the . 3.在十字路口右转。

at the . 4.现在我们在天安门前。

Now we are Tian’anmen. 5.意大利餐馆在哪儿?

the Italian ? 四、根据地图补全对话。(12分)

A: How can I go to school on foot?

B: First, .Turn left at the second traffic lights. Then

go straight again. Next, at the library. Then at the bookstore. You'll see the school.

五、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(10分) 1. we, there, how, get, can (?)

2, interesting, what, film, an (!)

3. bookstore, to, want, they, to, go, the(.)

4. the, is, restaurant, where(?)

5 are, front, Tian'anmen, of, we, in(.)


1. What a interesting story ! ( )


2. The hospital is near the park at Bridge Street. ( )


3. How can we get to there? ( )


4. Turn right in the bookstore. ( )


5. The restaurant is next the hospital. ( ) A B C

七、选择合适的句子,补全对话。(10分) A: Excuse me. 1.

B: Yes, there is a supermarket on Xinhua Road. A:2.

B:It's behind the red building. A: Is it far from here? B: No. 3. A:4. B: Go straight along this road. Turn left at the cinema, Then go straight and turn left at the bookstore. You can see it. A:Thank you. B:5.

A: it isn’t far. B. Is there a supermarket near here?

C. How can I get there? D. You're welcome. E. Where is it?


Sarah: Excuse me, sir. Where is the science museum? I want to see the talking robot.

Policeman: It's next to the post office. Sarah: Is it far from here?

Policeman: Yes. You can go by the No. 1 bus. Get off at the cinema. Turn right at the first crossing. Go straight and tum left at the bookstore. Then you can see the post office. It's next to the bookstore. You can find it. Sarah: Thank you, sir.

( )1. Sarah wants to go to the .

A.post office B.cinema C.science museum ( )2. What does Sarah want to do?

A. She wants to buy a postcard. B. She wants to see the talking robot. C. She wants to buy a robot ( )3. The post office is .

A. behind the bookstore B. in front of the bookstore C. next to the bookstore

( )4. Sarah should(应当) go by the bus.

A. No. 1 B. No. 11 C.No.101 ( )5.Sarah should turn right at .

A.the first crossing B. the second crossing C. the third crossing

参考答案 一.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C

二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 三、1. Tum left at 2. go straight; cinema 3. Turn right; crossing 4. in front of 5. Where is, restaurant

四、 go straight; turn right; turn left

五、1. How can we get there? 2. What an interesting film! 3. They want to go to the bookstore. 4. Where is the restaurant? 5. We are in front of Tian’anmen.

六、1.B an 2.C on 3.C get 4.C at 5.C next to 七、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 八、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A

A. No. 1 B. No. 11 C.No.101 ( )5.Sarah should turn right at .

A.the first crossing B. the second crossing C. the third crossing

参考答案 一.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C

二、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 三、1. Tum left at 2. go straight; cinema 3. Turn right; crossing 4. in front of 5. Where is, restaurant

四、 go straight; turn right; turn left

五、1. How can we get there? 2. What an interesting film! 3. They want to go to the bookstore. 4. Where is the restaurant? 5. We are in front of Tian’anmen.

六、1.B an 2.C on 3.C get 4.C at 5.C next to 七、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 八、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A

