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(2)认证授权和访问控制规范,如RADIUS(2865)、Diameter(3588)、Kerberos、等。 (3)应用规范,PGP(4880)、S/MIME、HTTP over TLS(2818)、IPSec、VPN、等。 (4)其他规范。
(1) ISO,关于OSI的安全需求(35.100.01)、服务和机制,密码算法(35.040),安全
管理(17799)等。 http://www.iso.org/
(2) FIPS,包括DES(46)、AES(197)、DSS(186)、HMAC(198)等;
(3) ASC/ANSI X9,制定了一些关系金融领域安全的标准和规范。如随机数产生
(X9.17)、公钥算法服务于金融业(X9.63)等。 http://www.x9.org/standards/ (4) PKCS系列标准,RSA公司的标准。
(5) IEEE P1363,制定关于椭圆曲线密码算法等规范。
http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1363/ (6) NESSIE,欧洲的密码新标准计划。
https://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/nessie/ (7) SECG,目前主要发布了一些关于ECC的规范。
http://www.secg.org/ (8)
0001 Host Software. S. Crocker. April 1969. (Format: TXT=21088 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0002 Host software. B. Duvall. April 1969. (Format: TXT=17145 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0003 Documentation conventions. S.D. Crocker. April 1969. (Format: TXT=2323 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0010) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0004 Network timetable. E.B. Shapiro. March 1969. (Format: TXT=5933 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0005 Decode Encode Language (DEL). J. Rulifson. June 1969. (Format: TXT=26408 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0006 Conversation with Bob Kahn. S.D. Crocker. April 1969. (Format: TXT=1568 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0007 Host-IMP interface. G. Deloche. May 1969. (Format: TXT=13408 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0008 Functional specifications for the ARPA Network. G. Deloche. May 1969. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0009 Host software. G. Deloche. May 1969. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0010 Documentation conventions. S.D. Crocker. July 1969. (Format:
TXT=3348 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0003) (Obsoleted by RFC0016) (Updated by RFC0024, RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0011 Implementation of the Host - Host Software Procedures in GORDO.
G. Deloche. August 1969. (Not online) (Obsoleted by RFC0033) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0012 IMP-Host interface flow diagrams. M. Wingfield. August 1969.
(Format: TXT=177, PS=1489750, PDF=1163721 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0013 Zero Text Length EOF Message. V. Cerf. August 1969. (Format: TXT=1070 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0014 Not Issued.
0015 Network subsystem for time sharing hosts. C.S. Carr. September 1969. (Format: TXT=10695 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0016 M.I.T. S. Crocker. August 1969. (Format: TXT=682 bytes)
(Obsoletes RFC0010) (Obsoleted by RFC0024) (Updated by RFC0024, RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0017 Some questions re: Host-IMP Protocol. J.E. Kreznar. August 1969. (Format: TXT=6065 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0018 IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links. V. Cerf. September 1969. (Format: TXT=634 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0019 Two protocol suggestions to reduce congestion at swap bound
nodes. J.E. Kreznar. October 1969. (Format: TXT=3392 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0020 ASCII format for network interchange. V.G. Cerf. October 1969. (Format: TXT=18504 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0021 Network meeting. V.G. Cerf. October 1969. (Format: TXT=2143 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0022 Host-host control message formats. V.G. Cerf. October 1969. (Format: TXT=4606 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0023 Transmission of Multiple Control Messages. G. Gregg. October 1969. (Format: TXT=690 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0024 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. November 1969. (Format: TXT=3460 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0016) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016) (Updated by RFC0027, RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0025 No High Link Numbers. S.D. Crocker. October 1969. (Format: TXT=479 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0026 Not Issued.
0027 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. December 1969. (Format: TXT=3661 bytes) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016, RFC0024) (Updated by RFC0030) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0028 Time Standards. W.K. English. January 1970. (Format: TXT=557 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0029 Response to RFC 28. R.E. Kahn. January 1970. (Format: TXT=790 bytes) (Also RFC0028) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0030 Documentation Conventions. S.D. Crocker. February 1970. (Format:
TXT=4041 bytes) (Updates RFC0010, RFC0016, RFC0024, RFC0027) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0031 Binary Message Forms in Computer. D. Bobrow, W.R. Sutherland.
February 1968. (Format: TXT=11191 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0032 Some Thoughts on SRI's Proposed Real Time Clock. J. Cole. February 1970. (Format: TXT=2216 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0033 New Host-Host Protocol. S.D. Crocker. February 1970. (Format:
TXT=44167 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0011) (Updated by RFC0036, RFC0047) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0034 Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the Augmentation Research Center
Clock. W.K. English. February 1970. (Format: TXT=2534 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0035 Network Meeting. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format: TXT=1282 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
0036 Protocol Notes. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format: TXT=13893 bytes) (Updates RFC0033) (Updated by RFC0039, RFC0044) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0037 Network Meeting Epilogue, etc. S.D. Crocker. March 1970. (Format: TXT=9107 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0038 Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC #36. S.M. Wolfe. March 1970. (Format: TXT=2536 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0039 Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC #36. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. March 1970. (Format: TXT=4779 bytes) (Updates RFC0036) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0040 More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. March 1970. (Format: TXT=3825 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0041 IMP-IMP Teletype Communication. J.T. Melvin. March 1970. (Format: TXT=1038 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0042 Message Data Types. E. Ancona. March 1970. (Format: TXT=5247 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0043 Proposed Meeting. A.G. Nemeth. April 1970. (Format: TXT=1600 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0044 Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36. A. Shoshani, R. Long, A.
Landsberg. April 1970. (Format: TXT=7381 bytes) (Updates RFC0036)
(Status: UNKNOWN)
0045 New Protocol is Coming. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. April 1970. (Format: TXT=1130 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0046 ARPA Network protocol notes. E. Meyer. April 1970. (Format: TXT=41338 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0047 BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC #33. J. Postel, S. Crocker. April 1970. (Format: TXT=5343 bytes) (Updates RFC0033) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0048 Possible protocol plateau. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. April 1970. (Format: TXT=41696 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0049 Conversations with S. Crocker (UCLA). E. Meyer. April 1970. (Format: TXT=12384 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0050 Comments on the Meyer Proposal. E. Harslen, J. Heafner. April 1970. (Format: TXT=4070 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0051 Proposal for a Network Interchange Language. M. Elie. May 1970. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0052 Updated distribution list. J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. July 1970. (Format: TXT=5088 bytes) (Updated by RFC0069) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0053 Official protocol mechanism. S.D. Crocker. June 1970. (Format: TXT=2330 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0054 Official Protocol Proffering. S.D. Crocker, J. Postel, J.
Newkirk, M. Kraley. June 1970. (Format: TXT=20131 bytes) (Updated by RFC0057) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0055 Prototypical implementation of the NCP. J. Newkirk, M. Kraley, J. Postel, S.D. Crocker. June 1970. (Format: TXT=48070 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0056 Third Level Protocol: Logger Protocol. E. Belove, D. Black, R.
Flegal, L.G. Farquar. June 1970. (Format: TXT=13066 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0057 Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC 54. M. Kraley, J. Newkirk. June 1970. (Format: TXT=8360 bytes) (Updates RFC0054) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0058 Logical Message Synchronization. T.P. Skinner. June 1970. (Format: TXT=3767 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0059 Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation. E. Meyer. June 1970. (Format: TXT=17691 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0060 Simplified NCP Protocol. R.B. Kalin. July 1970. (Format: TXT=18941 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0061 Note on Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer
Network. D.C. Walden. July 1970. (Format: TXT=43946 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0062) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0062 Systems for Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing
Computer Network. D.C. Walden. August 1970. (Format: TXT=55784 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0061) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0063 Belated Network Meeting Report. V.G. Cerf. July 1970. (Format: TXT=2961 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0064 Getting rid of marking. M. Elie. July 1970. (Format: TXT=7556 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0065 Comments on Host/Host Protocol document #1. D.C. Walden. August 1970. (Format: TXT=5628 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0066 NIC - third level ideas and other noise. S.D. Crocker. August 1970. (Format: TXT=4575 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0123) (Updated by RFC0080, RFC0093) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0067 Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking. W.R.
Crowther. January 1970. (Format: TXT=1534 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0068 Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands: CEASE, ALL, GVB, RET, and RFNM. M. Elie. August 1970. (Format: TXT=5041 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0069 Distribution List Change for MIT. A.K. Bhushan. September 1970. (Format: TXT=841 bytes) (Updates RFC0052) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0070 Note on Padding. S.D. Crocker. October 1970. (Format: TXT=12790 bytes) (Updated by RFC0228) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0071 Reallocation in Case of Input Error. T. Schipper. September 1970. (Format: TXT=1265 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0072 Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol. R.D.
Bressler. September 1970. (Format: TXT=4047 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0073 Response to NWG/RFC 67. S.D. Crocker. September 1970. (Format: TXT=1268 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0074 Specifications for network use of the UCSB On-Line System. J.E. White. October 1970. (Not online) (Updated by RFC0217, RFC0225) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0075 Network Meeting. S.D. Crocker. October 1970. (Format: TXT=1318 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0076 Connection by name: User oriented protocol. J. Bouknight, J. Madden, G.R. Grossman. October 1970. (Format: TXT=26504 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0077 Network meeting report. J. Postel. November 1970. (Format: TXT=19196 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0078 NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J.E. White. October 1970. (Format: TXT=1303 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0079 Logger Protocol error. E. Meyer. November 1970. (Format: TXT=1515 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0080 Protocols and Data Formats. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. December 1970. (Format: TXT=17620 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0123) (Updates RFC0066) (Updated by RFC0093) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0081 Request for Reference Information. J. Bouknight. December 1970. (Format: TXT=956 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0082 Network Meeting Notes. E. Meyer. December 1970. (Format: TXT=38023 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0083 Language-machine for data reconfiguration. R.H. Anderson, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. December 1970. (Format: TXT=22253 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0084 List of NWG/RFC's 1-80. J.B. North. December 1970. (Format:
TXT=12613 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0085 Network Working Group meeting. S.D. Crocker. December 1970. (Format: TXT=1547 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0086 Proposal for a Network Standard Format for a Data Stream to Control Graphics Display. S.D. Crocker. January 1971. (Format: TXT=7117 bytes) (Updated by RFC0125) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0087 Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting. A. Vezza. January 1971. (Format: TXT=3593 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0088 NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote Job Entry. R.T. Braden, S.M. Wolfe. January 1971. (Format: TXT=19691 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0189) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0089 Some historic moments in networking. R.M. Metcalfe. January 1971. (Format: TXT=16832 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0090 CCN as a Network Service Center. R.T. Braden. January 1971. (Format: TXT=11929 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0091 Proposed User-User Protocol. G.H. Mealy. December 1970. (Format: TXT=27005 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0092 Not Issued.
0093 Initial Connection Protocol. A.M. McKenzie. January 1971.
(Format: TXT=1746 bytes) (Updates RFC0066, RFC0080) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0094 Some thoughts on Network Graphics. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. February 1971. (Format: TXT=13516 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0095 Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC. S.D. Crocker. February 1971. (Format: TXT=8938 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0155) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0096 An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of Access the Network Information Center. R.W. Watson. February 1971. (Format: TXT=11334 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
0097 First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol. J.T. Melvin, R.W.
Watson. February 1971. (Format: PDF=403375 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0098 Logger Protocol Proposal. E. Meyer, T. Skinner. February 1971. (Format: TXT=24536 bytes) (Updated by RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0099 Network Meeting. P.M. Karp. February 1971. (Format: TXT=1010 bytes) (Updated by RFC0116) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0100 Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs. P.M. Karp. February 1971. (Format: TXT=62473 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0101 Notes on the Network Working Group meeting, Urbana, Illinois, February 17, 1971. R.W. Watson. February 1971. (Format: TXT=30343 bytes) (Updated by RFC0108, RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0102 Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee. S.D.
Crocker. February 1971. (Format: TXT=8511 bytes) (Updated by RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0103 Implementation of Interrupt Keys. R.B. Kalin. February 1971. (Format: TXT=7592 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0104 Link 191. J.B. Postel, S.D. Crocker. February 1971. (Format: TXT=1017 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0105 Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output Retrieval at UCSB. J.E. White. March 1971. (Format: TXT=21938 bytes) (Updated by RFC0217) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0106 User/Server Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire. T.C.
O'Sullivan. March 1971. (Format: TXT=6946 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0107 Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee. R.D.
Bressler, S.D. Crocker, W.R. Crowther, G.R. Grossman, R.S. Tomlinson, J.E. White. March 1971. (Format: TXT=18109 bytes) (Updates RFC0102) (Updated by RFC0111, RFC0124, RFC0132, RFC0154, RFC0179) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0108 Attendance list at the Urbana NWG meeting, February 17-19, 1971. R.W. Watson. March 1971. (Format: TXT=1597 bytes) (Updates RFC0101) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0109 Level III Server Protocol for the Lincoln Laboratory NIC 360/67
Host. J.M. Winett. March 1971. (Not online) (Also RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0110 Conventions for using an IBM 2741 terminal as a user console for
access to network server hosts. J.M. Winett. March 1971. (Not online) (Updated by RFC0135) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0111 Pressure from the Chairman. S.D. Crocker. March 1971. (Format: TXT=2098 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Updated by RFC0130) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0112 User/Server Site Protocol: Network host questionnaire responses. T.C. O'Sullivan. April 1 1971. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0113 Network activity report: UCSB Rand. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner,
J.E. White. April 1971. (Format: TXT=3442 bytes) (Updated by RFC0227) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0114 File Transfer Protocol. A.K. Bhushan. April 1971. (Format:
TXT=38981 bytes) (Updated by RFC0133, RFC0141, RFC0171, RFC0172) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0115 Some Network Information Center policies on handling documents. R.W. Watson, J.B. North. April 1971. (Format: TXT=16775 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0116 Structure of the May NWG Meeting. S.D. Crocker. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2395 bytes) (Updates RFC0099) (Updated by RFC0131, RFC0156) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0117 Some comments on the official protocol. J. Wong. April 1971. (Format: TXT=7128 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0118 Recommendations for facility documentation. R.W. Watson. April 1971. (Format: TXT=4573 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0119 Network Fortran subprograms. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0120 Network PL1 subprograms. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Format: TXT=37192 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0121 Network on-line operators. M. Krilanovich. April 1971. (Format: TXT=29419 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0122 Network specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System. J.E. White. April 1971. (Format: TXT=47638 bytes) (Updated by RFC0217,
RFC0269, RFC0399, RFC0431) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0123 Proffered Official ICP. S.D. Crocker. April 1971. (Format:
TXT=4812 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0066, RFC0080) (Obsoleted by RFC0165) (Updates RFC0098, RFC0101) (Updated by RFC0127, RFC0143, RFC0148) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0124 Typographical error in RFC 107. J.T. Melvin. April 1971. (Format: TXT=659 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0125 Response to RFC 86: Proposal for Network Standard Format for a Graphics Data Stream. J. McConnell. April 1971. (Format: TXT=8133 bytes) (Updates RFC0086) (Updated by RFC0177) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0126 Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center. J. McConnell. April 1971. (Format: TXT=1974 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0127 Comments on RFC 123. J. Postel. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2305
bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0145) (Updates RFC0123) (Updated by RFC0151) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0128 Bytes. J. Postel. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2745 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0129 Request for comments on socket name structure. E. Harslem, J.
Heafner, E. Meyer. April 1971. (Format: TXT=11175 bytes) (Updated by RFC0147) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0130 Response to RFC 111: Pressure from the chairman. J.F. Heafner. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2580 bytes) (Updates RFC0111) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0131 Response to RFC 116: May NWG meeting. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. April 1971. (Format: TXT=5375 bytes) (Updates RFC0116) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0132 Typographical Error in RFC 107. J.E. White. April 1971. (Format: TXT=1058 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0154) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0133 File Transfer and Error Recovery. R.L. Sunberg. April 1971. (Format: TXT=8322 bytes) (Updates RFC0114) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0134 Network Graphics meeting. A. Vezza. April 1971. (Format: TXT=2684
bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0135 Response to NWG/RFC 110. W. Hathaway. April 1971. (Format: TXT=5282 bytes) (Updates RFC0110) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0136 Host accounting and administrative procedures. R.E. Kahn. April 1971. (Format: TXT=8016 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0137 Telnet Protocol - a proposed document. T.C. O'Sullivan. April 1971. (Format: TXT=17606 bytes) (Updated by RFC0139) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0138 Status report on proposed Data Reconfiguration Service. R.H. Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J. Madden, R.M.
Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, D.C.M. Wood. April 1971. (Format: TXT=46641 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0139 Discussion of Telnet Protocol. T.C. O'Sullivan. May 1971.
(Format: TXT=26085 bytes) (Updates RFC0137) (Updated by RFC0158) (Also RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0140 Agenda for the May NWG meeting. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=6934 bytes) (Updated by RFC0149) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0141 Comments on RFC 114: A File Transfer Protocol. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. April 1971. (Format: TXT=3781 bytes) (Updates RFC0114) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0142 Time-Out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol. C. Kline, J. Wong. May 1971. (Format: TXT=4372 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0143 Regarding proffered official ICP. W. Naylor, J. Wong, C. Kline,
J. Postel. May 1971. (Format: TXT=6963 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0165) (Updates RFC0123, RFC0145) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0144 Data sharing on computer networks. A. Shoshani. April 1971. (Format: TXT=13744 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0145 Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands. J. Postel. May 1971. (Format: TXT=2490, PS=552114, PDF=15869 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0127) (Obsoleted by RFC0165) (Updated by RFC0143) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0146 Views on issues relevant to data sharing on computer networks.
P.M. Karp, D.B. McKay, D.C.M. Wood. May 1971. (Format: TXT=9828 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0147 Definition of a socket. J.M. Winett. May 1971. (Format: TXT=6438 bytes) (Updates RFC0129) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0148 Comments on RFC 123. A.K. Bhushan. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1149 bytes) (Updates RFC0123) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0149 Best Laid Plans. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1057 bytes) (Updates RFC0140) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0150 Use of IPC Facilities: A Working Paper. R.B. Kalin. May 1971. (Format: TXT=28163 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0151 Comments on a proffered official ICP: RFCs 123, 127. A. Shoshani. May 1971. (Format: TXT=3623 bytes) (Updates RFC0127) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0152 SRI Artificial Intelligence status report. M. Wilber. May 1971. (Format: TXT=2726 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0153 SRI ARC-NIC status. J.T. Melvin, R.W. Watson. May 1971. (Format: TXT=8573 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0154 Exposition Style. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=1293 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0132) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0155 ARPA Network mailing lists. J.B. North. May 1971. (Format:
TXT=11054 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0095) (Obsoleted by RFC0168) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0156 Status of the Illinois site: Response to RFC 116. J. Bouknight. April 1971. (Format: TXT=1171 bytes) (Updates RFC0116) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0157 Invitation to the Second Symposium on Problems in the
Optimization of Data Communications Systems. V.G. Cerf. May 1971. (Format: TXT=3159 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0158 Telnet Protocol: A Proposed Document. T.C. O'Sullivan. May 1971. (Format: TXT=21025 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0495) (Updates RFC0139) (Updated by RFC0318) (Also RFC0393) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0159 Not Issued.
0160 RFC brief list. Network Information Center. Stanford Research
Institute. May 1971. (Format: TXT=12173 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0200, RFC0999) (Updates NIC 6716) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0161 Solution to the race condition in the ICP. A. Shoshani. May 1971. (Format: TXT=2026 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0162 NETBUGGER3. M. Kampe. May 1971. (Format: TXT=3153 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0163 Data transfer protocols. V.G. Cerf. May 1971. (Format: TXT=5465 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0164 Minutes of Network Working Group meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71.
J.F. Heafner. May 1971. (Format: TXT=58597 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0165 Proffered official Initial Connection Protocol. J. Postel. May
1971. (Not online) (Obsoletes RFC0145, RFC0143, RFC0123) (Updated by NIC 7101) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0166 Data Reconfiguration Service: An implementation specification.
R.H. Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner, J. Madden, R.M. Metcalfe, A. Shoshani, J.E. White, D.C.M. Wood. May 1971. (Format: TXT=42094 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0167 Socket conventions reconsidered. A.K. Bhushan, R.M. Metcalfe, J.M. Winett. May 1971. (Format: TXT=7643 bytes) (Also RFC0147, RFC0129) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0168 ARPA Network mailing lists. J.B. North. May 1971. (Format:
TXT=13294 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0155) (Obsoleted by RFC0211) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0169 COMPUTER NETWORKS. S.D. Crocker. May 1971. (Format: TXT=7061 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0170 RFC List by Number. Network Information Center. Stanford Research Institute. June 1971. (Format: TXT=17670 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0200) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0171 The Data Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther, E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenize, J. Melvin, B. Sundberg, D.
Watson, J. White. June 1971. (Format: TXT=20616 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0264) (Updates RFC0114) (Updated by RFC0238) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0172 The File Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther, E. Harslem, J. Heafner, A. McKenzie, J. Melvin, B. Sundberg, D.
Watson, J. White. June 1971. (Format: TXT=21328 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC0265) (Updates RFC0114) (Updated by RFC0238) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0173 Network Data Management Committee Meeting Announcement. P.M. Karp, D.B. McKay. June 1971. (Format: TXT=4239 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0174 UCLA - Computer Science Graphics Overview. J. Postel, V.G. Cerf. June 1971. (Format: TXT=5037 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0175 Comments on \ Heafner. June 1971. (Format: TXT=2225 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0176 Comments on \
Kanodia, R.M. Metcalfe, J. Postel. June 1971. (Format: TXT=7269 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0177 Device independent graphical display description. J. McConnell. June 1971. (Format: TXT=20474 bytes) (Updates RFC0125) (Updated by RFC0181) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0178 Network graphic attention handling. I.W. Cotton. June 1971. (Format: TXT=24522 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0179 Link Number Assignments. A.M. McKenzie. June 1971. (Format: TXT=1221 bytes) (Updates RFC0107) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0180 File system questionnaire. A.M. McKenzie. June 1971. (Format: TXT=8154 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0181 Modifications to RFC 177. J. McConnell. July 1971. (Format: TXT=4892 bytes) (Updates RFC0177) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0182 Compilation of list of relevant site reports. J.B. North. June 1971. (Format: TXT=2565 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
0183 EBCDIC codes and their mapping to ASCII. J.M. Winett. July 1971. (Not online) (Status: UNKNOWN)
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