DFMEA - PFMEA 探测度评价准则

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DFMEA/PFMEA Detection Evaluation Criteria

探测度 Detection DFMEA评价准则:被设计控制探测的可能性 DFMEA Criteria: Likelihood of Detection by Design Control 设计控制将不能和/或不可能找出潜在的起因/机理及后续的失效模式: 或根本没有设计控制 Design Control will not and/or can not detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode: or there is no Design Control. 设计控制只有很极少的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Very remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制只有极少的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Remote chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制有很少的机会能够找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Very low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制有较少的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Low chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制有中等机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Moderate chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制有中上多的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Moderately high chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. PFMEA探测度评价准则 PFMEA Detection Evaluation Criteria 检查类型 推荐的探测度分级方法 Inspection Types Suggested Range of Detection Methods A B C 无法探测或没有检查 Control is achieved with indirect or random checks only. 级别 Ranking 评价准则 Criteria 几乎不可能 Almost Impossible 确定绝对无法探测 Absolute certainty of non-detection. × 10 很微小 Very Remote 现行控制方法将不可能探测 Controls will probably not detect. 现行控制方法只有很小的机会去探测 Controls have poor chance of detection. 现行控制方法只有很小的机会去探测 Controls have poor chance of detection. × 仅能以间接的或随机检查来达到控制 Control is achieved with indirect or random checks only. 9 微小 Remote × 仅能以目视检查来达到控制 Control is achieved with double visual inspection only. 8 很小 Very Low × 仅能以双重的目视检查来达到控制 Control is achieved with double visual inspection only. 7 小 Low 现行控制方法可能可以探测 Controls may detect. × × 以图表方法(如SPC)来达到控制 Control is achieved with charting methods, such as SPC (Statistical Process Control). 在零件离开工位之后以计量值量具来控制,或在零件离开工位之后执行100%GO/NO GO测定 Control is based on variable gauging after parts have left the station, or Go/No Go gauging performed on 100%of the parts after parts have left the station. 在后续的作业中来探测错误,或执行作业前准备和首件的测定检查(仅适用发生于作业前准备) Error detection in subsequent operations, or gauging performed on setup and first-piece check (for set-up causes only). 当场侦错,或以多重的接受准则在后续作业中探测错误,如库存、挑选、设置、验证。不接受缺陷零件 Error detection in-station, or error detection in subsequent operations by multiple layers of acceptance: supply, select, install, verify. Cannot accept discrepant part. 当场探测错误(有自动停止功能的自动化量具)。缺陷零件不能通过 Error detection in-station (automatic gauging with automatic stop feature). Cannot pass discrepant part. 该项目由过程/产品设计了防错法,不会生产出缺陷零件 Discrepant parts cannot be made because item has been error-proofed by process/product design. 6 中等 Moderate 现行控制方法可能可以探测 Controls may detect. × 5 中上 Moderately High 现行控制方法有好的机会去探测 Controls have a good chance to detect. × × 4 高 High 设计控制有较多的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 High chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制有很多的机会能找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Very high chance the Design Control will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 设计控制几乎肯定能够找出潜在起因/机理及后续的失效模式 Design Control will almost certainly detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode. 现行控制方法有好的机会去探测 Controls have a good chance to detect. × × 3 很高 Very High 现行控制方法几乎确定可以探× 测 Controls almost certain to detect. × 2 几乎肯定 Very High

现行控制方法肯定可以探测 Controls certain to detect. × 1 检查类型: A、防错

B、测量 C、人工检查

