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第一章(PHP Programming Basics)


1、Choose the selection that best matches the following statements:

PHP is a _____ scripting language based on the ____ engine. It is primarily used to develop dynamic

_____ content, although it can be used to generate ____ documents(among others) as well.

A.Dynamic, PHP, Database, HTML B.Embedded, Zend, HTML, XML C.Perl-based, PHP, Web, Static D.Embedded, Zend, Docbook, MySQL E.Zend-based, PHP, Image, HTML

2、Which of the following tags is not a valid way to begin and end a PHP code block? A.<% %> B. C. D. E.

3、Which of the following is not valid PHP code? A.$_10 B.${“MyVar”} C.&$something D.$10_somethings E.$aVaR

4、What is displayed when the following script is executed?

A.The value is: Dog B.The value is: Cat C.The value is: Human D.The value is: 10 E.Dog

5、What is the difference between print() and echo()?

A.print() can be used as part of an expression, while echo() can’t B.echo() can be used as part of an expression, while print() can’t C.echo() can be used in the CLI version of PHP, while print() can’t D.print() can be used in the CLI version of PHP, while echo() can’t E.There’s no difference: both functions print out some text!

6、What is the output of the following script? A. 128 B. 42 C. 242.0 D. 256 E. 342

7、Which values should be assigned to the variables $a, $b and $c in order for the following script to display the string Hello, World!?

A. False, True, False B. True, True, False C. False, True, True D. False, False, True E. True, True, True

8、What will the following script output?

A. A string of 50 random characters

B. A string of 49 copies of the same character, because the random number generator has not been initialized

C. A string of 49 random characters D. Nothing, because $array is not an array E. A string of 49 ‘G’ characters

9、Which language construct can best represent the following series of if conditionals?

A. A switch statement without a default case B. A recursive function call C. A while statement

D. It is the only representation of this logic E. A switch statement using a default case

10、What is the best way to iterate through the $myarray array, assuming you want to modify the value of each element as you do?

A. Using a for loop B. Using a foreach loop C. Using a while loop D. Using a do?while loop

E. There is no way to accomplish this goal

11、Consider the following segment of code:

What should go in the marked segment to produce the following array output?

A. foreach($result as $key => $val) B. while($idx *= 2)

C. for($idx = 1; $idx < STOP_AT; $idx *= 2) D. for($idx *= 2; STOP_AT >= $idx; $idx = 0) E. while($idx < STOP_AT) do $idx *= 2

12、Choose the appropriate function declaration for the user-defined function is_leap(). Assume

that, if not otherwise defined, the is_leap function uses the year 2000 as a default value:

A. function is_leap($year = 2000) B. is_leap($year default 2000)

C. function is_leap($year default 2000) D. function is_leap($year) E. function is_leap(2000 = $year)

13、What is the value displayed when the following is executed? Assume that the code was

executed using the following URL: testscript.php?c=25 A. 25 B. -5 C. 10 D. 5 E. 0

14、Consider the following script:

Each ? in the above script represents an integer index against the $s array. In order to

display the Hello, World! string when executed, what must the missing integer indexes be?

A. Group A: 4,3,0,4,9,9 Group B: 7,8 B. Group A: 1,3,0,4,9,9 Group B: 7,6 C. Group A: 1,3,2,3,0,4 Group B: 5,8 D. Group A: 0,4,9,9,9,9 Group B: 7,8 E. Group A: 4,3,0,4,9,9 Group B: 7,8

15、Run-time inclusion of a PHP script is performed using the ________ construct, while compile-time

inclusion of PHP scripts is performed using the _______ construct. A. include_once, include B. require, include C. require_once, include D. include, require

E. All of the above are correct

16、Under what circumstance is it impossible to assign a default value to a parameter while declaring a function?

A. When the parameter is Boolean

B. When the function is being declared as a member of a class C. When the parameter is being declared as passed by reference D. When the function contains only one parameter E. Never

17、The ____ operator returns True if either of its operands can be evaluated as True, but not both.

Your Answer: ____________________________

18、How does the identity operator === compare two values?

A. It converts them to a common compatible data type and then compares the resulting values

B. It returns True only if they are both of the same type and value C. If the two values are strings, it performs a lexical comparison D. It bases its comparison on the C strcmp function exclusively E. It converts both values to strings and compares them

19、Which of the following expressions multiply the value of the integer variable $a by 4?(Choose 2) A. $a *= pow (2, 2); B. $a >>= 2; C. $a <<= 2; D. $a += $a + $a; E. None of the above

20、How can a script come to a clean termination? A. When exit() is called

B. When the execution reaches the end of the current file C. When PHP crashes

D. When Apache terminates because of a system problem




2.PHP编程中,人们不太使用<% %>和两个标签,但它们确实是合法的PHP界定符。标签是非法的,因此正确的答案是D。记住,根据php.ini文件中的配置不同,这当中的某些标签无法在特定的情况下使用。





7.根据条件式的逻辑,要想得到Hello, World!字符串,必须要在第一个if结构中满足else的条件。因此$a必须为False,然后$b也必须为False。最内层的条件语句的实现要求先前的两个变量($a和$b)是False,而$c必须是True(答案是D)。


9.用一系列的if?else语句来检查一个条件的代码块,最适合用switch语句来替代。 复制PHP内容到剪贴板 PHP代码:





<初始化>在循环开始时执行一次,然后for循环开始执行大括号内的代码,直到<继续执行,直到>的值为False。每完成一次循环,执行一次<重复执行>。因此,正确的代码块应该是: for ($idx = 1; $idx < STOP_AT; $idx *= 2) 答案是C。



14.函数能被以一个包含着函数名的变量后面加上括号(以及必要的参数)的形式动态调用。对于Group A来说,合适的索引组合是0,4,9,9,9,9,产生字符串myfunction。另一方面,参数将使用${}结构的可变变量。对Group B来说,合适的索引应该是7和8,等于${‘a’}$和{‘b’}——即$a和$b。因此答案是D。







第二章(Object-oriented Programming with PHP 4)

ZendChina官方:尽管PHP 4不是一个成功的面向对象技术的典范,但是它适用于建立一个可行的面向对象的架构——你只需要了解一个有缺陷的对象模型的缺陷在哪,并围绕着它小心处理。

即使PHP 5在PHP处理对象的方式上已经带来了许多的变化,从而你可能受到吸引而忽视了PHP 4的能力。事实是,这个面向对象的程序设计是非常受大多数程序员欢迎的,这些程序员在开始开发自己的应用软件时都是使用这个\老\版本的PHP。这导致了有大量的OOP代码,甚至在你转向PHP 5之前,你也可能会经常使用到这些代码。

考试的 OOP 部分不仅仅测试常用的面向对象开发,同时也测试PHP 4实现OOP的独特方式。

1. What is the construct used to define the blueprint of an object called? Your Answer: ____________________________

2. At the end of the execution of the following script, which values will be stored in the $a->my_value array? (Choose 3) A. c B. b C. a D. d E. e

3. How can you write a class so that some of its properties cannot be accessed from outside its methods?

A. By declaring the class as private B. By declaring the methods as private C. It cannot be done

D. By writing a property overloading method

4. Which object-oriented pattern would you use to implement a class that must be instantiated only once for the entire lifespan of a script? A. Model-view-controller B. Abstract factory C. Singleton

D. Proxy E. State

5. A class can be built as an extension of other classes using a process known as inheritance. In PHP, how many parents can a child class inherit from? A. One B. Two

C. Depends on system resources D. Three

E. As many as needed

6. What OOP construct unavailable in PHP 4 does the following script approximate?

A. Multiple inheritance B. Interfaces C. Abstract methods D. Private methods E. Function overloading

7. Assume that a class called testclass is defined. What must the name of its constructor method be? A. __construct B. initialize C. testclass D. __testclass

E. Only PHP 5 supports constructors

8. How can a class override the default serialization mechanism for its objects? A. By implementing the __shutdown and __startup methods B. By calling register_shutdown_function() C. By implementing __sleep() and __wakeup()

D. The default serialization mechanism cannot be overridden

E. By adding the class to the output buffering mechanism using ob_start()

9. In PHP 4, which object-oriented constructs from the following list are not available?

? Abstract classes ? Final classes

? Public, private, protected (PPP) methods ? Interfaces A. Abstract classes B. PPP methods

C. Neither PPP methods nor interfaces D. None of the above are available E. All of the above are available

10. How would you call the mymethod method of a class within the class itself? A. $self=>mymethod(); B. $this->mymethod(); C. $current->mymethod(); D. $this::mymethod();

E. None of the above are correct

11. What will the following script output? A. 10 B. Null C. Empty D. Nothing E. An error

12. What will the following script output? A. 10 B. 5 C. 2 D. Null E. Nothing

13. Consider the following script. What will it output? A. 5

B. 10 C. Nothing

D. The constructor will throw an error E. 510

14. Consider the following segment of PHP code. When it is executed, the string returned by the $eight_tenths->to_string method is 8 / 10 instead of the expected 4 / 5. Why?

A. The reduce_fraction function must return a value

B. The reduce_fraction function should accept integer values C. The gcd function is flawed

D. You must pass the $eight_tenths object by-reference

E. You cannot pass instances of objects to anything but methods

15. What does the following PHP code segment do? <?php

require_once(\myclass::mymethod(); ?>

A. Calls the mymethod method in the class statically.

B. Creates and instance of myclass and calls the mymethod method. C. Generates a syntax error

D. Defaults to the last-created instance of myclass and calls mymethod() E. Calls the function named myclass::mymethod()

16. Do static class variables exist in PHP? A. Yes B. No

17. What will the following script output? A. 1 B. 2

C. An error, because a::$myvar is not defined D. A warning, because a::$myvar is not defined

E. Nothing

18. How can you load classes on demand as they are required by the interpreter? A. By using the __autoload magic function B. By defining them as forward classes C. By implementing a special error handler D. It is not possible to load classes on demand E. By including them in conditional include statements

19. _____________________ are used to provide high-quality solutions to a recurrent design

problem using object-oriented programming.Your Answer: ____________________________

20. What will the following script output?

A. Parent called B. An error C. A warning D. Nothing








6.方框中的代码表现的是抽象方法(abstrace method)的实现。如果这个类继承自其他类,而my_funct方法在子类中被调用时没有覆盖,代码将抛出一个错误。虽然只是近似的实现了抽象方法,但在PHP4有限的对象模型中,这已经做得很好了。










function reduce_fraction(&$fraction) 答案是D。







第三章(PHP as a Web Development Language)


当开发网站时,通过header和cookie来实现HTML和HTTP交互处理这样的web开发的基础知识非常重要。另外,考试的这一部分也涵盖了在多请求时通过session来保持数据。 一旦你开始学习如何使用这个语言,这很可能是你继续了解更多深层的PHP开发知识的基础。因此为了确保你能顺利通过考试,熟悉这些概念非常重要。

1. How are session variables accessed? A. Through $_GET B. Through $_POST C. Through $_REQUEST D. Through global variables E. None of the above

2. What function causes the following header to be added to your server’s output?


Set-Cookie: foo=bar;

Your Answer: ____________________________

3. Under normal circumstances—and ignoring any browser bugs—how can a cookie be accessed from a domain other than the one it was set for? A. By consulting the HTTP_REMOTE_COOKIE header B. It cannot be done

C. By setting a different domain when calling setcookie() D. By sending an additional request to the browser

E. By using Javascript to send the cookie as part of the URL

4. How can the index.php script access the email form element of the following HTML form? (Choose 2)

A. $_GET['email'] B. $_POST['email'] C. $_SESSION['text’] D. $_REQUEST['email'] E. $_POST['text']

5. What will be the net effect of running the following script on the $s string? (Choose 2)

A. The string will become longer because the angular brackets will be converted to their HTML meta character equivalents B. The string will remain unchanged

C. If the string is printed to a browser, the angular brackets will be visible D. If the string is printed to a browser, the angular brackets will not be visible and it will be interpreted as HTML

E. The string is destroyed by the call to htmlentities()

6. If no expiration time is explicitly set for a cookie, what happens to it? A. It expires right away B. It never expires

C. It is not set

D. It expires at the end of the user’s browser session

E. It expires only if the script doesn’t create a server-side session

7. Consider the following form and subsequent script. What will the script print out if the user types the word “php” and “great” in the two text boxes respectively?

<form action=\<input type=\<input type=\</form>

A. Nothing B. Array C. A notice D. phpgreat E. greatphp

8. In an HTTPS transaction, how are URLs and query strings passed from the browser to the web server?

A. They are passed in clear text, and the subsequent transaction is encrypted B. They are encrypted

C. The URL is left in clear text, while the query string is encrypted

D. The URL is encrypted, while the query string is passed in clear text

E. To ensure its encryption, the query string is converted into a header and passed along with the POST information

9. What happens when a form submitted to a PHP script contains two elements with the same name?

A. They are combined in an array and stored in the appropriate superglobal array B. The value of the second element is added to the value of the first in the appropriate superglobal array

C. The value of the second element overwrites the value of the first in the appropriate superglobal array

D. The second element is automatically renamed E. PHP outputs a warning

10. How would you store an array in a cookie?

A. By adding two square brackets ([]) to the name of the cookie B. By using the implode function

C. It is not possible to store an array in a cookie due to storage limitations D. By using the serialize function

E. By adding the keyword ARRAY to the name of the cookie

11. What will the following script output?

A. 12345678910

B. 1234567890 C. 0123456789 D. Nothing E. A notice

12. By default, PHP stores session data in ________________. A. The filesystem B. A database C. Virtual memory D. Shared memory E. None of the above

13. When you write a cookie with an expiration date in the future to a particular machine, the cookie never seem to be set. The technique usually works with other computers, and you have checked that the time on the machine corresponds to the time on the server within a reasonable margin by verifying the date reported by the operating system on the client computer’s desktop. The browser on the client machine seems to otherwise work fine on most other websites. What could be likely causes of this problem? (Choose 2)

A. The browser’s binaries are corrupt

B. The client machine’s time zone is not set properly

C. The user has a virus-scanning program that is blocking all secure cookies D. The browser is set to refuse all cookies

E. The cookie uses characters that are discarded all data from your server

14. Assuming that the client browser is never restarted, how long after the last access will a session “expire” and be subject to garbage collection? A. After exactly 1,440 seconds

B. After the number of seconds specified in the session.gc_maxlifetime INI setting C. It will never expire unless it is manually deleted D. It will only expire when the browser is restarted E. None of the above

15. The ___________ function automatically transforms newline characters into HTML <br />tags

Your Answer: ____________________________



















第四章(Working with Arrays)



1. Array values are keyed by ______ values (called indexed arrays) or using ______ values (called associative arrays). Of course, these key methods can be combined as well. A. Float, string

B. Positive number, negative number C. Even number, string D. String, Boolean E. Integer, string

2. Consider the following array, called $multi_array. How would the value cat be referenced

within the $multi_array array?

A. $multi_array['yellow']['apple'][0] B. $multi_array['blue'][0]['orange'][1] C. $multi_array[3][3][2]

D. $multi_array['yellow']['orange']['cat'] E. $multi_array['yellow']['orange'][1]

3. What will the $array array contain at the end of the execution of the following script?

A. a1, a3, a5, a10, a20 B. a1, a20, a3, a5, a10 C. a10, a1, a20, a3, a5

D. a1, a10, a5, a20, a3 E. a1, a10, a20, a3, a5

7. Which function would you use to rearrange the contents of the following array so that they

are reversed (i.e.: array ('d', 'c', 'b', 'a') as the final result)? (Choose 2)

A. array_flip() B. array_reverse() C. sort() D. rsort()

E. None of the above

8. What will the following script output? A. 1 B. b C. c

D. A warning. E. a

9. What is the simplest method of computing the sum of all the elements of an array? A. By traversing the array with a for loop B. By traversing the array with a foreach loop C. By using the array_intersect function D. By using the array_sum function E. By using array_count_values()

10. What will the following script output? A. 1 B. 2 C. 0 D. Nothing E. 0.3

11. What elements will the following script output?

A. 1 => 'b'

B. True => 'a', 1 => 'b' C. 0 => 'a', 1 => 'b' D. None

E. It will output NULL

12. Absent any actual need for choosing one method over the other, does passing arrays by value to a read-only function reduce performance compared to passing them by reference?

A. Yes, because the interpreter must always create a copy of the array before passing it

to the function.

B. Yes, but only if the function modifies the contents of the array. C. Yes, but only if the array is large.

D. Yes, because PHP must monitor the execution of the function to determine if changes are made to the array. E. No.

13. What will the following script output? A. NULL

B. 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 3 C. An invalid reference error D. 2 => 1, 1 => 2, 0 => 3 E. bool(true)

14. What will be the output of the following script?

Your Answer: ____________________________

15. What will the following script output? A. 78 B. 19

C. NULL D. 5 E. 0














$aray,少了一个“r”。因此var_dump将输出NULL(也可能是一个提示 ,这取决于你的设置)。答案是E。




15.本题主要考验你分析脚本的能力。你也许觉得这题很费解——但我们在调试别人写的代码时却不得不经常面对此类令人不悦的问题。相对于我们所见过的一些代码,这已经算相当简单了。脚本中的for循环了5次,每次都把键是数组$array中键为$i的值的值加进$sum。这听起来有点像绕口令,但如果你一步一步想,你将发现, 当$i等于零时,


第五章(Strings and Regular Expressions)




1. Consider the following script. What line of code should be inserted in the marked location in order to display the string php when this script is executed?

A. echo chr($val); B. echo asc($val);

C. echo substr($alpha, $val, 2); D. echo $alpha{$val}; E. echo $alpha{$val+1}

2. Which of the following will not combine strings $s1 and $s2 into a single string? A. $s1 + $s2 B. \C. $s1.$s2

D. implode('', array($s1,$s2))

E. All of the above combine the strings

3. Given a variable $email containing the string user@example.com, which of the following statements would extract the string example.com?

A. substr($email, strpos($email, \B. strstr($email, \C. strchr($email, \

D. substr($email, strpos($email, \E. strrpos($email, \

4. Given a comma-separated list of values in a string, which function from the given list can create an array of each individual value with a single call? A. strstr()

B. Cannot be done with a single function C. extract() D. explode() E. strtok()

5. What is the best all-purpose way of comparing two strings? A. Using the strpos function B. Using the == operator C. Using strcasecmp() D. Using strcmp()

6. Which of the following PCRE regular expressions best matches the string php|architect? A. .*

B. ...|......... C. \\d{3}\\|\\d{8} D. [az]{3}\\|[az]{9} E. [a-z][a-z][a-z]\\|\\w{9}

7. Which of the following functions can be used to determine the integrity of a string? (Choose 3) A. md5() B. sha1() C. str_rot13() D. crypt() E. crc32()

8. Which PHP function does the following script simulate on a UNIX machine?

A. fopen() B. fread() C. flock() D. split_string()

E. file()

9. Which of the following functions can be used to break a string into an array based on a specific pattern? (Choose 2) A. preg_split() B. ereg() C. str_split() D. explode() E. chop()

10. What will the following script output?

A. Testing 1245 B. Testing 345 C. Testing 1+245 D. 245 E. Nothing

11. What will be the output of the following script? A. 12345 B. 12245 C. 22345 D. 11345 E. Array

12. Which of the strings below will be matched by the following PCRE regular expression? (Choose 2)

A. ******123 B. *****_1234 C. ******1234 D. _*1234 E. _*123

13. Which of the following comparisons will return True? (Choose 2)

A. '1top' == '1' B. 'top' == 0 C. 'top' === 0 D. 'a' == a E. 123 == '123'

14. What happens if you add a string to an integer using the + operator? A. The interpreter outputs a type mismatch error

B. The string is converted to a number and added to the integer C. The string is discarded and the integer is preserved

D. The integer and string are concatenated together in a new string E. The integer is discarded and the string is preserved

15. Consider the following script. Assuming that http://www.php.net can be successfully read, what will it output?

A. The length of the www.php.net homepage

B. The length of the www.php.net homepage stripped of all its <p> tags C. 1 D. 0

E. The length of the www.php.net homepage stripped of all its tags except for <p> tags

16. The ___________ function can be used to compare two strings using a case-insensitive binary algorithm A. strcmp() B. stricmp() C. strcasecmp() D. stristr() E. None of the above

17. Which of the following functions can be used to convert the binary data stored in a string into its hexadecimal representation? (Choose 2) A. encode_hex() B. pack() C. hex2bin()

D. bin2hex() E. printf()

18. The ________________ function can be used to ensure that a string always reaches a specific minimum length.

Your Answer: ____________________________

19. What will the following script output?

Your Answer: ____________________________

20. What will the following script output? A. x B. axle C. axxle D. applex E. xapple











10.本题考察你对字符串操作及操作符优先级的认识。连接运算符(.)的优先级比加号(+)高。因此PHP解释器实际执行的运算可以表示为('Testing ' . 1) + (2 . '45')。由于字符串test 1不是数字,所以加号前面的运算等于0。加号后面的运算等于245,PHP输出的结果是0+245,等于245,所以答案是D。











第六章(Manipulating Files and the Filesystem)

ZendChina官方:你可能觉得PHP的文件操作功能并不怎样,但实际上它对开发者来说非常有用。即使你是做网站开发的,学会相关技能也能让你如虎添翼。多亏了流包装器(stream wrappers,将在第十章详细介绍),PHP才能够打开并读取远程文件,让在本地使用第三方网站的内容变得可能。



A.fgets(), fseek() B.fread(), fgets() C.fputs(), fgets() D.fgets(), fread() E.fread(), fseek()

2.文件指针能在PHP脚本结束时自动关闭,但你也可以用______函数来关闭。 答案:____________


A.file_get_contents($file) B.file($file) C.read_file($file) D.fgets($file) E.fread($file)

4.以下哪种方法能保证锁在任何竞争情况下都安全? A.用flock()锁住指定文件

B.用fopen()在系统的临时文件夹里打开文件 C.用tempnam()创建一个临时文件

D.用mkdir()创建一个文件夹来当 E.用tmpfile()创建一个临时文件

5.以下哪个函数能够获得文件的全部内容,并能够用在表达式中?(双选) A.file_get_contents() B.fgets() C.fopen() D.file() E.readfile()


A.用file()函数把它分割放入数组 B.用sscanf() C.用fscanf() D.用fgets() E.用fnmatch()


A.什么都没有,因为$array实际上是一个字符串,而不是数组 B.49个随机字符 C.50个随机字符 D.41个随机字符


8.函数delete是做什么的? A.删除文件 B.删除文件夹 C.释放变量 D.移除数据库记录 E.没有这个函数!


A.file_get_contents() B.file_put_contents() C.没有这样的函数 D.file() E.fputs()

10.如果你的脚本无法正确识别一个存储于另一个平台上的文件的行结尾,你该怎么办? A.改变auto_detect_line_ending的设置 B.用正则表达式侦测行的最后一个字母 C.用fpos() D.用ftok() E.每次读取一个字符

11.如果想要可读可写得打开一个文件,该给fopen()传什么参数?(双选) A.w B.r C.a D.+



13.以下哪些函数能读取文件的全部内容?(三选) A.fgets()

B.file_get_contents() C.fread() D.readfile() E.file()

14.哪个函数能够往文本文件中写入一个字符串? 答案:____________


A.clearstatcache() B.fflush() C.ob_flush() D.touch() E.以上都不对

16.函数______能判断一个文件是否可写。 答案:____________

17.以下哪个选项能将文件指针移到开头? A.reset() B.fseek(-1)

C.fseek(0, SEEK_END) D.fseek(0, SEEK_SET) E.fseek(0, SEEK_CUR)


A.stat()基于文件指针工作,fstat()基于路径工作 B.fstat()基于文件指针工作,stat()基于路径工作 C.fstat()不能处理文件 D.stat()不能处理文件 E.fstat()是stat()的别名


A.计算Windows系统C盘的剩余磁盘空间大小 B.输出一个表示C盘剩余空间所占比例的两位小数 C.输出C盘剩余容量的byte数 D.计算C盘总容量与剩余空间的比率 E.以上都不对


A.一张JPEG图片 B.一个二进制文件 C.下载一个二进制文件 D.下载一张JPEG图片 E.一张残破的图片






















第七章(Date and Time Management)



同时,在Web上进行日期管理是一件国际性的事务。你必须能依据时区、地区的不同来显示对应的日期信息。本章测试题将考察以上所述的全部内容。 问题


A.-14462 B.14462 C.-1 D.0 E.一个错误

2.哪个函数能根据区域设置来格式化输出一个时间戳? 答案:__________


A.测算for循环的执行时间 B.测定服务器的时钟频率


D.测算for循环、一个array_sum()函数与一个microtime()的总执行时间 E.测算for循环、两个array_sum()函数与两个microtime()的总执行时间


A.date() B.strftime()

C.microtime() D.checkdate() E.mktime()


A.一个警告 B.一个错误 C.-1和一个警告 D.-14462


6.EST是CST之前的一个时区(就是说任何时候EST都比CST晚一个小时)。那么以下脚本输出什么? A.-3600 B.3600 C.0 D.-1 E.1

7.处理数据库中读取的日期数据时,以下那种方法有助于避免bug?(三选) A.确保日期数据与服务器使用相同的时区

B.如果日期需要被转换成UNIX时间戳进行操作,要确保结果不会溢出 C.用数据库功能测试日期的合法性 D.如果可能,用数据库功能计算日期的值 E.用代码控制日期只能在PHP中进行处理

8.在时区设置为Moscow, Russia的Windows操作系统上运行以下脚本,将输出什么?

A.输出数字0 B.输出数字-1 C.输出数字1 D.报错 E.什么都不输出

9.以下哪个选项对time函数的描述最准确? A.返回从UNIX纪元开始到现在经过的秒数

B.以GMT时区为基准,返回从UNIX纪元开始到现在经过的秒数 C.以本地时区为基准,返回从UNIX纪元开始到现在经过的秒数 D.计算从UNIX纪元开始经过的时间,并以整型数字表示 E.以上都对


A.00:00:00 B.12:00:00 C.00:i:00 D.12:i:00 E.-1

11.以下哪个表达式能让cookie在一小时后过期(假设客户端的时间和时区设置都正确,并且客户端与服务器不在同一个时区)? A.time() + 3600 B.time(3600) C.gmtime() + 3600 D.gmtime(3600) E.A和C都对

12.getdate()函数返回______。 A.一个整数 B.一个浮点数 C.一个数组 D.一个字符串 E.一个布尔值

13.要把microtime()的输出转化成一个数字值,以下那种方法最简便? A.$time = implode (' ', microtime());

B.$time = explode (' ', microtime()); $time = $time[0] + $time[1]; C.$time = microtime() + microtime();

D.$time = array_sum (explode (' ', microtime())); E.以上都不对

14.以下哪个函数返回的不是时间戳?(双选) A.time() B.date() C.strtotime() D.localtime() E.gmmktime()

15.GMT时区下的时间戳与你所在时区下的时间戳的秒数差距有多大? A.取决于你所在时区与GMT时区的时间差 B.没有差别

C.只当你也在GMT时区时才会相同 D.永远不会相同 E.以上都不对





4.checkdate函数能检查格里高利日期(Gregorian date)的合法性(这个函数有一些局限性,比如October 5-14, 1582,尽管日历上并没有这个日期,但函数仍然认为它合法)。这个脚本实质上是创建了一个随机日期并验证它的合法性,答案是D。













第八章(E-mail Handling and Manipulation)




1.以下哪个不是合法的电子邮件地址? A.john@php.net

B.\C.joe @ example.com D.jean-cóggeshall@php.net E.john

2.在PHP中,使用sendmail程序从Windows或Novell系统中发送邮件的方式,与从类UNIX系统中发送的方式不同。以下哪些选项说明了这个不同?(双选) A.Windows/Novell不需要第三方软件的支持就能实现该功能 B.UNIX中,sendmail_from的配置来决定了邮件头中的From:信息。




3.通过PHP发送有多个收件人或者MIME兼容的邮件,需要遵循什么步骤? A.将必要的头信息(header)通过$message参数(第三个参数)传递给mail函数 B.用PHP代码,通过SMTP直接与MTA连接。


D.向多个收件人发送E-Mail是允许的。PHP不支持发送MIME E-Mail。


