2019年高一英语新人教版必修2《学考优化指导》练习:Unit 5《Music》 Section(含解析)

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Unit 5 Music

Section Ⅰ Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading

& Comprehending


根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。 1.attach

1)Please a document to the letter. 2)这所医院附属于一所医学院。

答案:1)attach 2)The hospital is attached to a medical college. 2.dream of

1)I always having this day in my life and I got it. 2)他梦想着居住在一座新房子里。

答案:1)dreamed/dreamt of 2)He dreams/dreamed of living in a new house. 3.form

1)Last year he a small team. 2)他的脑海里有了一个念头。

答案:1)formed 2)An idea formed in his mind. 使用所学单词或短语造句。 4.perform

答案:He performed very well in the party. 5.be familiar with

答案:All of the students are familiar with the star. 二、阅读词汇检测

阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的含义。 1.—I like travelling to China.

—So do I.The country is attractive. 含义: 答案:吸引人的;有吸引力的

2.Yesterday some passers-by helped me when I was in trouble. 含义: 答案:过路人

3.English people like going to pubs at weekends. 含义:


4.I hear that Helen’s father works in a studio. 含义: 答案:工作室;演播室

5.—I prefer classical music to jazz.What about you? —I like jazz. 含义: 答案:古典的


dream of to be honest attach...to in cash play jokes on rely on be/get familiar with break up earn one’s living put on performances 1.When I was a little boy,I always becoming a famous singer in the future. 答案:dreamed of

2.People too much importance the marks of middle school students. 答案:attach;to

3.The customer asked whether there was a discount if he paid . 答案:in cash

4.We dare not our teacher,because she is a serious person. 答案:play jokes on

5.Most people in this city by working in the car factory. 答案:earn their living

6.As is announced,the famous singer will come here to . 答案:put on performances

7.He suggests that we ask someone who is this kind of machine to repair it. 答案:familiar with

8.In order to fish,Jim started to the ice on the frozen lake. 答案:break up

9. ,I don’t think I was helpful in your work. 答案:To be honest

10.The old woman a little money that her husband left for a living. 答案:relies on


1.She was (confidence) that everything would go as planned. 答案:confident

2.On hearing the sharp words from her boyfriend,she had a (pain) feeling. 答案:painful

3.As a soldier,he showed selfless (devote) to his duty. 答案:devotion

4.Let me tell you (brief) what happened just now. 答案:briefly

5.Our Chinese teacher is very (humor),so all of us like to have his lessons. 答案:humorous

6.You want me to buy you a new car;do you think I’m a (million) or something? 答案:millionaire

7.The girl wants to make herself (attract) enough to catch others’ attention. 答案:attractive

8.We were glad to receive the (invite) from our close friend’s. 答案:invitation

9.There are two (studio) on the second floor in our library building. 答案:studios

10.It is said that a popular singer will come to our city to put on (perform). 答案:performances 五、单句填空

1.Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have (attach) to eyesight protection. 答案:attached

2. (begin) with,I’d like to tell in brief the importance of the work. 答案:To begin

3.There are five (woman) teachers and four (man) doctors in our team. 答案:women;men

4.They won the match,but they didn’t gain fame that they should be given. 答案:the

5.No matter how frequently (perform),the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. 答案:performed

6.The little boy hopes that no tricks will be played him and wants to be respected. 答案:on

7.—I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have (break) up. —So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. 答案:broken

8.—Are you familiar the music?

—Yes,the music is very familiar me,but I can’t remember when and where I heard it. 答案:with;to

9.—How do you find the Spring Festival Gala this year? — (be) honest,I don’t think much of it. 答案:To be

10.As we all know,it is hard to form good habit,but easy to get into a bad one. 答案:a


1.Her mother once . 她妈妈以前梦想做一名演员。

答案:dreamed of becoming an actress

2.One should when young. 一个人应该在年轻时养成良好的习惯。 答案:form good habits

3.Being friends,we like to . 因为是朋友,我们总是喜欢彼此开玩笑。 答案:play jokes on each other

4.Immediately,the police . 警察即时驱散了人群。 答案:broke up the crowd

5. ,she not even the music score. 说实话,她连乐谱都不熟悉。

答案:To be honest;was;familiar with

6.You can to give you a hand. 你即使相信我,我会协助你的。 答案:rely on me

7.There is a photo . 信中附有一张照片。

答案:attached to the letter

8.She by singing in a nightclub at that time. 那时她在夜总会以唱歌为生。 答案:earned her living

9.He great importance English study. 他对英语学习极为重视。 答案:attached;to

10.Why shouldn’t we each other? 我们为什么不能够坦诚相见呢? 答案:be honest with 七、课文精彩回顾

Most young people want to be a famous singer or musician.They have 1. of playing in front of the audience.Honestly speaking,many people 2. great importance to becoming rich and famous.

Many musicians meet and 3. a band.They may start as a group of high school students.At first,they may play to 4. in the street.Later,they may give 5. in pubs or clubs.Of course they want to make a lot of money.

However,there was one band 6. the Monkees that started in a different way.They began as a TV show.The TV organizers had planned to find four rock musicians,but they could only find one.They had to use 7.,who had to 8. on other musicians to help them.They just 9. to sing.Their performances were 10. and soon they became popular.After a year or so,the Monkees began to play and sing their own songs like a real band.In the US,they became even more popular than the Beatles. 答案:1.dreamed/dreamt 2.attach 3.form 4.passers-by 5.performances 6.called 7.actors 8.rely 9.pretended 10.humorous 八、阅读理解


To me,life without music would not be exciting.I realize that this is not true for everybody.Many people get along quite well without going to the concert or listening to the record.But music plays an important part in everyone’s life,whether he/she realizes it or not.Try to imagine,for example,what films or TV plays would be like without music.Would the feelings,the moving plots(情节),and the greatest interests,be as exciting or dramatic(富有戏剧

性的)?I’m not sure about it.

Now,we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning—the kind of music we hear in the concert hall.But if we look at some parts of music more closely,we discover them in our everyday life too — in the rhythm(旋律) of the sea,the melody of a bird in the woods and so on.So music surely has meanings for everyone in some way or other.And,of course,it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.

Once a great man said,“Through music a child enters a world of beauty,expresses himself from his heart,feels the joy of doing things alone,learns to take care of others,develops his mind and makes his body strong.” 1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Life with music. B.Life without music. C.Importance of music. D.Development of music. 答案:C

解析:主旨大意题。从上下文可知,音乐在人们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。 2.From the text,we know that many people . A.don’t realize the importance of music B.get along quite well without music

C.go to the concert instead of enjoying films D.think music would be less exciting than films 答案:A

解析:细节理解题。从第一段一、二两句可知,并非人人都意识到了音乐的重要性。 3.In the writer’s opinion,if there was no music in films or TV plays, . A.the cinema and theatre would be quiet B.we would lose some of the audience C.everything would be as exciting as before D.it would be hard to imagine the result 答案:D


4.What does the underlined word “melody” mean in the text? A.Flying. B.Looking. C.Singing. D.Meaning. 答案:C



As you research music,you will find music that is familiar to you.You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do.You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.

Music is an expression of the people.As you research,you will find music of people at work and play.You will find music expressing love of the country,love of nature,and love of home.

Music is also an expression of the composer(作曲家).The composer expresses his own

musical ideas.He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them.He looks for new kinds of musical expression.

Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share.We can enjoy playing and singing music,dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.

5.In the first paragraph,the author tells us to . A.find entertainment(娱乐) in music B.be friendly to music

C.express your feelings in music

D.discover the things and places in music 答案:A 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句“You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do.”可知答案。

6.From the second paragraph,we know that .

A.if we love music,we will love the country,nature and home B.music sings of the country,nature and home C.you may listen to music at work and play

D.music can express how people live,work and think 答案:B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“You will find music expressing love of the country,love of nature,and love of home.”可知答案。

7.By means of music,the composer wishes that . A.you would study with them

B.you would share his feelings and ideas C.you would express your own feelings

D.you help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expression 答案:B


8.The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible . A.the music can express actions and feelings at the same time

B.bring understanding between people of different times and places

C.that people can enjoy playing and singing music,dancing and listening to the music at the same time

D.that people of different time and places can get together 答案:A

解析:推理判断题。从最后一段第一句“Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share.”可知答案为A项。

