双语作文 高清 13110106 翻译131班

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高清 翻译131班 13110106










Say Hometown, Say China

William Somerset Maugham has written these words in his novel The Moon and Sixpence, “I have an idea that some men are born out of their due place. Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they have always a nostalgia for a home they know not. They are strangers in their birthplace, and the leafy lanes they have known from childhood or the populous streets in which they have played, remain aloof among the only scenes they have ever known. Perhaps it is this sense of strangeness that sends men far and wide in the search for something permanent, to which they may attach themselves. Perhaps some deeprooted atavism urges the wanderer back to lands which his ancestors left in the dim beginning of history. Sometimes a man hits upon a place to which he mysteriously feels that he belongs. Here is the home he sought, and he will settle amid scenes that he has never seen before, among men he has never known, as though they were familiar to him from his birth. Here at last he finds rest.” And sometimes I think that maybe I am the one that the writer refers to, the one who has little passion for the hometown.

Many of my close friends have told me that they are sometimes occupied by a feeling of missing. They miss their carefree days of childhood and the precious three – year high school time with teachers and classmates. When they leave a place where they have stayed for some time, they are overwhelmed by this feeling. But this is not for me. And to my hometown where I was born and bred, I can say I also do not have too much of that kind of feeling.

My hometown, like the places I look at through the train window, is so plain and common that I even cannot tell any of its unique character. Though in the past 20 years, this small town has made obvious developments, it still does not distinguish itself from so many other towns in China. All places are similar and dull.

Before 15, my family has moved twice, once when I was in Grade Two, primary school, the other when I was in middle school. I do not know whether it is lucky or not that I have not moved to a totally different place and now I still dwell in this small familiar town.

I remember the second home I moved into, a distant relative’s house where I spent a pleasant time. Every dusk, I stood on the old black sofa, leaned on the window and patiently waited my mom returning from work. I enjoyed watching cars running on the busy street and hearing the opposite supermarket singing the popular songs. I am capable of recognizing the wild sound of my mom’s motorcycle. Once I heard that, I knew right away that she was back. I just knew that. And that supermarket, after struggling for nearly one year, finally has closed. I knew the news when I came back last time.

Yesterday my mom told me something about a boy on the phone. Let’s call him L. L and I went to the same middle school and high school. His mom is also acquainted with my mom. She said that L visited his used teachers every summer and winter holiday, once even specially went to the hospital for one of them got ill. As I recall, after the examination, I have never been back to the high school campus where

I have spent probably the most meaningful three years and still I do not have any intention to do that. For those teachers who taught me with their best effort, I feel very sorry but I do not miss them at all.

It seems that the only connection between hometown and me is my mom. I have conceived a na?ve thought that after she passes away one day, I am going to go abroad and live in a place where nobody knows me. Therefore, I have to earn enough money before so that it is more likely to come true. Now I still dreams about this.

As for friends, there is no such kind of person I can talk to in my hometown. One by one, I lost touch with them, first the little girls when I was in kindergarten, then my best friend in middle school who went abroad, and now my high school classmates. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart for their company in that period of time. But when I move on, they vanish and get out of my life. I can do nothing but wave my hands, say goodbye with a smile on face and cherish the one with me now.

Where I feel peaceful is my hometown. When I write down these words, in my mind there seems to be a fat middle – aged women pointing at me and furiously saying, “You vicious little girl! That’s how you pay for my twenty – year caring!” Ha ha, it is a joke. In this small land of China, my hometown, I may have spent one third of my life. I have witnessed her beauty and ugliness; I have harvested both happiness and sadness. I thank her, but still I will leave without any hesitation and head for that place where my peace belongs.

