
更新时间:2023-09-29 21:10:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



一、单项选择題(共20小题,每小题1分,总分10分) 1 . the sounds rait should match the word_ A :might B: right c : light D:night

2 , she sometimes uses wechat_ my mobile phone but only to contact her mother

A by B in C on D , for 3 . Lets go and see mr . brown

Im afraid this isnt a very moment to see him as he s quite busy these days

A awkward B stressful C important D convenient

4 , experience is a hard teacher because she the test first the lesson afterwards

A gives B , has given C , was giving D , would give

5 , having put down his pens at the end of this exam , the boy 1 6 years of hard study

Ahave ended B will end C ends D was ending

6 . parents have a legal to ensure that their children are provided with efficient

education suitable to their age

A impart B , commitment C , influence D , motivation

by the english teacher for the high grade , i felt my effort finally paid off

A praise B, praised C , to praise D , praising 8 . how do you like your teacher of english ?

- well no one teaches here we do appreciate her kindness . A well B, poorly C , best D , better

9 , for everyone s safety , we_ always remember the law against driving after drinking

A could B might C should D , would

10 . - i ' m sure you will be happy in this school once you get to know everyone

A , thank you B, i hope so C , my pleasure D, no problemll letters as a way of

11. communication have long given way to phone calls and wechat messages but a TV show letter alive , _bring this old way to keep in touch back into the present

A , is helping B , help C , has helped D was helping 12. , you must face the reality and know the environment_ A, that you get B , where you have C , when you stay D . you are 1 3 , you cant catch the charm of english poetry_ you understand its rhythm

A , if B unless C , though D , while

1 4 , only_ to england_ how important it is to grasp english A , when didi go i realized B , wheni went i realized C, when i went did i realize D , when did i go did i realize 1 5 . it is not until he came to the classroom_ he round out what had happened

A who B howC where D that

1 6 , in their hearts , some american women think it is mens business to make money and_ to spend it .

A , they B , them C , theirs D , their

