最新人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 2 Ways to go to school单元试

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Unit 2 Ways to go to school

Part A



on foot, by bus, plane, taxi, ship, subway, train 重点句型分析

1. How do you come to school?

此问句是由疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句, 用于询问对方的出行方式。 回答时要根据具体情况作答。

2. Usually, I come on foot.

此句是对出行方式的回答句。 其中usually意为“通常”, 表示频率很大, on foot意为“步行”, 一般用by表示出行方式。 By后面一定要直接加交通工具的单数形式, 只有“小脚丫”foot与on 搭配, “步行”用on foot表示。 基础起跑线

一、 圈出合适的单词补全句子。

How 1.


do you go to school?


2. Usually I go to work





4. What




5. I usually go to school by 二、 图文匹配。

1. Chen Jie is going to Shanghai by ship. 2. My parents often go to Xi'an by train.

3. My home is very near. So I often go to school on foot. 4. ---Do you go to school by subway? ---Yes,my home is far.

5. Lili wants to go to the zoo by bike.



I go to school by bike.



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 看图片,补全句子。

1. I go to Beijing _______________________.

2. I go to the Canada _______________________.

3. I go to the bookstore ___________________.

4. I go to the Hong Kong ___________________.

5. I go to work _____________________________. 培优新乐园

四、 原书P2第五题 五、 读短文,完成连线。

Wu Yifan is a Chinese boy. He is from Shanghai. How does he go to these places? He can go to Japan by ship. He can go to Australia by plane. He can go to the USA by subway. He can go to Beijing by train. He can go to Hangzhou by bus.


the USA




Part B



slow, down, slow down, stop 重点句型分析

1. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.

Must是情态动词,意为“必须”后面跟动词原形。 2. Don’t go at the red light!

此句是Don’t开头的否定祈使句, don’t后面跟动词原形。意为“不要做某事”。 基础起跑线


1. be ferry A. 停下等待 2. traffic lights B. 乘轮渡 3. pay attention to C. 慢下来

4. stop and wait D. 交通信号灯 5. slow down E. 注意 二、单项选择。

1. _________ the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.

A. On B. In C. At

2. Don’t go at the _______ light.

A. red B. green C. yellow

3. I must _________ attention to the traffic lights.

A. pay B. paying C. pays

4. ---How can I get to the hospital?

---__________ the No. 60 bus.

A. Buy B. Take C. On

5. Come_________ have a look.

A. with B. and C. or 三、读句子, 将其序号填在正确的灯里。

红 黄 绿 A. Slow down and stop! B. Stop and wait! C. Let’s go!


四、 图文匹配。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. People on bikes must wear a helmet in the USA. 2. You must look right before you cross the road. 3. Don’t touch the door.

4. They come to school on foot.

5. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. 五、 连词成句。

1. go, the, light, red, at, Don’t (!)

__________________________________________________________________ 2. stop, We, and, must, wait (.)

__________________________________________________________________ 3. I, How, can , to, get, hospital, the (?)

__________________________________________________________________ 4. must, I , attention , pay, to, lights, traffic, the (.)

____________________________________________________________________ 六、 阅读对话,选择正确答案 Amy: How do you come to school? John: Usually I come to school by bike.

Amy: Oh, you must pay attention to the traffic lights. You should look right before you cross the

road. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.

John: Thank you. How about you? Amy: I often walk to school.

John: That’s good exercise. You should pay attention to the traffic lights, too. Amy: Thanks.

( )1. _________________ at a red light.

A. Let’s go

B. Stop and wait

C. Slow down and stop

( )2. How does John come to school?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. ( )3. We _________ pay attention to the traffic lights.

A. shouldn’t B. must C. must not ( )4. ---Does Amy often come to school by bike? ---__________________________

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she is.

Part C



missed, different, chopsticks, take a bus, cross, look right, same, door, look at 重点句型分析

1. We must look right before crossing the road. 此句中must是情态动词, 意为“必须”后面跟动词原形, 在此句中before是一个介词, 而介词后面跟动词-ing形式。 2. There is no door on the bus.

此句是there be句型的单数句, be动词要根据后面名词的单复数形式来决定, 名词为单数或不可数名词就用there is, 名词为复数就用there are. 此句中no door意为“没有门”, 表示单数含义,因此要用there is开头。 基础起跑线

一、 火眼金睛找不同。 ( ) 1.

( ) 2.

( ) 3.

( ) 4.

A. taxi

B. bus

A. stop A. bike

B. bus

C. by

B. down C. up

A. how B. what C. have

C. plane

( ) 5.

A. foot

B. face C. slow

二、 把图片、 短语以及对应的汉语意思连线。

1. A. by taxi a. 坐公共汽车

2. B. by bike b. 坐飞机

3. C. by ship c. 骑自行车

4. D. by bus d. 坐轮船

5. E. by plane e. 坐出租车


三、 看图片,选出正确的句子。

( )1.

A. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. B. Don’t pay attention to the traffic lights.

( )2. A. You can go by the No. Fifty-seven bus.

B. You can go by the No. Seventy-five bus.

( )3. A. We often go to the park by bus.

B. We often go to the park by subway.

( )4.

A. Stop and wait at a yellow light.

B. Stop at a red light.

( )5.

A. People on bikes must wear a helmet in China. B. People on bikes must wear a helmet in the USA.

四、 阅读短文,完成表格。

Hello, I’m Sarah. My father goes to work on foot. My mother goes to work by subway. My aunt and uncle often go to work by car, Sometimes they go to work by bus. My grandma like to go to the park on foot. My grandpa likes to go to work by bike. I often go to school by bus. Sometimes I go on foot. Father Mother Aunt Uncle Grandma Grandpa Sarah On foot By bike By subway By car By bus 第二单元能力测试

一、 单词和音标连连看。

1. slow A.

2. down B.

3. stop C.

4. subway D.

5. train E. [da?n] ['s?bwe?] [tre?n] [st?p] [sl??]

二、 看图片,写单词。


2. 3.

_____________ ____________ ___________

4. 5. 6.

_____________ ____________ ___________ 三、 读句子, 选择画线部分的正确翻译。 ( )1. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.

A. 注意 B. 交通灯 C. 遵守 ( )2. How can I get to the park?

A. 得到 B. 到达 C. 经过 ( )3. Stop and wait at a yellow light.

A. 停下来 B. 等待 C. 停下等待 ( )4. Take the No. 57 bus over there.

A. 乘坐 B. 经过 C. 那边 ( )5. Come and have a look.

A. 过来玩玩。 B. 过来看看。 C.过来听听。 四、 读一读,连一连。 1.

Don’t go

A. at a yellow light 2.

Stop and wait at a red light 3. B. Slow down and stop

at a green light 4. C. s go Let ’

五、 单项选择我最棒。

( )1. I go to Hainan from Beijing ______ plane.

A. on B. by C. at ( )2._______ to the park and play with us.

A. Come B. Coming C. Comes ( )3. ---_________ can you get to the library?

---By bike.

A. Where B. How C. When ( )4. Let _________ read this for you.

A. I B. me C. my ( )5. How_____________ Wu Yifan’s father go to work?

A. do B. does C. did 六、 看图片,判断图片与句子是“√”否“×”相符。

( )1. I come to school by bus.

( )2. My home is near the bookstore.

( )3. No right turn.

( )4. Let’s go to the park together.

( )5. I go to the USA by subway.

七、 情景选择我最棒。

( )1. 你想知道朋友怎么上学,你会问:___________ A. How do you come to school? B. How can I come to school? C. How do you go home?

( )2. 红灯亮了的时候,你会提醒你的同伴:_________ A. Don’t go at a red light.

B. Slow down and stop at a red light. C. A and B.

( )3. 你通常走路上学,你会说:_______________ A. I usually walk to school.

B. I usually come to school by bike. C. I usually come to school by bus.

( )4. 如果你坐雪橇出去时,你应该做到:_________ A. I must drive slowly.

B. Don’t let the dogs run too fast. C. A and B.

八、 大家来找茬。 选出句子中错误的一项,并把正确答案写在横线上。 1. Usually I come by foot.

A B C ______________ 2. How do you get the USA from China? A B C ______________ 3. Slow up and stop. A B C ______________ 4. I must to pay attention to the traffic lights. A B C ______________ 5. There are many pictures for lights. A B C ______________ 九、 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. 我骑自行车来上学。

I ___________ ___________ ___________ by bike. 2. 我乘飞机去加拿大。

I go to Canada _______________ ______________. 3. 我们可以步行去超市。

We can go to the supermarket ___________ _____________. 4. 红灯时放慢速度停下来。

__________ __________ and ____________ at a red light. 5. 你可以乘坐57路公共汽车。

You can ___________ the No. 57 bus. 十、 按要求完成句子。

1. come, do, How, to, you, school(?) (连词成句)

________________________________________________________________________ 2. We, pay, must, to, attention, lights, traffic, the (.)(连词成句)

________________________________________________________________________ 3. What should we do at a yellow light? (根据实际情况回答)

________________________________________________________________________ 4. I usually come to school on foot. (对画线部分提问)

________________________________________________________________________ 5. Go at the yellow light. (改为否定句)

________________________________________________________________________ 十一、英汉互译。

1. 你通常怎么来上学?

______________________________________________________________________ 2. You must look right before you cross the road.

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. Take the No.101 bus over there.

_______________________________________________________________________ 5. 你怎样从中国到达美国?

_______________________________________________________________________ 十二、 原书P10第十一题 十三、小写作。

当你Cross the road过马路时, 你是怎么做的? 我们应该如何遵守交通规则呢?至少50个单词。 _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

