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八年级上册英语单词适当形式填空专项练习 1 If u give e tie, I ________ (find) the slutin 2 If u ant t pass, u _________ (have t) stud hard 3 hat _________ (happen) if the dn’t agree ith eah ther? 4 Beha is a faus ftball ________(pla)

father ade a living b _______(sell)sall ts hen he as ung 6 Did the hildren en_______(the)in the part last Sunda? 7 The llege graduate ened _______(teah)in the pr untain area 8 He______(have)a great tie if he ______(e)t the part trr

9 Trr is a gd tie______(have)the part, everne______(have) fun at that tie 10 Half the lass _______(sta)at he n the eeend n 11 I ill als be able _______ (r)utside seties 12 hat abut _______(listen)t the radi? 13 The______(three)shirt is the niest f all 14 This bag is uh_______(big)than that ne

1 st students spent re than ne hur_______(rite)the psitin

16 All f us ere surprised____(see)h Aerians abused the Iraqi prisners 17 I dn't n if he __(e)trr, but if he __(e)trr, I'll let u 18________ (in)the Lins, and u_______(bee)a great ser plaer

19 In the past, Peter ______(spend )a lt f tie ever da_______(pla)ftball 20 If he_____(sta)at he, he'll be srr 21 I a learning h_______(si) 22 an f friends are_____(laer)

23 ______(ath)TV t uh is bad fr ur ees

24 uld u tell us the ______(different)beteen these t stles f usi? 2Did u deide ___________________(visit) ur grandparents? 26There are an ____________________ (different) beteen the 27I an’t stand _________________ (hear) the bad nes 28Lu and Lil are the ____________________ (in) f the talent sh 29This shirt isn’t as ___________________ (gd) as that ne 30He is the _____________________ (bad) student in his lass 31The nes ___________________ (be) s terrible that e all an’t stand 32I reall ened ____________________ (al) arund tn 33It is gd t relax b ___________________ (use) internet 34Did u have fun __________________ (pla) at the part? 3 u ust exerise ever da t sta ______(health) 36 It taes e ne hur _______(get) t the bus statin 37 T is a little _______ (thin) than i 38 H an _______(sandih) uld u lie? 39 She ants t be a_______(pian) 40 Than u fr _______(give) us this essage

41 Guangzhu is in ________(suth) hina 42ar’sbrtherisas__________(health)ashersister 43penisne, buthersis___________(ne)thanine 44It’sneessarfrus______________(learn)Englishell 4Thestrbis____________________(interest)fthethree 46I an’t stand (listen) t the nis usi

47There (be) se exiting nes in tda’s nespaper 48uld u ind (pen) the ind? 49Did u ath (sprt) sh n TV esterda? 0here d u plan (g) this Sunda?

