2018届常州武进区高三英语期中试卷(配答案) - 图文

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第一节 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. In Hong Kong, as anywhere else, new ideas take hold very slowly, _____ pressure is put by a certain

authority. A. if B. unless C. because D. when

22. Beliefs that only special, talented people are creative ______ our confidence in our creative abilities. A. shorten B. toughen C. ripen D. weaken

23. The movie Wolf Warrior 2 was a big hit, with its thrilling plot and strong feelings _____ a mixture of

patriotism and bravery into people’s heart. A. stricken B. to strike C. striking D. having stricken 24. I have been in many organized trips to Zhejiang, _____. A. the most impressive one being the one to Xianju B. where the most impressive one was one to Xianju

C. of them the most impressive one was the one to Xianju D. of which the most impressive one was one to Xianju

25. All his statements are much _____ as they’re based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts. A. ambiguous B. fundamental C. subjective D. arbitrary

26. Since many local businesses in Florida _____ retirees, the decline in mobile population is likely to have a

noticeably negative economic effect on them. A. object to B. cater to C. submit to D. contribute to 27. --- Calgary is the third largest city in Canada.

--- But in the 1870s, it was _____ an army camp protecting hunters and merchants. A. not less than B. little more than C. really other than D. quite rather than

28. The young teacher is working hard to buy a new flat near his working site for his own _____, not for rent. A. occupation B. recreation C. regulation D. separation 29. --- He should have been warned not to eat the fish that might give him a stomach upset. --- , but he just couldn’t resist the saltwater fish. A. So he had B. So had he C. So was he D. So he was

30. According to the report released by the Climate Council in September 2017, periods of Australia’s warm

winter ____ longer, occurring more frequently and becoming more severe. A. have lasted B. are lasting C. lasted D. last

31. Many developing countries will never be able to repay their debts because of the high interest. ________,

these countries are always struggling to catch up on their repayments. A. As a result B. In contrast C. On the contrary D. In addition

32. FAST, the largest “ear” on Earth, can listen for distant signals in the universe, using technology five times

more powerful than _____ was previously available. A. how B. which C. that D. what

33. The ability to prevent and treat AIDS has advanced beyond what many ______ over two decades ago. A. might have hoped B. should have hoped C. wouldn’t have hoped D. couldn’t have hoped

34. In Australia, the weather conditions are perfect for sport, _____, as many Australians agree, they owe their love of sport. A. which B. for which C. to which D. where 35. --- Oh no! They’ve lost another goal! ________ --- If they loses this match, they will be out of the championship. A. The writing is on the wall now! B. The fatted calf is going to be killed! C. The chickens are counted! D. The feet of clay is stricken!

高三英语 第1页 (共10页)

第二节: 完形填空(共20 小题; 每小题1 分, 满分20 分)

请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “How dare you? I’m fed up with you doing this!” My anger finally 36 when my son refused to go to the painting classes for the third time that day, after I believed that I had talked him 37 his unwillingness earlier. He responded with 38 but an attitude of rolling his eyes at me. And it was this unexplained, unexpected 39 that fueled my anger. To restore my 40 , I played bitter sarcasm(讽刺), “OK, if you wanna be a good-for-nothing, then move back to bed for that 41 sleep.” It turned out that my strategy was a total 42 . Seemingly, he took it willingly. I lost complete control of my temper. “You are such a disgrace. Bad boy!” I was doing another bombard of curses when my sister came visiting us to check if we were 43 . At the sight of the tension between us, my sister 44 him a trip to her place. He took it with a 45 heart and a relief. They left, 46 me in absolute loneliness. Into this darkness I sank, pulling my mind down to a state of 47 . Did such anger come only from his misbehavior? Negative. Had I given it a chance to listen to and understand him? Negative. My 48 work, boring house chores, my kid’s hope for my 49 and my guilt of sacrificing the time with him for the completion of work all led to the 50 of my anger. I didn’t have the 51 to admit my fault before a kid. When I saw him avoiding my presence the moment I stepped into his shelter, I felt 52 and frustrated. So I 53 and was about to leave when my son dashed to grab my leg, begging wildly for my mercy. My tears coursed down my face. For those who believe “Sticks and stones may break the bone, but words can never hurt anyone”, I have a piece of heartfelt advice. Don’t 54 try this weapon against the people you love. It is sharp enough to cut the deepest into a soul, leaving a(n) 55 in heart. 36. A. gave out B. burst out C. made out D. went out 37. A. over B. into C. about D. of 38. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing 39. A. compromise B. rebellion C. impression D. innocence 40. A. reason B. identity C. authority D. reputation 41. A. restless B. short C. useless D. light 42. A. disaster B. success C. change D. survival 43. A. okay B. free C. available D. quarrelsome 44. A. awarded B. promised C. organized D. offered 45. A. soft B. light C. broken D. sinking 46. A. abolishing B. abandoning C. involving D. settling 47. A. activity B. despair C. shock D. blankness 48. A. rewarding B. fascinating C. outstanding D. demanding 49. A. forgiveness B. assistance C. companionship D. sympathy 50. A. explosion B. control C. disappearance D. reflection 51. A. confidence B. opportunity C. courage D. intention 52. A. angrier B. hurt C. calm D. lonely 53. A. went over B. showed up C. walked around D. turned back 54. A. just B. even C. yet D. ever 55. A. space B. impression C. scar D. footprint

高三英语 第2页 (共10页)


请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Welcome to the Honeypot Farms Corn Maze

Explore the “paths” cut through thousands of living cornstalks (玉米杆) in our 22-acre corn maze, the largest in New England! There are 18 stations strategically placed throughout the maze with answers to a sheet that you will be given before entering. You need to find your way out on your own!

What’s the average time it takes to exit the maze?

It ranges. We’ve had folks find their way out in under an hour; others are still in there. What if I don’t make it out before Honeypot Farms closes?

We strongly suggest building a shelter and a fire before nightfall. The temperature really drops inside the maze and, from what we understand, securing a campsite can be controversial.

Is there crime inside the maze?

We wish we were immune to typical corn-maze problems, but we aren’t. Crime is an usual issue, particularly theft and physical attack. While we’re doing everything we can to contain these threats, please be cautious and don’t invite conflict. Keep cell phones and candy apples out of plain sight at all times.

What if I need medical attention in the maze?

We airdrop medical supplies into the maze on Mondays and Thursdays. Do not save these supplies, as others in the maze need them desperately. An unfortunate consequence of these airdrops is the recent formation of a maze-wide black market --- one that also deals in food, blankets, and phone accessories (配件).

I heard that people sometimes find the maze exit but choose not to leave.

We’ve found that some folks do in fact experience the feeling that they belong there. Life inside the maze begins to make sense to them in a way that their previous lives outside never did. It doesn’t take long for awareness of their former selves to completely fade away, at which point they submit fully to the maze and are reborn. 56. The Honeypot Farms Corn Maze is _____. A. large farms with maximum production

B. a theme park with 18 regional branches C. a tourist attraction featured in corn fields D. thrilling games created to tell a story

A. Conflicting interests lead to a high crime rate in the Corn Maze. B. Experience in the Corn Maze helps some people recover true selves. C. Free medical supplies are available in the Corn Maze market. D. Large area and cold temperature add to the difficulty exiting the Maze.

57. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

高三英语 第3页 (共10页)


As climate changes dramatically, catastrophic natural disasters look increasingly like the “new normal”.

What steps can we take to limit the destruction caused by natural disasters? One possible answer is using data to improve relief operations.

Let’s look at the April 2015 Gorkha earthquake, the worst to hit Nepal in over 80 years. Nearly 9,000 people were killed, some 22,000 injured.

Yet for all the destruction, the toll (伤亡人数) could have been far worse. Data --- and, in particular, a new type of social responsibility --- helped Nepal avoid a worse catastrophe.

Shortly after the earthquake, Ncell, Nepal’s largest mobile network operator shared its mobile data with the non-profit Swedish organisation, Flowminder. It then used this data to map population movements around the country, and these real-time maps allowed the government and humanitarian organisations to better target aid and relief.

The most striking part of the Flowminder-Ncell action is how data originally collected for private purposes was exchanged for public ends: an act of data responsibility.

Data responsibility is a concept still in development. But it is becoming increasingly apparent that it can play a central role in promoting a variety of public ends. However, most data remains locked up and the private possession of companies, governments and other organisations. This limits its public benefits.

Data responsibility can help organisations break down these private barriers and share their private data for the public good.

In order to fully exploit the potential of data, three conditions must be fulfilled. 1. A duty to share

This is perhaps the most evident duty: to share private data when it’s clear that it will serve the public good. Secondary use is not always popular among data holders but when done correctly, data sharing can have powerful social benefits.

2. A duty to protect

Sharing does involve risks, particularly to privacy, security and other individual rights. So it is urgent that organisations share responsibly, with every effort to protect both the data itself and the individuals who have provided their data (even if often without their knowing).

3. A duty to act

For released data to serve the public good, officials and others must also adopt policies and interventions (介入) based on insights (洞察) gained from its release. To translate insights into impact, action is needed. And this often relies on vast and difficult changes in the face of personal interests and institutional barriers.

58. How did data help minimize the horrible disaster that hit Nepal? A. The government immediately released accurate earthquake data. B. Humanitarian organizations provided emergency and disaster relief. C. Ncell collected its data specifically for the earthquake relief operation. D. Flowminder used data to create real-time maps to maximize relief efforts. 59. It can be inferred from the text that _____. A. Data responsibility can play a central role in promoting various public ends. B. There are still barriers to overcome to act on available data responsibly. C. Organizations should be broken up so that data sharing can benefit society. D. Individuals’ data should be released with their permission to protect their rights. 60. What can be the best title for the text? A. Data responsibility: a new social good B. Data responsibility: a dream to be fulfilled C. Data responsibility: a blessing for earthquakes D. Data responsibility: a freedom from data control

高三英语 第4页 (共10页)


The Bible begins with the creation of the world. As a consequence, in traditional Western thought the world is assumed to have been created by God. The Earth is associated with whatever is impermanent, imperfect, bodily and sinful. Heaven is the sphere of the permanent, perfect, spiritual and holy.

Traditional Chinese thought has no place for the idea of a creation. What exists has always existed and shall always do so. Accordingly there is no concept of necessary “improvement” or “correction” of the creation through such means as a Last Judgment.

Things are as they are simply because that is the way they are. The natural principle of order, common to all that exists, is called the Way (dao). The Way is not some sort of law or pattern that God or prophets (先知) forced on what exists. It reveals itself in the ongoing process of historical existence.

The Way is present not only in the physical world of nature --- where it expresses itself in the alternation of the seasons and in the growth cycle of plants and animals --- but also in the life of human society: a normal system of mutual (相互的) relations between humans. It implies loyalty of the subject to the ruler, obedience (顺从) of children to their parents, mutual reliability between friends, and so on. The norms of morality are thought to be in all persons from birth.

There is no such thing as an anti-Way, tempting(引诱) mankind into error. There is no such thing as a struggle between Light and Darkness, or between God and Evil. Crimes and misdeeds are seen as the result of an evil arising from stupidity, caused by the confusing influence of desires. Desires are normal, but must be kept under control.

____①____ As long as all people conduct themselves according to the one correct and normal Way, order (zhi) will be popular in society. Otherwise disorder (luan) will result. ____②____ People easily let themselves be tempted into forgetting morality in search of their own private aims, thus ignoring the “difference between human beings and wild beasts”. ____③____ Chinese thinkers were strongly worried about the horrors of misused and arbitrary power, of violence and of war. For them these things were Hell enough. ____④____ Blessedness, for Chinese thinkers, is not a condition to be hoped for after death, but in life on Earth in a well-ordered society. There is no Paradise other than what is brought about here and now by man on Earth.

61. In the Chinese view, the Way (dao) is a thought that _____. A. only exists in the life of human society B. has a link with creation of everything C. attaches importance to individual rights D. suggests everything obeys natural laws

62. Which of the following statements are less likely to fit into the Chinese frameworks of thinking? A. The Earth can be holy Heaven if it achieves order. B. Desires are what tempts people into Darkness and Evil. C. Paradise can be now and here in a well-ordered society. D. People behave according to the natural principle of order.

63. Where would the sentence “Traditional Chinese thought is acutely aware of how fragile a thing an orderly

society is.” best fit? A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ④ 64. How does the author develop the passage? A. By comparing traditional western and Chinese thoughts B. By explaining principles behind people’s misbehaviors C. By distinguishing order (zhi) and disorder (luan) D. By describing a historical process of the Way

高三英语 第5页 (共10页)

