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1. 询盘的提出
我们已向该公司提出询价(询盘)。 We addressed our inquiry to the firm. 对该公司的询价信, 我们已经回复。
We answered the inquiry received from the firm.
我公司已收到, 该公司关于这类商品的询盘。
We have an inquiry for the goods received from the firm.
We invited inquiries for the goods from the customers.
Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.
如能得到贵方特殊的询价, 则甚为感谢。 We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry.
敬请惠寄报价单和样品可否? 请酌。
Would you care to send us some samples with the quotations.
由于这一次订购是合同的组成部分, 请提供最好的条件。
Please put us on your best terms, as this order forms part of a contract.
请告知以现金支付的优惠条款和折扣比例。 Please state your best terms and discount for cash.
由于打折扣, 请告知最好的装货(船)条件。
Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regards discount.
Please let us have information as to the price and quality of the goods.
请对日本生产的合成纤维的制品, 如尼龙、维尼龙、莎纶等报最低价格。 Please quote us your lowest price for sundry goods, including synthetic fiber good, including synthetic fiber goods, such as nylon, vinylon, and saran made in Japan.
Kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods.
Kindly let us know at what price you are able to deliver quantities of best refined sugar.
请报德克萨斯州产中等棉花50包、11月份交货的最低价格是多少? At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling Texas cotton for November?
Please quote us the lowest price for ten cwt. best Cork.
We shall be obliged by a quotation of your lowest price for the said goods free delivered at our works.
I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations.
Please quote us your lowest prices for the goods.
We have received your letter of July 1, enquiring about the best terms of the goods.
如收到贵司对机械产品的询价, 我们将甚表谢意。
We shall be pleased to receive your enquiries for the machineries.
如能告知该商品的详细情况, 则不胜感谢。
We would appreciate receiving details regarding the commodities.
如您能告知该商品的现行价格, 将不胜感谢。
We would appreciate it if you will please let us know the ruling prices of the goods.
我们的条件是10日内付款为2%的折扣, 30日内付款无折扣。 Our terms are 2% ten days, thirty days net.
We only allow a cash discount on payments made within ten days of date of invoice
顾客向我公司购货一律用现金支付。从发票开出之日起, 30日内将货款付清。如当即支付现款, 我公司当按年利5%计付30日的利息。
Terms to approved buyers strictly net cash, payment within thirty days from invoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days’ interest, at the rate of 5% per annum.
条件: 即期发货。在货到我方工厂, 经过验讫重量品质后, 立即以现金支付。 Terms: early delivery, and net cash payment after receipt of the material at our works, and verification of weight and quality.
现金支付折扣, 仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。
Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit.
你将发现, 我公司对贵方的报价所给予的优惠是前所未有的。
You will find that we have given you the best terms customary in our business.
每月一日以前提供的汇票, 依我公司惯例应在25日全部结帐。
My habit is to settle on the 25th all bills rendered on or before the 1st of each and every month.
我公司付款条件为交货后3个月内支付现金。1个月内付清货款者, 可打5%折扣。
Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month.
In answer to your inquiry fo rthe article, we reply you sd follows:
针对你方昨日的询盘, 现寄上与你来函要求相似的墙纸样品一宗。 In reply to your enquiry of yesterday’s date, we are sending you herewith several samples of wall paper closely resembling to what you want.
We are pleased to quote you for the goods as following:
兹随函寄上该商品的现行价格表一份, 请查收。 Enclosed we hand you a price-current for the goods.
上述报价, 无疑将随市场变化而变动。
Of course these quotations are all subject to the fluctuations of the market.
上述价目单是以付现金拟订的, 我们认为还可以打很多折扣。
We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off your list prices, which we see are quoted net cash.
对这批数量大, 以现金支付的货, 如你方能从价目表中, 再给些折扣优待, 当不胜感谢。
We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity.
我公司的支付条件: 以现金支付。自发票开出之日起10天内付款者, 打2%的折扣。
Our terms, as our invoice states, are 2% cash discount, only within ten days of date of invoice.
商品、货物 商品
article of commerce||commercial article 食品
article of food 家具
article of furniture
衣着类商品 article of clothing 出口商品 article of export
送样品 to sample 取样品
to get a sample||to take a sample
寄样品||提供样品 to send a sample
展示样品||陈列样品 to show a sample 检查样品
to inspect a sample 凭样品买 to buy on sample 凭样品卖 to sell on sample
to be in accordance with the sample||to be according to the sample||to correspond with the sample
to be up to the sample||to be equal to the sample 比样品差
to be inferior to the sample
flowered pattern||flowery pattern 新式样
new pattern||newest pattern 旧式样
old-fashioned pattern 装饰式样
ornamental pattern 普通式样 plain pattern 格花式样
shepherd’s plaid pattern||checkered pattern 条纹式样 striped pattern 询求样品
本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉, 此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿, 请来函告知。
We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the 18th April have reached you. We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us whether these goods are suitable for your purposes.
如能提供下列各种高档印刷用纸, 请寄样品。
Will you please send us samples of the best printing papers you can offer of the following kinds:
贵公司的纸张如能符合我方要求, 而且价格合理, 可否提供样品?
Can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price?
下列品种的高档书信用纸如能供货, 请寄样品。
Will you please send us samples of the best note-papers you can offer of the following kinds:
请寄给我们春季用的衬料新品种样品, 库存或现生产中的布料均可。
You might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring. 寄送样品
贵公司昨日的来信收悉, 我们将送去下列样品。
We have received your favour of yesterday’s date, and have pleasure in enclosing you our samples as follows:
今日送上第三号混合燕麦样品, 请查收。报价为F.O.B.旧金山, 每夸特(28磅)10美元。
We have this day sent you, per sample post, a sample of No. 3 mixed oats, which we quote $10.00 per qr., f.o.b. San Francisco.
现送上我公司最近发行的目录一份和几件样品, 贵公司对此可能感兴趣, 我们静候回音。
We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue with a few samples which may possibly interest you, and shall be glad to hear from you at any time.
今天, 我们冒昧送去小麦样品。
We take the liberty to day of sending you samples of wheat.
Your esteemed favour of the 20th May, with samples and price-list, is duly to hand.
贵公司寄来的价格表、折扣率、成交条件和样品均收到。对以上诸方面, 我们均感到满意。
We have received your samples, with a price-list, also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement, all of which we find satisfactory.
贵公司的样品已收到, 现已转给用户。
Receiving your samples, we have shown them to hteir buyers.
贵公司6月1日的来信、葡萄酒样品和价目表均已收到。经试饮, 品质很好。不足的是价格比我们的通常价格高出太多。
We have duly received your letter of Jun 1, with samples and price-list of your wines, which we have tested. The qualities are satisfactory, but your prices are considerably above our usual figures.
I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue, together with quotations for large quantities.
随信寄去目录表一份, 并附有批量订购现货的报价。
We are sending you by this post a catalogue, containing quotations for large orders taken from our existing stock.
现寄上一份适合贵公司业务的, 并附有图解的机械目录付本。
We have pleasure in sending herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue of the
machines suitable for your business.
随信寄去新修改的目录和价目表, 希望这些商品能适合贵公司的业务。 I send you my revised catalogue and price-list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
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