七年级英语下册 Unit2 Where is the post office(Period One)

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七年级英语下册 Unit2 Where is the post office? (Period One)

一、Teaching aims:

1、Learn some new words in sectionA: post office, library, restaurant, bank, pay phone.

2、Learn the structure "there be" and prepositions of position: near, across from, next to, in front of, behind, between...and...

3、Enable the students to understand the dialogues and learn to ask for and give the direction.

二、Teaching main and difficult points.

1、Master the new words in this Unit.

2、Master the following sentence patterns:

① There be +名词+地点.

Be there +名词+地点? Yes, there be./ No, there be not.

②Where + be+ 名词?

三、Teaching procedures:

⑴ Step one: revision.

1、Revise the language points in Unit1.

① Where+ be + 主 + from? 主 + be from +地点.

Where +助+ 主 + come from? 主+come(s) from +地点.

② Where + 助 + 主 + live? 主+live(s) in +地点.

③ What language +助 + 主+speak? 主+speak(s)+语种。

2、One-minute’s free talk about their pen pal.

⑵ Step two: Presentation.

1、 Show some pictures, and then ask students to name the places they can say.

2、 Ask the students to finish 1a. And then check the answers.

⑶ Step three: Practice.

1、 Ask the students to read the words in 1a by themselves and ask them to make

conversations using the following structures:

There is / are …

Is / Are there …?

2、 Ask the students to turn to 2a,then match the sentences with the pictures.

3、 Explain the usage of these phrases: across from, next to, in front of, between…and… ⑷ Step four: Listening practice.

1、 Listen to 1b and get the students to circle the places in 1a they hear.

2、 Listen again and ask them to answer the following questions:

① Is there a restaurant on Fifth Avenue ?

② Is there a post office near here ?

③ Are there two supermarkets on Center Street ?

3、 Listen to 2b and fill in the blanks in 2b .

⑸ Step five: Consolidation.

Ask the students to read the grammar focus together.

⑹ Step six: Home work.

1、 Learn the new words in Section B.

2、 Do some exercises on exercise book.

3、 Preview Section B.


本课时重点学习地点名词、方位介词和“there be”句型的用法,并且要让学生掌握如何指路问路,这才是一个关键。

