Lesson26 - 精品教案

更新时间:2024-06-01 23:18:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Lesson26 Cookies, please!

Learning aims

1. The new words and expressions 2. Some sentences about “shopping” Learning important and difficult points 1. The new expressions

2. How to make dialogues about shopping Learning method

communicate method, task-based method Learning instruments: PPT

Learning steps: Step 1. Warming-up

Talk with students.

Do you think money is important? How to get money? How to make money?

Step 2. Listening

Listen to the text and answer the following questions: 1. What is Brain selling?

2. How much does each cookie cost? 3. How many cookies does the girl buy? 4. What product does Danny make? 5. Danny’s products are dear, aren’t they? Step 3. Reading

Step 4. Listen to the text again. Students read after it. Step 5. Practice

Make a dialogue about shopping. Step 6. Do exercises in class Step 7. Homework

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