Abbreviations CDMA Code Division Multiple Access FP6 Sixth Framework Programme

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4MORED8.14MoreIST-2002 507039 4MORED8.2 Survey on world wide research on 4G air interface conceptsContractual Date of Delivery to the CEC: 31. October 2004 Actual Date of Delivery to the CEC: 1. December 2004 Author(s): Ronald Raulefs, Friedbert Berens, Rodrigue Rabineau, Rodolphe Legouable, Stephan Sand, David Mottier, Franziskus Bauer, Jonathan Rodriguez, Alvaro Alvarez, Patrick Robertson, Atílio Gameiro, Armin Dammann, Stefan Kaiser, Jean-Francois Hélard, Yves Durand Participant(s): DLR, STMicroelectonics, FT R&D, ITE, Nokia, University of Surrey, Acorde, IT, IETR, CEA-LETI Workpackage: 8 Est. person months: 13 Security: Int. Nature: D Version: 1.0 Total number of pages: 52Abstract: The deliverable outlines the ongoing research towards a 4th generation of mobile radio systems. The deliverable uses deliverable D7.1 of the Matrice project within FP5 as a base to extend this towards the research projects within FP6 and local financed in Europe, the 802.X activities in North America, research activities in Asia and world-wide.Keyword list: 4G, Research activities, FP6, Multicarrier1/52

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4MORED8.1AbbreviationsCDMA FP6 HDR IP LDR MC-CDMA MDR MIMO NoE RF STREP WLAN WMAN WP WPAN WWRFCode Division Multiple Access Sixth Framework Programme High Data Rate Integrated Projects Low Data Rate Multi-carrier CDMA Medium Data Rate Multiple Input Multiple Output Network of Excellence Radio Frequency Specific targeted research projects Wireless Local Area Network Wireless Metropolitan Area Network Work package Wireless Personal Area Network Wireless World Research Forum2/52

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4MORED8.1Table of contentsINTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 7 1 PROJECTS WITHIN THE SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAM OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................. 8 1.1 DAIDALOS ................................................................................................................................ 8 1.1.1 What Daidalos is about ................................................................................................... 8 1.1.2 Motivation ....................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.3 Vision and Goals ............................................................................................................. 8 1.1.4 Scenarios ......................................................................................................................... 9 1.1.5 Technical Appraoch ........................................................................................................ 9 1.1.6 Architecture ................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.7 Business Models ............................................................................................................ 10 1.2 E²R......................................................................................................................................... 11 1.3 MAGNET ................................................................................................................................ 12 1.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 12 1.3.2 User Scenario ................................................................................................................ 13 1.3.3 The PN Concept............................................................................................................. 14 1.3.4 Physical Layer............................................................................................................... 15 1.3.5 MAC layer objectives .................................................................................................... 17 1.3.6 Channel Modelling ........................................................................................................ 17 1.3.7 Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 18 1.3.8 Interaction between MAGNET and 4MORE ................................................................. 18 1.4 PULSERS................................................................................................................................. 18 1.5 WINNER (WIRELESS WORLD INITIATIVE NEW RADIO)......................................................... 19 1.5.1 WINNER Workpackage 2: Radio Interface ................................................................... 20 1.5.2 WINNER Objectives ...................................................................................................... 24 1.5.3 System Level WINNER Vision ....................................................................................... 24 1.5.4 Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 24 1.5.5 PHY Layers.................................................................................................................... 25 1.5.6 Layer 2 MAC / system level architecture ...................................................................... 25 1.5.7 Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 25 1.5.8 Interaction between WINNER and 4MORE .................................................................. 26 1.6 NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE ................................................................................................... 26 1.6.1 ACE (Antenna Center of Excellence) ............................................................................ 26 1.6.2 AMICOM ....................................................................................................................... 27 1.6.3 NewCom ........................................................................................................................ 27 2 COST ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................................... 29 2.1 COST-273: “TOWARDS MOBILE BROADBAND MULTIMEDIA NETWORKS ........................... 29 2.2 COST 289 SPECTRUM AND POWER EFFICIENT BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS ................ 30 2.2.1 Objectives and Benefits ................................................................................................. 30 2.2.2 Scientific Program......................................................................................................... 31 3 STANDARDIZATION ACTIVITIES IN NORTH AMERICA ............................................. 35 3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 35 3.2 802.11.X................................................................................................................................. 35 3.2.1 802.11n: Defining a high-throughput WLAN ................................................................ 36 3.2.2 Scope of amendment ...................................................................................................... 36 3.2.3 Backward compatibility................................................................................................. 36 3/52

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4MORED8.1Marketing requirements ................................................................................................ 37 3.2.4 3.2.5 Short time line ............................................................................................................... 37 3.3 802.15.XX .............................................................................................................................. 38 3.4 802.16.X................................................................................................................................. 38 3.5 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................... 39 4 5 CHINA: THE FUTURE PROJECT ON BEYOND 3G MOBILE SYSTEMS...................... 39 3GPP, WWRF AND MOBILE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FORUM...................... 42 5.1 3GPP RAN1 OFDM STUDY ITEM ......................................................................................... 42 5.1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 42 5.1.2 Overview of the SI: still many open issues .................................................................... 43 5.1.3 OFDM-HSDPA: maximum compatibility with UMTS HSDPA..................................... 43 5.1.4 OFDM support in 3GPP: pros and cons companies..................................................... 44 5.2 WWRF – PHYSICAL LAYER ACTIVITIES ................................................................................ 44 5.3 MOBILE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FORUM (MITF) ......................................................... 45 6 COMPANY RESEARCH........................................................................................................... 46 6.1 ACORDE ................................................................................................................................. 46 6.1.1 Sensor Technologies...................................................................................................... 46 6.1.2 VSAT.............................................................................................................................. 48 6.2 INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES (IT).............................................................................. 48 6.3 DLR ....................................................................................................................................... 48 6.4 CEA ....................................................................................................................................... 49 7 8 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 51 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 524/52

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4MORED8.1List of figuresFigure 1: Overview of the Daidalos network architecture .................................................................... 10 Figure 2: E2R Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 12 Figure 3: E2R Architectural Vision....................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4 MAGNET device .................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 5 Multi-PAN Network ............................................................................................................... 14 Figure 6 Multi PAN network................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 7 BAN network .......................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8: PHY cluster and associated MAC schemes ........................................................................... 16 Figure 9 ITU-R Vision for Systems Beyond 3G ................................................................................. 20 Figure 10 Matrix of investigations of key technologies in scenario context........................................ 21 Figure 11 ITU Technology Roadmap ................................................................................................... 23 Figure 12: The NEWCOM “strategy”................................................................................................... 28 Figure 13: Concept of the FUTURE poject........................................................................................... 40 Figure 14: Roadmap of the FUTURE project ....................................................................................... 40 Figure 15: Organization of the FUTURE project including international participation ....................... 41 Figure 16: Technical concept of the FUTURE research project ........................................................... 42 Figure 17: Network deployment for the OFDM HS-DSCH transmission ............................................ 43 Figure 18: Possible array processing techniques depending on the correlation. ................................... 455/52

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4MORED8.1List of tables6/52

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4MORED8.1IntroductionIn [MatD7.1] of the MATRICE project the worldwide research on 4G was extensively covered. In this survey we continue this report and focus on current research projects under the umbrella of FP6 in the European Union. The focus is on projects involved in the action line “Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G”, and there we focus on the integrated projects and the network of excellences. Especially MAGNET and WINNER is of major interest, as we intend to share and exchange information between each other. In Section 2 we outline the contribution coming from the COST projects namely 273 and 289. The research and standardisation activities under the umbrella of the IEEE are dynamic and do have a major impact on the business market. Those activities are part of this survey in Section 3. The activities in Asia are dominated by the massive influence of the Chinese market. The market is dynamic and based on the existing and potential number of users it does definitely have a major impact on future mobile radio systems. The research activities are described within the FUTURE project in Section 4. In Section 5 three main research fora and there contributions are described. Finally, four of the partners describe their recent or current research activities with local and global industry partners.7/52

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4MORED8.11 Projects within the Sixth Framework Program of the Information Society TechnologyThis section outlines the research in various European projects under the umbrella of FP6 of the European Union. The projects itself are differently organised, as there are integrated projects (IPs), specific targeted research projects (STREPs) and network of excellences (NoEs). In the beginning we outline the scope and the research efforts of the following IPs, which all belong to the action line of EU “Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G”: Daidalos, E2R, Magnet, Pulsers and Winner. Then we present three NoE activities ACE, NewCOM and AMICOM.1.1 Daidalos1.1.1 What Daidalos is aboutDaidalos [IST-Daidalos] is about radically improving the usability of European telecommunication technologies by integrating mobile and broadcast communications. Following a user-centered scenario-based approach, Daidalos will deliver ubiquitous end-to-end services across heterogeneous technologies (Figure 1).1.1.2 MotivationMobility has become a central aspect of the lives of European citizens – in business, education, and leisure. This trend has been followed by an increased usage and diversity of multimedia communications, as the increased success of cellular phones with embedded cameras illustrates. In order to keep up with the resulting new communications needs, it becomes necessary to re-think existing network paradigms. Future networks should be able to support multiple business models with quite extreme company strategies – from network operators, service providers, broadcast companies, or cellular operators. These companies will function on a mixed competition-cooperation environment, where individuality will be required to surpass competition, but cooperation will be essential to improve the network value. Daidalos innovations will make real these trends even to telecommunication companies with different purposes and business models, allowing their smooth interoperation and providing an opportunity for new service developments. Furthermore, the resort to open technologies will support end-user centric service developments, such as peer-to-peer technologies. Due to rapid technological and societal changes, there has been a bewildering proliferation of technologies and services for mobile users. This has created a complex communications environment for both users and network operators. For efficient interoperation, these novel network environments will need to integrate quality-of-service capabilities in mobile heterogeneous environments, under a common authentication, authorization, accounting, auditing and charging (A4C) framework, and provide a secure communication environment. The integration of all these technologies represents a major multi-disciplinary research effort undertaken in Daidalos.1.1.3 Vision and GoalsThe Daidalos project aims at working towards an environment, where mobility is fully established through scalable and seamless integration of a complementary range of heterogeneous technologies and concepts, and providing the framework of integrating multiple existing technological, service and business paradigms. Daidalos is also committed to use open interfaces and technologies according to a vision of a future user centric, fully-networked society. This environment will enable mobile users to enjoy a diverse range of personalized services – seamlessly supported by the underlying technology and transparently provided through pervasive interfaces. In Daidalos, information will reach the user through an “always best-connected” approach, taking in consideration network availability, user 8/52

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4MORED8.1preferences and user/service contracts. Daidalos will develop and demonstrate an open architecture based on a common network protocol (IPv6), which in its iterations will increasingly approach the Daidalos vision.1.1.4 ScenariosThe Daidalos approach is being detailed through a scenario-based design concept. A scenario is a reallife, user centric description of communication based activities, which we use in an iterative process to further refine the requirements for system and architecture design. Two major scenarios are currently under consideration: the Daidalos Mobile University scenario and the Daidalos Automotive scenario. Together, both scenarios are highly representative for a broad variety of education, entertainment and business scenarios in the mobile world. Mobile University: The key visions are students, studying abroad, have access to their personal set of services and can dynamically discover local services and devices. Building blocks: Organization of daily life at the university (friends, appointments and reservations, classes, projects, exams, entertainment) Locating people and devices, checking availability, discovering local services Searching for best / cheapest available Infrastructure Personal broadcasting, e.g. of classes and speeches Automobile Mobility The key vision is mobility supporting services in and around the vehicle with aspects of personal multimedia, ad-hoc mobile networking and session mobility. Building blocks: Access to personal information and services inside and outside the vehicle. Locating and detecting presence. Service and content adaptation based on QoS across network and operator boundaries. Session mobility between terminals (incl. vehicles), and across organizational and operational domains. Broadcast services for entertainment, inter-vehicle safety, and regional traffic information services.1.1.5 Technical AppraochThe overall architecture design is based on multiple requirements, including the user point of view, business models for operators and content/application providers, and technical requirements. This architecture and the overall design choices for the project are passed to the technical activities that will develop and implement the required components for the Daidalos architecture. All these technical approach components will be later delivered to an integration activity, which will instantiate proof-ofconcept designs. With the feedback from these instantiations, new refinements will be promoted at the architecture level. 9/52

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4MORED8.11.1.6 ArchitectureThe Daidalos architecture introduces in an Internet-centric manner pervasive personalized services and mobility enabled broadcast. It is based on IPv6- technologies, and addresses mobility, authentication, authorization, accounting, auditing, charging (A4C), security and QoS issues. The architecture is access technology independent, and specific support for broadcast media is being developed. In reality, broadcast media and broadcast services are separated in this architecture, and different combinations of these two different concepts can be supported.Figure 1: Overview of the Daidalos network architecture The generic service provider / consumer implemented allows a flexible and optimizable architecture. The federation concept is being used not only to Architecture exchange variable details of user data, but also to implement a variable set of operator related information. Thus, although well defined interfaces exist at the service platform level, multiple service platforms can be integrated in several aspects, reducing implementation costs and providing for better service provision and network management.1.1.7 Business ModelsDaidalos explores business models oriented towards future communication operators’ needs, both mobile and broadcast-based. These operators may have very different scales: national operators, small communities, application providers, etc. but will all use the same basic technologies. The basic assumptions are: Traditional operators outsource OSS or service provision 3rd Party service providers supported with variable QoS over open APIs Intelligence at the network VS multimode-terminals Converged mobile / media operators under EU licence End-user / communities as service provider Dis-integration of network functionality is enabling service providers10/52

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4MORED8.11.2 E²RThe End-to-End Reconfigurability (E²R) research [E2R] [Bourse2004], aims at bringing the full benefits of the valuable diversity within the radio eco-space, composed of a wide range of systems such as cellular, wireless local area and broadcast. The key objective of E2R is to devise, develop and trial architectural design of reconfigurable devices and supporting system functions to offer an expanded set of operational choices to the users, applications and service providers, operators, regulators in the context of heterogeneous mobile radio systems. Innovative research, development and proof of concept is sought over six years in an end-to-end aspect, stretching from user device all the way up to Internet protocol, and services, and in reconfigurability support, intrinsic functionalities such as management and control, download support, spectrum management, regulatory framework and business models. Reconfigurable equipments and systems will generally provide much higher flexibility, scalability, configurability and interoperability than currently existing mobile communications systems. Reconfiguration will stretch over all OSI layers, on open platforms where the complete protocol stack will be subject to reconfiguration. To achieve the E2R project ambitions three major challenges were identified: Transforming embedded flexibility into end-to-end reconfigurability, Capturing the newly enabled functionalities of E2R into valuable benefits, Finding right balance between integrated versus distributed approaches.These axes are driving the definition of an architecture and design of reconfigurable and flexible system concepts that enable seamless and transparent communication across these heterogeneous environments. An active cooperation between end-users, operators, service providers and new comers is needed to firm up the definition of the most appropriate distribution of intelligence between reconfigurable terminals and networks. The E2R consortium gathers 28 participants over 10 countries, from manufacturers, operators, academics and regulators within the mobile radio communications industry. Previous initiatives like TRUST, SCOUT, MOBIVAS, CAST, MuMoR… motivated the E2R project, but the ambitions go further to the end-to-end aspect and reconfigurability support aiming at a truly integrated, flexible, and intelligent heterogeneous mobile communications environment. The approach adopted by the E2R project research is depicted in Figure 2, wherein three main components are depicted: (1) E²R System Research, Business Path and Technology Roadmaps is focusing towards compelling scenarios and user requirements of the Radio Eco-System, building on FP5 projects and interacting with other ongoing research initiatives. In addition, the corresponding roadmap of the identified key enabling technologies within an overall architecture, re-enforced by regulatory rules, will help to set out a clear path of End-toEnd reconfigurability within the Radio Eco-Space, Core Technology Research, Design and Proof of Concept constitutes another area of work within the E²R research charter. Research work encompasses the technologies needed to transform embedded flexibility into end-to-end reconfigurability, while finding the right balance between integrated versus distributed approaches. This would yield the optimization of resources (spectrum, radio, network and equipment) and reconfiguration functions (discovery, negotiations, control and triggering), E²R Proof of Concept Evolutionary Platform enables the validation of the charter of E²R research as a whole, thus establishing the proof of concept of the overall system within the Radio Eco-Space. 11/52(2)(3)

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4MORED8.1Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Phase 1E2RFP5, Standardisation Bodies, IPRPhase 2Phase 3System Research, Business Path and Technology Roadmaps Scenarios, Requirements, Roadmap and Regulation perspectives System Architecture, Models and Reconfiguration ManagementSOTACore Technology Research, Design and Proof of Concept Reconfiguration, Management and Control of Equipment Network Support for Reconfiguration Dynamic Radio Resource and Spectrum ManagementE2R Proof of Concept Evolutionary Environment Specifications, Development and Integration Iterative Proof of conceptRadio Eco-Space Basic Components Innovation and Proof of Concept Radio Eco-System Components Selection Design, Integration and Refinement Radio Eco-System End-to-End Reconfigurability ValidationFigure 2: E2R Research Approach For the future the E²R project expects that the topology presented in Figure 3 will correspond to the transition from multi-mode to smart reconfigurable equipments and related reconfiguration support. Several extrinsic important aspects to this vision are being investigated, such as dynamic spectrum allocation, regulatory issues, and business models.Service Provider Reconfiguration FunctionsInternet/IntranetConfiguration profiles Data bases Software RepositoriesIP-Based AN Air Interface 1-NReconfiguration Manager Reconfiguration Manager Reconfigurable Access PointReconfiguration ManagerReconfigurable Access PointReconfigurable Access PointReconfigurable Access PointReconfigurable Access PointReconfigurable Access PointReconfigurable TerminalReconfigurable TerminalAPIOS, RT-OS, HW Firmware, MiddlewareReconfigurable Terminal GatewayReconfigurable TerminalExecution Environment(Re)configuration (Re)configuration Management Management Generic Application IP Networking Layer Flexible Protocol StackAir Interface 1 Air Interface n Air Interface NConfiguration profiles Data basesTRMReconfigurable TerminalTRM: Terminal Reconfiguration managerFigure 3: E2R Architectural Vision1.3 Magnet1.3.1 IntroductionMAGNET belongs to the cluster of 6th framework European projects; the project acronym MAGNET stands for “My personal Adaptive Global NET”. As the name implies, the project has a very strong emphasis on user-centricity, personalisation, adaptation, interoperability, personal networking and interconnecting heterogeneous networks. The user-centric approach is called for, since is it is widely12/52E2R Beyond 3G System

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4MORED8.1accepted that future applications and services need to be developed with the user in the driver’s seat and in equal pace with the corresponding core and radio networks. The MAGNET vision [OP04][P04] is that Personal Networks (PNs) will support the users’ professional and private activities, without being obtrusive and while safeguarding their privacy and security. A PN can operate on top of any number of networks that exist for subscriber services or are composed in an ad hoc manner for this particular purpose. These networks are dynamic and diverse in composition, configuration and connectivity depending on time, place, preference and context, as well as resources available and required, and they function in co-operation with all the needed and preferred partners. The project provides advances in the PN concept that include PN architecture Insight into business models for PNs and the related mobile data services in multi-network environments Networking and interworking issues both at PN and PAN-level, in particular resource and context discovery, self-organisation, mobility management, addressing and routing, service discovery, and cooperation between public and private, licensed and unlicensed networks Security and privacy issues in PNs Adaptive and (re)configurable radio access covering a wide range of data rates, system capabilities and requirements, optimised for low-power and cost-effectiveness1.3.2 User ScenarioA simple example is a PN-based remote babysitting application. Consider the case of a mother visiting a friend’s house while her child is asleep at home (supervised by a person not specialized in childcare). She might want to remotely watch and observe the child. She does this by using a PN consisting of some personal devices, e.g., a UMTS and Bluetooth-enabled PDA and a headset she carries with her, and, a remote pair of eyes and ears in the child’s bedroom at home. The latter consist of a digital video camera, a microphone and a UMTS phone, forming a cluster of co-operating devices. Alternatively, since the friend’s living room is equipped with a TFT wall display including speakers, hooked up to a home network and accessible to authorised guests via a Bluetooth the mother may want to use these instead to observe the child. The future vision of a MAGNET device is given by Figure 4.InfrastructureCellular BTSPublic WLAN APInfrastructureInfrastructureUMTS, EDGE, etc. WLANGatewaySensornetworkHome/Office PCGateway Mass Data Storage Digital CameraBody Worn Sensor Sensor NW PAN access device GPS RxCellular PhoneBridge PDAHMI device (e.g. car specific) MP3 Player Broadcast Rx (DVB-H, DAB)mobile stationarySmart Card13/52Stationary Sensor (e.g. @Home) Stereo TV Set, Digital Video Record.Information Kiosk (shared DEV)LDR Magnet (low HDR Magnet (optimised for throughput, fast access) power)

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4MORED8.1Figure 4 MAGNET device1.3.3 The PN ConceptPNs comprise potentially “all of a person’s devices capable of network connection whether in his or her wireless vicinity, at home or in the office”. The conceptual definition of a PN is network is given by Figure 5.P-PANun tru ste dd ataData Communications Viewlin kCommonly Coordinated NetDEVDEVDEVDEV DEVDEVCoordinator CoordinatorCoordination ViewDEV S-DEVDEVDEVPANHH FD HHReal World ViewBM/BW Person 1 Person 2 Person 3BAN Multi PANFigure 5 Multi-PAN Network The localized viewpoint of Multi-Pan network in terms of the PAN and BAN are given by Figure 5, and Figure 7.HDR/LDR GatewayHDR LDR PANFigure 6 Multi PAN network14/52

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4MORED8.1DEVDEVDEVDEVDEVBANFigure 7 BAN network The BAN only consists of devices that are located very close to a person (e.g. body worn devices). The radius is up to 2 meters. As all devices move with the BAN owner, relative speed of the devices is very low. It is expected that MAGNET will support two modes of operation to support low bit rate, and high bit rate applications. Thus there is a need to support multiple air-interfaces to provide spectral efficient means of data communications. Low Data Rate operation Ultra Low Power/Cost/Complexity Some Scalability VLDR-MDR Few bps to ~1Mbps Sensor Like Devices Body WornHigh Data Rate operation Low Power/Cost/Complexity Scalability LDR-HDR 250kbps to ~150Mbps Data/Voice/Multi-Media Devices Mobile/Hand Held/Portable Devices Fixed Devices1.3.4 Physical LayerThe MAGNET objective is to develop a flexible and scalable air interface. But, only one technology would be then required to accommodate LDR and HDR PAN usages. Rapidly, it can be observed that this objective is not realistic seeing the very particular requirements on cost and power consumption of the LDR communications compared to HDR communications. The HDR air interface that does not have such constraints on cost and power consumption can be fully scalable and flexible although it is 15/52

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4MORED8.1challenging enough to accommodate operations that require MDR up to HDR communications. Additionally to that, seeing the purpose of the future wearable and mobile HDR PAN devices, these latest will have to present an acceptable cost, complexity and power consumption. Therefore MAGNET will have devices targeted to HDR communications with scalability and flexibility coexisting with devices targeted to LDR communications with some flexibility and scalability but presenting a very low complexity, cost and power consumption. Therefore, the MAGNET project is currently investigating MAGNET PAN air interfaces that are targeted to: HDR: MC-CDMA, OFDM-TDMA for the Wide Band systems and MC-UWB for the Ultra Wide Band systems LDR: FM-UWB and IR-UWB, which are both UWB systemsFive clusters, Figure 8, have been formed to investigate the different air-interface options within MAGNET, multi carrier with code-division multiple access and orthogonal-frequency-divisionmultiplexing with time division multiple access (MC-CDMA and OFDM-TDMA), frequency modulation and impulse radio UWB (FM-UWB and IR-UWB) and MC-UWB. In the MC-CDMA approach envisioned in MAGNET the users are separated by orthogonal spreading codes that may be distributed in frequency or time domain as well as a combination thereof. Neighbouring PANs can also be separated by different codes. Scalability will be achieved by utilising different spreading factors and modulation schemes, varying the number of OFDM carriers. For MCCDMA the channel state information may be exploited for adaptive pre-coding and adaptive modulation in order to improve the system performance. CDMA will be part of the multiple access schemes for user division. Still, the MC-CDMA approach does not restrict the system from using other division methods for duplexing and multiple access to meet special requirements in peer to peer PAN networks.Special UWB MAC802.15.4 MAC802.15.3 MACSpecial CDMA MACFM-UWBIR-UWBOFDM TDMAMC-CDMA MC-UWBFigure 8: PHY cluster and associated MAC schemes OFDM-TDMA is usually employed with time-division duplexing (TDD). The most prominent OFDM-TDMA/TDD scheme is defined in HIPERLAN II, which differs from the carrier sensing multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) of IEEE 802.11a e.g. by using fixed-length packets. While the HIPERLAN II scheme is not flexible enough in the PAN context with respect to supported data rates, bandwidth efficiency, its general simple structure facilitates to add advanced signalling techniques in an almost modular fashion. These techniques include in particular the use of link level adaptation in case of partial or full channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter and the use of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) as well as the cross-layer optimisation of the corresponding parameters in adaptive MAC schemes. Link level adaptation comprises adaptive coding 16/52

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4MORED8.1and/or bit and/or power loading schemes. Clearly, the TDD approach will facilitate adaptation techniques in view of reciprocity conditions in slowly time-varying channels unlike in the frequencydivision duplexing (FDD) case encountered e.g. in 3G cellular mobile radio systems. Space-time coding represents another module, which can be easily combined with the aforementioned adaptation schemes. UWB is an emerging technology capable of supporting short-range wireless communications, as well as, accurate localisation and radar for motion detection. Various implementations are possible and data rates may range from high to low. Characteristics of UWB systems include: ultra large bandwidths (e.g. 1 GHz or more), low radiated power and the potential for unlicensed worldwide operation across the 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz frequency bands. The ultra large bandwidth opens the door to ultra high capacity wireless communication systems. HDR communications at 100s of Mbps are possible. Alternatively, very large numbers of LDR (e.g. 5 kbps to 100 kbps) users and devices can be supported. For LDR systems, the ultra large bandwidth also offers the potential for robust communication in the presence of interference, provided that a measure of processing gain can be realised. In the case of the pulsed time domain approach (IR-UWB), there is also the potential for enhanced robustness against multipath fading (i.e., where the duration of the pulse is less than the delay spread of the channel). The low radiated power of UWB transmissions facilitates coexistence with UWB and other systems. Depending on the implementation, it also offers potential advantages for low power applications, such as, simple, wearable, LDR telemonitoring and personal sensor devices that require autonomous operation over extended periods of time. Both time (IR-UWB) and frequency domain (FM-UWB) approaches have been proposed and are investigated in MAGNET. The focus of the UWB design and development within MAGNET is on LDR UWB, where the FM and IR-UWB technologies are considered in two different clusters. However the HDR to VHDR (up to 480Mbps) is considered in the context MC-UWB in a separate cluster of MAGNET, as mentioned above. The MC-UWB investigations in MAGNET will cover two main aspects. First, the evaluation of UWB multi-carriers systems in the 3.1-10.6 GHz bands for SISO and MIMO configuration will be carried out. The new promising Multi Band OFDM algorithms will also be studied in these bands. The concepts issued from the Multi Band OFDM Alliance (MBOA) will be performed to solve the WPANs/WLANs coexistence. This concept will be extended to 17 and 60 GHz bands to introduce a frequency diversity component and to define hybrid multi-mode scalable air interface PHY layers. UWB/WB multi-carrier systems at 17/60 GHz for SISO and at 60 GHz for MIMO configurations will be investigated to achieve (V)HDR in compliance with the IEEE802.15.3a TG requirements.1.3.5 MAC layer objectives Scheduling policies that support cross layer optimization to provide accurate scheduling to reflect the traffic classes in the local vicinity. MAC/Code allocation policy that will reflect the underlying physical layer. Radio resource space dimensioning to provide the design peak bit rate. Admission policy to provide controlled access to the PAN, without affecting the quality of the existing users. MAC Layer protocol modelling1.3.6 Channel Modelling17/52

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4MORED8.1The PAN radio channel investigations will consider measurements and modelling for wideband communication systems in the 2.6GHz, 5GHz, 17GHz and 60GHz bands, as well as for UWB systems operating in the 3GHz to 6GHz band, with a bandwidth of at least 500MHz1.3.7 ConclusionThe PAN can be defined from the personal operating space, which constitutes devices that communicate over short distances, and require low power, low cost and low complexity. Two class of MAGNET devices have been defined: (due to restrictions for adaptability/scalability and efficiency) LDR - Sensor like Devices up to Voice HDR - Data/Voice/Multi-Media Devices PANs are inherently dynamic, which means that Topology Changes and supports opportunistic communications.1.3.8 Interaction between MAGNET and 4MOREOn networking aspect, The MAGNET concept is to provide a highly adaptive and spectrally efficient PAN air-interface. It is envisioned to utilize, enhance and develop existing and upcoming air-interface technologies, and also to provide an inter-working structure in the form of a Universal Convergence Layer to enable an adaptive and spectral efficient solution across legacy PAN technologies. These two objectives are in line with the 4More objectives: On the one hand 4More aims to provide a complete HDR air-interface solution, on the other hand the L1-L2 cross layer optimization work is a interest to MAGNET work around Universal Convergence Layer. Moreover, the user scenarios developed in MAGNET will allow to validate the basic assumptions done in 4MORE. For these reasons, a close collaboration between both projects is envisaged and should happen in the beginning of year 2006.1.4 PulsersPULSERS (Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems) is a Consortium and Integrated Project started in January 2004 within the 6th Framework of the EU-IST Programme (FP6). PULSERS aims to develop Ultra Wide Band (UWB) innovative devices starting with proofs of concept and arriving to fully working prototypes. Initiated and driven by Philips (PRL, Redhill, England) and IBM (Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland), the consortium is grown during the two years of preparation to a large group of experts in many disciplines useful to the research and development activities necessary to bring innovation. With active participation of 30 elected partners worldwide (ACORDE one of this partners) from its first phase, PULSERS will focus on short-range wireless systems based on novel UWB physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) concepts and technologies that will enable high data rate transmission in support of multimedia applications as well as systems supporting data transactions combined with position location and tracking. PULSERS aims at advances in the area of Silicon technology to make UWB chipsets and modules economical and low-power consumers. In addition, issues on coexistence and integration with current wireless technologies in realistic user environments will be addressed and significant efforts are anticipated towards the introduction and acceptance of UWB radio technology in the appropriate worldwide regulatory bodies and standardization fora. Based on typical and novel application scenarios, PULSERS will develop advanced systems and usage concepts and deliver innovative enabling physical layer and medium access technologies. The project 18/52

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4MORED8.1embraces two complementary application scenarios by judiciously trading achievable data rate versus range and using UWB-RT’s unique capability to fuse communication and positioning: larger range systems with lower data rates combined with localisation and tracking (LDR-LT); systems offering high and very high data rates (HDR/VHDR) over shorter range. In the HDR space, data rates of well beyond the state-of-the-art is an ultimate target while localisation accuracies below 30 cm are aimed for in the LDR-LT space. Through leveraging of investments and results from related projects in IST/FP5 and by assembling a critical mass of key European and international researchers and engineers, PULSERS is well poised to achieve a lasting scientific and technological impact towards the beneficial use of UWB-RT by all. PULSERS is an R&D project embedding verification procedure on real platforms. The project’s major goal is to produce benefits for the people, by providing them with new and easy to use wireless technology. This new technology will enable novel applications in their daily chores at home, the work place and during their leisure activities.1.5 Winner (Wireless World Initiative New Radio)The key objective of the WINNER project is to develop a totally new concept in radio access. This is built on the recognition that developing disparate systems for different purposes (cellular, WLAN, short-range access etc.) will no longer be sufficient in the future converged Wireless World. This concept will be realised in the ubiquitous radio system concept. The vision of a ubiquitous radio system concept is one of providing wireless access for a wide range of services and applications across all environments, from short-range to wide-area, with one single adaptive system concept for all envisaged radio environments. It will efficiently adapt to multiple scenarios by using different modes of a common technology basis. The concept will comprise the optimised combination of the best component technologies, based on an analysis of the most promising technologies and concepts available or proposed within the research community. The initial development of technologies and their combination in the system concept will be further advanced with respect to the project goals towards future system realisation. Compared to current and evolving mobile and wireless systems, the WINNER system concept will provide significant improvements in peak data rate, latency, mobile speed, spectrum efficiency, coverage, cost per bit and supported environments taking into account specified Quality-of-Service requirements. The concept will provide the wireless access underpinning the knowledge society and the eEurope initiative, enabling the "ambient intelligence" vision. To achieve this impact, the concept will be derived by a systematic approach. Advanced radio technologies will be investigated with respect to predicted user requirements and challenging scenarios. The project will contribute to the global research, regulatory and standardisation communities and processes. Given the consortium pedigree, containing major players across the whole domain, such contributions will have a major impact on the future directions of the Wireless World.19/52

