Module3 教学设计3资料

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教材分析 本模块的教学内容是谈论将来可能发生的事情和一周七天的计划。第一单元的课文情景是Daming和Sam之间关于机器人的对话。Sam在操场上看到Daming带来的一个东西,于是好奇地询问是什么。Daming向Sam介绍未来机器人还会做各种事情,如打扫房间、辅导学习等等。Sam以为机器人能帮自己做作业,但实际上它们不会。第二单元的情景是下周放假,朋友询问Shanshan下周的计划,Shanshan向朋友逐一说明了自己下周七天的安排。 知识目标: 1.全体学生能理解:robot, will, everything, one day, housework, learn, our, homework, won’t=will not, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have, next, week, holiday 2. 全体学生能运用 : “ They will …”以及 “ I can walk / talk.” 的语言结构。 能力目标: 1.通过模仿、操练、游戏、表演等活动,学生能够在真实的情景中运用所学的语言知识,做到学有所用。 2.继续学习用can谈论能力。 3.学习用will谈论将来。要求学生能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。 情感目标: 培养学生的团队合作精神,让学生感受到科技的进步,激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生努力学习。 模块教学目标 教学重点及难点 教学重点: 1. 学习词组 do the housework help children learn 2. 掌握句子:Robots will do everything. 3. 运用“can+v.…”“will +v.…”来描述某一件物品。 教学难点: 能够正确理解运用Will句型谈论将来,能正确区分housework 和homework 。 教学辅助 教学策略 PPT,课文动画及相关视频,单词卡片等 创设真实的语境,让学生在语境中运用目标语句为未来制定计划。 教学过程 第一课时教学设计 教材分析 课文情景是Daming和Sam之间关于机器人的对话,主要是谈论机器人现在能干什么和未来会干什么。对于学生而言, “will+动词原形”表示将来行为的用法难度不大,因为其用法与汉语中“将+动词”的结构基本一致。所以,一般将来时的教学重点可以放在语义上,而不需要放在结构上。 课时教学目标 一、知识目标 1. 掌握本课单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our; 短语: one day 2. 掌握句型:One day, robots will do everything. They will do the housework. 二、能力目标:能运用“will+动词原形”来描述将来的事。 三、情感目标:培养学生的团队合作精神,让学生感受到科技的进步,激发学生兴趣,鼓励学生努力学习。 教学重点与难点 1. 掌握句子:Robots will do everything. 2. 能够正确理解运用Will句型谈论将来 教学辅助 教学策略 PPT, video, word cards 通过模仿、操练、游戏、表演等活动,让学生能够在真实的情景中运用所学的语言知识,做到学有所用。 教学内容(含时间设置) Step 1: Warm up 教师活动 教学活动 设计意图 学生活动 本课通过儿歌,引起学生的兴趣的同时,复习 can 1. T: Let’s enjoy a song “ I can” . Ss: Sing the song together. T: Let’s look at activity1. 的句型。 (about 3 minutes) What can Sam do ? What can Amy do? The students watch and answer. Get the answer: Sam can ride his bike. Amy can fly her kite. Step 2: Lead in T: Daming is talking his robot with Sam. Let’s listen and watch :What can Daming’s robot do? Get the answer: It can walk and it can talk. T: Now robots can only walk and talk. But what will robots do one day? 导入本课课题。 (about 2 minutes) Will (learn the new word: will) Step 3: Presentation 1. Watch and choose: What will robots do one day? 教师引领,指导学生层层深入文本故事。 (about 20 minutes) Get the answer: help children learn, do house work (learn the words: house work, home work) 2. Summary: They will do house work. They will help children learn. 3. T: Will robots do everything? Get the answer: No. They won’t do our homework. 4. Listen and repeat. Then read in roles. Step 4: Practise Practice: 1. 学生小组合作看图说话,自己说出目标语言。 Ss make up the sentences in groups.Such as: Robots will make cakes. 2.Do and say.(work in pairs) 画出自己心目中的机器人,并用目标句型进行介绍。进一步练习巩固了will的用法。 (about 15 minutes) Draw your robot and introduce it to your class. Classroom Assessment Blackboard Design Language Encouragement Stickers 通过奖励激发学生学习英语的兴趣 Module3 Unit1 Robots will do everything. They will do the house work. And they will help children learn. --Oh, they will do our homework too! --No, they won’t. 家庭作业: 1. 2. 第二课时教学设计 Read the text after class. Introduce your robots to your family.

教材分析 本单元的课文情境是下周放假,朋友询问 Shanshan 下周的计划,Shanshan 向朋友逐一说明了自己下周七天的安排。本单元集中出现了“Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday”这七个表示星期的名词,不过实际上只有“ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday’是生词。本模块的学习重点不是这四个词,如果学生无法一次全部掌握,可以要求学生逐步掌握。 课时教学目标 一、知识目标 1. 理解并运用本课重点单词:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2. 理解并能运用一般将来时,讨论将来的计划。 二、能力目标 1. 能正确理解并运用本课的重点单词和句型。 2. 培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力。 3. 能运用所学语言描述未来的计划。 三、情感目标 培养学生开口说英语的能力并培养学生热爱生活的情感。 教学重点与难点 教学辅助 教学策略 运用所学语言描述将来的计划。 PPT, video, word cards 运用情景教学法让学生置身真实情境,以兴趣激发学生,让学生能够将所学的知识运用到真是的语言情境中,真正做到学以致用。 教学内容 (含时间设置) Step 1: Warm up 教师活动 教学活动 设计意图 学生活动 T: Listen and chant: P14 Part1 通过儿歌,学生复习了星期的单 What have you found? Ss:…… Get the words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Step 2: Lead in 1.T: Let’s watch my family’s weekend.(show the pictures) On Sunday, I will do the housework. My brother will ride a bike. My sister will fly a kite. My daughter will do her homework. What will you do on Sunday? 2. Present the task. T: After learning the new lesson, make a plan in groups for the weekend. Step 3: Presentation 1.T: Next week is a holiday. What will Shanshan do? 学生看动画,并完成连线题。 Listen and match. 向学生展示我家人的周末,引入目标语言,并说明任务,让学生带着任务去学习。(about 3 minutes) 词,并提起了学习兴趣。 (about 2 minutes) 2.Look and say. 看图说话,引导学生自己说出句子,帮助学生更好地了解文本句型。 For example: On Monday, I’ll go swimming. (the Ss work in pairs) 3.T: What about Saturday and Sunday? Get the answer: On Saturday I’ll help my mother. On Sunday I’ll read my books. 4.Listen and repeat. Then act out. 模仿录音,并表演。 (about 20 minutes) Step 4: Practice 1. Make a survey. Work in groups. A: What will you do at the weekend? B: I will go swimming and … 对本课所学知识做小调查,并作报告,进一步巩固了本节课的文本学习。 (about 15 minutes) 2. Make a report. Such as: Hello, everyone. Here’s my group’s weekend plan. I’ll go swimming on Saturday. On Sunday I’ll ride a bike with my brother… Classroom Assessment Language Encouragement Stickers Blackboard Design 通过奖励激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在英语课堂上想说,敢说。 Module 3Unit 2 On Monday I’ll go swimming. 家庭作业: 1. 2. Make a weekend plan for your family. Repeat the text after class.

四年级下册 Module 3 测试题




( ) 1._____ you play football tomorrow?

A. Are B. Do C. Will ( ) 2. --- Will you help your mother on Monday? --- _____, I will.

A.Yes B.No C. Why ( ) 3. I _____ take my kite to the park tomorrow. A. am B. won’t C. isn’t ( ) 4.Robots can_____.

A. walk B. walking C.walks

( ) 5. I’ll _____ my homework.

A. does B. do C. did

( ) 6. I’ll go to the zoo _____ Friday.

A. on B. in C. at ( ) 7. ---Will you play football tomorrow? --- Yes, I______.

A. is B. will C. am ( ) 8.The robots _____ help children learn. A. is B. are C. will

二、读一读,从方框中选出句子的答语。 1. Will you help your mother do house work? ( ) 2. What will you do on Monday? ( ) 3. Why not? ( ) 4. Where is he from? ( ) 5. We are going to have a picnic on Sunday. ( )

A. He is from China. B. Great. C. Yes, I will. D. Because I will do my homework. E. I will go to school. 非选择题部分

三、 连词成句。

1. Learn,help, will, children, they(.)

____________________________________ 2. can, it, talk, walk, and (.)

____________________________________ 3Monday, I, on, go, will, swimming(.)

____________________________________ 4. do, on, what, Shanshan, will, Tuesday(?) ____________________________________ 5. you, will, football, on play, Friday(?)


参考答案及解析 选择题部分


1. 答案:C

解析:tomorrow是表示将来的时间, 应该用一般将来时。“will”表将来。 2. 答案:A

解析:此题重点是考察一般将来时在一般疑问句中的肯定回答。肯定回答为“Yes, I will. ” 3. 答案:B

解析:tomorrow是表示将来的时间, 应该用一般将来时。Will not=won’t. 4. 答案:B

解析:此题考查can 后跟动词原形。 5. 答案:B

解析:此题重点是考查 will 后要跟动词原形。Do my homework固定搭配 6. 答案:A

解析:此题考查,具体在某一天用介词 on。 7. 答案:B

解析:此题考查将来式在一般疑问句中的用法,肯定回答Yes, I will. 否定回答 No, I won’t. 8. 答案:C

解析:此题重点是考查一般将来时,机器人将会帮助孩子们学习。 二、读一读,从方框中选出句子的答语。

答案:1.C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B 解析:此题是基于对课文的理解和掌握而创编的小对话。重在考察学生对文本内容的理解与




1. They will help children learn.

2. It can talk and walk.

3. I will go swimming on Monday.

4. What will Shanshan do on Tuesday?

5. Will you play football on Friday?


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