
更新时间:2024-07-05 04:42:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


沈宇啸 模块2单词

1. Tian’anmen Square ______ (见证) the founding ceremony of new China. 2. The problem seemed very _______ (困惑的). Few students could work it out. 3. There was enough _______ (证据) to prove him guilty.

4. There is no _______ (可能性) that oil price will be reduced in the following month. 5. After he made the speech, he was ________ (谋杀) on his way home. 6. “What a poor ______ (动物,人)! He failed in the exam again.” I sighed. 7. He made a lot of _______ (进步) in his subjects after he decided to work hard. 8. Please tell us your _______ (经历) of having lived abroad for so many years. 9. We were _______ (失望) to learn that you could not come.

10. The police _______ (搜查) the woods for the prisoner who ran away. 11. The world we live in is full of________ (无法解释的) mysteries.

12. The_______ (发展) of science and technology has brought about many changes in people’s


13. We were ________ (困惑)by the sudden disappearance of our guide.

14. We should work hard and try to learn ______ (先进的) science and technology to better

serve our country.

15. The trip to Shanghai left me with a deep _______ (印象).

16. A lot of chinas and pots were discovered in the ancient ______ (沉没的) ship. 17. A weather balloon (气球) can be used to help people to _________ (观察)the weather. 18. It is said that the boss is kind-hearted and the _______ (员工) are well treated in the


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19. The boy didn’t show up until bedtime, so his parents were _______ (焦急的) and called the


20. When you do experiments in the lab, you’d better use the instruments carefully and _______


21. He told us a story about his journey to Antarctica, saying that the _______ (经历) in the

storm was frightening.

22. It was reported in the newspaper that a _______ (怪物) appeared in the lake. 23. When the _______ (幕布) fell, the audience applauded warmly for their successful


24. Since she feels sick of the smell of some flowers, she often buys some ________(人造的)


25. Milu deer are being well _______ (保护) in the wild in Dafeng, Jiangsu. 26. We_______ (发动) an attack against the enemy at dawn. 27. The _________ (失踪) of the boy made the whole family unhappy.

28. Now the _______ (村民) have realized the importance of keeping the rivers clean. 29. He often ________ (潜水) in the sea to do some research on the ocean life. 30. After they got into the cave, they did not find any______ (财宝).

31. You’d better not use the computer this Friday because there might be a ______ (病毒). 32. Jack is a bit strange. He likes to do things in some ______ (不同寻常的) ways. 33. My uncle has been_______ (游览) England for three weeks.

34. Wherever he goes, he is often seen to take photos with his ______ (照相机). 35. Last night, I had a strange dream that I met with some mysterious ______ (人). 36. I think it is also important to use our imagination and be ________ (创造性的) in our

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37. Since you didn’t agree to the plan, can you ______ (陈述) out your reasons?

38. He didn’t _____ (避免) the accident because he didn’t slow down his car when turning left. 39. I dare say that his explanation like this will cause _______ (混淆).

40. We find it necessary for a top student to form a _______ (习惯) of using time properly. 41. Till now, the company hasn’t made ______ (协议) with the workers about their pay. 42. Since the 1990s, China has _______ (建造) many harbors for importing and exporting


43. When you greet a new friend, you have to _______ (介绍) yourself to him first. 44. Our________ (目的) for the next five years is to make sure everyone can have a job. 45. We were lucky enough to have _______ (观察) the unusual event of the sun. 46. She told me that she would_______ (游览) Hong Kong next week.

47. He is willing to be a teacher in remote areas after he _graduates_____ (毕业)from


48. He had to work overtime to _______ (养活,支撑)a big family.

49. During the day, they will walk across the land, following the _______ (脚印) of big


50. Going traveling in the Sahara Desert is a great _____ (冒险). 51. The government decided to______ (提供) houses to the refugees.

52. His grandfather was a kind man _______ (受到尊重) by all the neighbors, men and

women, old and young.

53. Unemployment has _______ (事实上) fallen for the last two months.

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54. In the summer the town usually becomes _______ (尘土飞扬的).

55. I like to read Treasure Island, Round the World in 80 Days and other ______ (充满冒险

的) stories.

56. Most people in Yangzhou like listening to the _______ (当地的) news on TV. 57. Man’s life is often ________ (比作) to a candle.

58. ________ (奇怪) enough, she didn’t cry out this time as usual when she found a snake. 59. The doctors said that he would die soon because he caught a strange _______ (疾病). 60. It is well known that _______ (埃及人) built many tombs for their kings in Egypt many

years ago.

61. A smile ________ (表达) her joy at the news. 62. If you do not wish to be______ (打扰), please tell me.

63. More mice will be used in ______ (科学的) experiment in that lab. 64. Yesterday his father had his blood ______ (检查). 65. We all know Jack is a ______ (伶俐的) boy.

66. When new _____ (技术) was developed, we would use it to send cameras down into the

sea and try to find the sunken ship.

67. A ______ (幸存者) said, “I felt excited when I set foot on the ship but I never thought it

would sink!”

68. That year, she began her round-the-world _____ (飞行).

69. They had met three years before when he ______ (采访) her in her firm. 70. One of the_______ (乘客) got badly hurt in the accident.

71. By a strange _______ (巧合), I happened to meet my old classmates on the bus to


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72. The plane crashed. No _______ (幸存者) could be found.

73. He always _______ (打扰) others in his dormitory after he gets up every morning. 74. Scientists have got ________ (确凿的) evidence that smoking does great harm to health. 75. He had a lot of interesting _______ (经历) while traveling in Africa. 76. We must leave _______ (马上).

77. They claimed that_______ (质量) of life is more important than a big salary. 78. I was provided no ______ (解释) of how the camera worked when I bought it. 79. Babies are _______ (好奇的) about everything around them. 80. He ______ (捐赠) a lot of food and clothing to the poor last year. 81. There are 200 people________ (出席) at the meeting.

82. We will be ________ (搜查) the mountain for Yetis next month.

83. The team of exploration _________ (清空) the tomb of everything it contained. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Witnessed puzzling evidence possibility murdered creature progress experiences disappointed searched unexplained development puzzle advanced impression sunken observe

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

employees worried Properly experience monster curtain artificial Protected launched Disappearance Villagers dived Treasure virus unusual touring Camera

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35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. creatures creative state avoid

confusion habit Agreement constructed introduce Purpose observed tour graduates Support Footprints Adventure Supply

52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Respected Actually dusty

Adventurous Local Compared Strangely Illness Egyptians expressed disturbed Scientific Examined Bright

Technology survivor Flight

interviewed passengers Coincidence survivors disturbs Convincing Experiences immediately quality explanation curious donated Present Searching emptied

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52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Respected Actually dusty

Adventurous Local Compared Strangely Illness Egyptians expressed disturbed Scientific Examined Bright

Technology survivor Flight

interviewed passengers Coincidence survivors disturbs Convincing Experiences immediately quality explanation curious donated Present Searching emptied

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