
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:56:55 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载





一、1—5 BDBAD 6—10 DBCDB 11—15 AABAD 二、16—20 BCDAB 21—25DACDC 三、26—30 BACAD 31—35BCBAD

36—40 BDCCB 41—45DCABD 四、46-50 BAECD

五、51. mine 52. climbing 53. potatoes 54. seriously 55. Thinner 56. paper 57. grow 58. proud 59. engineer 60. hundred

六、61. filled 62. became 63. was 64. to try 65. have created 66. draws 67. to look 68. writing 69. will get 70. do

七、One possible version

A Story Between My Friend and Me

There is always something unforgettable in my life, especially the story between my friend and me. Here is a story. On a rainy day, I suddenly fell down and hurt myself badly. My left leg was broken. So I had to stay in hospital for about one month and I was worried about my study. Then my friend Mingming came to see me. When he knew about that, he could help me with my study. On hearing this, I didn’t feel worried any more. From that day on, he taught me every day. I was so moved. I didn’t fall behind the other students with Mingmig’s help. I thanked him a lot.

In my opinion, friends are very important in our life. No matter what happens, true friends will always be friends.


一、1—5 ABABC 6—10 DDBDA 11—15 CBCCC 二、16—20 BDAAB 21—25DCDCC 三、26—30ADCBB 31—35ACCBD 36—40ADCBA 41—45 ABBCC

四、46—50 CFBAD

五、51. impossible 52. serve 53. themselves 54. worse 55. invitation

56. experience 57. touch 58. talented 59. quietly 60.


六、61. to come 62. stays 63. making 64. turning 65. fell 66. will be 67. is going to cover/ will cover 68. is waiting 69. to keep 70. not to play

七、71. 如果你足够努力,梦想就会实现。 72. 直到妈妈回来劳拉才吃晚饭。

73. The Internet plays an important role in people’s work and life.

74. There will be more and more sharing bikes in our city. 75. His mistake has nothing to do with you. 八、One possible version: Dear Mrs. Smith,

My friend Jim asks me to go out with his family this afternoon. We are going to have a trip to Central Park. It is very famous all over the world.

In the park, we will have something exciting to do. To begin with, we plan to walk around for about an hour to enjoy the wonderful scenery. And then, we are going boating on the lake. After that, we will have dinner together in a restaurant near Central Park.

It is cheap and convenient for me to take No. 6 bus to go back home and I will get home at about 9:00 p.m. please don’t feel worried about me.

Li Hua


一、1—5 BABBA 6—10 DDCCA 11—15 BACBD

二、16—20 BDADC 21—25 CAABC 三、26—30 DDAAD 31—35 ABCDD

36—40 CDABC 41—45 DDBDC 四、46—50 FAGEC

五、51. collecting 52. deepest 53. awake 54. decision 55. Truthful 56. president 57. unbelievable 58. weighs 59. opposite 60. abroad

六、61. was asked 62. was trying 63. am considering 64. punishing 65. haven’t seen 66. to play 67. will clean 68. Make 69. failed 70. can discover

七、71. 智能手机对我们的生活影响很大。 72. 故乡在我们心中留下了温馨而甜蜜的记忆。

73. We will hand in our homework as soon as we get to school.

74. Could you please take a dog for a walk?

75. Many kids can’t get on well with their parents. 八、One possible version Hello, everyone,

九年级英语 第9页

Today I’m going to talk about saving money. As we know money is important in our life. The money we spend in mainly from our parents, but we always don’t know how hard they work for it. It’s not easy for them to make money.

Wasting money is a shame. I am going to make a plan to save money. I won’t spend the money playing games or buying snacks. I will try to save as much money as possible. I’m going to use my saving to buy books and other useful things. I’ll also help people in need. Thank you for listening.

九年级1---4 单元测试答案

一、1---5 ACAAB 6—10 DDCDC 11---15 BDDCC 二、1---5 ACDBD 6—10 BACCB

三、1---5 ACADB 6—10 BCBAD 11---15 CDDDC 四、1.European 2. prepared 3. exactly 4. interviewed 5. helpful 6.warns 7. pronouncing 8. secrets 9. convenient 10. grapes

五、B C E F A



3. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.

4. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. 5. It’s important to learn how to use the right language in different situations.

七、1. can cross 2. were killed 3. to protect4. has been 5. add 6. created 7.to build 8. have been 八、One possible version:

Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They are addicted to playing mobile phones. They often use phones to chat with others, watch movies, play games, listen to music or take photos and so on. In fact, they will be anxious without phones.

However, it does harm to their study. Because they spend too much time playing with phones. They can’t have a good rest. They don’t have time to do their homework. They can’t get good grades.

In my opinion, we must use it in a right way. If we take it to school, we mustn’t use it during the class. And remember that study is our first work.

九年级Units 5—7 答案

一、1—5 DCBBD 6—10 BAABC 11—15 AADAD 二、1—5 BCDAB 6—10 DACDC

三、1—5 CBDAB 6—10 BDCCA 11—15 ADCBB

四、1. Leaves 2. product 3. widely 4. liveliest 5. international 6.license 7. scissors 8. musical 9. suddenly 10. are translated 五、GEABD


2. 据我所知,茶树长在山坡上。

3. Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.

4. Can you help me think of an invention?

5. I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

七、1. has hold 2. was shopping\\shopped 3. to teach 4. didn’t look 5. practicing 6. became 7. have 八、【范文】

First, it is very easy to keep on reading. We can read anywhere and anytime if we want. Secondly, we may communicate with the wise men all over the world by reading. And reading books can open up our eyes to the outside world and bring us happiness. Thirdly, reading is useful for each of us. We can learn much knowledge from books to solve the problems that we may meet every day. Because reading is so important, I’m going to read more on weekends or during the vacations.

In a word, books are our best friends and teachers. Let’s enjoy reading and enjoy our life!

九年级Units 8—10 答案

Ⅰ. 1—5DCBAB 6—10 CACDA 11—15AADCC Ⅱ. 16—20 BCDAB 21—25 DACDC Ⅲ. 26—30 BBCAB 31—35 CBADB

36—40 ABCBD Ⅳ. 41-45 CDBGE

V. 46-55. trucks, sadness, director, medical, stick, electronic, perform, smooth, passport, suggestions

Ⅵ. 56-65. is, to be named, to work, has accepted, stays, start, said, was killed, to get, has become

Ⅶ. 66. 当我心情低落或者疲惫的时候,我更喜欢看让我振奋的影片。

67. 这些大石头以某种方式摆放在一起。

68. The biggest challenge is to learn how to behave at the dinner table. / The biggest challenge is to learn the table manners.

69. She comes to my room for a chat once in a while. 70. It depends on whether your father agree or not. Ⅷ. One possible version:

九年级英语 第10页

How can a teenager have a successful life?

I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.

Most students think it’s necessary to study hard. After all, study plays an important role in their life. They also agree they should respect their parents, who take good care of them every day. Besides, they are ready to serve the society and it’s meaningful to teenagers. What’s more, they share the idea that teenagers are supposed to make s good plan for future.

In my opinion, we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more because keeping healthy is helpful to a successful life.

九年级Units 11—14 答案

Ⅰ. 1—5 AAADD

6—10 CABCD 11—15 DBCAA

Ⅱ. 16—20 ACACB 21—25 DDCAD Ⅲ. 26—30 ADBCA 31~35. ABDCA 36—40 DDCAC Ⅳ. 41-45 DGBAE

V. 46-55 using, graduation, careful, weight, discovery, power, disappoint, wealth, overcome, believable Ⅵ. 56. had worked 57. were made 58. followed 59. living 60. To find 61. to go 62. standing 63. given 64. won’t say/will not say 65. was Ⅶ. 66. 吃饭时不要用筷子指着别人。 67. 他们迫不及待地站了起来。

68. Neither medicine nor rest can help him.

69. Bright colors make people not only happy but also active.

70. By the end of last year, we had finished reading five books.

Ⅷ. One possible version:

A Story Between My Friend and Me

There is always something unforgettable in my life, especially the story between my friend and me. Here is a story. On a rainy day, I suddenly fell down and hurt myself badly. My left leg was broken. So I had to stay in hospital for about one month and I was worried about my study. Then my friend Mingming came to see me. When he knew about that, he could help me with my

study. On hearing this, I didn’t feel worried any more. From that day on, he taught me every day. I was so moved. I didn’t fall behind the other students with Mingmig’s help. I thanked him a lot.

In my opinion, friends are very important in our life. No matter what happens, true friends will always be friends.


一、1—5 ADABB 6—10BBBBD 11—15ACDDD 二、16—20ABCDA 21—25CDACA

三、26—30ACBCD 31—35ADACB 36—40 DBCAC 41.His younger brother Su Zhe.

42.Because crops were harvested during that period. 43.Yes. /Yes, they do. 44.Family reunion.

45.People sit together, eat moon cakes and fruit and share the stories.

四、46—50 BDFGC

五、51. widely 52. uncomfortable 53. divided 54. decisions 55. Provided 56. proud 57. pronunciation 58. ninth/9th 59. seriously 60. share

六、61. are 62. become 63. to make 64. must get 65. pass 66. hearing 67. will make 68. don’t want 69. to get 70. to use

七、71.此处禁止停车,否则被拖走。 72. 她妈妈上周给她买了台电脑。

73. I invited him to have dinner with me yesterday.

74. The students are looking forward to (having) a relaxing holiday.

75. My father used to drive to work, but now he takes the bus.

Dear Peter,

Don’t worry about your study too much. First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think doing more sports is good for your health. Listening to music is also a good way to relax. And I think it’ s necessary to have healthy eating habits. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. It can give you enough energy to study for the whole morning. You’d better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Finally I think you should talk with your friends, parents or teachers often. Tell them about your thoughts and feelings. Try to get help from them.

九年级英语 第11页

词汇专项训练参考答案 —、名词

1—5 BCABB 6—10 ADBAA 11—15 ABCCA 16—20 BCCBD 21—25 DBDAD 26—30 CACDA 31—35 CACDA 36—40 DDCDA 二、冠词

1—5 DCBAD 6—10 BCADC 11—15 BDBAA 16—20 CCCAA 21—25 CCCDDB 三、数词

1—5 DBCBC 6—10 DADCC 11—15 CDCDB 16—20 BAAAA 四、代词

1—5 CCBCD 6—10 CACAB 11—15 CDCBB 16—20 BACDD

21—25 DBABC 26—30 CAADC 31—35 BACDB 36—40 CBBCC 41—45 ACACC 五、形容词、副词 1—5 DCDCA 6—10 ABCAC 11—15 DCDDB 16—20 CBCBC

21—25 BBCAB 26—30 DCCCB 31—35 DCCDD 36—40 BBADD 六、介词

1—5 ACDBA 6—10 DBCAA 11—15 AACDC 16—20 CAADB 21—25 DBCBC 26—30 AADBC 七、连词及状语从句 1—5 ADAAC

6—10 CBDBA 11—15




1—5 CBBCA 6—10 CACBB 11—15 ABDDA 16—20 CADBB 21—25 CDBAC (二)动词的时态、语态

1—5 CBDDB 6—10 DCBCA 11—15 DAAAB 16—20 CDBAB 21—25 CBDDB (三)非谓语动词 1—5 CDACC 6—10 AACBD 11—15 DDCBD 16—20 CCAAC 21—25 BDDAB (四)情态动词和系动词 1—5 CDCAA 6—10 DABDC 11—15 DCBDB 16—20 ABCAA 21—25 DACAA

专项训练之一 完形填空



专项训练之二 阅读理解

Passage 1 1—5 CACDA Passage 2 1—5 ACCBB Passage 3 1—5 CDBBD Passage 4 1—5 CBCDA Passage 5 1—5 DBACD Passage 6 1—5 ADACC Passage 7 1—4 CBCB Passage 8 1—5 ACBDA Passage 9 1—5 BACAD Passage 10 1—5 BABCA Passage 11 1—5 BCBDA Passage 12 1—5 BCBAD Passage 13 1—5 BDCBD Passage 14 1—4 CCBD Passage 15 1—4 DADB Passage 16 1—5 BCBDA Passage 17 1—4 BABC Passage 18 1—5 DACAB Passage 19 1—5 ABCDD Passage 20 1—5 DBCBA Passage 21 1—4 BBCD Passage 22 1—5 DCCBD Passage 23 1—5 DBDCA Passage 24 1—5 DACBD

专项训练之三 口语交际

A: 1-5 CDBGE B: 1-5 GCBDF C: 1-5 AGBED D: 1-5 BACFD E: 1-5 GEBCF F: 1-5 FEGAB G: 1-5 FCEDA H: 1-5 EDGAC I: 1-5 CGBDA J: 1-5 DCFGE K: 1-5 GAFDC L: 1-5 EAGBF M: 1-5 BDFAC N: 1-5 EGADC O: 1-5 AFGED

专项训练之四 单词拼写


1.unlucky 2.books 3.field 4.picnic 5. choose

九年级英语 第12页

6.umbrella 7.better 8.differences 9.wisely 10.scientific 11.warmth 12.doctor’s 13.death 14.successful 15. built 16. photos 17.course 18. cheaper 19.scientist 20.problems 21.dressed 22.fifths 23. stolen 24.looking 25.American 26.millions 27. listens 28.traditional 29.neighbor 30.Teenagers 31.dangeros 32.impossible 33.ourselves 34.carelessly 35.bravely 36. believe 37.especially 38.fell 39. stamps 40.knowledge 41. rang 42.except 43.unless 44. east 45. lowest B

1.coins 2.including 3.face 4.highest 5.whenever 6.Luckily 7.honest 8.afford 9.snowmen 10.birthday 11.inventions 12.Sunday 13.mistakes 14.encourages 15.hardly 16.carefully 17.teaches 18. polite 19.clearly 20.museum 21.instructions 22.surprised 23.patient 24.practice 25.thousand 26.prefers/preferred 27.height 28.Father’s 29.September 30.natural 31.teeth 32.dresses 33.importance 34.robots 35.Australian 36.else 37.necessary 38.themselves 39.cities 40.bridge 41.leaves 42.instead 43.missed 44.quiet 45.centuries 46.heavily 47.snowy 48.past 49.knives 50.widely

专项训练之五 阅读表达


1. England.

2. In the Middle Ages. 3. 300 or 400 years.

4. Four kinds of surnames and what they were based on. 5. Because being able to make metals into tools was an important skill in the Middles Ages. B

1. No, he didn’t. 2. His mother.

3. His mother washed clothes and made money.

4. He asked the young man to wash his mother’s hands. 5. A young man’s interview. C

1. Frank’s friend.

2. They/The three Indian students were run over by a passing train.

3. (More and more) selfie-connected accidents are forcing some governments to deal with the problem. /Governments are forced to/ should /must /have to deal with the problem. 4. In July.

5. 当你决定看似危险的自拍时,务必停止。 D

1. Because it’s safer and cheaper.

2. China’s high-speed railways are over 20,000 kilometers long since Sept 10th 2016. .

3. Japan is the first one to build the high-speed railway. 4. Yes, it is.

5. I will choose high-speed Railway. E

1. His younger brother Su Zhe.

2. Because crops were harvested during that period. 3. Yes. /Yes, they do. 4. Family reunion.

5. People sit together, eat moon cakes and fruit and share the stories. F

1. It’s for young readers.

2. He imagines him to be a bad boy.

3. Yes. Because it tells me how to face the fears. / No. Because it may hurt my eyesight. G

1. They choose to ride bikes. / Many people choose recycling.

2. By simply using their smartphones. 3. They help solve “last-mile” problems. 4. Free time for next rides.

5. Bike rental (租金) will be increased more.


1. Because readers remember more information from paper books than e-books. 2. (It’s)12.85 minutes.

3. Paper books. Because they are better for my eyes than e-books./E-books. Because they are convenient./… 4. The chart shows the top three e-sports among college students are all about heroes./Because 58.9% of college students play the League of Legends./…

5. They have not only changed our life but also made the world colorful./They have provided more ways to get information./…

专项训练之六 动词应用


1.are using 2.teaching 3.enjoys 4. have studied/have been studying

九年级英语 第13页

5. are shared / can be shared 6. to try 7. worry 8.can’t imagine

9. is changing 10. can learn / will learn B

1. flew 2. live/ are living 3. gets 4. has visited 5. can speak 6. to help 7. practicing 8. feel 9. was found 10. will go/are going C

1. was 2. was covered 3. walking / to walk 4. can’t go 5. have hurt 6. Don’t move 7. are sending 8. found 9. get

10. should take / must take / had better take D

1. was won 2. have received 3. am going to (will) play 4. to get 5. spent 6. has 7. listening

8. will (may / can) know 9. Don’t forget 10. is coming E

1. was playing 2. to listen 3. came 4. has put 5. would (will), come 6. danced 7. was thrown 8. am going to fly 9. don’t have 10. won’t be F

1. to be 2. has died 3. is; looking for 4. puts 5. saw 6. will love 7. pulled 8. was sleeping 9. could / would get 10. has; been locked G

1. ran 2. go 3. was pushed 4. could give 5. was 6. was waiting 7. running 8. haven’t forgotten 9. will find 10. give

专项训练之七 英汉互译

A. 英译汉


1.有些人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。 2.如果你不知道怎么去泰山,你可以上网找“途牛”。 3.小女孩很幸运的得到了一张迪士尼乐园的票。



6.也许,毕业后我将考虑去当一名医生而不是教师。 7.星期二是一周的第三天,在星期一和星期三之间。 8.我们应该积极参加体育锻炼。


10. 至于说到我的愿望,我想再某个安静美丽的地方休息两个月。


12.多吃蔬菜能帮助我们保持健康。 13.请不要把书借给他人。 14. 她的父母正在自学英语。

15.我听说三分之二的工作应经完成。 16.请把盐递给我好吗?

17.我们应该更多地关注传统文化。 18.我们正在计划怎样度过这个假期。 19.你要有空,咱们去喝杯咖啡吧。 20.妈妈允许我每周看一次电视。 21我还没学会怎样使用这部手机。 22. 在马路两边有许多树。

23.你学习越认真,出的错就会越少。 24.我认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣。 25.我不知道怎么提高我的阅读速度。 26.任何人都有可能犯错。 27.我开始理解音乐中的悲伤。 28.让别人等待是不礼貌的。


30.司机决定捎老人一程,因为他看起来很疲劳。 31. 将来我想成为一个著名的歌手并周游世界。 32.本周末在人民广场有车展。 B. 汉译英

1. Do you know when the plane will take off? 2. You’d better not go swimming alone.

3. You can look up the new word in the dictionary . 4. He was too shy to speak in public.

5. There are thousands of visitors in Beijing every day. 6. The best way to learn English is to use English. 7. It’s a good habit to get to school on time.

8. I have changed a lot in the last/past few years.

9.Students are looking forward to having a relaxing holiday/vacation.

10. Many foreigners find it not easy to learn Chinese. 11. Don’t make any noise when you are in the library. 12. The restaurant is open every day except Monday. 13. Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party. 14. He studies hard so that he can pass the exam.

15. It is said that there will be a basketball game /match this afternoon.

16. No matter how difficult the problem is, I will try my best to work it out.

17. On his fourteenth birthday his dream come true. 18. I spent three hundred yuan on the cotton dress. 19. Do you know the boy who is flying a kite?

20. The Chinese people are proud of the Great Wall.

九年级英语 第14页

21. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.

22. Jack used to go to work without breakfast.

23. To my surprise, the little girl can play the piano so well.

24. The earth goes around the sun.

25. A bad thing can be turned into a good one sometimes. 26. No one knows what will happen in the future.

27. There are thousands of visitors in Beijing every day. 28. Can you tell me the capital of Australia? 29. This kind of cup is used for drinking wine. 30. I am not sure whether it will rain or not. 31. Why not go for/take a walk after supper?

32. I will go to the museum if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. 33. The number of the teachers in our school is 100. 34. He made me wait outside for an hour.

35. Take good care of yourself and keep yourself away from bad books.

36. Do you know when he usually comes back?

37. Our English teacher is good at telling funny jokes. 38. Kitty spends about two hours reading English every day.

39. My mother was cooking when I got back home. 40. Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 41. Wake him up, or he’ll be late for school. 42. Thick haze is harmful to our health. 43. He found his room in a mess. 44. The story took place in 2012. 45.I came up with a good idea.

46. Sixteen-year-olds should’t be allowed to drive. 47. She likes books that are interesting. 48. Loud music makes me nervous. 49. I don’t feel like going to school.

50. Why does the child cry for no reason?

专项训练之八 书面表达


Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to introduce a good friend of mine. His name is Li Ming. He is in Class 8, Grade 9.He is very polite. When he meets his teachers or classmates, he always says hello to them. He also gets on well with others. He has made many friends. Whenever we have problems with our schoolwork, he is always ready to help us. He is kind to other people. He often tries his best to help people in need. Li Ming wants to be a useful man in the future. He is a model student for us and we should learn from him. That’s all. Thanks for

your listening. B

Kate is a good friend of mine. She’s a 14-year-old girl from America. She’s a tall girl with blue eyes, and she has long golden hair. She has some hobbies, such as drawing, playing the violin and joining the music club. She usually goes to school by bus at 7:30 every morning on weekdays. She has Chinese, maths, English, history, P.E., art and music. She enjoys playing sports, too.

Kate is lovely and friendly. She gets on well with her friends. She’s also helpful. She often helps me learn English. With her help, I made much progress in English. I’m lucky to have such a good friend. C

As we are not born perfect, it’s normal for us to make mistakes in our daily life. For me, there is an event that I would never forget and in which I forgave my best friend Tom.

There was a time I was addicted to stamp collecting and I spent lots of time on it. After Tom learned about this, he secretly stole my stamp collection and threw it into the trash can. I was so angry with him and I decided not to talk with him for the rest of my life. However, my English teacher heard about this and asked us to come to the office to talk. She told us that we shouldn’t be mad about each other and an ideal relationship between friends should be one filled with love, care and understanding. Finally, we agreed and hugged each other after said sorry to me. I forgave what he did and understood the reason of doing this.

I felt a sense of relief after forgiving him. In my opinion, to build a healthy relationship, friends should become good listeners and advisers instead of keeping silent after meeting with problems. D

A smile is the most beautiful language of human beings. A smile is like the sunshine in winter. It warms our hearts and helps us get on well with each other. A person who often smiles usually brings good luck. What’s more, smiles can give us confidence.

When I was young, I was very shy. I was afraid to speak in public. One day I needed to give a speech in my English class. I was so frightened that I did badly at the beginning. But when I saw a big smile on my teacher’s face, I got more and more confident. Finally I made it.

九年级英语 第15页

Smiles are very helpful in our lives. We should keep smiles on our faces. If we are happy, we smile. If we meet difficulties, we should smile, too Let’s smile to life! E

Helping Parents

If your parents get angry, you should communicate with them. But remember it will take them some more time to change their ideas. Don’t shout at them loudly.

It’s a good way to help them do some housework, such as cooking, washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning the floor and so on. Sometimes, it’s necessary to give them some surprises, such as sending gifts or having parties. If all these ways are useless for your parents’ anger, you’d better ask your good friends for help. Maybe they can help you.

Maybe every parent will be angry. Parents give us lives and support all the family, so I think we should do something for them when they are angry. If we do what we should do, parents will forget their troubles and be happy a lot. F

Traveling is fun

Traveling plays an important role in my life. I like traveling very much.

First, traveling makes me relax. Traveling makes me stay away from stress and find out the joys around us.

Second, traveling opens up my mind. I can learn the different history and cultures in different places.

Third, I am a food lover. If you are a food lover, too, traveling is your best choice. Different places, different delicious food. I can enjoy the delicious food.

Traveling is fun, enjoying your life begins with traveling.

Reading is fun

What is fun in the world? Different people have different opinion. For me, I think reading is fun. Let me tell you why.

First, reading can make you read yourself easily. On the one hand, reading can open our eyes. On the other hand, it can make your brain smart, it means that reading can make you mind active about many sides. It is more important that reading can make you realize what you need in you keep heart.

Second, reading can make you understand the others. In our daily life, when we get on with others, maybe there

is misunderstanding between us, if we read enough, we can solve it, then we’ll be relaxed.

Third, reading can make us learn to search the society better. It can let us learn the relations of the whole world. As a result, it can make us put ourselves into the social family.

In a word, reading can make our life more beautiful! So I think reading is fun. G

Dear editor,

I’d like to say something about this topic.

With the development of the Internet, many students enjoying surfing in their spare time. There’s much resource on the Internet and it’s convenient for students to find out what they need. Many websites store much knowledge and open up to students. Some websites also provide students with teaching videos. They’re useful and helpful for students’ study.

But on the other hand, surfing the Internet causes a lot of problems. Some students are mad at playing computer games. The internet takes up nearly all the students’ spare time and they have little time to spend with their parents and friends. They have trouble getting on well with others.

In my opinion, students should use the Internet properly. It’s better to regard the Internet as a good helper in our study. Don’t let the Internet control your life. H

Dear Editor,

I am writing to tell you about the survey on the activity of “Grabbing red packets” in our class. About 70% of the students took part in the game in my class. About 75% of them think it is a popular form of entertainment and can bring them more fun. It can bring people closer so that they can make more friends. Grapping red packets had been part of people’s lives. However, about 25% of them are worried about the activity. They say some people spend too much time grapping red packets. As a result, they don’t have enough communication with their family members. As a result, they may feel a little lonely. Moreover, looking at the screen for too long is harmful to people’s eyes. Grapping red packets on the street might cause traffic accidents.

I think this game is really exciting, but we should spend more time communicating with our family

九年级英语 第16页


Yours sincerely, Li Hua


Hi, Andrew, I’m glad to hear from you. It’s important for us to prepare for senior high school.

First, I will go somewhere fantastic with my friends to relax myself during summer vacation. We can learn about the outside world and open up our mind. The new life may be harder, so we should read more books to increase knowledge. Also, I want to spend some time improving my English. Health is really important, too. It’s a good idea to do sports to keep healthy. However, I’m a little worried about how to communicate with my new classmates. Can you give me advice?

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Zhang Hua


Dear Li Ling,

I heard you were in a bad mood. How is it going recently? As we know, keeping in a good mood is good for health and study. Here are some suggestions for you.

First, you can take an active part in sports. For example, you can go swimming and skating. When the vacation is coming, you can join in all kinds of activities, such as dancing, singing and the summer camp or winter camp.

Next, you should keep healthy eating habits. Usually you can eat vegetables and fruits instead of too much meat.

When you have some problems, you can communicate with your parents and teachers. At least, we should get on well with our classmates. We know helping others is helping ourselves.

Finally, you can go to do some volunteer activities. You can help the old and to clean their homes, sing some songs to cheer them up and so on.

I wish you good health. Hope everything goes well!


Zhou Chuan K

Boys and girls:

The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. In the past three years, we have studied and stayed

together. Looking back at the days we spend together, how sweet we feel! In order to keep the happy times in our hearts forever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26, next week. The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life. It will be held in Classroom 301.

We are going to have some meaningful activities. To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers. We can chat freely with classmates and teachers about our plans of the summer vacation. We can even talk about the dreams of our future. Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates. In the end, we may give our wishes to each other.

Don’t be late! That’s all, thank you! L

Since creating the civilized city and countryside, all the people in Suqian have made joint efforts. Their good behavior can be seen everywhere.

As junior students, we can plant more trees and flowers. Each of us should obey traffic rules. In the public, we shouldn’t make a lot of noise loudly. We should give seats to the one in need. We can’t spit anywhere and we shouldn’t throw rubbish anywhere, for it’s very rude. We should protect the tress and keep off grass. At the same time, we also can throw rubbish into the garbage cans, it is a good way to keep our city clean and tidy.

In this way, I’m sure that our city will be more and more beautiful in the future. M

How to protect our lives

Everyone has only one life. It is our parents’ best wishes to see us grow up sagely and healthily. In return, we should treasure our lives. How to protect our lives?

Firstly, now there are more and more cars, so when we walk on the road, we must obey the traffic rules, especially at the traffic lights. At school, we should get on well with our classmates. Don’t fight with them, or we’ll be hurt. Stay away from the dangerous places.

Secondly, in my opinion, we should eat healthy food instead of junk food. We’d better have enough sleep and do exercise every day. We must refuse drugs as well as smoking. Besides, we are supposed to control the time of playing computer games. Remember, happiness is the most important thing. So smile every day! Be happy

九年级英语 第17页

every day!

In a word, we must try our best to protect and value our lives! N

Dear Frank,

I’m glad to hear that you will come to Nanchong this summer vacation. Nanchong is a great city with a long history. You can watch North Sichuan Puppetry and know about Chen Shou, a well-known historian. He wrote a book called Records of the Three Kingdoms.

There are many places of interest in Nanchong. You can visit Langzhong Ancient City. The buildings are so amazing. And you can enjoy the fantastic Jialing River and the wonderful Mount Lingyun.

If you want to relax yourself, make sure to try Zhangfei Beef, Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce and other delicious food. Besides, you can have fun and buy something special for your family and friends at Wangfujing Mall.

Hope to see you!

Y ours, Li Hua


一、1—5 BDBDD 6—10 BCDBA 11—15 CAADD 二、16—20BCDBC 21—25DDBAB

三、26—30 CBAAC 31—35 DADCB 36—40 CDBCB 41.She is from Shanghai./ Shanghai./ She comes from Shanghai.

42. On Feb. 7th. 2017./ She won a Chinese poetry competition On Feb. 7th. 2017.

43. She kept a poetry book/ A poetry book 44.Yes,she did/ Yes.

45. She’s excellent/great/wonderful… 四、46—50ECABG

五、51.value 52.polluted 53.carelessly 54.themselves 55. collecting 56. straight 57. among 58. Absent 59. attend 60. decision

六、61. playing 62. to fly 63. was watching 64. are flying 65. is held 66. found 67. will go/am going 68. doesn’t have/hasn’t had 69. not do 70. have won 七、71. 英式英语与美式英语有点不同。 72. 我们迫不及待地想知道考试结果。

73. I doubt whether the activity is worth taking part in. 74. Don’t stay up, or you will feel sleepy in class.

75. David is so crazy about reading that he spends an hour on it every day. 八、One possible version

How Can We Protect Ourselves

Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some of my suggestions.

First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely. Besides, we shouldn’t crowd each other when we go upstairs or downstairs at school. Last but not least, summer is coming, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim alone.

In short, everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.

九年级英语 第18页

