第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜

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第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜

第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜



A: The subjects of atists’paintings – flowers, birds, grass and insects – are also found attractive by most people. However, although bees, are a popular feature in paintings, I do not like them. The reason behind this is quite funny. In my childhood, I once climbed a crabapple tree to pick some flowers and unexpected was stung by a bee. It was o painful that I almost fell off the tree. The grown-ups told me that bees do not ordinarily sting people, but do so only when they feel threatened. And soon after they sting you, they die. After hearing this, I took pity on the bee and forgave it. But since then, whenever I see a bee, I feel all knotted inside and very uncomfortable.

B: Flowers, birds, grass and insects are lovely objects often appearing in paintings. Ridiculously I don’t like bees though they are often depicted by artists. When a child I climbed up a cherry-tree to pick some flowers and nearly fell off from a bee sting. Grownups told me that bees never stung unless they believed they were in danger, and when they did they died afterwards too. I forgave the bee for its sorrowful end. Nevertheless, the very sight of it always gave me an awkward feeling since then.

C: Flowers, birds, grass and insects which are popular with painters, are usually delightful things. Yet I never had much liking for bees though they often appear in paintings. The reason is laughable. One day when I was a child I climbed a cherry-tree to pick some blossom and got stung by a bee and the pain nearly made me fall off. Grownups told me that bees never stung unless they were afraid you were going to hurt them, and stinging someone would cost a bee its own life. When I heard that, I felt sorry for the bee and forgave it. Still, after that, the sight of a bee always filled me with misgivings.


A: Last April I went to Conghua Hot-spring in Guangdong for a few days’ stay. The spring was encircled by hills, thick with greenery, a regular painting of blue hills and green waters. It was a cloudy evening when I arrived. I happened to look out the window and was surprised by the sight of dark little mounds outside the window. One after another, crowding together, they turned the grounds outside, which I remembered as level, into hilly land. What was this mysterious scene? I wondered. The next day I took a

第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜

quick look and broke out laughing. What I had seen were lychee trees that grew so close together and with such thick leaves that they looked like little mounds in the evening.

B: Last April, I went for a short stay in the Conghua Spa, Guangdong Province in the south of China. Beautiful as a landscape painting, the spa was a pool of clear spring water surrounded on all sides by verdant mountains. I arrived in an overcast evening. Looking out of the window by chance I was astonished to see layers upon layers of rolling dark hills rising before me. My memory had it that the hotel building faced a garden, not hills. Was that an illusion? I had to laugh next morning when I looked again at a wide stretch of lychee trees, with sense foliage. They resembled small hills in the dark.

C: Last April, I went for a short stay in the Conghua Hot Spring, Guandong. Beautiful as a traditional blue-and-green landscape painting, the spring was a pool of clear spring water surrounded on all sides by verdant mountains. I arrived one overcast evening. Happening to look out of the window I was astonished to see undulating dark hills looming tier after tier before me. The view from the Guest House, as I remembered it, was of a level garden, not of hills. Had my eyes played me false? I had to laugh the next morning when I looked again and saw a wide stretch of lychee trees with dense foliage. They had resembled small hills in the dark.


A: Lychee is perhaps the sweetest and tastiest fruit in the world. Su Dongpo (1037-1101) wrote:

Were I to eat three hundred lychees each day, To become a Lingman native I shan’t fuse.

From this you can see the marvel of lychees, that they could impel even a mandarin like Su Dongpo to wish to live in the then comparatively desolate provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi, which were known as Lingnan in those days. Unfortunately, I did not come at the right time. The trees were full of small, light yellow flowers, not very pretty, not even as pretty as the pink, tender leaves that had just sprouted. I would take about three more months for the fruit to ripen. It looked as though I would not be able to stay long enough in Conghua to eat fresh lychees.

B: Lychee is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world. Su Dongpo, an ancient Chinese poet wrote, “I’m willing to stay for even in Lingnan, eating three hundred lychees a day.” This showed how much the fruit was catered after. I had come at a time hwen the small yellow flowers, less attractive than the pale red leaves, were just blossoming when the fruit ripened three months later. So I wouldn’t be eating lychees here.

C: Lychee is perhaps the most delicious fruit in the world. Su Dongpo, an ancient Chinese poet wrote, “I would gladly stay for ever in Lingnan, eating three hundred lychees a day.”This indicated how much the fruit was sought after. I had come at a time

第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜

when the small and light yellow flowers, less attractive than the pink leaves, were just beginning to blossom. I would take another tree months for the fruit to ripen, so I would not be eating fresh lychees here this time.


A: But it was the right time to eat lychee honey. Maybe there are people who have never heard of this rare food. In Conghua, lychees grow into an ocean. During the blomming season, bees buzz about everywhere from morning till night, sometimes even under the moonlight. The speciality to lychee honey is its purity and its rich nourishment. Those who live by the hotspring like the honey for its nourishment. A warm-hearted comrade got tow jars for me. As soon as I opened one of them, the fragrance surged out. Stirring some of the honey into half a glass of water, I found a freshness to its sweet taste, very much like lychee. To drink such good honey makes you feel that life is indeed sweet.

B: It was the best time for lychee honey though. Maybe some people had not heard of this rarity? At flowering time, bees buzzed all over the ocean of lychee trees in Conghua, gathering nectar from from dawn till dusk and under the moonlight too. The honey they produce were pure and nutritious. The local people all like this honey for a tonic. A warm-hearted friend got me two bottles too. A sweet aroma emitted as soon as the bottle was open. Mixed with water it tasted like fresh lychee, fragrant and delicate, sweetening the life for one sipping this heavenly honey.

C: It was the best time for lychee honey though. Maybe some people have not heard of this rarity? At this time of year, when the Conghua lychee trees seem a sea of lossom there is humming and buzzing everywhere as bees gather nectar from dawn till dusk and under the moonlight too. The honey they produce were pure and nutritious, and most of the local people like it and take it as a tonic. A warm-hearted friend got me too bottles too, and as soon as I opened one it scented the air. Mixed with water it tasted as fragrant and delicate as fresh lychee, a heavenly drink like nectar, and sipping it makes you feel you life is filled with sweetness.




第六讲 散文的翻译风格-荔枝蜜


