盾构到达米埔竖井出洞方案20150725Plan of TBM breaking through
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GSG Express Railway Hong Kong Contract 826
Scheme of TBM breaking through at Mai
Po shaft
中铁十五局集团有限公司广深港高铁香港826标 CRCC 15 GSG Express Railway Hong Kong Contract 826
2015年7月25日 July 25th 2015
1 工程概况 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1工程简介 PROJECT INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2接收井概况 RRECEIVING SHAFT .................................................................................................................. 2 1.3工程地质及水文条件 ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS ................................ 3 2 总体达到施工方案 THE OVERALL ARRIVAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN ............................................ 4 3 盾构出洞施工技术CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF TBM BREAK THROUGH ........................ 5 3.1盾构出洞工艺流程PROCESS OF TBM BREAK THROUGH ............................................................................. 5 3.2盾构到达的准备工作PREPARE WORK BEFROE TBM ARRIVE ........................................................... 7
3.2.1 盾构机定位及接收洞门位置复核测量 TBM location and measurement check of receiving portal ............... 7 3.2.2 出洞地层加固 Ground reinforcement of breaking through............................................................................... 8 3.2.3 洞门渗漏检测 Portal leakage test ................................................................................................................... 10 3.2.4 出洞前竖井内准备工作 Preparation work in shaft before breaking through ................................................. 13 3.2.5 平移装置的定位安装 The location and installation of transition device ........................................................ 17 3.2.6 接收托架的安装 .............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3 盾构机出洞掘进EXCAVATION OF TBM BREAKING THROUGH ................................................................... 20
3.3.1 到达前掘进控制 Excavation control before arrive ......................................................................................... 20 3.3.2 掘进参数控制 Excavation parameters control ................................................................................................ 21 3.3.3 管片支撑防护 Support protection of segment ................................................................................................ 21 3.3.4 盾构机出洞 TBM breaking through ............................................................................................................... 22 3.3.5 盾尾管片脱出盾体 Shield tail segment separate from TBM body ................................................................. 24 3.3.6 最后一环管片处理 The segment handling of last ring ................................................................................... 25 3.3.7 盾体平移 .......................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.3.8 米埔竖井排水 Water discharge in Maipo shaft ............................................................................................... 30
3.4盾构出洞施工注意事项NOTS OF CONSTRUCTION WHEN TBM BREAK THROUGH ..................................... 31 4 施工风险及应对措施 CONSTRUCTION RISK AND SOLUTIONS ...................................................... 32
4.1风险的等级标准 RISK GRADINGS .............................................................................................................. 32 4.2盾构机出洞安全风险评估及措施RISK ASSESSMENT AND SOLUTIONS FOR TBM BREAKING THROUGH ... 33 4.3 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN检查及测试计划 ........................................................................................... 46
GSG Express Railway Hong Kong Contract 826
Scheme of TBM Breaking Through in Mai Po shaft
1 工程概况 General
1.1工程简介 Project introduction
GSG express railway tunnel connecting Shenzhen and Hong Kong is 9.6m shield tunnel with double tunnel and single line, starting point is Huanggang park shaft, crossing Shenzhen downtown area and Shenzhen river to Mai Po wetland in Hong Kong, finally reaching Mai po shaft in Hong Kong, total length is 3346m, Shenzhen section is 1856m, Hong Kong section is 1490m, the present mileage in Hong Kong section is
DKaa115+924.881~DKaa117+403.029. We use two Herrenknecht slurry TBMs with diameter of 9.96m and start from Huanggang park shaft, keep a certain distance between two TBMs, parallel advance with both machines, and at last the two machines will be lifted out from Mai Po shaft.
隧道内线路隧道顶面最大埋深约42m,最小埋深约26m;最大曲线半径12000m,最小曲线半径2000m;最大坡度 12‰,最小坡度3‰。盾构机由香港米埔竖井吊出,到达端里程为DKaa117+403.029,地表为香港825标段施工场地。出洞段隧道坡度为3‰的上坡,覆土厚度23.32m,隧道外径9.6m,内径8.7m,两条线间距17.2m,左右线外
The maximum and minimum depth of tunnel invert is about 42m and 26m; the maximum and minimum curve radius is 12000m and 2000m; the maximum and minimum gradient is 12‰ and 3‰. TBM will be lifted out from Mai Po shaft, which mileage is DKaa117+403.029, the surface belong to Hong Kong contract 825 construction site. The section for TBM out from tunnel is a upgrade with 3‰ gradient, thick of ground is 23.32m, outside and inner diameter of tunnel is 9.6m and 8.7m, the distance between two lines is 17.2m, the outer wall spacing is 7.6m.
图1 广深港客运专线深港隧道平面示意图深港连接隧道(3346m)DK113+643DK114+017矿山法段36m皇岗竖井盾构隧道(深圳段)1856mDK115+873盾构隧道(香港段)1490m23m米埔竖井374mDK117+363 图1 广深港高铁深港连接隧道平面示意图
Figure 1 GSG express railway Shenzhen-Hong Kong tunnel link plan sketch
1.2接收井概况 Rreceiving shaft
Mai Po shaft is receiving shaft, which is finished by contract 825. The depth of Mai Po shaft is 34.13m with a dimension 18*29m; it is a “凸” shape structure. There is concrete wall
above the position of both machines breaking through, so TBM cannot be lifted out directly, it must be moved to lifting point in the center of shaft, the dimension of shaft is18*9m. The wall of shaft is glass fiber re-bars concrete with a thick of 1.0m, the inner wall of portal is not in construction now, with a thick of 2.0m. The current design elevation of shaft base plate is -29.63, which away from the bottom of TBM 1.354m, there are two group concrete footsteps and reserved steel cage in the center of lifting shaft. Show in the figure as below.
图2 米埔竖井端头 Figure 2 The end of Mai Po shaft
1.3工程地质及水文条件 Engineering geological and hydrological conditions
The ground distribution of TBM breaking through section in Mai Po shaft show in the figure below, it is artificial soil, marine sediments, alluvial soil and strongly weathered metamorphic sandstone from top to bottom. Ground characters such as high water content of soil, big void ratio, and low intensity and so on will bring adversely influence to TBM when it breaks through.
出洞段地质情况 Geological condition of TBM out from tunnel 地层厚度(m) 地层 Ground Thick 填土 Artificial soil 海洋沉积 Marine sediments 冲积层 Alluvial soil 强风华变质砂岩 Strongly weathered metamorphic sandstone 埋深 Depth 4.38 0.38 8.71 9.74 23.21 图3 盾构出洞土层分布图 Ground distribution map of TBM breaking through
2 总体达到施工方案 The overall arrival construction plan
According to the geological conditions and structure of Mai Po shaft, high pressure rotary jet grouting pile will be used to reinforce end formation when TBM out from tunnel. TBM directly cutting glass fiber re-bars concrete wall, turn the slurry pressure down to 0 bar in excavation chamber after break into the wall 40cm, discharging all slurry outside and keep TBM breaking though with 0 bar pressure. Using embedded steel plate in shaft to fix box steel guide beam, steel structure receiving bracket should be set on steel guide beam. After TBM climb to bracket, the jack on guide beam lateral transition, transfer TBM to the middle of shaft, then dismantle it and lift outside one by one.
Before TBM arrived, the high pressure rotary jet grouting pile of receiving shaft should be reinforced at first, then start portal reinforcement penetration test, fix steel box guide beam with steel plate embedded in shaft base plate, and pouring a layer of concrete. When TBM arrive the 50m breaking through section, measurement, TBM posture and alignment adjustment control should start when advance, the portal reinforcement penetration test must finish before TBM arrived the end of tunnel. Waterproof measures of segments should be done well before TBM break through as well as grouting, to ensure filling the gap of construction. After TBM break out from the continuous wall, cleaning massive concrete blocks and rubble cut down by shaft base plate, then install and fix box steel guide beam and receiving bracket.
3 盾构出洞施工技术Construction technology of TBM break through
3.1盾构出洞工艺流程Process of TBM break through
盾构机到达出洞施工是指从盾构机到达下一站接收井之前50m到盾构机贯通区间隧道进入接收井被推上盾构接收基座的整个施工过程(即盾构机到达米埔竖井前50m范围)。其工作内容包括:盾构机定位及接收洞门位置复核测量、地层加固、洞门处理、洞门渗漏检测、安装接收托架等。盾构到达施工流程图如《图4 盾构机出洞工艺流程》。
Construction of TBM arrival breaking through means the whole construction progress that TBM only 50m away from the next receiving shaft, it get through this section and reach receiving shaft, then be put on receiving bracket(TBM arrived 50m in front of Mai Po shaft). The job content include TBM location, receiving portal position check and measurement, ground reinforcement, portal handling, portal penetration test, receiving bracket installation and so on. TBM arrival construction flow chart is shown in figure 4(Process flow of TBM break through).
When TBM break through, ground reinforcement, portal waterproof, grouting construction measures are guarantee to stabilize excavation face, decrease disturbance of ground around and the key to make sure TBM break through safely.
接收井端头地层加固 箱型轨道梁预埋钢板 洞门渗漏检测 渗漏钻孔填充注浆 盾构机爬上托架 接收托架安装固定 降压、排出舱内泥浆 盾构机平移 盾构机切削连续墙出洞 盾构机拆除吊装 清理竖井底混凝土块 箱型轨道梁安装固定
Ground treatment for the top end ground at receiving shaft install and fix receiving bracket TBM clime up bracket TBM transition TBM disassembly and lifting pre-embedded steel plate for box track rail portal leakage inspection grouting for leaking drill holes-reduce pressure pump out the slurry inside the chamber TBM cut continuous wall and break through clean up concrete blocks at the bottom of shaft install and fix the box track beam 图4 盾构机出洞流程 Figure 4 Procedures of TBM break through
3.2.1 盾构机定位及接收洞门位置复核测量 TBM location and measurement check of receiving portal
When TBM advance to arrival section, cooperate with MTR measure the TBM position accurately, ensure the relation between finished tunnel central axis and designed tunnel central axis, start measurement check of receiving portal position at the same time, make sure the
through posture of TBM and advance adjustment plan. There are two attentions when consider through posture of TBM: on the one hand, the central axis deviation between current through tunnel and designed tunnel; on the other hand, the deviation of receiving portal position. Adjust properly on the base of designed tunnel central axis according to synthesize all the factors. The adjustment should finish step by step and not too much of each ring. 3.2.2 出洞地层加固 Ground reinforcement of breaking through
Because the weak character of TBM breaking through end ground in Mai Po shaft, it is necessary to reinforce the ground of portal before TBM break through, let it strong enough to support itself, meets the requirements of TBM breaking through and establish the balance of TBM slurry system.
Ground reinforcement of Mai Po breaking through section adopts high pressure rotary jet grouting pile, which make it stable. The diameter of rotary jet grouting pile is 1800mm, space between piles is 1300mm, the unconfined compressive strength of high pressure jet grouting with solid should not less than 1.5MPa, permeability coefficient should less than 1x10-7cm/s. Rotary jet grouting pile should connect with guardrail structure of work shaft more than 200mm. High pressure jet grouting pile reinforcement area is 14m along the tunnel direction, width of tunnel vertical direction is 13.96m, 5m above and 2.84m under the tunnel is the reinforcement area in vertical direction. Show in the figure below.
图5 出洞地层旋喷桩加固平面图
Figure 5 The rotary jet grouting pile reinforcement floor plan of breaking through ground
图6 出洞地层旋喷桩加固剖面图
Figure 6 The rotary jet grouting pile reinforcement profile map of breaking through
The earth after rotary jet grouting reinforcement should have particular independence and stability; also cannot leak water or flow sand, check the soil strength and impermeability indicators of end ground consolidation. Measure soil strength with boring samples, explore hole for sample to measure permeability indicator, start water test, determine whether impermeability achieve the requirements to open portal according to the testing result. 3.2.3 洞门渗漏检测 Portal leakage test
Portal reinforcement section should have boring test before TBM break through to make sure the effectiveness of grouting, ensure satisfactory permeability requirements for target areas, evaluate by measure water flow of boring.
每个洞门钻孔5个孔,分别在四周对称钻孔及中间部位钻孔,具体见下图所示: Drill 5 holes at each portal, and drill symmetrically around and in the center, details as below:
图7 渗漏检测钻孔位置图 Figure 7 Boring location plan of leakage check 1、在加固区域钻至预定深度 Drill to planned depth of reinforce area
采用凿岩机钻孔钻孔,钻孔直径45mm,钻进深度为超过连续墙2m,深度约为3.5m。 Drilling with rock drill machine, diameter of boring is 45mm, drilling depth 2m more
than continuous wall, about 3.5m.
连续梁 图8 渗漏检测钻孔示意图 Figure 8 Boring diagram of leakage check 2、钻孔完成后测量渗水量 Measure water flow after drilling
钻孔完成后,插入导管,将水流引出,采用量杯等容器对渗水量进行测量。 After drilling is finish, insert pipe and draw water out, measure water flow with cups or other containers.
连续梁米埔竖井 图9 渗漏检测示意图 Figure 9 Leakage check diagram
3、测量地层及钻孔数据 Ground measurement and boring parameter
L cmL=1~2m 4.5cmTBM CLP011
钻孔直径 Boring diameter 盾构机地下水位深度 Underground water level of TBM 目标K值 Target K value 45mm P0 现场实际测量 P0 in-situ measurement k 28.3m 1×10-7m/s 按照以下公式计算 Calculate according the formula below
q= P0×4π×k×r0
k=q/ (P0×4π×r0)
q: 水流 Water flow (m3/sec) P0 : 水头差 Water head difference(m) r0 : 半径 Radius (√ (A/4π) ) (m) A : 表面区域 Surface area(πD2/4 + πDL) 例如 Example:
钻孔深度 Boring depth L L=2.0m 表面区域 Surface area A 2843.34cm2 半径 Radius r0 15.04 cm 水头差Water head difference P0 28.3m 渗透系数k Permeability coefficient K 10-7m/s 控制水流 Water flow control 321cc/min 计算过程:Calculation process
表面积surface area A=πDLπD2/4=3.1416*4.5*200+3.1416*4.5*4.5/4=2843.34 cm2
半径radius r0=√ (A/4π)=15.04 cm 目标值target value K=1×10-7m/s
控制流量control flow q≤ P0×4π×k×r≤0 5.3486 cm3/s≤321cc/min
Water flow will be used to evaluate permeability coefficient K, if K value under 1*10-7m/s, means grouting can achieve desired effect.
If grouting meet the requirements of portal ground reinforcement through testing, all borings need to be filled with grout, the grouting plugging process is as following:(UCS=2.0MPa).
安装封口器 将注浆管插入孔底开始注浆 当浆液反流至孔口时,持续注浆 30s以排气 端头墙封口器持压2min(压力保持在关闭闸阀 4~5bar),压力高于水土压力的20﹪即可 注浆管出浆口
图10 封堵钻孔施工示意图
Figure 10 construction diagram for drilling holes plugging
3.2.4 出洞前竖井内准备工作 Preparation work in shaft before breaking through
There are two group concrete footsteps in the middle lifting shaft of Mai Po shaft, the width is 1.2m and height is 0.26m, also reserved steel cage with a width of 0.55m and a height of 0.87m, the design elevation of shaft plate is -29.63. Show in the figure below.
图11 竖井底板结构图 Figure11 Structure chart of shaft baseplate 出洞前,竖井底部尚有如下工作需提前准备:
Before breaking through, work as below need to be prepared in advance at the bottom of shaft:
Considering bottom steel transition box girder, receiving bracket, sliding block and reserved dimension, the current baseplate need to be filled temporarily with a height of 384mm, plan to fill with D30 concrete same as 825, set a longitudinal slope consistent with tunnel at the elevation of baseplate.
图12 竖井底板混凝土浇筑示意图
广深港高铁深港连接隧道盾构出洞方案 2850285023502350(2)浇筑临时混凝土填充时,在底板预埋600×600×20mm厚钢板,用于焊接箱型轨道梁,达到固定箱形轨道梁的目的,预埋钢板根据箱型钢导梁的布置形式设置,具体见下图。 南行线 When pouring temporary concrete, embedded 600×600×20mm steel plate in the floor, which use for welding box girder and fix it. The arrangement of embedded steel plate according to the layout form of box girder, details show in the figure below. 29000北行线2850235023502850 图12 箱型轨道梁底部预埋件布置图 Figure 12 The bottom embedded arrangement 20000150035002200230020002000diagram of box girder
In order to prevent storing too much water and slurry in the bottom of shaft, set up a water collection well with 1m deep, 2m long and 1m wide close to the wall at the shaft bottom to pump out intensely.
The rebar at the bottom of the shaft will be cut before the concreting.
In case destroy waterproof layer caused by glass fiber re-bars of continuous wall pull inner wall when TBM break through, all glass fiber re-bars in tunnel portal area will be cut
700 广深港高铁深港连接隧道盾构出洞方案 along the outline of tunnel after TBM arrived continuous wall. Cutting area should be 5cm away from breaking through outline, using diamond core pulling method, the depth of drill is 20cm, mainly cut off the outer layer of glass fiber re-bars. 图13 连续墙玻璃纤维筋割除 Figure 13 Cut off glass fiber re-bars of continuous wall (6)为稳定盾构机姿态,保证盾构机顺利爬上接受架,同时防止出现栽头现象,需在洞门空留内衬墙位置,采用D30砼浇筑临时导台,盾构机破除洞门后,通过临时砼导台爬上接受架,砼导台具体形式见下图。 In order to stablize the TBM alignment, and ensure the TBM can climb the receival rack successfully, and prevent the head-dropping at the same time, it need reserve the space for lining wall at the portal, we plan to use D30 concrete to pour the temporary platform, after the TBM break through the portal, it can climb the receival rack through the temporary concrete platform, please see the type of concrete guaide platform as following figure:
图14 临时砼导台示意图
Figure 14 diagram for temporary concrete guide platform
3.2.5 平移装置的定位安装 The location and installation of transition device
Because TBM need to be lifted outside after climb to bracket and move to the center of shaft at this time, so transition device must be set on the bottom of shaft, and bracket locate on it.
1、平移装置 Transition device
Transition device adopt box rail girder, used for TBM transition, the cross-sectional dimension is 469*400mm, layout 6 rows in lateral, and 4 groups of them are used for supporting receiving bracket with the space is 3-4m. 2 groups are used for TBM transition with the space is 4.3m, according to TBM focus settings. Fix box girder and embedded steel plate of shaft base plate with welding, as the figure below.
图15 平移箱梁结构设计图
Figure 15 Transition box girder structure design diagram
图16 箱型轨道梁平面布置图 Figure 15 Floor plan of box girder
3.2.6 接收托架的安装
Because the main engine of TBM weighs 877 tons(including cutter wheel), so the receiving bracket must have sufficient rigidity and strength. Receiving bracket use steel structure form, mainly withstand gravity of TBM and the friction when TBM climb on bracket. Receiving bracket weights about 47.1 tons, length 13.23m, width 5.5m, the height between the bottom of TBM center and bracket is 0.44m. Receiving device is manufactured in mainland, then install after transported to Hong Kong Mai Po shaft.
Receiving bracket structure form and arrangement diagram:
7504700550025°67125°600740132307001000114094828245120120图17 接收托架结构图 Figure 17 Receiving bracket structure diagram
ⅠⅥⅡⅤⅢ接收托架Ⅳ支撑箱梁滑块平移箱梁图18 接收托架布置图 Figure 18 Receiving bracket arrangement diagram 3、托架的安装定位 Bracket installation and location
After TBM cut off continuous wall and break through, cleaning massive concrete and breakstones in the bottom of shaft, then install and locate receiving bracket.
The central axis of receiving bracket should be consistent with the designed central axis of tunnel, also need to take the TBM breaking through gesture into account. Design elevation of receiving bracket should not only adapted to line circumstances, but also go down 20mm,
in order to let TBM climb on bracket smoothly. I-beam are used around bracket to support it on the inner wall around, especially to strengthen the vertical of bracket, make sure TBM can climb on receiving bracket smoothly.
3.3 盾构机出洞掘进Excavation of TBM breaking through
3.3.1 到达前掘进控制 Excavation control before arrive
The excavation speed should slow down when TBM is about to arrive, and try to maintain balance of all construction parameters, mainly control top and bottom oil pressure of cylinder, precisely control the parameters of TBM excavation, reducing ground disturbance around, avoid end wall destroy or leakage caused by pressure fluctuations, strengthening monitoring of surface subsidence, adjust excavation chamber pressure according to the change of surface subsidence.
控制要点: The key points of control:
Construct uniformly and advance with uniform speed, control TBM gesture. The segment selection of breaking through section should be fully integrated TBM gesture, avoid to have large angle between segment and tunnel axis.
(2)推进时不急纠、不猛纠,多注意观察盾尾间隙和千斤顶油缸行程的变化。 Do not adjust hurriedly and too much, put more attention on the gap of shield tail and the changes of jack cylinder stroke.
Inject double slurry in time to fill the gap out of shield when cutter wheel arrived end wall.
3.3.2 掘进参数控制 Excavation parameters control
盾构机采用常压出洞,根据盾构机参数及端头地质情况,出洞时掘进参数如下: TBM break through with 0 bar pressure, according to the TBM parameters and geological situation, the excavation parameters when break through should be set as below:
(1)泥水压力 Slurry pressure:0bar; (2)总推力 Total thrust 2000t;
(3)刀盘转速 Cutter wheel rotary speed 0.8~1.0转circle/分 min; (4)推进速度控制在 Excavation speed 2~3mm/min。
(5)姿态控制 Gesture control:左右控制在±10mm,仰俯角控制在+1~+2mm/m,盾构机出洞时较设计轴线略微上抬,以便盾构机更好的爬上接收托架。
Control within ±10mm for left and right side, control within +1~+2mm/m for pitching angle, slightly elevate TBM compare with designed axis when TBM break through, so TBM can climb on receiving bracket well. 3.3.3 管片支撑防护 Support protection of segment
When TBM breaking through, because slurry pressure drops to 0 bar, the pressure ground push on segment are not uniform, at the same time, thrust pressure is uneven when excavate and TBM sinking when break through, the segments of last several rings are very easy to deform and sink, then occurs dislocation caused by segment posture change, leading to water leakage. Therefore, in addition to grouting synchronously when excavate and secondary grouting to filling the gap of construction, support and reinforcement measures need to be taken for segments of 7 rings when break through.
As the figure shown below, set up 3 sets of 16a# U-steel support in the crown, and weld with segment bolts, tighten segment to prevent segment deformation caused by uneven force. 16a#槽钢16a#槽钢米埔竖井图19 管片支撑防护图 Figure 19 Support protection diagram of segment 管片管片螺栓厚钢板槽钢 图20 管片支撑防护大样图
Figure 20 detail drawing for segment support protection
3.3.4 盾构机出洞 TBM breaking through
ue to the soil reinforcement handling of portal area, and meet the requirements of leak detection, water leakage of breaking through ground is small, we do not have big risk, water and slurry leakage when break through mainly caused by the ground out of reinforced area.
盾构到达米埔竖井出洞方案20150725Plan of TBM breaking through05-16
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