China Speaks武汉试卷三年级

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International Competition of "China Speaks!"

三、Complete the dialogues with the pictures.根据图片选择正确答语。(每小题2分,共10分)

( )1. — What is the time?

— It is _______ o'clock.

A. ten B. eleven C. twelve

( )2. — What is your number?

— My number is _______.

A. eighty B. eighteen C. eight

( )3. I go to Beijing by _______.

A. train B. plane C. bus

( )4. — What shape is this?

— It is a _______.

A. circle B. triangle C. square

( )5. — What kind of fruit is this?

— It is a(n) _______.

A. apple B. watermelon C. pineapple

四、Choose the proper translation to each Chinese sentence.选择正确答案。(每小题2分, 共10分)

( )1. 患难见真情。

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. With real friend, you can solve problems.( )2. 岁月不待人。

A. Time ies. B. Time and tide wait for no man.

( )3. 不劳无获。

A. You should work hard to get the success. B. No pains, no gains.

( )4. 善意的谎言。

A. A white lie . B. A good lie.

( )5. 红茶。

A. The black tea.

B. The red tea.

小学三年级英语试卷 ·第3页·五、Fill in each blank with the proper word.完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)1. The k__________ is a kind of animals only in Australia.2. Zim likes music very much. He can play the v__________.3. I have no k__________ to the door.4. Excuse me, can I use your r__________ ? I want to draw a line.5. T__________ is the king of the forest.六、Reading Comprehension.阅读理解。(1-3每小题2分,第4题4分,共10分)I am a teacher and my name is James Smith. I am from England but I stay in Shanghai now. I usually get up at six. Half an hour later, I have my breakfast. I go to school at seven. I like my students very much because they are all the best in my eyes. I like basketball very much. In the afternoon, I often play it in the playground. I like music very much. I can play piano. During the holiday, I go back to my home to see my family.( )1. What's the job of the writer? A. Teacher. B. Student. C. Musician.( )2. When does the writer have breakfast? A. At six. B. At half past six. C. At seven.( )3. Does the writer like football? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't know.4. Imagine which subject does the writer teach and write down your reasons._________________________________________________________________________________________七、Puzzles.智力题。(每小题5分,共10分)1. What letter is an animal? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. A police of cer had a brother, but the brother had no brother. How could that be? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 小学三年级英语试卷 ·第4页·

