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作者:孙远 来源:新东方
1. 政治本身
97. \is unfortunate but true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's lives.\
195. \should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus.\
89. \
2. 政府与人民(领导与被领导的人直接的关系):
45.\out the will of the people whom they serve.\
a) b) c) d)
Government officials have more insights and are capable to fully evaluate a specific problem in the long run. // the purchase of Alaska
Government officials have the responsibility to form the judgment according to their evaluation of the situation. It is just such responsibility which endow them power.
Public will could be instrumental in forming more precise and comprehensive judgment. Different people are representative of their own interest, public as a whole can have a comprehensive representation of the interest of different group
The fundamental of democracy require that the public view should be taken into consideration by the government officials.
79.\to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.\
160.\most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to re main consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.\
202.\great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise.\
a) b) c) d)
Public opinion is instrumental for the political leaders to make a better solution.
For the most effective leader, the public opinion should be evaluated instead of absorbed unconditionally. Unconditionally abandoning principle for the sake compromise, will undermine the authority of the political leader, thus greatly render them ineffective when carry out governmental actions.
For the sake of maintaining authority and fulfill their responsibility, the political leader should not bend to the public opinion too often. Any public opinion should be thoroughly investigated before absorbed.
105.\to tolerate challenges from its own citizens.\
142.\ 【Position】:尽管质疑权威有时候会引起社会不安定,适当的质疑有利于社会健康发展。
a) b)
在社会领域,适度的质疑揭露社会问题并且让人们团结起来去改变现状从而使社会进步。比如质疑men dominance的women right运动,推动了Equal Pay Act,19th宪法修正案保护妇女right to vote,等妇女权利保护的立法,提高了妇女地位,是社会的进步。
c) d)
8. \public.\
It is always impossible for the political leaders to reveal everything to the public, especially some the information which can affect the national security. Different nations are competing and even antagonistic. Revealing some information could has no help for the solution but poses negative impact on the stability of a country. Unidentified illness
Withholding information should not be the excuse for political leaders to abuse their power. Withholding information at their will could provide the chance of corruption,
b) c)
honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.\
1. 2. 3.
诚实坦白对每个人来说都是美德。对于政治家,能够树立良好的公众形象,赢得公民的赞赏和支持。例如Lincoln家里很贫寒,他在竞选的时候丝毫没有掩饰自己的贫穷,赢得了下层阶级people from low class的支持; 为了保证国家的利益和安全,也应当说谎。如:使民众安心。不能complete forthright
但就长远来说,A 正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin Luther King B政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。
3. 法律:
17.\are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.\
a) b) c) d)
174.\of various circumstances, times, and places.\
【Position】: Laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of a society, at the same time laws should to be comparatively stable in its basic spirit.
科技经济在不断的发展,新的技术和新的经济行为需要法律做出适当的修改,来保护人们的利益。//反垄断法,反对克隆的法律,antitrust law, Nineteen European nations on January 12, 1998, approved the first binding international treaty prohibiting the cloning of human beings.
社会在发展,道德标准也在变化,法律必须做出修改以适应新的社会.//美国宪法的修正案,妇女权利黑人权利的保护,Lincoln enacted the law to entitle equal rights to the blacks with the whites.
b) c)
178.\cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds.\
【Position】: Laws are enacted to control or alter people’s behavior, thus it can indirectly influence the way people think for laws teach us right from wrong.
a) b) c)
通过对人们行为的约束,可以潜移默化的改变人们对于善恶的看法。//法律禁止私自限制他人自由,通过对违法事件的惩罚是人们总内心认为这样做是不对的,也是人们自觉的维护自己的自由。 不能用法律把某种思想强加与人,不能限制人们思想的自由,压制人们的言论自由使得民主遭到破坏,滋生独裁与集权。//苏联
180.\moral behavior cannot be legislated.\
4. 政治与道德
169.\who treat politics and morality as though they were separate realms fail to understand either the one or the other.\
43.\be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.\
领导人的使命决定了更重要的不是道德,而是他们的领导能力,协调能力,处理危机的能力,道德上有点问题不妨碍他们成为有效的领导人。public official’s primary duty is to expand the wealth, prosperity and influence of the community, not to be a moral leader who is ought to care only about the morality of people// Clinton's sex scandal &the marital discretions of President Kennedy
作为public official,拥有一定的道德素质有利于树立威信,比如Martin Luther King和Gandhi防止权利腐败。 过多的道德要求会影响他们做出最有利于community的决策./杜鲁门Truman广岛长崎投原子弹,挽救了多少美国士兵的生命,提前结束了战争。
b) c)
5. 领导者本身素质:
24.\the use of that power.\
152.\only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies.\
为公司赚钱的确是corporate executives的responsibility之一,因为一个要发展下去是离不开钱的(给员工发工资需要钱,为公司作宣传打广告要钱,开发新产品新技术要钱,国家经济的发展也需要各个企业能够有盈利。比如
但是赚钱不是唯一responsibility, 对企业自身来说,give employees motives, 给员工提供良好的工作环境,为员工塑造融洽的人际关系氛围,给予员工发展和成长的机会。【这里引用赫茨伯格的双因素激励理论】对与社会来说,一个公司属于社会的一部分,所以除了赚钱,corporate executives 还有责任回报社会,做一些慈善事业【charity undertaking】取之于民,用之于民。这样不仅可以树立公司良好的社会形象,还可以帮助需要帮助的人。而且也体现社会对弱势群体的关注。
6. 政治与媒体:
108.\Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings-- trials, debates, meetings, etc -- that are televised, the more society will benefit.\
193.\is not the headline-making political events but the seldom-reported social transformations that have the most lasting significance.\
7. 其它:
123.\Everything about people -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat -- reflects their political beliefs.\
服饰透露出宗教信仰,宗教信仰有时可透露政治信仰。如:Arabia people,男子身着white aba, 女子use headcloth, black gauze. Islamic. They believe that all the political power gender from Allah, every citizen has the right to participate in deciding national policy. b) c) d)
服饰和谈吐同时显示出人的阶层,受教育程度。通常情况下,中下层阶级更关注社会福利事业,下层人民生活状况;而中上层阶级更关心垄断大资本家(monopolistic capitalist)利益。 朋友间的政治倾向较为趋同。
有时外表可能欺骗人。A.有的人比较conservative B 有的人动机不纯,如:spy,C国家机器press
170.\surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.\
197.\progress and well-being of all other countries.\
其他国家的生活质量提高会对一个国家产生正影响.A经济上如:北美自由贸易圈North American Free Trade Agreement,世贸组织,都对促进参与国家的经济发展。中国的廉价纺织品提高了美国人的生活水平。 B科技上:一个国家的科学成果可以促进其他国家的生产力发展。比如电脑是美国人发明的,但是对世界其他国家的科学技术进步都起到了作用。 b)
一个国家的不安定会导致其他国家也受到影响。比如美国和伊拉克开战以来,有很多难民refugee涌向了临近的伊朗等国家,对这些国家的社会保障造成了很大压力,也对这些国家的社会治安造成了威胁。有些时侯还会滋生恐怖主义,比如阿富汗Afghanistan,社会的动荡产生了今天的恐怖组织terrorist,对世界各国的安全都造成了威胁。 c)
70.\after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.\
b) c)
在government, politics领域最好是要定期更新领导者, 因为when leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. 比如 美国总统任期term四年,所以为了给自己积累政治资本,他们就在任期内不敢随意abuse power而是实行对国家有益的政策
有些职位需要长时间的稳定性,而且需要领导人长时间在职才能得出正确的政策,过频繁的更换会使得一项政策不能继续贯彻已得到长远的效果。比如美联储Federal 主席,宏观经济政策周期比较长,需要很长时间才能有效果,频繁人事改变不利于稳定。
8. 政府的作为
82.\to exhibit.\
【Position】:Censorship does more good than harm to the wellbeing of society, the family, and the country.
a) b) c)
83.\ven though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.\
a) b) c)
10.\to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.\
经过历史上的发展,有文化传统的积累。城市确实更可能成为国家文化交流的中心,比如,北京的京剧,西安。因为主要的大城市往往是经济文化较发达的地区。比如,在纽约几乎每一周里都有各种游行,中国新年的游行,St. Patrick’s Day (爱尔兰的节日)游行等等
大城市作为经济文化交流的中心,文化间的交流,使得本国的文化与外来的文化互相作用,不利于原汁原味本土文化传统的保留。文化交流必然会趋于同化,相互影响,一个地区的文化传统很难在这样的冲击下独立生存下去。比如我们现在整天大吃KFC Pizza 看美国大片,听摇滚音乐,冲击了中国传统的地方戏剧和音乐。
反观乡村,也孕育和保存着一些已经被历史遗忘的文化传统,如美国乡村音乐,blues and jazz 都起源于南方小城镇,而美国的小说也大多起源于中部平原地区 关于政府的财政支持,政府的确是应该支持大城市的,如果它需要的话,毕竟大城市的发展关系着整个国家的经济发展。然而,我们应该明确的是政府绝不是因为文化的考虑而支持大城市,相反,为了保留文化传统,国家应该加大对小城镇或农村的支持力度。
c) d)
*10. 政府必须确保给予主要城市发展所需的财政支持,因为一个国家的文化传统主要发源于并保留在城市中。
To preserve and generate a nation's culture traditions is one of the major tasks for the government. The development of the cradle of the culture various considerably, some may developed as cities and the others may be remained on the rural area. In recent yeas, with the trend of globalization in the city has become more and more manifest, people should give more attention on the rural area where the influence of the outsider efforts have much less than the city.
1、 在当今的全球化时代,大城市更应当被看作是各个民族相互交流和了解的舞台,而不是作为文明的发源地。
尽管,各个民族的发源地并不相同,有的在rural area有的则在大城市,但是大城市作为经济和政治发展的中心,各个民族和文化都回汇聚于此,因此已经很难作为文明的发源地而予以保护了。In today’s process of globalization, the big cities have no longer be regarded as the breeding ground of the single form of the traditional culture, but the platform which make the different cultures possible to understand and communicated one another. For one thing, the urban area has played a much larger part in the human world.
2、 相比之下,政府应当投入更多的精力和资金在rural area因为那里交通相对落后,人们对外交流有限,所以
3、 Rural area和城市都应当在保留文明和传统中发挥重要作用。城市是舞台,rural area是源头和保留地。欠发
20.\than to adults.\
b) c) d)
56. Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. 【提纲】观点:平衡。当务之急和将来的问题都很重要。
然而这并不意味着我们可以忽视将来预期的问题。比如人口中男女比例失调,如果不予以考虑,将来会出现一系列的社会问题,如和犯罪and 心理有关的问题,再比如,环境问题,如果早预见环境问题的重要性,可能不会像现在这么严重。还有某些地区的人口问题,如果早预见到人口会给环境和社会带来如此大的压力,早控制人口,效果会好很多。 而且,政府如果只注重现在而忽视了长远,显然是对后代不公平的。还是环境污染的例子,现代人无节制的污染与破坏损坏了将来人的利益。而且这样做也是目光短浅的,我们在试图解决将来预期问题的同时也会受益,开发新的绿色能源energy source的问题上,科学家们在研究太阳能方面取得的进展可以为我们当前服务,如太阳能电池 solar battery,太阳能加热系统,solar heating system.
9. 学习方法,态度:
229.\great depth rather than to start by trying to develop a sense of the whole.\
a) b) c)
57.\depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience.\
117.\of knowledge to be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience.\
204.\experiencing it is to learn nothing at all.\
28. \concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.\
42 \people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.\
153 \should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.\
在质疑的过程中,可以加深对知识的认识,在解决问题的过程中,学习能力、查资料的能力、思考能力不断提高。如一项政策,在了解其目的后,学生可能质疑其会带来的负效应。在查找资料,询问老师后,可以了解到这些负效应能够以怎样的方式被解决。若不质疑,则可能停留在原地。 质疑促进了创新。人类的认识是有限的,不可能完全正确没有任何漏洞。质疑提出了问题,引起了创新。当魏格纳Wegener发觉世界地图不同大陆的海岸线有相似之处,他质疑了当时流行的地址理论,经过研究才提出了自己的板块漂流说。哥白尼Copernicus质疑地心说,才研究出了日心说
155. \society offers so many ways of learning that reading books is no longer very important.\
38. \learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.\
电视媒体有很多有点。documenting and conveying temporal, spatial events and experiences。比如通过电视节目来了解动物的生活习性,或者表现山川河流的壮观景色来吸引游客。Thus the speaker's claim has some merit when it comes to arts education and to learning about modern and current events.世界每天发生很多事件,很难及时通过书来了解,电视提供了便利的条件。比如在大选期间,人们通过电视很容易了解候选人的政治主张,如果用书来,很难同样的效果
不能忽略电视的缺点,电视节目追求的收视率audience rating,利润,而不是让人们获得知识。于是庸俗的电视剧会更多的占据电视的时间,迎合人们本能而不是理智。比如电视中的暴力,色情内容,反而有害。
b) c) d)
233 \innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.\
205 \effects on life-long learning can only be positive.\
1 \whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.\
122. \have disagreed.\
4 \experience to that field of study.\平衡
a) b) c)
但是,一个领域的研究可以借签其它领域的成果而取得巨大的进步,当数学家mathematician John Nash把数学的思想用来解释经济现象后,当代的经济领域发生巨大的变化,很多Nobel经济学奖得主是数学家;
随着现代科学和社会的发展各个不同领域之间常常互相影响,新的交叉学科应运而生,不但促进了原有领域的发展还具有很高的新起点。(化学和生物的交叉产生了生化biochemistry,促进了近代临床科学clinic medicine的发展,如人造骨骼artificial bones的应用)随着社会的发展,越来越多的交叉学科出现,各个学科的发展需要多方面的知识。如计算机学科需要多种数学啊,艺术的知识; d) e)
尽管很少,仍有一些学科相对独立。例:数学有自己的理论体系(system info),基本依靠计算(calculation)、逻辑推理(logic ratiocinate),哲学(philosophy)依赖思考
10. 学习课程:
80. \interest in science.\
90. \students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market.\
94. \student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.\
In so far as the take the courses outside the student’s fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision, I
fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real ―truly educated‖ should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge. However, close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardize situation.
Since various disciplines were interrelated, the study of courses outside the students’ own field may benefit the study of their own major.如:研究经济学的适当学习数学知识有利于对经济学的更深理解,如达芬奇Da Vinci即是科学家也是艺术家,他对人体解剖anatomy的深入了解,才使得他的油画十分优美,传神。 b)
首先,要解决一个问题,可能同时需要多方面知识,比如要编出一个很优秀的程序,仅仅懂得编程语言是不够的,还需要对软件工程,数学等方面知识的了解。比如,一个复杂的科研课题可能需要很多人共同合作完成,不但需要在专业知识上精通,如果具有管理学的知识可以更使工作更有效。其次,可以让学生发现她真正感兴趣的研究方向。比如德布罗意De Broglie开始是文学专业毕业的,后来接触了量子学才发现物理才是他的兴趣所在,后来提出了phase wave理论最后,广泛的学习各种知识能够拓宽视野 c)
过分强调学习其他学科的重要性可能会导致学生忽视专业的学习,毕竟社会需要对某方面有专长的人,这也是高校设置major的目的所在,浅尝辄止对个人和社会都无裨益;学习通信的整天忙于看文学,学习经济,哪里有时间去钻研通信方面的的知识,怎么合格的毕业? d)
106 \the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects.\
78 \beings and thus help eliminate wars, cultural clashes, and other forms of conflict.\
5. \to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.\
使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想比如统一学习国家的历史与文化,可以can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill b)
B有助于大学设置课程 provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen, 如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。Q保证教材的质量全国同一的教材可以请专家来编写,教材质量有保障,而一些地方可能没有条件来编教材 c)
但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.)。还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程。比如艺术学校的学生,就需要学习艺术类相关课程而重点不在科学知识上 d)
传输教条facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power. 比如国家间意识形态不同,各自通过统一的课程来攻击,贬低彼此,不利于培养思想完善的人
50 \faculties should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.\
98 \and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past.\
158 The arts (music, dance, visual arts, etc.) are vitally important to students' education and should therefore receive as much emphasis as mathematics, science, reading and other mainstream subjects.\
11. 分数的局限:
55. \grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.\
100. \pressure to achieve high grades in school seriously limits the quality of learning. An educational environment without grades would promote more genuine intellectual development.\ 12. 其它:
179. \most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open -- but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.\
183. \we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious.\
13. 教育的目的:
177. The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes.
对于自然学科的学习,给了我们科学知识,让我们了解了世界的本质;对进化论evolutionism的学习可以使我们改变了过去认为上帝创造了世界的观点,而科学的认为所有物种都是逐渐进化而来的。魏格纳的板块学说使我们认识到现状的大陆不断漂移而不是恒久不变的,非洲和南美洲过去曾经是相连的continental drift and plate tectonics b) c)
对哲学和社会学科的学习,让我们学会用辩证,发展的眼光来看待问题;如:dialectic辩证法教给我们将事物一分为二的看待,有好有坏;Every coin has two sides.
232. \purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is
separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns.\
102. \education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past.\
128. \In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.\
201. \purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas -- not to prepare them for a specific job.\
222 \sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals.\ 182. \ 14. 教育与社会:
130. \the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.\
a) 儿童的社会化对于社会的未来很重要,儿童的社会化培养了儿童生活自理能力,基本的知识与技能,为价值观,道德的形成奠定了基础。比如孩子在游戏总表现出来的勇敢,领导,协作,诚实,与通过。如果人们由于不当的社会化导致了antisocial, 未来对社会只会造成危害
b) 但是社会的未来不仅仅决定与儿童的社会化,还有许多其他因素,卓越的领导人改变了社会的命运,Mahatma Gandhi改变了印度社会的命运,但是他的成功源自内心对自由的信仰,而不是来自出身印度上流社会的社会化。罗斯福Roosevelt虽然从小受残疾的影响没有很好的socially developed,性格也古怪。但是依靠New Deal给美国社会注入了强大的动力。
c) 现实的证据证明我们也掌握了很多进行儿童社会化的手段和方法,否则今天社会那些取得的卓越成就从哪里来。今天社会greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, 尊重和保护 individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries, 都是由the most recent half-century创造的.今天的社会更加尊重妇女的权利,对黑人的歧视越来越少。社会对处在失业的,helpless的人给予更多的帮助。
52 \to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony.\
154 \must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.\
孩子有大段时间是不在学校的,但其健康成长应该是全面的full-scale教育,而不仅仅是学校教育。如:家长带孩子外出旅游,就可增加他们与大自然的接触,培养出眼界开阔的孩子broaden their horizon。若父母不参与到教育中,不在学校的时间孩子可能玩电游,或在一起看暴力片violence、或打架斗殴。 b)
但是父母虽然看起来最了解孩子,最知道孩子需要学习什么,以及学习的方式。但是他们往往会误导自己的孩子。父母对于自己生活中的某种遗憾会变成对孩子的期望,不能真正让孩子学习自己感兴趣的东西。比如父母当年喜欢物理,但是确没能在物理上有所成就。于是期望自己的孩子能在物理上有所成就,但是孩子喜欢音乐,父母的意见压抑了孩子的兴趣。 c) d)
15. 教育的方法:
228. \positive actions and ignore negative ones.\
230. \students -- and people in general -- prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. Therefore, colleges should eliminate as many choices as possible in order to offer students clear direction.\
67. \should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education.\ 16. 教育与学生的关系:
223 \ 214. \identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.\
a) b)
不可否认,有些神童的确是在小时候开始培养的。某些领域需要从小开始积累,联系,以后才可能有所成就,比如音乐,体育。例如莫扎特Mozart和贝多芬Beethoven。比如体操,小时候身体条件适合练习和培养,长大了就错过时机了。 判断一个小孩是否有天赋是很难的事情,仅看IQ或者EQ是不能得出结论的。比如Einstein小时候别人就认为他是个普通的小孩,读大学前人们也没看出什么优点,但是没有人否认他是20世纪最伟大的物理学家。而且有些领域如果小孩没有接触到,是不可能发现他有这方面天赋的,比如音乐。而且小孩子所谓的天赋也许只是一时的兴趣造成的,兴趣是会随着时间改变的,也许天赋在其他方面,比如De Broglie小时候在文学literature方面有天赋,但是后来确是在物
理上有更大的成就 c)
成就的原因有多种,比如自身努力;即使对这些小孩重点培养了,他们也不一定能够成为科学家,艺术家。Genetic reason固然重要,但是后天的努力是占很大的比例的,Edison就说过,achievement equals to 1% genius plus 99% diligence。所以自身努力是很重要的。更多的大师和有所成就的人是靠自己成年后的努力才得到的,比如Wegner等 d)
17. 其它:
104 \is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears.\
53. \should be free for all students, fully financed by the government.\
51 \will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.\ 18. 教育的内容
25.\can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move to the opposite direction-in other words, to make things as simple as possible.\
134. \should be encouraged to realize that mental agility and rhetorical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs.\
191. \to training students to be productive workers.\
112 \educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions.\
19. 传媒的作用:
111 \diminishing the differences among cultures.\
151. \electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.\
161. \media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero. The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.\
109. \so that they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only
sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves.\
107 \hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view.\
215 \bombardment of visual images in contemporary society has the effect of making people less able to focus clearly and extensively on a single issue over a long period of time.\
20. 政府对艺术的态度:
85. \
a) 如果政府不对艺术进行扶持,艺术家完全可以凭借自己本身对艺术的酷爱来创作艺术作品。但是如果艺术家不能从艺术
b) 政府对艺术的资助和扶持有助于艺术的发展,也有利于其它人去从事艺术创作。比如中国的唐朝,政府对艺术扶持,使
c) 当政府把过多的精力放到艺术上的时候,或者过多的放到某一类艺术的时候,就会让很多艺术家为了迎合社会需要而创
总结:政府的资助有利于艺术的发展,但是如果强加在艺术上的政治色彩太浓的时候就会影响 艺术的发展。
101. \should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people.\
190 \as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money.\ 21. 艺术家与评论家:
96 \critics who write about the arts tend to deny the existence of any objective standards for evaluating works of art, they have a responsibility to establish standards by which works of art can be judged.\
143. \and constrain the artist's creativity.\who evaluate works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
144 \critic,* who gives society something of lasting value.\person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc. 22. 艺术的价值:
131 \arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society.\
49 \works such as novels, plays, films, fairy tales, and legends present a more accurate and meaningful picture of human experience than do factual accounts. Because the creators of fiction shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance.\ 23. 其它
76. \highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society.\
14. \is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature.\
218 \merit, it must be understandable to most people.\
艺术作品不一定需要人们的理解。一方面:因为人们的知识有限,所以不可能完全揣摸出艺术作品所代表的作者的真实想法,但是只要能够欣赏就足够了。比如:对于某些外语歌曲,虽然由于语言障碍听不懂作者的意思,但是只要我们听到以后感到很美,那它就是有价值的。如有些诗,我们不能体会作者的真实意思,只要我们的精神得到放松也行;另一方面:艺术作品正是因为不容易被理解,才有了见仁见智的感受,才给人想象力,才full of humor and wit,才有价值;―一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特‖ hamlet,你能说有谁真正读懂了莎士比亚么?(Shakespeare),但这不影响hamlet to be a noted masterpiece.
24. 科技的影响:
23.\As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives.\
88.\ 114. \innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.\
135 \most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems.\
166. \make people's lives more comfortable.\
196. \quality of life.\
219. \that computer technology has made possible the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information, people are less likely than ever to think deeply or originally. They feel unable to compete with -- much less contribute to -- the quantity of information that is now available electronically.\
237.\and video technology can make facsimiles of original works such as paintings and historical documents available to everyone. The great advantage of this new technology is that it will enable anyone—not just scholars—to conduct in-depth research without having access to the original works.\
7 \life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.\
66. \people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.\
124 \transportation-all of the se recent developments are designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before.\ 25. 技术的目标:
30. \primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.\
176 \
the value of each.\ 26. 其它:
31.\of that research are controversial.\
186 \is now our great idol, which all powers and talents must serve. Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world.\
1. 诚然,在这个物质社会中,我们追求实用性是自然而然的事情,毕竟人类的生存于发展是需要物品的实用性来支撑的。
2. 然而,我们要注意到在人类的文明进程中,实用主义并不是唯一的主题。人类对于宗教,信仰,理想,艺术的追求同样
3. 必须承认,一些看似没有实用性的东西,如人类探索外太空,但是从长远来看,这是对人类有巨大意义的。是我们制造
129. \
115. \aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated.\
9. \reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.\
6. \of its youth.\
63 \truly understand your own culture -- no matter how you define it -- requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own.\
207. \people have a diminished sense of who they are.\
礼节和典礼确实有助于定义一个文化,比如:中国的春节家人团聚体现着中国文化中的统一,放炮,西方国家的圣诞节,就是代表了两种不同的文化。伊斯兰Islamic的斋月Ramadan,A fast is held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period.成为伊斯兰文化的象征
但是礼节和典礼并不是唯一的定义文化的方面,因此也不会因为没有这些,社会和团体就会逐渐迷失自我,因为还有很多其他的方面,比如:穿着阿拉伯人女子戴纱巾,语言,习惯中国人适用筷子chopstick而西方人用刀叉knife and fork,艺术中国的山水画traditional Chinese painting与西方的油画oil painting,生活方式等等。
此外,有些礼节和典礼可能是不太好的方面,应该逐渐被取代,其中的很多礼节都是不太合理或者过于苛刻的,因此有时候这些礼节的消失不会不会让社会和团体迷失自己,反而还代表着社会的一种进步。比如:古代奴隶社会时期曾经有适用活人来祭祀的仪式sacrifice,还有葬礼仪式上用活人陪葬的be buried with the dead
243.\its scientific accomplishments.\
27. 目标:
212 \.”
先定义worthy. Welfare >harm/opportunity cost 当cost适当时,是可以的。对个人而言,比如,一个人为了更好的完成工作,选择在deadline前废寝忘食,到头来伤害了自己的身体。完全可以用更好的安排代替短期的突击。 对国家而言,比如,国家为了提高人们的福利待遇是对的,但是过分的提高税收则会提高成本,降低利润,影响经济的发展。 在worthy 的前提下,还要合法。如:一公司以非法手段窃得另一个公司股票,最终合并。可能经济效益大,但不合法。会给以后带来不好的影响。还要考虑道德问题。生物学家,花钱使用其助手的卵子germ cell, 安乐死科学界的剽窃或者作假(如哈福教授伪造科研数据被开除
We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or governments tend to plead a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests。如:Hitler为了自己的政治目标,不择手段,结果给世界人民带来了重大灾难
118 \any field of endeavor -- the sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, industry, etc. -- it is not the attainment of a goal that matters, but rather the ideas and discoveries that are encountered on the way to the goal.\ 28. 人的性格与价值观:
91 \reason often has little to do with the way people form values.\
12. \attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic.\
29. 个性差异与一致统一:
198. \show greater appreciation of individual differences.\
238.\59. \should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.\
不可否认,许多的榜样(model)、模范(paradigm)具备他们独特的优点,而这是大多数人所不具备的。通过学习、模仿(imitate)这些榜样,普通人可以迅速(immediately)找出自身的不足并加以改进,以获得属于自己的成功。比如成功的科学家都有的特质,勤奋diligence,喜欢思考,敢于挑战,和创新creativity,Newton对于苹果落地的思考,加上他的勤奋,最终发现了万有引力universal gravitation。 b)
然而,由于人们性格(character)、智力(intellect)、成长环境与经历、受到的教育的不同,每个人都面对自己独特的问题,并拥有自己的成功方式。简单的模仿甚至是照搬(copy)榜样,有可能无助于解决自身的问题甚至使自己迷失自我(lose themselves)。比如成功的比尔盖茨Bill Gates,出生在一个律师家庭,从小就很聪明的他,很容易的考上了哈佛大学Harvard University ,他在上大学期间中途终止terminate了自己的学业,去开发操作系统的代码MS-DOS。如果我们只看到他的这一点,并单纯的模仿他,我们并不会取得成功。因为并不是每个人都在开发软件发面有很高的天赋。 c)
同时,榜样身上的不足的地方,不能也学了。比如爱迪生Edison的一生有很多伟大的发明invention,而且被称为世界上最伟大的发明家inventor, 但是他轻视理论的研究,这就使得他错过了解释爱迪生效应effects的机会。所以我们在总结前人成功的同时也要看到他们的不足。
141 \that personal economic success requires conformity.\
c) d)
服从一直在某种程度上意味着合作,对于经济的成功有着重要作用,尤其对于复杂的经济实体,比如大的零售商;例如,现代经济市场中强调的所谓供应链管理supply chain management,它整合和优化了供应商、制造商、零售商的效率,形成了强大的资金,信息,物流logistics的支持,可以获得更高的利润
个性意味着创新,有助于在今天竞争日益激励的经济社会里取得优势;比如福特创新发明了flow production line
30. 合作:
95. \work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.\
1. 团队工作在庞大的复杂的工作方面有更多的优势specialty。每个队员都有自己的优点,充分发挥每个队员的优点会让工作更好开展。比如一个宣传团队,要完成一个新产品的宣传工作,擅长美工的人美工,写作的人写宣传材料,定计划的人定计划,则很快就可以实现产品的宣传。
对于较难较深的问题,适合一个人解决。更多的人可能会降低工作效率,以及会阻碍新的发现。比如爱因斯坦Einstein在没有任何团队的情况下提出了相对论theory of relativity。如果他当时是和团队一起合作的,那么很有可能错过发现相对论,因为在相对论刚提出的时候许多同行的科学家都反对他。
2. 3.
46. \some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation.\
无可否认,现代社会充满了竞争。竞争是社会进步的动力:从政治角度,候选人之间的竞争使政治更加公开化,民主化,有利于选民(美国总统大选);从经济角度,商家,产家之间的竞争促进产品质量的提高,消费者受益,比如各种不同厂家手机的竞争,使得手机的价格越来越低;从体育角度,individual之间的竞争体现了人类超越自我的人性(Olympic spirit) 2.
培养youth的竞争意识能使他们具备适应社会的生存能力,为追求自己的理想而奋斗。竞争可以更好的发挥youth的潜力和能力,比如学校的奖学金的分配,培养了学生的竞争意识,使得他们更好的学习,去争取奖学金。在这个过程中他们也掌握了一定的知识。毕竟要成为leader,需要通过与其他candidate的竞争。只有懂得取竞争才能表现出自己的优点从而成为领导 3.
然而合作意识teamwork也很重要,只有和他人合作才能共同进步,懂得合作才能更加了解一个team成员的有点和不足,才能更好的成为一个有效的领导者。(Nobel prize winner are a group of scientists)篮球比赛的时候,在不断的合作中,这个队伍是才能赢得比赛的。 4.
结论:应该培养当代年轻人同时具有竞争和合作意识(mutually compensate)
213. \much emphasis has been placed on the need for students to challenge the
assertions of others. In fact, the ability to compromise and work with others -- that is, the ability to achieve social harmony -- should be a major goal in every school.\ 31. 个体与集体:
60. \particular group, whether or not that individual truly represents the views of the entire group.\
113. \is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.\
162. \lives. However, the conditions in which people find themselves have been largely established long before people become aware of them. Thus, the concept of personal responsibility is much more complicated and unrealistic than is often assumed.\
175 \worked out by a team, but true innovation results from the enterprise and unique perception of an individual.\
在以前,确实革新的动力往往来自于个人,很多的发明都是源自于个人的努力,例如:爱迪生Edison发明的灯泡,给人们带来了光明,比尔盖茨Bill Gate写的MS-DOS操作系统,使得使用计算机成为可能,瓦特Watt发明了蒸汽机带来了工业革命Industrial Revolution等等。 2.
但是,随着社会越来越复杂,不仅革新的细节需要来自于团队,实质的革新也不能单单依靠个人努力,比如:对太空的探索,天文学,需要很多行业专家的支持,比如机械学家,设计设备,计算机工程师,分析数据,数学家,提供必要的计算方法等。先在的微软和操作系统一个人是根本无法完成的。 3.
199. \innovative ideas do not arise from groups of people, but from individuals.
When groups try to be creative, the members force each other to compromise and, as a result, creative ideas tend to be weakened and made more conventional. Most original ideas arise from individuals working alone.\
32. 个人成功:
126. \measure of true success. True success can be measured only in relation to the goals one sets for oneself.\
16. \are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.\
138. \
188 \environment and, eventually, to change it.\
192. \more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning.\
206 \are too quick to take action; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do.\
210 \needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a career based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work.\
240.\it is far more worthwhile to give negative feedback.\
33. 个人与社会:
75 \develop their own new ideas, but those who are most gifted at perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others.\
77. \of pursuing self-centered , separate goals, people need to understand that satisfaction comes from working for the greater good of the family, the community, or society as a whole.\
93. \must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.\
145 \crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles.\
234.\people prefer restrictions and regulations to absolute freedom of choice, although they would probably deny such a preference.\
19.\its individual citizens.\
21.\is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with distain by the rest of the world.
celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals.\34. 信仰:
35. \to adhere to them.\
146. \who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it.\
165. \motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority.\
235.\people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty—whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution—is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.\
35. 质疑:
184. \
239.\inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a 'fact' should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future.\
18. \others does one really discover the value of that idea.\
68. \how valuable their contributions might be.\
231 \'Moderation in all things' is ill-considered advice. Rather, one should say, 'Moderation in most things,' since many areas of human concern require or at least profit from intense focus.\ 36. 其它:
163. \make use of a very limited portion of the resources available to them until they face a great problem or crisis.\
164. \more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes.\
65 \have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences that they fail to see meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups.\
225. \similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else.\
71 \
200 \most elusive knowledge is self-knowledge, and it is usually acquired through solitude, rather than through interaction with others.\
27. \one can possibly achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking.\
29. \should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they
will lose at least some of their privacy.\
62 \widespread idea that people should make self-improvement a primary goal in their lives is problematic because it assumes that people are intrinsically deficient.\
37. 社会问题:
3. \to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.\
b) c)
Immediate, existing problems好比急性疾病对于人体一样常常关系到社会的稳定,经济的运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果十分严重。比如失业问题引起政府税收增加,不利于企业发展,事业人经济紧张,购买力下降进一步阻碍经济发展。附加的贫富差距引起社会阶级对立,矛盾加剧的话引起社会动乱
有些问题是短时间内不能解决的,需要长期几代人不懈的努力与规划。提高人的道德素质需要一点一滴的逐渐培养不可能一下子解决,预防贪污腐败制度的完善需要长期的研究与实践,这些与human nature有关的问题从来没有被解决过。 当代人对于后代有责任,比如环境的恶化,能源的消耗,对后代造成了不良影响,需要研究未来的能源危机与对策。需要针对环境的恶化做出补救措施,而且生态的恢复也是一个长期过程。
15 \stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.\
a) b) c) d)
Immediate, existing problems好比急性疾病对于人体一样常常关系到社会的稳定,经济的运行,国家的存亡,解决不好后果十分严重。法国巴黎的暴乱,西班牙车站恐怖主义爆炸,他们直接威胁社会的稳定,必须很好的解决
但是仅仅对极端事件做出反应是不能保证社会稳定的,因为社会不稳定的根本原因没有消除;比如,虽然解决了纽约公交系统罢工,使得城市交通恢复正常。但是工人的待遇没有得到改善,等到矛盾激化岛一定程度还会出现同样的罢工 相比之下预防与维护社会的长期稳定比解决已经出现的问题更有价值,代价更小。好比致病不如保健。比如通过长期政策的作用消除贫困与种族仇恨,从根本上消灭不稳定因素。还能提高人们生活水平 必须防病为主,致病为辅。对极端事件的反应只能作为最后的保障
58. \
a) b) c)
生活的快节奏是工业化的时代特征,它确实给我们带来了巨大的好处,提高了工作效率,竞争激发了人的潜力与积极性。 然而,快的生活节奏导致的激烈竞争与压力,使很多人陷入了焦虑,沮丧、孤独(solitude)等心理问题,并给社会带来了不稳定因素(instable factors)。
149 \most practical and effective way to protect wilderness areas is to attract more tourists to these areas through environmentally sensitive projects.\
121 \various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.\
a) b)
但是现在,物种的灭绝与濒危和人类的活动有着直接的联系。Deforestation,湿地marshi的消失导致habitat的锐减,污染和人类的对其他动物的捕杀切断了食物链food chain,北美旅鸽曾有几十亿只,殖民者开发美州100多年,1914年9月这种鸟杀绝了。
242. \should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being.\
b) c)
38. 社会进步:
133 \problems of modern society have led many people to complain: 'We live in terrible times.' Yet, given the choice, no one today would prefer to live in any other time.\
a) b) c)
不可否认,社会文明程度发展了,科学技术水平发展了,人们的生活水平提高了。比如移动电话给人们的通讯带来极大的便利,网络的发展使得我们可以获得更多有价值的信息 解决了许多过去存在的社会问题,比如瘟疫,妇女的选举权
137. \
211. \decision-whether made by government, by a corporation, or by an individual person-must take into account future conditions more than present conditions.\
226 \complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.\
39. 理想与实际的关系:
99 \to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.\
From a philosophical point of view, living is experiencing, which is an everlasting interaction between men and reality。从实际出发使得我们尊重事实,符合自然的规律。所有的发明都在现实中得到检验,也是为了解决现实生活的中的问题。
如果采取理想主义,导致mental disorder和失败。理想主义导致逃避主义,面对困难逃避现实而不去补救,长久下去造成更大的失落,挫败,mental disorder。行为不符合实际,不能最后成功。乌托邦
但是理想对于成功有推动作用,理想主义带来希望,激励,灵感。人类对飞翔的梦想推动了飞机的发明,对未来的憧憬激发人们的动力克服困难。 最好是二者的结合
b) c) d)
148 \ 40. 竞争:
2. \
a) b) c)
竞争是自然的规律,只有通过竞争才能优胜劣汰。Natural selection,物种的进化,人本身就是进化竞争的结果。 竞争对社会是有益的哦。人与人之间竞争提高了人的积极性,效率,激发人的潜力。企业之间的竞争,促进了生产力发展,提高了商品,服务的质量,消费者最终得到实惠。科学家之间竞争推动了科学技术的进步。
37. \most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect.\
41. 历史与现代:
26 \people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served.\
a) b) c)
Save valuable resources and recalls a community’s goal and dreams,一个民族的文化与历史就是通过历史遗迹来保留的,所以为了后代保留这项历史建筑,故宫,大雁塔,西安城墙 带来经济利益。保护古代建筑好的城市吸引更多游客,使他们停留更久花钱更多。A recent travel industry survey over 40% Americans visiting historic place, battlefield, building spent 40% more than typical traverler.西安,北京 当矛盾出现时候,如果历史建筑有历史价值,保留意义,应该保护。否则一旦破坏,无法恢复比如西安的城墙
147. \
① 从物质的角度看,确实是有相互排挤的。比如:生产方式:流水线大规模工业生产取代了过去的和家庭生产。生活方式
② 更多时候,我们看见他们是共存的。如:生产上,仍然有许多手表是手工制作的,很受欢迎,而且价格比大规模生产的
③ 不管是现代化还是传统,我们都不能盲目的接受活着否定,而是去思考他们的优点和不足,更好的让它们为我们生活,
189 \people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.\ 42. 历史作用:
125 \
a) b) c)
120 \today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.\
a) b)
当今世界确实发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们生活的环境,生活的条件都发生了巨大的改善。世界经济互相联系,科技的巨大进步。出现了许多更复杂,更新的问题。例如新的疾病,非典。世界经济一体化的问题。Euthanasia安乐死问题 但是当今生活中许多问题和历史是有关系的,失业,经济问题,法律问题,道德问题。A purely contemporary analysis may shed some light on the problem, but a historical assessment is clearly fundamental.比如low voter turnout在美国,知道了它从何时开始就可以分析出当时的根源,可以分析现在这种因素是否仍然存在,还是有新的因素。当时的解决办法对现在是否有效。。。 但是不能简单的照搬历史,毕竟当今和过去有着千差万别,很多客观调价都变了,学要我们根据今天的具体情况来调整,得出符合实际的解决问题的方法。比如教育制度,就不能只按照过去的内容来教育学生,科技的进步,要求我们加入新的知识。
54 \teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.\
103 \study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.\
a) b)
在现代社会,科技的进步导致传统观念和过去人类积累的经验都面临挑战moral euthanasia Homosexuality;world issue nuclear warfare。医学上,AIDS, SARS.有些情况没有出现过,有些可能用不上 但更多是有用的。At the individual level, 从历史中得到鼓舞,吸取经验教训。如:Edison; perpetual motion machine。Community level,了解GE100年来发展的历史有借鉴意义。了解一个国家,一个民族的历史得到归属感。,中国人对自己5000年历史的了解更使他民族自豪感和爱国。At the nation level, only seek into history can we learn how events cone into being.如:苏联解体,冷战后的世界格局。研究世界大战的起因,能够避免今后发生同样的战争 有些看似回顾历史没有用处,但是确很有用,比如犯罪,社会运动。都是人本性的作用,了解历史能把握这些,更好的制定政策。
d) e)
81. \history of a nation often does more to impede than to
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