
更新时间:2023-05-07 08:22:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e co nomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take respon sibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch







主机:HC-06-M , M=master

从机:HC-06-S , S = slaver

串口模块的使用,是不需要驱动的,只要是串口就可以接入,配对完毕即可通信,模块与模块的通信需要至少2 个条件:




记忆最后一次配对过的从机,并只与该从机配对,直到KEY(26 脚)高电平触发时放弃记忆,26 脚默认应该接低电平。




AT 模式:

配对前就是AT 模式,配对完毕后透明通信

s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, per sist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and kno wledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch

图1 是HC-06 图片及主要引脚





问题:串口发送字符串时,最后没有标志可寻。可以将字符串接收到数组中,发送数据到12864,检测是否到’\0’ ,如果检测得到,将标识符flag置为1;串口中断服务程序中,检测到flag为1时,这证明数据显示成功。此时应当清屏!



Tem[i]=' ';



s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch










unsigned char tmp;

unsigned int c=0;

sbit led1=P1^0; //指示灯0

sbit led2=P1^1; //指示灯1

sbit led3=P1^2; //指示灯2

sbit beep=P3^2; //蜂鸣器

void init(); //串口初始化

void send(unsigned char a); //单字节发送函数

void ctrl(); //接收处理函数

void delay(unsigned int x)


unsigned int i,j;




void main()





if(RI==1) // 是否有数据到来


RI = 0;

tmp = SBUF; // 暂存接收到的数据





s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch

void init() //串口初始化


ES=0; //关中断

SCON = 0x50; // REN=1允许串行接受状态,串口工作模式1,


TMOD = 0x20; // 定时器1工作于方式2,8位自动重载模式, 用于产生波特率

TH1=TL1=0xFD; // 波特率9600 (本次测试采用晶振为11.0592)

PCON &= 0x7f; // 波特率不倍增

TR1 = 1; //定时器1开始工作,产生波特率


TI=0; //接收标志位置0




led1=0; //初始化设置3个指示灯全亮




void send(unsigned char a) //单字节数据发送

{ //注意:若单片机TXD(P3.1)无上拉能力,必须在P3.1端接上拉电阻。本次测试需要接上拉电阻





if(c%2) //发送指示灯标志,每接收一次,此灯亮灭交替






void ctrl() //接收处理函数

s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch




case '1':

led1=1; //收到字符1,指示灯0灭





case '2': //收到字符2,指示灯1灭






case '3': //收到字符3,指示灯0、1亮







case '4': //收到字符4,指示灯0、1灭





case '5': //收到字符5,指示灯3亮




default: //其他,灯全灭









s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch


/*****************************************************************************8 *任广俊







#define uint unsigned int

#define uchar unsigned char

#define LCD_data P0

sbit LCD_EN=P3^4; //液晶使能1使能,0使不能

sbit LCD_RS=P3^5; //寄存器选择1数据,0命令

sbit LCD_RW=P3^6; //液晶读写控制1读出,0写入

sbit LCD_PSB=P3^7; //串行口控制1并行,0串行

sbit led1=P1^0;

sbit led2=P1^1;

sbit led3=P1^2;

sbit beep=P3^2; //蜂鸣器

sbit jdq=P1^6; //继电器

uchar code dis1[]={"I Love MCU !"};

uchar code dis2[]={"单片机学习"};

uchar Tem[20];

uchar dis3[8];

unsigned char a=0; //定义临时变量

uchar flag,flag2=0;

uchar temp,i,c;

void delay(uint x)


uint m,n;

for (m=x;m>0;m--)

s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch



/****************************************************************************** *************************


******************************************************************************* ************************/


void write_cmd(uchar cmd )












void write_dat(uchar dat)












void lcd_pos(uchar x,uchar y)


uchar pos;



else if(x==1)


else if(x==2)


else if(x==3)


s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch


write_cmd(pos); //显示地址


void lcd_init() //lcd初始化


LCD_PSB=1; //并口方式

write_cmd(0x30); //基本指令喜僮?


write_cmd(0x0C); //显示开关光标


write_cmd(0x01); //清除lcd显示内容



/****************************************************************************** *************************************/

void BT_init() //蓝牙串口初始化


ES=0; //关中串口中断

SCON = 0x50; // REN=1允许串口接收状态,串口工作方式1


TMOD = 0x20; // 定时器1,工作方式2

TH1=TL1=0xFD; // 设置波特率9600

PCON &= 0x7f; // 波特率不倍增

TR1 = 1; //允许串口中断

TI=0; //发送标志0

RI=0; //接收标志0


EA= 1; //开总中断

led1=0; //初始化为全亮




void send(unsigned char a) //单字节数据发送

s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch







if(c%2) //发送指示灯









void main()


BT_init(); //Bluetooth初始化

lcd_init(); //液晶显示初始化



/****************************************************************************** *****


******************************************************************************* **********/

// write_cmd(0x01); //清除lcd显示内容

lcd_pos(0,0); //向第一行首位置写数据







lcd_pos(1,0); //向第二行首位子写数据


s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch







lcd_pos(2,0); //向第二行首位子写数据








// }



void UART_SER (void) interrupt 4 //串口中断服务程序


while(RI) //接收到数据


if(flag==1) //字符串发送完毕





i=0; //数据清零

while(Tem[i]!='\0') //向lcd写空格


Tem[i]=' ';


s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one -si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket , what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law , e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w , a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing , for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style , cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis , identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch

s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle , with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical , for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non -publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i



RI=0; //清除标志位

Tem[a++]=SBUF; //读取缓冲区的值



AT 指令集

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以上的RXD 和TXD 接错了,P3^0连接TXD ,P3。1连接RXD

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and t he politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice study well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular ed ucati on, sti ck with the party bra nch





















s the basi c unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he basic form of the part y, to carry out the daily management of party member s such as democratic appraisal sy stem for basic support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the channel, i nto regula r, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Z han Hongli old st ory and t he County of Sue area, Ushida against "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party members to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions, learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organize party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one-si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dn't dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, f or not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find excuse s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d "five pillars of policy" and "five priorities", impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor

the crisi s and error ca n't bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of responsibility, to take charge. Don't want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing, for subject re sponsibilit y, and "a gang double accountability" implementation not in place, and put busine ss w ork and party work fragmented from of pr oblem, for those t hink are wi nd

anti-corruption effect economi c devel opme nt, errors view s, set full stri ctly rule party forever in roa d of thought, set grasp party is maximum achieveme nt, and caug ht ba d party is not com petent, a nd not ca ught party i s dereli ction of of consciousness, i nsiste d thought party and sy stem rule party cl ose combi ned, stre ngthe ned a ccordi ng to rule s rule party consci ousne ss, Take responsibi lity for the party the party. Exerci se to consci ously accept the party's political life, a dhere to the principle of democratic ce ntralism, seri ously carry out criti cism and self criti cism, rigorous daily manageme nt and supervisi on of party members, ca dres, a nd maintai n pre ssure agai nst corruption. o improve style, cultivati ng good family tradition, care of families of the chil dren a nd staff, press ", clear" principle corre ctly ha ndl e the relati onship betwee n Gover nment a nd busi ness, to create fresh politi cal e cology and the politi cs of envir onme nt. Grasping the learni ng content, t he learni ng nee ds of more than at the same

time, both party members and leadi ng ca dres, a nd also pra ctice job practice stu dy well Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping on local work i n this fiel d importa nt spe eches and dire ctives, further unify their thinki ng and acti on, clear work objectives a nd directi on. To control measures in t he speech requir ement, implementati on a nalysis, identify gaps and weakne sses, target put forward spe cific measures to stre ngthe n and im prove the work, e nsuri ng the spirit la ndi ng implementati on. T hird, lear n about ways t o highlig ht the features of regular educati on, sti ck with the party bra nch



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s t he basic unit"Three le ssons" the Organizati on as t he ba sic form of the party, to carry out the daily ma nagement of party member s such a s democratic a ppraisal system for basi c support, well, int o the school, e ducation and training of the party School of the cha nnel, i nto regul ar, everyday w ork on a better obje ctive worl d and remolding of subje ctive worl d. ou want to combi ne studying t he party's histor y, and make good use of the gutia n meeting, caixixiang survey, Gu We nchang spirit, Zhan Hongli old story a nd t he County of Sue area, Ushida agai nst "encircleme nt" site of the forward command post, Fujian a nd Jiangxi provinces East County Soviet gover nment site, contine nts, such as site of the negotiati ons betwee n the KMT a nd a wealt h of resource s, carry forwar d the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual pow er for party members and ca dres. o conta ct focus on party members and ca dres ' ide ologi cal and pra ctical w ork, persist in combi ning positive e ducation and the reverse

side war ning, t o adva nce d models as a mirror, to negative examples a s a warni ng. To local conditi ons, one policy, prev enting t he pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to preve nt formalism and the moti ons to preve nt routine aside, preventi ng easy to ope n, how many notes do t o judge study results. 1. grasp the self-st udy. Party members accor ding to t heir act ual w ork and nee d to develop learni ng pl ans, choose their ow n learni ng content a nd met hods, really e ducate your self. Party leadi ng cadre s should read, learn, and understa ndi ng of the original principle, with convi ction, wit h a ffection, with a missi on to le arn, wit h issue. All party bra nches to stre ngthe n the party mem bers to l earn spe cific gui dance propose d learni ng requirements, pre paration of simple, popular study material s publishe d making Pocket Books, micr o-micr o-vi deo a nimation, using micr o-party lect ures, m eet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. Throug h readi ng activities and knowledge competitions,

learning outcomes, a nd stimulate t he ent husiasm of party members t o study and initiative. 2. improve i ntensive discussions. 1 t hematic focus on ea ch branch per quarter. Collective l earni ng branch to organiz e party members, e ach study t o determine on t he topic, every party member must make presentati ons a nd discussions around topics. Authorities a nd i nstituti ons of the party w here the party members to participate i n colle ctive learni ng time of 12 days, t otal of 6 days of other party members. Party groups organize regular party members to focus on. Fir st topi c is "belief and faith, stre ngthen four kinds of consci ousness", the time in 4-6 months; the se cond t heme is "commitment to a discipli ned bottom li ne, lofty se ntiment" time in 7-9 months; the third topic i s "party members a dhere t o the fundame ntal pur pose, play" time in 10-12 months. Each bra nch ca n be practical, for further refinement and di scussi on t opi cs ca n also be a djuste d accor ding to t he nee ds, refle cting the chara cteristics of

different groups of party members, party members, a nd on the. Party discussi on should close "service development, a nd impr oving gover nment organ's style, e nhance the efficie ncy of a uthoritie s, to create first-class performance" topi c, non-publi c economic organizati ons a nd i nstituti ons party discussion shoul d stick to "to become business development pi oneer, l ove Dedi cated pioneers, i ntegrity pionee r, prom ote harmony pionee r, pi one er love "theme. 3. tell a good party le cture. Party members and leadi ng ca dres shoul d take the lea d in to t he branch give a Party lecture. "71", branch i

