(Word可编辑)(35套)通用版中考英语完型填空+阅读理解60题 附中考模拟题汇总

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Unit 1

Passage A

话题:历史古迹词数:192 参考用时:7分钟

The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years. It runs from the east to the west in North China. It is about 6,300 kilometers 1 . It is often 2 “Ten- -thousand-Li Great Wall”. It is one of the “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world.

The Great Wall is wide enough for ten men to walk 3 . Horses can also run along it, too. The Great Wall 4 stones and bricks(砖). There are huge stones on 5 side and on the highest part. But now some sections of it are worn out.

There are tall watch-towers alone the Great Wall. Once upon 6 time, the soldiers kept watching the enemies(敌人)in the watch-towers day and night. They made 7 on the towers to 8 each other when the enemies came.

Nowadays we don’t use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more. It is a famous place of interest to all the people in 9 . Every year 10 people come to visit it form all over the world.

1. A. wide B. tall C. long D.deep

2. A. calling B. call C. called D. to call

3. A. side by side B. one by one C. one after another D. little by little

4. A. was made of B. was made from C. was made in D. was made for

5. A. both B. all C. each D. neither

6. A. an B. a C. the D./

7. A. fire B. a kite C. a face D.fun

8. A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say

9. A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. the world

10. A. thousand B. a few thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of







1. 短语互译

(1) from the east to the west _______________ (2) worn out _____________

(3) 从前__________________ (4)日日夜夜_____________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) The Great Wall of China has a history of over two thousand years.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) But now some sections of it are worn out.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) Nowadays we don’t use the Great Wall to keep away the enemies any more.


Passage B

话题:文化教育词数:205 参考用时:5分钟Miss Wu is a young teacher at English in China. She loves teaching very much, 1) One day when she was giving an English lesson, she found the headmaster sitting at the back of the classroom. 2) After class, the headmaster told her that he came to her class to find out how much English and how much ____ she was ___ .The result was about half English and half Chinese. She

was using Chinese when she gave instructions to her students and when she wanted to get feedback(反馈)from her students. 3)校长告诉她,她应该在课上更多的使用英语. Miss Wu made a plan like this:Talk with an Englishman every Sunday for two hours to learn more English expressions ;Write some English expressions on cards. These cards not only remind her to use English in class,but also help her remember some expressions; Have a five- minute talk in English with students before class. She used body language to help her if students could not understand. Speak more English in English class. One year later, she found she could use English freely in class.


2.在2)句的空白处填人适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺: ____ ____



4.找出文中与下列句子意思相近的句子Teaching is her favorite job.







1. 短语互译

(1) give an English lesson _____________ (2) at the back of _______________

(3)不但……而且……_________________(4) 肢体语言____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1)She found the headmaster sitting at the back of the classroom.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) These cards not only remind her to use English in class,but also help her remember some


_______________________________________________________________________ (3) She used body language to help her if students could not understand.


Passage C

话题:趣味故事词数:200 参考用时:4分钟

Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.

Story A

I remember catching a “thief” in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didn’t want his wife to see him! We soon let him go.

Story B

Another day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope, “Give me the money! Or I’ll kill you. ” and gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him

$100,000 and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the man’s house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator. He couldn’t believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!

1.What does Mr. Smith do?

A. A bank clerk.

B. A policeman.

C. A thief.

2.Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop ___________.

A. by exchange

B. by mistake

C. by accident

3.Why did the man return the sweater to the shop?

A. Because he didn’t want his wife to see it.

B. Because he liked money more than the sweater.

C. Because he hated it and wanted to get the money back.

4.Bob was caught so quickly because ___________.

A. his address was found on the envelope he used

B. he received a phone call from the bank clerk

C. the police waited for him outside the elevator

5. What do you think of Bob?

A.He is brave.

B. He is careful.

C. He is careless.




1. 短语互译

(1) remember doing____________________ (2)return to ____________________

(3) 跑开,逃跑___________________ (4) 一……就____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1)I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk.


(3)We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator.

_______________________________________________________________________ (4) He couldn’t believe that we found him so quickly.



Unit 1

Passage A


【答案详解】1-5 CCAAC 6-10 BAADC

1. C 解析:考查常识长城多长,故选C项.

2. C解析:根据空前的is知是要用被动语态,故选C项.

3. A解析:考查习惯用法词组side by side“并排的,肩并肩的”.

4. A解析:考查固定用法“由---制成的”,能看出原材料用be made of.

5. C解析:根据side,其前不能用both和all,此处表示肯定,不能用表是否定的neither.

6. B解析:考查固定词组“很久很久以前”once upon a time.

7. A解析:考查习惯用法make fire“生火,点火”.

8. A解析:考查习惯用法tell each other”彼此转告”.

9.D解析:“对全世界的人来说它是一处著名的名胜古迹. ”,故选D.

10. C解析:“数以千记的”的正确的表达方式为“thousands of”. 当数词后跟of时,数词应用复数形式.


1. 短语互译.

(1) 从东到西(2磨破的,穿旧的(3) once upon a time (4)day and night

2. 佳句翻译.

(1) 中国的长城有两千多年的历史了.

(2) 但是长城有些地方已经磨坏了.

(3) 现在我们不再用长城抵御敌人了.

Passage B





3.The headmaster told her she should use more English in her class.

4.She loves teaching very much.

5.Speak more English in English class.


1. 短语互译.

(1)上英语课(2) 在……后面(3) not only …but also (4) body language

2. 佳句翻译.

(1) 她发现校长坐在在教室后面.


(3) 如果学生们不能理解,她就用肢体语言来帮忙.

Passage C




1. B细节理解题. 根据Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.描述,可知史密斯先生是个警察. 故选B.

2.B细节理解题. 根据第一个小故事描述,可知这个人并不是真的贼,故选B.

3.C细节理解题. 根据but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money 的描述,可知是因为这个人不喜欢这件毛衣,想用这件毛衣换钱. 故选C.

4.A细节理解题. 根据We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it! 描述,可知是因为他用的信封上有他的名字和地址. 故选A.

5.C细节理解题. 根据第二个小故事描述,可知鲍勃是个粗心的贼,竟然是用带有自己名字和地址把信封作案,故选C.


1. 短语互译.

(1)记得做过某事(2) 归还(3) run away (4) as soon as

2. 佳句翻译.







话题:节假日与休息词数:223 参考用时:5分钟

It’s after 10:00 a.m and the kids are still sleeping.It’s Sunday—a traditional day of 1 .Most people have at least one day a week to take a rest.Some use that time to go to church,while some usually sleep in,watch TV…,giving themselves the gift of a 2 day.

We need to give ourselves a break ,and a little rest works well for almost 3 .It doesn’t really matter what the activity is.The idea is to give our body, mind ,and heart a chance to 4 .If we keep going at full speed every day,we can be really tired.

Some people find 5 hard to take a real vacation.As a matter of fact,many people died early 6 they were too busy to have a break.

Remember that we 7 work well if we never stop to take a rest.It doesn’t matter 8 we do this.Pick anytime that works best for us and make it a plan.

9 this and discuss it with others.The idea here is that by giving ourselves a break and just enjoying a day off,we can make our lives 10 and create greater good in our world.

1. A.rest B.working C.entertainment

2. A.tired B.busy C.1azy

3. A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody

4. A.exercise B.develop C.relax

5. A.it B.this C.that

6. A.though B.because C.if

7. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t

8. A.when B.why C.how

9. A.Look at B.Care for C.Think about

10. A.good B.better C.best







1. 短语互译

(1) at least _______________ (2) go to church _____________

(3) 全速__________________ (4)事实上____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1)We need to give ourselves a break.


(2) It doesn’t really matter what the activity is.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3)Pick anytime that works best for us and make it a plan.


Passage B

话题:人物故事词数:182 参考用时:4分钟Billy’s favorite color is orange. But he can’t see what orange looks like. Billy is blind.

A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a normal baby’s.“Billy would never be able to see.”the doctor told his mother. After that Billy’s mother began talking to him, describing things she saw outside the window. She described everything to him.

Billy does not only depend on his mother’s descriptions to learn about the world around him. He sees with his ears and his hands, too. He has perfect hearing. When people make phone calls, he can tell the numbers they dial(拨).

Billy loves computer science. He began teaching himself computer programming when he was just seven years old. His dream school would be Stanford University. He gets top grades in his classes, making that a real possibility.

“You can’t let excuses get in the way of your dreams, and if you do that you can’t move forward and reach your goals, “said Billy.

1.From the passage, we know that_____________.

A. Billy can’t hear.

B. Billy can’t see.

A. Billy can’t walk. D. Billy can’t talk.

2.How did Billy’s mother help him?

A. By teaching him how to draw.

B. By asking teacher for advice.

C. By describing everything to him.

D. By sending him to his dream school.

3.When did Billy begin teaching himself computer programming?

A. When he was 7 years old.

B. When he was in Grade 5.

C. When he was high school.

D. When he was at university.




1. 短语互译

(1) look like___________________ (2) get top grades ____________________

(3) 依靠,依赖________________ (4) 妨碍,阻碍____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as

a normal baby’s.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) She described everything to him.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) Billy does not only depend on his mother’s description s to learn about the world around him.

_______________________________________________________________________ (4) He sees with his ears and his hands, too.


Passage C

话题:童话故事词数:264 参考用时:6分钟

A Play: Four Butterflies(蝴蝶)

Characters: Red Butterfly (RB), Green Butterfly (GB), Green Tree (GT), Rose (R),

Grandpa Sun (GS)

Look! There are four butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is green, and the other one is white. They play games and dance together every day, and they are very happy. One day, it’s fine. Four butterflies are playing a game in the garden. Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard.

1. GB:Oh, it’s raining hard. Green Tree is over there. She can help us.

GB: Green Tree, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.

GT: Green Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.

GB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.

RB: Rose is over there. She can help us.

2. RB: Rose, our wings are wet. Please let us stay under your leaves.

R: Red Butterfly, I like you. We have the same color. You can come in, but the other three butterflies must go away.

RB: No, thank you. We are good friends. We love each other and must stay together.

3. GS: What good friends they are! This is a real friendship. I must help them.

The sun drives the clouds away and asks the rain to stop. Soon the sun gives off bright light and dries up their wings.

4. Four butterflies: Oh, the sun comes out. Our wings are dry. Let’s play and dance again.

1. How many butterflies are there in the garden? ______

A. One butterfly.

B. Two butterflies.

C. Three butterflies

D. Four butterflies

2.What are the butterflies doing when it starts to rain? ______

A. They are flying.

B. They are dancing.

C. They are playing a game.

D. They are staying under the leaves.

3.Whom do the butterflies ask for help? ______

A. Green Tree.

B. Rose.

C. Green Tree and Rose.

D. Green Tree, Rose and Grandpa Sun.

4.Who helps the butterflies at last? ______

A. Rose.

B. Grandpa Sun.

C. Rain.

D. Dark clouds.

5. What is the main idea of the play? ______

A. Butterflies cannot fly if their wings are wet.

B. The four butterflies are sisters and brothers.

C. Grandpa often helps others.

D. A real friendship means that friends stay together when they are in trouble.




1. 短语互译

(1)be full of ____________________ (2go away____________________

(3) 呆在一起___________________ (4) 发出,释放____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) They play games and dance together every day, and they are very happy.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) We love each other and must stay together.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) What good friends they are!

_______________________________________________________________________ (4)Soon the sun gives off bright light and dries up their wings.



Passage A




1.A考查名词及语境的理解. A.rest 休息;B.working工作;C.entertainment娱乐. 星期天一个传统的休息的一天. 根据Most people have at least one day a week to take a rest 可知星期天是休息的一天,故选A.

2.C考查形容词及语境的理解. A.tired 累的;B.busy忙的;C.1azy懒惰的. 一些人在家睡觉、看电视、给他们自己懒惰的一天. 根据sleep in,watch TV 可知这天不忙碌当然也不累,故选C.

3.B考查代词及语境的理解. A.somebody某人;B.everybody每一个人;C.nobody没有人. 对于我们每一个人休息一会就会效果很好. 根据常识可知休息对每个人都会起作用的,故选B.

4.C考查动词及语境的理解. A.exercise锻炼;B.develop发展;C.relax方松. 想法就是给我们的身体、思想和身心一个放松的机会. 根据We need to give ourselves a break ,and a little rest works well for almost 可知休息就是放松,故选C.

5.A考查代词及语境的理解. A.it 它;B.this这个;C.that那个. 一些人发现很难真正休假. 这里是句式find it +形容词+to do “发现做某事怎样”. 这里it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式,故选A.

6.B考查连词及语境的理解. A.though尽管;B.because 因为;C.if如果. 事实上,许多人很早就死了,因为他们太忙而不能休息. 这里表示前后是因果关系,所以选B.

7.A考查情态动词及语境的理解. A.can’t 不能;B.mustn’t禁止;C.needn’t不必. 如果我们不能停下来休息,记住那么就不能很好地工作. 根据句意这里指的是不能,故选A. 8.A考查连词及语境的理解. A.when什么时间;B.why 为什么;C.how怎样. 当我们这样做的时候没关系. 根据句意故选A.

9.C考查动词短语及语境的理解. A.Look at看看;B.Care for关心,照顾;C.Think about 考虑. 考虑一下这个问题,和其他的人在一起讨论一下. 根据短文的最后一句可知故选C.

10.B考查形容词及语境的理解. A.good 好;B.better更好;C.best最好. 我们能够使我们的生活更加美好. 根据create greater good in our world 可知这里指与以前相比可知应该用比较级,故选B.


1. 短语互译.

(1)至少(2) 去做礼拜(3) at full time (4) as a matter of fact

2. 佳句翻译.




Passage B




1.B细节理解题. 通过文章第一段第二句话“But he c an’t see...”可直接选出答案B.

2.C细节理解题. 通过文章第二段第三句话的"After that Billy's mother began to talk to him;describing things she saw."可直接选出答案C.

3. A细节理解题. 通过关键词began teaching himself computer programming定位文章第五段第二句话的"...when he was just seven years old.",直接选出答案


1. 短语互译.

(1)看起来像(2) 得高分(3)depend on (4) get in the way

2. 佳句翻译.





Passage C



1. D细节理解题. 根据短文Look! There are four butterflies in the garden.可知共有四只蝴蝶,故选Do

2. C细节理解题. 根据短文One day, it’s fine. Four butterf lies are playing a game in the garden. Suddenly it is full of dark clouds and it begins to rain hard 描述,可知四只蝴蝶正在花园里做游戏时开始下起了雨,故选C.

3.C细节理解题. 根据第一二节的描述可知他们向绿树和玫瑰请求了帮助,故选C.

4.B细节理解题. 根据剧本的第三节可知太阳公公最后帮助了他们. 故选B.

5.D主旨大意题. 根据剧本的情节可知四只蝴蝶在困难时不离不弃,这才是真正的友谊. 故选D.


1. 短语互译.

(1)充满(2) 离开(3)stay together (4)give off

2. 佳句翻译.







话题:母爱与成长词数:161 参考用时:5分钟

I often asked my mother for help when I had 1 to do. But she always said, “Do it yourself, dear.” I was not happy about this at all. I thought she was the 2 mother in the world!

For example, one day, I decided to invite some friends of 3 to my home. My bedroom

was in a mess. Books were 4 , and I didn’t make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it, 5 she still said, “Do it yourself.”

Because of my “lazy mother”, I 6 to wash my clothes and clean my room. I had to help my parents do 7 . I even had to go to the dentist(牙医) by 8 . It was really hard for me to do everything well, but I have learned a lot. As time 9 , I understand my mother. She 10 me clever and diligent (勤奋的). She is a great mother.

1. A. everything easy B. anything easy C. something difficult D. nothing difficult

2. A. nicest B. best C. tallest D. laziest

3. A.I B. mine C. me D. my

4. A. here B. there C. everywhere D. nowhere

5. A. but B. or C. though D. so

6. A. volunteered B. wanted C. offered D. had

7. A. sports B. chores C. decisions D. mistakes

8 . A. myself B. herself C. ourselves D. himself

9 . A. goes back B. goes over C. goes by D. goes up

10. A. helped B. made C. taught D. thought







1. 短语互译

(1) not at all _______________ (2) fro example____________

(3) 整理床铺__________________ (4)因为____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) I was not happy about this at all.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) My bedroom was in a mess.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) It was really hard for me to do everything well, but I have learned a lot.


Passage B

话题:动植物词数:119 参考用时:4分钟

2014 is the year of horse in China. Do you know anything about the horse?

The horse is strong and runs very fast. He’s a useful1 and hard-working animal. The horse learns to know his master(主人)soon. He loves his master, even after his master has died. Here’s a story about such a horse. In a war, the master was killed, and fell from his horse. When his body was found some days later, the horse was still standing beside it. During that long time, the horse didn’t leave the body of his master, without food or water, in the coldest weather, driving away the birds that might eat it. Wasn’t be a great animal?

1.The horse is a _________ animal to man.

A. strange

B. lazy

C. useful

D. small

2.When the body of the master was found, the horse was _________.

A. going away

B. eating grass beside it

C. drinking water

D. still standing beside it

3.The story probably took place in _________.

A. spring

B. summer

C. autumn

D. winter




1. 短语互译

(1) some days later _____________ (2) take place ______________

(3) 不吃不喝________________ (4) 驱赶____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) He’s a useful1 and hard-working animal.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) He loves his master, even after his master has died..

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) During that long time, the horse didn’t leave the body of his master.


Passage C

话题:趣味笑话词数:145 参考用时:4分钟

A big umbrella

Nancy: I saw seven girls in one umbrella and none of them got wet.

Taney: Oh, that must be a very big umbrella.

Nancy: No, it wasn’t raining.

A good boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents(美分).

“What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”

“I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.

“You’re a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here are two more cents. But why are you so interested in the old woman?”

“She is the one who sells candies. ”

Break a mirror

“What are you so happy about, Jason?” L isa asked the 98-year-old man.

“I broke a mirror,” he replied.

“But that means seven years of bad luck. ”

“I know,” he said happily. “Isn’t it wonderful? I can live for another seven years. ”

1.The three passages above are all ________.

A. jokes

B. notices

C. news

D. letters

2.The seven girls didn’t get wet because _________.

A. the umbrella was big enough

B. the seven girls wore raincoats

C. it wasn’t raining at all

D. it wasn’t a heavy rain

3.Little Robert spent the money ________.

A. helping the poor old lady

B. buying candies for himself

C. helping his mom

D. buying gifts for his mom

4._________ broke the mirror.

A. Nancy

B. Lisa

C. Robert

D. Jason




1. 短语互译

(1)get wet ___________________ (2) do with ____________________

(3) 对……感兴趣________________ (4) 对……感到高兴____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) That must be a very big umbrella.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) But that means seven years of bad luck.

_______________________________________________________________________ (4) I can live for another seven years.



Passage A




1.C 由“asked my mother for help”可知,“我”遇到了困难的事情,所以排除A、B两项,D 项表否定,故选C项.

2.D由“Do it yourself, dear.”可知,妈妈拒绝帮忙,所以作者认为妈妈是世界上最懒惰的妈妈. 故选D.

3.B 考查物主代词的用法,介词of 后跟名词性物主代词,所以选B. my形容词性物主代词只能作定语,修饰名词.

4.C 由上文My bedroom was in a mess.可知屋里一团糟,所以书本到处(everywhere)都是.


6.D 由前文妈妈不帮忙,凡事都是让我自己做,所以我不得不自己做,had to表示“必须,不得不”.

7.B考查名词辨析. A表示“运功”,B表示“家务事”,C表示“决定”,D表示“错误”. 由上下文句意得知,“我”必须帮父母做家务事.

8.A by oneself“独自一人”,句子主语是“I”,所以选A项,意思是“我自己去看医生. ”

9.C 考查动词短语辨析. A表示“回去”,B表示“复习,仔细检查”,C表示“经过,流逝”,D表示“增长. 上升”. As time goes by意为“随时间流逝”,“我”理解了妈妈.

10.B She 10 me clever and diligent,该句意意思是“她让我聪明和勤奋”,故选B. 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵.

1. 短语互译.

(1)根本不(2) 例如(3) make the bed (4) because of

2. 佳句翻译.




Passage B


【答案详解】1-3 CDD

1.C细节理解题. 根据The horse is strong and runs very fast. He's a useful and hard-working animal.描述,可知马对于人类来说是一种有用的动物. 故选C-

2.D细节理解题. 根据When his body was found some days later,the horse was still standing beside it.可知这匹马仍旧站在他的主人的身边. 故选D.

3.D推理判断题. 根据the coldest weather,描述,可知这个故事可能发生在冬季. 故选D. 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵.

1. 短语互译.

(1)一些天之后(2) 发生(3) without food or water (4) drive away

2. 佳句翻译.




Passage C


【答案详解】1-4 ACBD

1.A主旨大意题. 阅读三则小短文可知这是三则个笑话. 故选A.

2.C细节理解题. 根据Nancy: No,it was raining.描述,可知这七个女孩身上没有湿的原因是根本没有下雨. 故选C.

3.B推理判断题. 根据“I gave it to a poor old woman,“”he answered. “She is the one who sells candies.”描述,可知这个老妇人就是买糖果的人,罗伯特汤姆用钱买糖果吃了. 故选B .

4.D细节理解题. 根据“What are you so happy about,Jason?”Lisa asked the 98-year-old man. “I broke a mirror:”he replied.描述,可知这个老人名叫詹森,是他打碎了镜子. 故选D. 【我来总结】完成下列学习任务,并加以背诵.

1. 短语互译.

(1)变湿,湿了(2) 处理,处置(3) be interested in (4) be happy about

2. 佳句翻译.







话题:教育子女词数:177 参考用时:5分钟

There are many problems between parents and their children. Some parents don’t understand their 1, and many of them even argue with each other. If I am a parent, how will I 2 my child? Well, I think there are many ways.

3, I’ll encourage my child to do things he or she likes. The things should be good 4 him or her. If it is not good for my chi ld, I’ll talk to him or her about the disadvantage of the thing in a 5way.

Second, I will always take pride in everything good that my child 6. For example, if he or she gets good grades, I’ll say something like 7, “Well done ! I’m very proud of you. ” These words will both make my child and me very 8.

Third, I will spend 9time staying with my child than my parents did with me. I’ll chat and go shopping with my child.

I am 10these things will make parents and their kids get on well.

1.A. classmates B. kids C. friends

2.A. give lessons to B. get along with C. talk to

3.A. First B. Next C. Later

4.A. for B. about C. before

5.A. silent B. lazy C. patient

6.A. will do B. is doing C. has done

7.A. it B. this C. them

8.A. happy B. strange C. sad

9.A. little B. less C. more

10. A. afraid B. sure C. surprised







1. 短语互译

(1) argue with _______________ (2) get on well _____________

(3) 以……为自豪______________ (4)做某事花费多少时间________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) There are many problems between parents and their children.


(2) I’ll encourage my child to do things he or she likes.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) I’ll chat and go shopping with my child.


Passage B

话题:友谊与帮助词数:243 参考用时:6分钟Betty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year we had a costume party instead.

While we were writing the invitations, my mom came in and asked, “Nancy, what about inviting John?” John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grades in math than anyone else in our class. “Mom, he wears the same pants to school every day. How could he even afford a costume?” Mom said nothing.

The next day, mom gave me an envelope(信封) with a shopping card in it. “I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John.” Mom said. But how? We didn’t want to make John embarrassed. We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.

On the day of our party, John arrived, in an old sheet(床单),but still in the same brown pants as usual. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, “Now it’s time for the great prize game.” It was a math game. None of us were surprised when John gave the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.

Everything went well as we planned. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.

1. Nancy and Betty are ______.

A.best friends

B. cousins

C. sisters

D. brother and sister

2. John did best in ______ of all the class.

A. English

B. games

C. math

D. science

3. ______ had the idea of playing a math game.

A.Nancy’s mother B. Nancy C. Betty D. Betty and Nancy

4. John got ______ as the prize for the math game.

A. an envelope

B. a shopping card

C. a birthday cake

D. a new pair of pants

5. Betty, Nancy and John all felt ______ in the end.

A. happy

B. embarrassed

C. surprised

D. sad




1. 短语互译

(1) a costume party ___________________ (2) on the same day ____________________ (3) 大声地_______________ (4) 离开____________________

2. 佳句翻译

(1) While we were writing the invitations, my mom came in.

_______________________________________________________________________ (2) We didn’t want to make John embarrassed.

_______________________________________________________________________ (3) Everything went well as we planned.

_______________________________________________________________________ (4) He felt happy. So did we.



话题:母爱词数:330 参考用时:7分钟

Rita was in shopping mall, looking for a gift for her little daughter. Suddenly she stopped before a store, inside which were all kinds of dolls.

“Why not a lovely doll? Girls like dolls,” she thoug ht as she stepped into the store.

Looking around ,she saw a grandma doll—one with gray and a pair of glasses. As she gazed at it, in her mind somehow appeared Linda, her mother.

When Rita was a little girl, she got her first doll form Linda for her birthday. She was very happy. Then the second, the third……,Rita began to feel puzzled, When she asked her mum the reason, the answer was always “A girl can never have enough dolls.” Year after year, Rita grew up and

Linda aged, but a doll a year from Linda never arrived late.

“But why always a doll?” This question had been in Rita’s mind until one day her father gave the answer.

Little Linda dreamed to have a doll. Her parents promised one for her fifth birthday. Sadly, they both died in a traffic accident before it arrived. The never—received gift was the most precious in her eyes. That’s why she thought dolls were the best birthday gifts for Rita.

Her mother’s story being recalled , Rita got an idea……

It was Linda’s sixtieth birthday. The whole fa mily gathered around the sixty-year-old lady when the doorbell rang, Much to Linda’s surprise , a package was delivered to her, with a card read:

Dear Linda,

I forget to send you the package that you should have received on May 20,1956,your fifth birthday. The gift inside has aged ,but I felt that you might still wish to have it. Sorry for the lateness!


Angel of Joy

Linda opened the package and saw a lovely grandma doll. She clasped the doll that she had waited so many years to receive , tears coursing down her face. The doll, given by “Angel of Joy”, made her the happiest “child ” alive .

1.Who is Linda in the story?

A.Rita’s daughter

B. Rita’s mother

C. The grandma doll

D. Angel of Joy

2. Why did Linda think that dolls were the best birthday gifts for Rita?

A. Rita dreamed to have all kinds of lovely dolls.

B. Rita looked liked a doll when she was a little girl.

C. Linda received a lot of lovely dolls form her parents.

D. Linda had never got the dream doll form her parents

3. What does the underlined word clasped probably mean in the passage?

A. held

B. threw

C. made

D. bought

4. Which can be the best title of the passage?

A. The Story of an Angel

B. Linda’s Birthday

