长安大学2010-2011 学年第 二 学期 期末试题(原题)

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长安大学2010-2011 学年第 二 学期

硕士研究生英语 试题(A)卷

考生姓名: 准考证号:


一.本考试由两部分组成:试卷一(Paper One)包括词汇、完形填空与阅读理解三部分,

共65题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二(Paper Two)包括翻译与写作两部分,共2题。 两份试卷合并装订成试题册。



三.试卷二为主观评分题,答案一律写在主观答题纸ANSWER SHEETⅡ上。答题前,请







试卷一(Paper One)

Part I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points)

Section A (0.5 point each)

Directions: There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words

underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked [A],[B],[C]and [D]. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

1. Applicant will be asked to provide information on how they will disseminate information to other students at their university or college.

[B] deliver [A] spread

[C] disclose

[D] analyze

2. If we were not to enforce the newspaper’s promises of confidentiality, confidential sources would have no legal recourse against unscrupulous reporters or editors. [B] unscripted [C] immortal [A] undesirable

[D] immoral

3. It is required in this developing country that everyone should learn the rudiment of computer in junior and senior high schools.

[A] basic information [ B] basic facilities [C] basic knowledge [D] basic structure 4. The local people have taken some telling measures to prevent the occurrence of natural disasters such as flood, draught, tornado and typhoon which used to bring much damage to the production


of them. [A] effective were not inviting.

[B] modest [C] arrogant [D] prodigious [A] high

6. It is said by one of the researchers of the academic team that a new kind of medicine has been developed to cure the most contagious disease, AIDS. [A] infectious [B] well-known [C] destructive [D] horrible 7. Among other things was the discussion to reach a reciprocal trades agreement between the two countries.

[A] retrieved

[B] mutual [C] realized [D] assured

8. The New York Time recently carried headline news saying that China has developed the most sophisticated fighters to arm its air forces. [A] complicated [B] supersonic

[C] expensive

[D] advanced

[B] worthwhile

[C] narrative

[D] efficient

5. He was at the same time haughty, reserved, and fastidious, and his manners, though well bred, 9. If people all over the world can solve the problems in constructive ways, any war can be averted and people can live on the globe like brothers and sisters.

[B] anticipated [C] avoided [D] predicted [A] launched

10. The newly elected president has pledged $13 million to the automobile industry for its survival. [A] prepared

Section B (0.5 point each)

Directions: There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose

the word or words from the four choices given to best complete each sentence.

11. We may embellish a story, forget a word of the song, and adapt an old technology or a new theory out of old ideas.

[B] clone [A] develop

[C] experiment [D] concoct

[B] promised

[C] disposed [D] delivered

12. The thieves had to suppress their anger and dared not curse the police, but just _____ at them.

[A] gazed [B] stared [C] glared [D] watched 13. Most people accept the ______ that we have a duty to protect endangered animals and birds around us in order to do good to the human future existence. [A] proposition [B] premise [C] hypothesis was a boy.

[A] helped about

[D] hypocrisy

14. Henry was the only one who knew how to cook because he had ______ in the kitchen when he

[B] helped out

[C] helped with

[D] helped up

15 Last month’s explosion occurred in Baoji Fertilizer Plant was _____ by the wrong operations of the devices, which resulted in quite a heavy loss to the plant. [A] brought in [B] brought by [ C] brought with the tourists a very deep impression [A] comprehensive [B] appreciative end.

]D] brought about

16. The local tour guide gave us a(n) account of the history of the palace which gave all

[C] disinterested

[D] comprehensible

17. Since you have already come so far with your experiment, you _____ carry it on through to the


[A] may [B] might [ C] may well ]D] may as well

18. It took her a long time to _____ the knowledge she needed to become a qualified wife and a good mother. [A] require [B] enquire [C] acquire [D] request

19. With the help of this new device, it is very easy for us to analyze the of this newly-developed medicine.

[A] character [B] structure [C] composition [D] ingredients 20. Research shows heavy coffee drinking is a small increase in blood pressure, but not enough to increase the risk for high blood pressure. [A] associated with [B] referred to [C] compared with

[D] attributed to

Part II CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: Read the passage through. Then go back and choose one item of suitable word(s)

marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word(s) you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. Historical developments of the past half century and the inventions of the modern communication and transportation technologies have 21 a world economy. Effectively the American economy has died and been 22 by a world economy. In the future there is no such thing as being an American manager. Even someone who spends an entire management 23 in Kansas City is in international management. He or she will 24 with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms, sell to foreign firms, or 25 financing from foreign banks. The globalization of the world’s capital markets that has 26 in the past 10 years will be replicated right 27 the economy in the next decade. An international 28 has become central to management. Without it managers are operating 29 ignorance and cannot understand what is happening to them and their firms. Partly because of globalization and 30 because of demography, the work forces of the next century are going to be very different from those of the last century. Most firms will be 31 more foreign nationals. More likely than not, you and your boss will not be of the same nationality. Demography and changing social 32 mean that while males will become a smaller 33 of the work forces as women and minorities grow 34 importance. All of these factors will require 35 in the traditional methods of managing the work forces. In addition, the need to produce goods and services at quality levels 36 thought impossible to obtain 37 mass production and the spreading use of participatory management techniques will 38 a work force with much higher levels of education and skills. Production workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories. Managers are 39 shifting from a “don’t think, do what you are told” to a “think, I am not going to tell you what to do” 40 of management. 21. [A] invented [B] created [C] borrowed [D] cultivated 22. [A] replaced [B] reformed [C] recreated [D] recycled 23. [A] life [B] position [C] career [D] department


24. [A] fight 25. [A] acquire 26. [A] invented 27. [A] by

28. [A] perspective 29. [A] with 30. [A] quarterly 31. [A] applying 32. [A] status 33. [A] fraction 34. [A] at

35. [A] problems 36. [A] previously 37. [A] by 38. [A] inquire

39. [A] increasingly 40. [A] kind

[B] struggle [B] require [B] created [B] to

[B] perceptive [B] of [B] partly [B] retiring [B] mores [B] percentage [B] by

[B] changes [B] timely [B] at

[B] require

[B] decreasingly [B] sort [C] argue [C] request [C] produced [C] across [C] inspective [C] in

[C] basically [C] dismissing [C] hobbies [C] portion [C] in [C] respect

[C] historically [C] in

[C] acquire

[C] simultaneously [C] type [D] compete [D] inquire [D] occurred [D] over

[D] informative [D] on

[D] principally [D] employing [D] habits [D] ratio [D] of

[D] transference [D] eventually [D] with [D] inquest [D] suddenly [D] style

Part III READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 50 points)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages for you to read. Read each

passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer [A],[B],[C] or [D], and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Most biologists are agreed that all the varied phenomena of life are ultimately explainable in terms of the same physical and chemical principles which define nonliving system. It naturally follows that when enough is known of the chemistry and physics of vital phenomena it may be possible to synthesize (综合,合成) living matter. An opposite view, widely held by biologists until present century, stated that some unique force, not explainable in terms of physics and chemistry, is associated with and controls life. Many of the phenomena that appeared to be so mysterious when first discovered have subsequently proved to be understandable without requesting a unique life force, and it is reasonable to suppose that future research will show that other aspects of life can also be explained by physical and chemical principles.

To differentiate the living from the non-living and then to separate living into plants and animals are difficult to do sharply and clearly. Organisms such as cats and dogs are clearly recognizable as animals but sponges, (海绵、海绵状物) for example, were considered to be plants until well into the nineteenth century, and there are single-celled organisms which, even today, are called animals by zoologists and plant by botanists(植物学家). Even the line between living and nonliving is rather difficult to draw, for the viruses, too small to be seen with an ordinary light microscope, can be considered either the simplest living things or very complex, but non-living, organic chemicals.


All living things have, to a greater or lesser degree, the properties of specific organization. Each kind of living organism is recognized by its characteristic form and appearance; the adult organism usually has a characteristic size. Nonliving things generally have much more variable shapes and sizes. Living things are not homogeneous, (同质的) but are made of different parts, each with special functions; thus the bodies of animals and plants are characterized by a specific, complex organization. The structural and functional unit of both animals and plants is the cell. It is the simplest bit of living matter that can exist independently and exhibit all the characteristics of life.

41. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to paragraph 1?

[A] Biologists think that life is controlled by some unique force which can be explained in

terms of physics and chemistry.

[B]The phenomena of life are mysterious, so they are difficult to understand unless we use the theory of a unique life force.

[C]Today most biologists know a lot about the chemistry and physics of the phenomena of life, therefore, they can make living things by combining chemicals.

[D]Most of the biologists think that the physical and chemical principles that define non-living systems can one day explain different phenomena of life. 42. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

[A] The examples of both living things and nonliving chemicals. [B] The devices used to examine very small organisms.

[C] The difficulty in drawing a clear line between the living and non-living and between the

plants and animals.

[D] The way of telling the living from the non-living and animals from plants. 43. According to paragraph 2, sponges

[A] are thought to be plants in the twentieth century [B] were considered to be animals in the eighteenth century [C] are thought to be animals today

[D] can be considered either living things or organic chemicals 44. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the cell? [A] It never exists independently.

[B] It can exhibit all the characteristic of life.

[C] It is the structural and functional unit of living things. [D] It is the simplest bit of living things. 45. This passage is most probably taken from

[A] a news report [B] a story [C] a specialized book [D] a science fiction Passage Two


