高中英语 Unit1 Advertising reading教案 牛津译林版必修4

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课题:M4U1 Advertising reading

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Review about different ads.

talk about more ads.

Step 2 Comprehension of the text


1. Guide students go through the whole article, especially pay attention to the

titles and the subtitles of the article.

2. Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the questions on Page 2

What do advertisements encourage people to do?

What does PSAs stand for?

What are PSAs meant to do?


Ask Ss to find the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.1 Brief introduction of ads

Para.2 What is an ad?

Para.3 Untrue claims about products

Para.4 How to identify(辨别) an ad?

Para.5 Public service ads

Para.6 The advice on ads

Reading strategies: reading expository writing a subjectintroduction of subject

supporting detailsconclusion

Post-reading (Consolidation) (教师用书P7)

What’s the similarities and difference between commercial advertisements and public service advertisements?

Step 3 Language items

1. Ask Ss to reread the passage and do C1 on P4 individually

2. Get Ss to scan the article again and do C2.

3. Do D in class.

4. Do E in class.

Step 4 Debate

Group A: Advertising has a positive effect on our lives.Group B: Advertising has a negative effect on our lives.

Step 5 Homework

1 Finish the article on Page 95.

2 List the difficult language points on your notebook.

Step 6 Language points

1. be used to sth/doing (L1) 习惯于

get/become used to 逐渐地习惯于…

used to do/be 过去常常/曾经是… (和would do区别)

There used to be 曾经有

There used to be a cinema here, but now it is a market.

There used to be a tall tree at our gate, usedn’t there?

be used to do sth.被用来做…

近义词 be /become/get accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于

adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于……

adjust to (doing) sth. 适应;习惯……

2. share (L4) vt.

share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物

She won’t share her secret with us. 她不愿意把她的秘密告诉我们。

share sth. among/between sb. 和某人分担某物

The money was shared among/between us.

share (in) sth. 分享、分担

I will share (in) the cost with you,and your share of the cost is about $10. 我会和你平摊费用, 你的这份费用大概是10美元。

share the joys and hardships / sorrows as well as joys 同甘共苦

Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.

buy 500 shares in a shipping company 购买某航运公司的500股股份


3. persuade(L6) v.劝说

1) persuade sb. /pron. 说服某人

I can persuade the boss soon.

2) persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事

I persuaded him of its truth.

3) persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

We persuaded him into taking the job. =We persuaded him to take the job.

4) persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事

I persuaded my father out of smoking.

5) persuade sb. that-clause 使某人相信

sb. be persuaded that-clause 某人相信……

I’m almost persuaded that he is honest.我几乎相信他是诚实的。

persuasive adj.有说服力的 persuasion n.说服

persuasive arguments 有说服力的论据

advice强调主观动作,persuade 强调客观结果;advise(劝说)不一定persuade(说服),但try to persuade相当于advise

4. be meant to (L11)

⑴ 有义务(责任)做 You are meant to keep the children out of trouble.

⑵ 被打算做;旨在、目的在

It was meant to be an apology but it only made her angry. 这原本是为了道歉,但却只惹她生气。

(3) be meant for sth./sb. 为....准备,设计的

These books are not meant for primary school students. 这些书不是为小学生而编写的。

(4)mean sb to do sth. 打算让sb. 做

His father meant him to be a teacher.

mean to do /mean doing

发散:(n) meaning (adj.) meaningful (adj.) meaningless (n) means

5. cheat (L14)

⑴ vi.作弊,作假 be caught cheating

e.g. Kids have always found ways of cheating in school exams.孩子们总能找到考试作弊的方法。

⑵ vt 欺骗,哄骗 cheat sb of sth. 骗某人的东西

Cheat sb into doing sth.哄骗某人做某事

e.g. He was accused of cheating investors out of their life savings.


He cheated her into buying the cheap coat.

They cheated the old man of her house and money.

⑶ vi.不忠

e.g. He swore to me that he had never cheated. 他向我发誓从来没有对我不忠。

⑷ n.骗子,作弊者;作弊行为

e.g. We should have strict penalties for tax cheats.


6. fool (L17)

⑴ n.蠢人 e.g. How could you be such a stupid fool!

⑵ vt.愚弄,欺骗 e.g. I was completely fooled by her.

(3)fool sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做

e.g. Don’t let anyone fool you into handing over large sums of money.


foolish adj.愚蠢的 foolishly adv.愚蠢地

7. cure (L18)

⑴ n.有效药,疗法 e.g. Doctors say that there are several possible cures.


⑵ n.对策,方案 e.g. It’s the only possible cure for our trade deficit.


⑶ vt.治愈

e.g. Many formerly fatal diseases can now be cured. 原先的许多绝症现在都可以治好了。

cure sb of sth e.g. The doctor ~d her of her heart trouble.

He was ~d of lung cancer.

⑷ vt.控制,消除 e.g. Nothing seemed to cure him of his nervousness.


8. breath (L18) n.

⑴ 气息 e.g. His breath smelt strongly of alcohol. 他呼出的气中有很浓的酒味。

⑵ 呼吸 e.g. She took a long slow breath to calm down. 她长吸一口气,让自己平静下来。

【常用短语】hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

e.g. I held my breath and dived into the river. 我屏住呼吸潜入河里。

be out of breath 上气不接下气

e.g. She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 她爬楼爬得上气不接下气。v. breathe

⑴ v.呼吸 e.g. He held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe.


⑵ vi.吸入 e.g. I don’t want to breathe in other people’s smoke. 我不想吸入二手烟。

9. comment (L23)

⑴ n.评论,述评

e.g. We would welcome your comments on our work. 我们欢迎你对我们的工作提出意见。 No comments! 无可奉告

make a comment on = make comments on 对...做出评价

e.g. Did she make any comments on your speech? 她对你的演讲做出什么评价了吗?

⑵ n. (电视,电影)评论 e.g. a page of news and comment

⑶ v. 发表意见,评价 comment on

e.g. I’m not in a position to comment on the matter. 我无权对此事发表评论。

10. connection (L24) n.

in ~~ with…与…有关联

connect vt/vi

(1)连接,结合,常与to, with 连用

e.g: Will you connect this wire to the television?

The two cities are connected by a railway.

(2)有联系,有关系 e.g: I don’t think he is connected with the case.

11. fall for (L25)

(1) fall for sth. (轻易)相信某事

e.g. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.


You should be clever enough not to fall for his tricks.

He said that he was a student and I fell for it. 信以为真

(2) fall for sb. 被某人所吸引,爱上某人

e.g. They fell for each other at first sight and got married six weeks later.


fall 的短语:

fall down: fail 从…落下;vi 倒下,跌倒,(建筑物)倒塌;(计划等)失败

e.g. The plan fell down because it proved to be too expensive.

fall into sth: develop sth(不用于被动语态)养成(坏习惯)

e.g. You can not fall into the bad habit—smoking a lot.

fall off: decrease 从…掉落;vi 降低、下降;减少

e.g. The production has fallen off since last month.

fall to doing sth: begin to do 开始(工作等)

They fell to thinking about what had happened to them.

12. trick (L27)

n. (1) 戏法,把戏,花样 I can do magic tricks.

(2) 窍门,诀窍 to learn the tricks of the trade

(3) 恶作剧 play a trick/ tricks on sb

vt. trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人(做)某事

eg: He tricked the old lady into giving him the money.

make fun of sb 取笑某人

joke with sb. about sth

play a joke/trick on sb 开某人玩笑

make jokes about…

13. aim(L29)

⑴ n. 目标,目的

e.g. My main aim on this course is to gain confidence. 我上该课程的主要目的是获取自信。

⑵ n.瞄准,准头

e.g. He quickly regained his balance, took aim, and fired.他迅速重新恢复平衡,瞄准并开火。

With the aim of 以…为目标,目的是…

⑶ vi.打算,企图

e.g. The project aims to provide an outlet for children’s creativity.


⑷ vt.瞄准

e.g. He was aiming at the tree but missed. 他瞄准了那棵树,但是没有打中。

be aimed at (doing) sth. / be aimed to do旨在于,目的在于

e.g. The regulations are aimed at the prevention of accidents at work.


The book is aimed at people without specialized knowledge.


14. deal with(L34)

(1)对付,应付 Such people are difficult to deal with.


e.g: The book mainly deals with difficult points in the study of English.

(3) 处理 I have a lot of problems to deal with

(4) vi.做……买卖,向……买东西 a shop that deals in goods of all kinds

n. a great deal of support/trouble

let’s make a deal. 让我们订个协议

15. benefit(L38)

⑴ n.益处,好处

e.g. The new sports centre will bring lasting benefit to the community.


⑵ n.福利,津贴

e.g. The benefits include medical insurance and a company car. 福利包括医疗保险和一辆公车。

For sb’s benefit=for the benefit of sb. 为了某人的利益;为帮助某人

⑶ vi.受益,得到好处 benefit from

e.g. Patients have benefitted greatly from this treatment. 病人已从该治疗中大大受益。

⑷ vt. 对...有好处,有助于 sth benefit sb

e.g. The system mainly benefitted people in the south. 这项制度主要使南方人受益。adj. beneficial 有益的 be beneficial to =be of benefit to对…有益

e.g. One or two glasses of wine a day can be beneficial.

Fresh air is beneficial to our health.

16. promote(L41) v.

(1)提升,晋升,常与to连用 He has been promoted to headmaster.

(2)筹划 Who is promoting this boxing match?

(3)宣传,促销They’ll advertise in the media to promote the new product.


e.g. The scientist was invited to give a talk in the school to promote the love of learning.

The government has made some new laws aimed at promoting the development of science and technology.

17. When it comes to sth./doing sth(L41)当涉及/谈到做某事时

When it comes to politics, I have no comments.

I’m as good a cook as she is except when it comes to making a cake.

18. consult(P5)

⑴ vt.向……咨询,求助

e.g. Before going on a di et, you’d better consult your doctor. 节食前,你最好向你的医生咨询一下。

⑵ v.商量,征得同意 consult with sb about sth.

e.g. We’ll consult with representatives of different jobs. 我们会和不同职业的代表商量。

⑶ v.查找,查询

e.g. Consult the timetable to see when the last train leaves.



