unit 9 Hollywood 讲义

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Unit 9 Hollywood

Section One Pre-reading Activities

I. Warming-up activities

1. Brief introduction to Hollywood( where is it; why is it world-renowned?)

(in Los Angeles, California; the center of the films and entertainments. There are Hollywood Bowl where world-famous symphonies are performed and Hollywood Cemetery where a lot of famous stars rested after their deaths.奥斯卡金像奖 Annual Academy Awards )

Known as the world's largest natural amphitheater, the Hollywood Bowl features some of the finest classical, pops, jazz, opera, and ballet performances. The summer season includes spectacular fireworks, classical, jazz, Latin salsa, and modern new age concerts. The Bowl also features a museum, children's festivals and picnic areas. For over 75 years the Hollywood Bowl has kept the public entertained with great music at affordable prices!

2.Are you a fan of a Hollywood superstar? Have you ever enjoyed Hollywood blockbusters? Can you name some of your favorite stars and movies manufactured in Hollywood? (Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts=biggest/greatest hits) (Lord of the Rings etc) Walk of Fame星光大道(好莱坞)

3. Why do those Hollywood movies and stars attract you?

It seems that Hollywood is a magic place, producing lots of superstars and blockbusters that attract people’s eyes. In different periods, Hollywood produced different kinds of movies, covering a wide range of genres. Those posters are only a few to mention. (ppt)

II.Cultural information

1. Quote

Fred Allen: You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood,place it in the navel of a firefly and still have room enough for three caraway seeds and a producer's heart.

2. Hollywood

Hollywood is a neighborhood in Los Angeles, California—situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles. Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a metonymy of American cinema, and is often interchangeably used to refer to the greater Los Angeles area in general. The nicknames "StarStruck Town" and "Tinseltown" refer to Hollywood and its movie industry. Today, much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood, but significant auxiliary industries, such as editing, effects, props, post-production and lighting companies remain in Hollywood, as does the backlot of Paramount Pictures.

Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues and concert stages to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards. It is a popular destination for nightlife, tourism, and is home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Section Two Global Reading

I. Main idea

1. What information does the text present?

The text provides information about the past and the present of Hollywood. The text is an introduction about the history, present situation and the future of Hollywood in a chronological order and on a point-by-point basis. Hollywood was once the center of world motion picture industry and attracted all the young men and women to try their luck there. And in recent years Hollywood has lost its glamour. However, Hollywood’s influence on movie industry will remain in the future and it will still be a very important part of the world entertainment industry in the years to come.

2. List a few sentences from the text that present the major information of the text.

1) Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill

their dreams. (Paragraph 1)

2) Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past. It is a name which will always be associated with motion

picture-making. (Paragraph 9)

II. Structural analysis

1. Text Analysis

- Hollywood, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams;

a name which will always be associated with motion picture-making - Development by the deductive method (para.3-9) 1) Hollywood like a magnet (para.3) 2) The studio chiefs / the stars (para.4)

3) Advertising turning starlets into superstars (para.5) 4) Stars /typecast (para.6)

5) Hollywood / the world’s motion picture industry / television networks / American TV entertainment


6) Hollywood / the glamour of the past (para.8)


2. Linguistic Features

1) The strategy of general-specific

(para.1) An overview of Hollywood (by a contrast: glamour, luxurious houses with vast

palm-fringed swimming pools; cocktail bars and furnishings; yachts, Rolls Royces and diamonds / emptiness; colossal debts)

(para.2) A very general, brief introduction of the development of Hollywood

(para.3-9) point-to-point deductive method / aspect-to-aspect interweaved introduction

Section Three Detailed Reading

Paragraph 1

Main idea: a brief introduction to Hollywood. It presents the attractiveness of this place. Questions:

Q1: What does Hollywood suggest? (glamour, any other things? The writer mentioned a lot of other things, all those thing have one thing in common: closely related to money or this word luxury) Q2: Why is Hollywood so glamorous? (star-struck teenagers try their luck there) Star-struck teenagers: young men and women who dream to be stars.

Hollywood is their stage. Have you ever dreamed to be stars when you are a kid?(Why? Earning a lot of money) Nowadays, it seems to be easier to become stars. E.g., in our country, we have programmes such like Super Girls, Happy Boys, etc. Star-struck teenagers can try their luck in such kind of programmes by attending their audition.(sea selection=first/initial audition)

Q3: Please point out the contrast mentioned in the first paragraph. Aspect 1 a. Glamor star-struck teenagers; luck; dream

b. luxury villa; furnishing; yacht; RollsRoyce; diamonds. Aspect 2 a. Emptiness Privacy; freedom; passe, has-been

b. Debts Drug addicts; casino夜总会; gambling; luxurious life.

Words and Expressions 1. glamour: n.

1) the exciting and charming quality of sth. unusual or special, with a magical power of attraction e.g. Foreign travel has never lost its glamour for me.

She is always attracted by the glamour of a job in the pop music business.

2) strong personal attraction, esp. sexually exciting beauty, which excites admiration e.g. Sophia added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress. 索菲亚换了一件漂亮的裙子,更增添了一份魅力。 Derivations: glamorous: adj. glamorize: vt. Synonyms: attractiveness, charm

Collocation: glamour job; a glamour stock 令人向往的工作;热门股票

n. attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:

2. fulfill: vt.

1) carry out a promise; satisfy a desire, prayer, etc.

e.g. That man often fails to fulfill his promise, so he is not trusted. If he is lazy, he will never fulfill his ambition to be a doctor.

2) perform or carry out a duty, task, etc.; answer or satisfy a need or purpose e.g. The conditions of the contract must be fulfilled exactly. A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick. 3) finish or complete a period or piece of work

e.g. They fulfilled their project 30 days ahead of time. Derivations:fulfilled: adj. fulfillment: n. Comparison: fulfill, realize

realize: make actual or real something that has previously existed only as a plan or desire Collocation: fulfill oneself: fully develop one’s abilities and character e.g. He was able to fulfill himself through music. 通过音乐他能充分地发挥自己的才能。

Exercise: Choose the proper word in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences. fulfill realize

1) They_____ all the boss’s demands just to please him. (fulfilled)

2) It was really disheartening that our worst fears were_____. (realized)

3) The travelling library _____ an important need for people who live in country areas. (fulfills)

3. colossal: adj. extremely large; of immense size;remarkable; splendid e.g. It requires government spending on a colossal scale. Derivation: colossus: n.

Synonyms: remarkable; splendid

Comparison: enormous, immense, colossal, tremendous

Enormous suggests a marked excess beyond the norm in size, amount, or degree. Immense refers to boundless or immeasurable size or extent. Colossal suggests a hugeness that elicits awe or taxes belief. Tremendous suggests awe-inspiring or fearsome size. Antonym: small

1)那歌手现在赚大钱了。The singer earns a colossal amount of money now. 2)他们成功的秘诀是大量制造廉价商品。

Their secret to success was manufacturing cheap goods on a colossal scale.


Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. (Paragraph 1)

Explanation: Hollywood, district of Los Angeles, California, was famous as a center of the motion picture industry in the United States. It is also a major center of the U.S. television industry.

Translation: 好莱坞意味着魅力,是那些憧憬靠小运气就能成为大明星的少男少女们美梦成真的地方。/好莱坞充满魅力。在这里,那些怀揣明星梦的少男少女们,若是有点儿运气,可以实现他们的梦想。

Paragraphs 2-8

Main idea: some major facts or important information to Hollywood. Para2: history;

Para3 hw like a magnet; Para 4 stars and studio chiefs; Para 5 about studios of America; Para 6 stars were typecast;

Para 7 turned into the American TV entertainment center; Para 8 being still glamorous.


1. Why was hw chosen to be a good place to make pictures?(para2 the 1st sentence) 2. How did some star-struck men and women become stars?( para3) 3. What is a studio chief(para4)

4. Why has hw still been glamorous(para 8)

Words and Expressions

4. constant: adj.

1) fixed or unchanging; invariable

e.g. Pressure in the container remains constant. 2) continually happening or repeated; regular e.g. The entrance is in constant use; do not lock it. 3) loyal; faithful

e.g. She is a constant friend of mine. Derivation: constancy: n. Synonym: continuous

Comparison: continual, continuous, constant, perpetual

Continual applies to what recurs repeatedly or goes on unceasingly over a long period of time. Continuous applies to what extends without interruption in either space or time. Constant stresses uniformity, steadiness, or regularity in occurrence or recurrence. Perpetual applies to what lasts or persists permanently.

Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences. constant continuous

1) Despite its large population, the rate of population increase of India has been _________ in recent years. (constant)

2) Many students prefer ____________ assessment to a once-for-all approach. (continuous) 3) This video player provides high-speed dubbing and ____________ play facility. (continuous)

5. peak: n.

1) a sharply pointed mountain top; a whole mountain with a pointed top;the highest point, level e.g. The plane flew over the snow-covered mountain peaks.

2) the highest point, level, value, rate, etc.; a time of greatest success e.g. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. She’s at the peak of her career. Comparisons: peak, summit, climax

summit: the top of a mountain, or a meeting between heads of government

climax: the most exciting, important, or effective part in a story, experience, set of events, etc,

which usu. comes near the end

Exercise: Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences. peak summit climax

1) Demand for coal is at its _____ in January and February. (peak)

2) Western leaders are gathering for this week’s Ottawa _____. (summit)

3) His first book was published when he was at the _____ of his powers. (peak) 4) The ____ of the film is a brilliant car chase. (climax)

6. immortal: adj. that will never die; that will live forever; that will continue or be remembered for a long time e.g. The soul is immortal.

Shakespeare wrote many immortal plays. Derivations: immortality: n.immortalize: v.


e.g. All human beings are mortal.

7. ambitious: adj.

1) having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc.

e.g. He is an ambitious young man, studying hard to be a scientist.

2) showing or resulting from a desire to to sth. difficult or sth. that demands great effort, unusual skill, etc. e.g. His next production was a very ambitious musical. Derivation: ambition: n. Antonym: unambitious Translation:

有抱负的学生才能取得最好的成绩。 Only ambitious students can get best marks.

他推出的下一个作品是一部难度很大的音乐喜剧。 His next production was a very ambitious musical comedy.

8. recommend: v.

1) praise as being good for a purpose; provide information about sb. or sth. e.g. What would you recommend for removing ink stains? She was strongly recommended for the post.

2) advise or suggest as a correct or suitable course of action e.g. I wouldn’t recommend you to go there alone. I recommend that you resign.

Derivations: recommendation: n. recommendable: adj. Collocations:

recommend sb./sth. (to sb.) recommend sb. for /as sth.

9. persuade: v.

1) make sb. willing to do sth. by reasoning, arguing, repeatedly asking e.g. You try and persuade her to come out with us. How can we persuade him into joining us? He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. 2) cause to believe or feel certain; convince e.g. I am not fully persuaded by the evidence. We are persuaded of the justice of her case. Derivations: persuasion: n. persuasive: adj. Collocations:

persuade sb. into/out of sth. persuade sb. of sth.

10. expertly: adv. in a way typical of an expert; in a skillful manner

e.g. Never have I seen anyone handle such a tough situation as expertly as he. Derivations: expert: n. / adj. expertise: n. Collocations: expert at/in/on sth./doing sth.

e.g. He is expert at/in cooking good cheap meals. Synonym: skillfully

11. at all costs: at any cost; whatever the cost; no matter what the cost e.g. We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan. We must avoid war at all costs. Phrases:

at the cost of: involving the loss or sacrifice of sth. to one’s cost: from one’s own unpleasant experience

Exercise: Choose the proper phrase to fill each blank in the following sentences. at all costs to one’s cost at the cost of

1) As I learned _________ when I was ill in New York, you should always take out medical insurance before you go abroad. (to my cost)

2) We must win the game ______. (at all costs)

3) She saved him from drowning but only ________ her own life. (at the cost of)

12. interfere: v. enter in or take part in a matter which does not concern one, and in which one is not wanted e.g. It is unwise to interfere between husband and wife. Don’t interfere in matters that do not concern you! Derivations: interference: n. interfering: adj. Collocation:

interfere in sth.

interfere between sb. and sb.

13. destroy: v. damage (something) so severely that it cannot be repaired; put an end to the existence of something

e.g. They have destroyed all the evidence.

All hopes of a peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech. Derivations: destruction: n. destructive: adj. Synonyms: ruin, wreck

14. cease: v. stop (esp. an activity or state) e.g. The officer ordered his men to cease fire.

Hostilities between the two sides ceased at midnight.

Derivations: cease: n. ceaseless: adj. not stopping; without end Collocation: without cease: without stopping; continuously

15. distinguished: adj. having excellent quality or great fame and respect e.g. The actor gave a distinguished performance on the stage last night.

He has become a distinguished man for his scientific achievements. Derivations: distinguish: v. distinguishable: adj. Antonym: undistinguished

16. performance: n.

1) the action or an act of performing (a character in) a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc., esp. in the presence of the public

e.g. His performance of "Hamlet" was superb.

The orchestra will give two more performances before leaving Britain. 2) the action or manner of carrying out an activity, piece of work, etc. e.g. She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest.

His performance in the test was not good enough. Derivations: perform: v. performer: n.

Collocation: in performance: performing in a concert or other entertainment e.g. Come and see her in performance with the new band.


1. Most of them had only their good looks to recommend them and had no acting experience — or ability — whatsoever. (Paragraph 3)

Explanation: The phrase "most of" cannot be used before a noun that has no determiner (article, possessive or demonstrative word). You can say "most of the people", or "most of these people", but not "most of people". I’ve eaten most of the salad. I’ve read most of your books.

Translation: 大多数人仅靠姣好的外貌作为资本,没有任何表演经验或才能。

2. As for the stars themselves, they were held on a tight rein by the studio chiefs who could make or break all but the stars with really big appeal. (Paragraph 4)

Paraphrase: The stars were firmly controlled by the studio chiefs who could make or break nearly all the stars except super-stars.

Translation: 至于明星本人,他们被制片厂的老板们牢牢地控制着,除了那些名气很大的明星外,这些老板可以造就或毁掉任何人。

3. Many studio chiefs were tyrants, determined to get their own way at all costs, no matter how unscrupulous the means. (Paragraph 5)

Explanation: “Get their own way” means do what they want to, even though someone else wants something different.

You shouldn’t let the children always get their own way.

Translation: 许多制片厂老板都非常专制,一意孤行,不计代价,不管采取如何卑鄙的方式。

4. Stars were often typecast and if he or she appealed to the public as a lover, then he or she always played the part of a lover. (Paragraph 6)

Translation: 明星们经常被指定扮演同一类型的角色,如果他们成为大众情人,他们将永远都扮演情人的角色。

Paragraph 9 Questions

1) Which sentence of the last paragraph can be seen as the topic sentence?

The first sentence, “Hollywood, above all, has the glamour of the past,” can be regarded as the topic sentence of the last paragraph.

2) Do you agree with the writer that" for many years to come the old Hollywood movies will be shown again and

again in movie houses and television screens all over the world"? Justify your answer. Open to discussion.

Words and Expressions

17. associate: v. connect in thought, memory, or imagination e.g. I associate summer with holidays.

The scientist decided he didn’t want to be associated with the project, and left.

这个科学家决定不与这个计划有任何瓜葛,因而离开了。 Derivation: association: n. Collocation: associate with

Activity: Match-making Competition

Direction: In this game there are some English words and some Chinese expressions, can you match them up? You

Section Four Consolidation Activities

I . Vocabulary Analysis

1. Phrase practice

1. be left with = end up with 以……而结束

e.g. The president left the whole crowd with mixed emotions. 总统给人们留下复杂的情感。

2. reach one’s peak = be most successful 到达顶峰

e.g. At what age does a man reach his peak in terms of strength and muscle? 一个人的肌肉和力量的发展在什么年龄到达顶峰?

3. in business = operate 经营

e.g. The company was in business even in the Great Depression. 那家公司即使是在大萧条时期仍在经营。

4. with appeal= having popularity among audiences 受欢迎

e.g. In the past year, the theater put ten plays with appeals. 去年剧院上演了十部受欢迎的戏剧。

2. Word comparison


attraction: an attraction is a feature which makes something interesting or desirable e.g. The walled city is an important attraction.

luxury: something expensive which is pleasant to have but is not necessary e.g. I like to buy myself little luxuries from time to time.

glamour: the attractive and exciting quality of being connected with wealth and success e.g. Forget all you read about the glamour of television.

business: the work relating to the production, buying and selling of goods or services e.g. Tony has an impressive business background. 2.

furniture: objects that are used in a room for sitting or lying on or for putting things on or in e.g. Each piece of furniture in their home suited the style of the house.

furnishing: a piece of furniture which is not permanently fixed in or part of the structure of a house and which a person might be expected to take with them when they move to a new home

e.g. We buy this house because its price, including furnishing and fittings , is cheap. item: a single thing, especially one thing in a list, group, or set of things e.g. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item. goods: things that are made to be sold

e.g. Money can be exchanges for goods or services. 3.

immortal: living or continuing for ever

e.g. He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.

undying: if you refer to someone’s undying feelings, you mean that the feelings are very strong and are unlikely

to change

e.g. Amy declared her undying love for Bill.

deathless: lasting forever and never to be forgotten

e.g. What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person!

immoral: not within society’s standards of acceptable, honest and moral behaviour e.g. Behaviors harmful to others are immoral. 4.

introduce: to bring a type of things somewhere for the first time

e.g. The grey squirrel was introduced into Britain from North American.

recommend: if someone recommends a person or thing to you, they suggest that you would find that person or thing good or useful

e.g. I recommend seafood salad. advise: to give someone advice

e.g. I advise waiting until tomorrow.

suggest: to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go, etc. e.g. I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way. 5.

whatever: you use "whatever" to refer to anything or everything of a particular type e.g. Keep calm, whatever happens.

whatsoever: used after a negative phrase to add emphasis to the idea that is being expressed e.g. The police found no suspicious document whatsoever.

however: used when you are adding a fact or piece of information that seems surprising or seems very different from what you have just said

e.g. This is an extremely unpleasant disease which is, however, easy to treat. no matter: it is not a problem

e.g. Day in, day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles. 6.

image: the opinion people have of a person, organization, product, or the way a person, organization, etc., seems to be to the public

e.g. This company is concerned about its corporate image. impression: an idea or opinion of what something is like e.g. I don’t tend to trust first impression.

imagination: the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind

e.g. You don’t have to use your imagination when you are watching television. portrait: a portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a particular person e.g. The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession. 7.

unscrupulous: behaving in an unfair or dishonest way

e.g. He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms. ambitious: determined to be successful, rich, powerful e.g. An ambitious boy usually works hard. 8.

packed: very crowded

e.g. The streets were packed with men, women and children.

occupied: a place being controlled by an army or group of people that has moved into it

e.g. She spent two years in occupied Paris.

engaged: someone who is engaged in a particular activity is doing that thing e.g. They’ve been engaged in a legal battle with the council for several months. filled: full of the stated thing

e.g. He was filled with horror at the bad news.

II. Grammar Exercises

1. Use of simple present tense:

1) The simple present is used in the expression of eternal truths and proverbs, scientific and other statements made for all time.

e.g. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

London stands on the River Thames.

2) The simple present can express habitual or recurrent actions. e.g. Percy often goes to his office by underground. He always sleeps with his windows open.

3) The simple present can be used to denote a momentary phenomenon that exists at the time of speaking.

e.g. What’s the matter with you? You look pale.

4) The simple present can be used to denote future time. e.g. I hope she likes the flowers.

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.

5) The simple present can occasionally be used to denote past time. This use of the simple present is usually found with such verbs as tell, say, hear, write, learn. e.g. Mary tells me you’re entering college next year. I hear poor old Mrs. Smith has lost her son.

2. Use of present progressive:

1) The present progressive is used to denote an action in progress at the moment of speaking. e.g. Hurry up! We’re all waiting for you.

2) The present progressive can express an action in progress at a period of time including the present.

e.g. Jane is studying law while her sister is doing physics.

3) The present progressive is used to denote a future happening according to a definite plan or arrangement.

e.g. I’m going to Shanghai for the summer holiday.

When you are talking with him, take care not to mention this.

4) The present progressive can be used to denote an action in the immediate past and to make even politer requests with such verbs as hope, wonder.

e.g. You don’t believe it? You know I’m telling the truth. I’m wondering if I may have a word with you.

III. Translation exercises

1. 政府下决心无论如何要避免食品价格陡然上涨。(at all costs) Explanation:

Also, at any cost or price: regardless of the expense or effort involved, by any means Translation:

The government is determined to avoid at all costs a sharp rise in food price. Practice:


The bridge must be repaired within three weeks at all costs. 这种祸害无论如何要不顾一切地尽量迅速地予以根除。

The evil must be halted at all costs as quickly as possible and by whatever the means. 这次展销,本店不惜工本,宁愿做亏本生意。

On the occasion of this exhibition sale, our store will do business at all costs, even at a loss.

2. 他竭力去救那个溺水的男孩,但没能成功。(in vain) Explanation:

If you do something in vain, you do it without effect or avail or in an improper or irreverent manner. Translation:

He tried his best to save the drowning boy, but in vain. Practice:


Emerson sighed in vain for the friendly institution of the Café in Boston. 我们试图改变他的想法,但是没有用。 We tried in vain to change his minds.

3. 那个老妇人总是喜欢管别人的事情。(interfere in) Explanation:

1) to come into opposition, as one thing with another, esp. with the effect of hampering action or procedure (often fol. by with): Constant distractions interfere with work.

2) to take part in the affairs of others; meddle (often fol. by with or in): to interfere in another's life.

3) (of things) to strike against each other, or one against another, so as to hamper or hinder action; come into physical collision.


That old woman is always interfering in other people’s affairs. Practice:


Don't interfere in their squabble — let them fight it out among themselves. 我决无意干涉你的事,但我只想给你提个建议。

Far is it from me to interfere in your affairs but I will like to give you just one piece of advice.

4. 我们中国人往往将春节与家人团聚联系起来。(associate with) Explanation:

If something associates with another thing, it has connection with it.


We Chinese usually associate the Spring Festival with family reunion. Practice:


There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking. 厄纳斯特·海明威的这部短篇小说具有以往许多巨著的共同特点。

Certainly, the qualities of Ernest Hemingway's short novel are those which we associate with many great stories of the past.

V. Oral activities

1. Giving a talk

Movies can serve as a means for education besides for entertainment, and movies in English can be very helpful in English teaching and learning. Give a talk to voice your opinions on this topic.

Probably you could begin your talk with “I used to be and still am a movie fan. After I began to study English, I realized I could take advantage of English movies to improve my English, both oral and written.”

For your reference:

1) You may use the following words or expressions in your talk:

title, original version, dialogue, subtitling, cartoon, documentary, comedy, tragedy, helpful, useful, effective, vivid, attract, improve, spoken and written English, broaden one’s horizon, stimulate one’s interests, visual teaching

2) You may want to express the viewpoints as follows:

— Watching original movies stimulates my interests in learning English.

— I like to imitate the voices of the characters in movies especially cartoons, which improve my spoken English.

— I like to collect standard expressions in movies which I find quite useful in improving my writing.

2. Having a discussion

It has been reported in the mass media that the audience of movies has been shrinking. Discuss with your classmates the possible reasons for the decreasing number of cinemagoers.

For your reference:

You may want to list the possible reasons as follows:

— People are under great pressure in such a competitive world and they are too busy to go to cinema. — New media such as DVD, the computer, the Internet, MP4 or even the cell phone can replace cinema.

