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2、学会介绍他人;辨认人物。 3、确认物品所属关系。

4、 运用方位介词谈论周围物品的位置;

5、运用where句型询问所找物品的位置; 教学重、难点

1、掌握并运用介绍用语; 2、灵活运用who引导的辨认人物及用this、that、these、those 等指示代词确认所属关系的句型结构。3、掌握where句型询问物品位置,及答语。

内容复习 1、打招呼用语:

1) 常于较正式场合的招呼用语: 】一天中的问候语:

Good morning!早上好(凌晨至中午12点) Good afternoon!下午好!(中午12点至黄昏) Good evening!晚上好!(黄昏到入睡之前,用于晚上见面时互相问候) Good night!晚安!(晚间告别)

2) 常见的用于非正式场合的打招呼用语有:

Hello!(嗨!喂,你好!)打招呼,打电话,问候时都可用。 Hi!嗨!一般用于非常熟悉的人之间的问候,比hello更简洁。

2、 How are you? “你好吗?”是英美等西方国家的人们见面时常用的问候语,通常用来询问对方的身体状况,也可用作熟人之间的招呼用语。

常用答语:I’m fine, thank you./ Fine, thank you. /Very well, thanks. / I’m OK.等。 】辨析fine ,good, OK

fine 常用来指身体状况好、天气好 I’m fine, thank you.

good 常用来指人的品行好,或事物的质地好 Alice is a good girl.

OK 表示身体好,相当于fine;还可表示赞同别人的观点,意为“好的” ——How are you, Bob? ——I’m OK. 3.、thanks==thank you 谢谢

thanks 是向他人表达谢意的礼貌用语,当别人给予我们帮助、关心、美好祝愿、善待我们或

称赞、夸奖时应用此句表达谢意。 对于表示感谢的回答一般有: (1)You are welcome .

(2)It is my pleasure . / My pleasure (3)Don’t mention it . (4)That’s all right . (5)Not at all . 4.、定冠词和不定冠词

1)a/an 是不定冠词,表泛指,只用在单数可数名词前,表示“一个”,a用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,an用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。这里的元、辅音音素指的是读音,而不是字母。

a pen 一支钢笔 a bag 一个包 an orange 一个橘子 an hour 一小时 a useful book 一本有用的书

2)the 是定冠词,表特指。

a.指上文提到的人或物。E.g. Here is a book. The book is new. 这有本书。这本书很新。 b. 表示特指某个(些)人或物。 E.g. The pen on the desk is Bob’s . c.用来指说话双方都知道的人或事物。e.g. Where is the cup, Alice? d.用于某些固定短语中。 e.g. in the morning 在早上 in the evening 在晚上 注意:若名词前已有定语this ,that, my, your等修饰时,则不用冠词。 e.g. This boy is my brother. / My jacket is green. 5.、There be结构及用法

1).There be+名词+地点,表示某处有某物,某人,某事,there是引导词,无实义,具体有3种句子结构:

There is +可数名词单数+地点 e.g.There is an apple on the desk. There is +不可数名词+地点 e.g.There is some water in the cup.

There are+可数名词复数+地点 e.g.There are two cats behind the door. 其否定形式是直接在be动词后加not, e.g. There isn’t an apple on the desk. 一般疑问句是把be动词提前e.g. Is there an apple on the desk? 肯定回是Yes,there is. 否定回答是No,there isn’t.

2).There be结构的就近一致原则:be动词的形式取决于紧挨着be的名词的形式。

There__(be)a pen and some rubbers in the classroom. There_____(be)some rubbers and a pen in the classroom. 6.祈使句 Stand up, please.

祈使句通常以动词原形开头,表示请求,命令,规劝等语气。 e.g. Come here, please. 请过来。 Please 常用于祈使句中,表示说话者的客气和礼貌。它即可放在祈使句的句首,也可放在句尾,放在句尾时需用逗号与前面的内容隔开。所以也可写为:Please, stand up. 8、特殊疑问句

1). What color is it?它是什么颜色? 是一个特殊疑问句,用来询问颜色。be动词选用is 或are,取决于被询问物品的单复数。

答语结构:It’s + 颜色。/ They’re + 颜色

2) .where引导的特殊疑问句,用于询问“某人或某物在哪里”,若谓语动词为be动词,其结构为“Where + be + 主语?”,be动词要与后面的主语保持一致。

其答语,用“主语+be+表示地点的的介词短语”为避免重复,句中的主语一般用代词代替。 ----Where is my English book ----It’s on the desk.

9. What/How about...?常用于征求对方意见,其后可接名词、代词或动名词,意为做......怎么样呢。Why not ...? 也可以用作征求意见,意为为什么不......呢? Eg. How about playing football ?

Why not go to supermarket to buy some food ?

一.选出下列各组单词划线部分读音和其它三个不同的项。 ( )1. A. bag B. name C. cake D. plane ( )2. A. hi B. time C. bike D. sit ( )3. A. rose B. not C. no D. nose ( )4. A. student B. mum C. bus D. cup 二、翻译短语。(5分)

1.一间美术室 ________________ 2. 三个铅笔盒 _________________ 3. 去上学 _________________ 4. 又迟到了 ______________________

5. 十九幅图画 _____________________________ 三、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示,拼写单词,使句子完整、正确。 1. There are ten _______ (尺) on the chair. 2. Le him _______( stand ) there , please.. 3. There are ________(十四)balls on the desk. 4. —_________(be) your school big?? —Yes, it is. 5. I’m _______ 9( 号码), what about you? 6. Don’t______( are) late again.

7. ---What’s b_______ the chair? ----It’s a bag. 8. On the _______ (老师)desk, there are ten books. 9. The door isn’t c______ and clean it, please. 10. 10.There are six _______(窗户)in our classroom.. 四、 单项选择,选择最佳答案。

( ) 1. I ____ a nice room. _______ a big desk in it.

A. have, There are B. has, There are C. have, There is D. has, There is ( 2. ---Is your ball ________the door? ---No, it’s________ the chair. A. on, behind B. in, behind C. of, on D. behind, on ( ) 3. Let’s go to _____school. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 4. There is ____art class today. A. a B. an C. the D. /

) ( ) 5. Are there three people in your family? Yes, _______. A. they are B. we are C. there are D. there is

( ) 6. —“Are you _____ ?”---“Yes,we are _____ brothers.” A. twin,twin B. twins,twins C. twins,twin D. twin,twins ( )

( )7.There is ____“u”and _____“l”in the word “ruler”. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a ( ) 8. ____ a chair in the room?

A. It’s B. It is C. There’s D. Is there ( ) 9. There’s a door ____the wall. A. in B. on C. under D. behind ( ) 10. Tom and I ____ students. A. am B. is C. are D. be 五按要求句型转换

1. Open the door, please.(否定句) _______ _____ the door, please. 2. isn’t, book, a ,there, the, bag, in (连词成句) ____________________________________________ 3. There isn’t a box on the chair.(用three改为复数)。 There ______ three _____ on the chair.

4. There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class. There are _______ _______ in my class. (同义句) 5. I have two pens in my bag. (同义句) _____ ______ two pens in my pen.

6. They aren’t late for school every day. (改为祈使句) _______ ______ late for school every day. 六、翻译句子,每空一词

1. 我的学校有个美术室,我们在这儿很快乐。

______ ______ art room in my school. _______ very happy here. 2. 让他们去学校吧。 _________ ________ ________ to school 3. 他们不是在3班。 They ___________ __________ ___________ 3. 4. 黑板上有什么? 有14个数字。

___________ on the blackboard ? There are _______ ________.

5. 不要把书翻开,请看黑板。

________ the book and _______ _______ the blackboard, please.

