5AUnit3 过关测试

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牛津小学英语5A Unit 3 过关测试

一、【词汇关】 英汉互译 (20分)

1. 在一节音乐课上 ______________ 2. 上一节英语课 3. 唱歌_________________________ 4. 在门后面 5. 在下午 ______________________ 6.听歌 _________________ 6. 拉小提琴 ____________________ 8. follow me __________________

9. 在两点钟 _________________ 10. put a book on your head 11. 唱唱跳跳 12. make a puppet ______________

13.你是对的__________________ 14. under the teacher's desk 15. 一起读 16. make a model plane _______________ 17. 吃个冰淇淋 18. listen to the teacher 19. 下课后 20. ride a bike


(一) 翻译句子 ( 7分)

1.你会什么?我会演奏吉他。______________________________________ 2.你会跳舞吗?是的,我会。______________________________________ 3.那个男孩不会游泳。____________________________________________ 4.学生们会唱什么歌啊?__________________________________________ 5.你可以在阅览室里读书吗?______________________________________

(二)按要求写出下列句子 ( 12分)

1、I can play volleyball .( 对划线部分进行提问 ) ___________________________________

2、Mike’s father is a bus driver. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___________________________________ 3、These shoes are Helen’s. ( 改为同义句 )

__________________________________________ 4、There are some pencils in the pencil-case. ( 改为单数 ) ______________________________________________

5、There are eighteen rooms in the building. ( 对划线部分进行提问 ) _____________________________________________ 6、often , we , basketball , class , play , after ( 连词成句 ) ______________________________________________ 三、【课文关】 根据首字母填空 ( 34% )

The students are in the music r________ at two o’clock in the afternoon. They are h______ a music l________ . They can’t s______ the s________:“We can s______ and d_______”. But they can s________“In the c__________”and “Colour s________”.Ben can’t s________.He can p________ the v_______. At last the students can s________ the s________:“We can s________ and d________”.

四、【语音关】 判断下面读音是否相同,用T,F 来表示( 12分 ) 1. basketball dance ( ) 2. music computer ( )

3. ride find ( ) 4. skate class ( ) 5. sofa model ( ) 6. rabbit happy ( )


(一)用所给词的适当形式填空( 10分) 1. Nancy can sing, but Tom __________. ( can )

2. What can you do, boys and girls? ________ can play football. ( I ) 3. The students can _________ the song in the music room. ( listen ) 4. My mother’s cat __________ in the sitting room. ( be ) 5. Is this _________ dress? ( she ) 6. Follow _________, please. ( I ) 7. Let’s __________ swimming. (go )

8. Are there __________ trees in your garden? ( some ) 9. Can you play _________? ( guitar ) 10.Do you like _________? ( sing )

(二)选词填空 (6分)

1. Can you ___________(swimming, swim). 2. I can’t find ______________(his, him).

3. Mike likes playing ______________(guitar, the guitar). 4. The girl can dance, but the boy ___________(can, can’t). 5. There __________ any apples in the basket. (aren’t, are)

6. —_____________(Where’s, What’s) on the bed? — There’s a doll on it.

