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Unit 1

1. A window in the kitchen was _____; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen.

A scattered B scraped C smashed D scratched

2. Although Asian countries are generally more ____ in social customs than Western countries, there have been several notable examples of women leader in both China and India. A conservative B confidential C comprehensive D consistent

3. The Space Age ____ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A initiated B originated C embarked D commenced

4. As a ____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. A flexible B versatile C sophisticated D productive

5. Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can ____ attack their trainer. A unexpectedly B deliberately C consequently D subsequently 6. The schoolmaster ____ the girl’s bravery in his opening speech. A applauded B enhanced C elevated D clapped 7. The doctors don’t ____ that he will live much longer. A manifest B articulate C anticipate D monitor

8. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ____ themselves. A stretching B extending C prolonging D expanding

9. The court considers a financial ____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him. A option B duty C obligation D penalty

10. Population experts predict that if world population continues to grow at the present rate, mankind will soon face a severe challenge to ____ itself in prosperity and peace. A retain B maintain C sustain D obtain

11. The United States is perhaps the country where the ____ spirit is most cultivated and admired. A competent B compatible C comparable D competitive

12. China will continue to ____ to control population growth and improve the status of women. A stride B strike C stripe D strive

13. Some people do not show much ___ in their choice of books. A discrimination B recognition C accumulation D hesitation

14. Workers chose to ____ their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. A manifest B release C relieve D emphasize

15. The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continent, though considerable variations are to be found over so ____ an area.

A expensive B expansive C extensive D intensive

16. Both sister and brother were injured in a car accident. It took them courage and ____ to learn to live with a handicap.

A endurance B tolerance C insistence D existence

17. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can ____ the surroundings. A explore B expose C exploit D expand

18. The code was ____ to anyone who didn’t have the key. A unintelligible B unintelligent C intelligible D unintentional

19. My sister is quite ____ and plans to get an M.A. degree within one year. A aggressive B enthusiastic C ambitious D considerate

20. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ___ by a dictator. A depressed B immersed C oppressed D cursed

21. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ____. A luxury B accommodation C entertainment D refreshment

22. As you have seen, the value of a nation’s currency is a ____ of its economy. A response B revelation C reaction D reflection 23. They ____ the project to the board for approval. A emitted B admitted C committed D submitted

24. I let my children make their own decision now they’re older; I wouldn’t ____ to interfere. A assume B consume C resume D presume

25. His appearance that day gave all of us a shock, his hair ____ with oil and his face flushing. A glittering B glistening C glaring D glowing Answers:

1-5 CADBA 6-10 ACADC 11-15 DDAAC 16-20 AAACC 21-25 ADDDB

1. Parents have a legal ____to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

A. impulse B. influence C. obligation D. sympathy 2. I missed the train and ___was late for school. A. finally B. eventually C. subsequently D. consequently

3. Crime is increasing worldwide, and there is every reason to believe the ____will continue into the next decade.

A. emergency B. trend C. pace D. schedule

4. The ___of men to women in the union have changed a lot since 1980. A. portion B. proportion C. rate D. ratio

5. The remains of things people made and used long ago give the archaeologists __ to know how once people lived.

glue B. thread C. clue D. hint

6. The branches could hardly ____the weight.

retain B. sustain C. maintain D. remain

7. Many people lost their jobs during the business____. A. desperation B. decrease C. despair D. depression 8. Poverty and slums were outside the rich boy’s ____. A. globe B. orbit C. reach D. sphere

9. Sally is looking for a job in which she will be able to ____ herself. A. achieve B. deceive C. fulfill D. install

10. Many researchers are ____ for a greater understanding of the processes which occur inside stars. A. reviving B. striving C. carving D. reserving

11. We ____ the family’s decision to remain silent over the issue. A. contend B. convene C. appeal D. applaud

12. Such a large investment inevitably ____ some risk. A. curtail B. entail C. fulfill D. retail

13. Good teachers know that children need and enjoy firm ____. A. discipline B. doctrine C. equality D. equivalent

14. Her whole attitude to life ____ as a result of the awful experience. A. mourned B. merited C. soured D. spoiled

15. These remote islands are ____ only by birds and animals. A. flourished B. resided C. occupied D. inhabited

16. From what she said I thought the ____ was that they were splitting up. A. application B. dedication C. implication D. justification

17. Thirty workers were ____ because they were on strike over the staff cuts. A. packed B. sacked C. hacked D. tracked

18. Some people think it is wrong to spend money on ____ space. A. restoring B. imploring C. exploring D. deploring

19. He always becomes ____ to everyone when he’s drunk. A. objective B. initiative C. distinctive D. abusive

20. The President is clearly in a ____ over how to tackle the crisis. A. hardship B. hazard C. dialect D. dilemma

21. I’d like to ____ how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. A. minimize B. fertilize C. emphasize D. characterize 22. Our church ____ a project to send relief aid overseas. A. indicated B. initiated C. allocated D. alleviated

23. I tend to be rather ____ in such matters and a bit suspicious about these supposed advances. A. assertive B. distinctive C. conservative D. instructive

24. Before I answer your question, could you ____ your terms a little more? A. define B. deplore C. decline D. depict

25. They have attempted to take the ____ in dealing with the problem. A. action B. caption C. initiative D. intuitive Keys :

1-5 : CDBBC 6-10 : BDDCB 11-15 : DBACD 16-20 : CBCDD 21-25 : CBCAC Vocabulary (Unit 2)

1. Several police officers are being questioned about the ______ of the documents A. definition B. alteration C. qualification D. exception 2. He is anxiously ______ the result of the medical tests. A. looking B. taking C. awaiting D. making

3. I tried to ______ in my speech how grateful we were for his help. A. communicate B. consider C. confer D. convey

4. The sound of the door closing ______ me into thinking they had gone out. A. believed B. received C. deceived D. relieved 5. He uses a(n) _______ glass to read the tiny print. A. magnifying B. enhancing C. enlarging D. extending 6. Can you ______ the writing on this envelope? A. decide B. decipher C. decode D. deduce

7. He was charged with possessing a ______ passport. A. genuine B. false C. true D. fake

8. Political ______ is widespread throughout the country. A. corruption B. confession C. confusion D. collision 9. The suffering ______ on these children is terrible to see. A. conflicted B. inflicted C. reflected D. neglected

10. She was a bit _______ that she hadn’t been invited to the party. A. attached B. refused C. identified D. offended

11. With the ______ of a few spelling mistakes, it is a good composition on the whole. A. example B. aspect C. exception D. excuse

12. We are often ______ to say things we don’t mean out of politeness. A. compelled B. offended C. tend D. opposed

13. Are you hesitant about revealing your _______ when you chat on the internet? A. identification B. identity C. dignity D. digital

14. Many people think cyberspace _______ dangers to us.

A. poses B. makes C. takes D. imposes

15. Every mistake that she makes further ________ her authority. A. underlines B. underlies C. underpins D. undermines

16. You shouldn’t expect immigrants to _______ into an alien culture immediately. A. take B. assimilate C. accept D. develop

17. My original statement has been completely ______by the media. A. distorted B. distressed C. distracted D. disposed

18. When he realised the police had _____ him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible. A. offended B. spotted C. stopped D. missed

19. It's hard to ______ work after such a long vacation. A. get down to B. get on C. get around D. go back

20. Actually the Web is no more ______ dangerous than anything else in the world. …. A. apparently B. negatively C. inherently D. positively 21. The teacher was completely _______ by my excuse. A. taken up B. taken on C. taken over D. taken in

22. He _______ his company’s collapse by reckless speculation. A. brought out B. brought in C. brought about D. brought back

23. The government has announced plans to ________ access to higher education. A. make up B. give up C. put up D. open up

24. A 200-year-old building is very old _________ American history. A. in terms of B. in sight of C. in view of D. in spite of

25. He was released from detention last week _________ three other journalists. A. away from B. along with C. along from D. away with


1 B . 2.C . 3.D . 4.C 5.A. 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.C 12. A 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.B 19A 20.C 21.D 22.C 23.D 24. A 25 B

1. However, growth in the new industry was able to _____ some of the decline in the iron and steel industry.

A. overturn B. overtake C. offset D. oppress

2. When the fighting started, police and reporters were soon _____. A. to the spot B. on the spot C. in the spot D. of the spot

3. Many of the scientist and engineers are _____ in terms of how profitable their achievements are. A. passed B. graded C. judged D. chained

4. He said he would _____ me to Mr. Li but actually he didn’t. A. comment B. suggest C. command D. recommend

5. If you were _____ by vulgar language, what would you do? A. destroyed B. violated C. attacked D. offended

6. The jurors who lacked in basic law training were obviously not _____ pass a verdict. A. competent to B. capable of C. capable to D. competent for

7. The report you heard from the government spokesman _____ the facts. It is not reliable. A. retorted B. extorted C. distorted D. distracted

8. _____ your education, I would suggest that you go for an education loan and concentrate on your study. After all, you can start paying off the loan after you finish studying. A. As for B. As against C. As from D. As of

9. I was really _____when I knocked the cup of tea over my teacher. A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrass D. embarrasses

10. She has a great _____ for English teaching and students enjoy her class very much. A. kindness B. friendliness C. warmth D. affection

11. While nuclear weapons present grave _____ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.

A. inevitable B. constant C. overwhelming D. potential

12. _____ the enormous flow of food from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any population pressure.

A. Thanks to B. By means of C. In line with D. With regard to 13. On the crowded bus, he _____ his seat _____ an old man.

A. yielded…to B. competed…with C. provided…with D. exchanged...with

14. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____ his arguments in favour of the new theory. A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base 15. You _____ my authority by allowing children to do things I’ve forbidden. A. underestimated B. undermined C. unfolded D. unified 16. Some fish have a greater _____ for acid water than others. A. tolerance B. resistance C. dependence D. persistence

17. Computer technology will _____ a revolution in business administration. A. bring around B. bring about C. bring out D. bring up

18. Because of the snow, many parts of the countryside are only _____ by helicopter. A. available B. appropriate C. accessible D. achievable

19. With the _____of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A. exhibition B. exception C. except D. reception

20. Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an _____ for breaking the law. A. excuse B. intention C. option D. approval

21. It’s very difficult to _____ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. A. exchange B. transfer C. convey D. convert

22. The increase in student numbers _____ many problems for the universities. A. imposes B. poses C. pauses D. probes

23. We are completely _____ by his story and lent him the money at once. A. taken on B. taken off C. taken in D. taken for

24. He was strongly _____ my plan because he thinks the plan is not workable. A. supposed to B. appointed to C. assigned to D. opposed to 25. When she felt she could trust me she began to _____. A. open up B. act on C. speed up D. let out Keys:

1—5 C B C D D 6—10 A C A A D 11—15 D A A D B 16—20 A B C B A 21—25 C B C D A Unit 3

1. But frankly you should not risk it __________ you know for sure. A. if B. lest C. unless D. although

2. New technology ___________ almost every industrial process. A. applies to B. has applied to

1. The rain was heavy and ______ the land was flooded. A) consequently B) continuously C) constantly D) consistently

2. Bruce Stephen gripped the ______ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down. A) stirring B) driving C) steering D) rotating

3. Accuracy is ______ to the programming of computers. A) elementary B) fundamental C) principal D) typical

4. The ______ of finding gold in California were good in the 1840’s. A) proposals B) promises C) prospects D) privileges

5. Because of my poor eyesight I am _______ to wear glasses all the time. A) obliged B) compromised C) committed D) threatened

6. This new book has received several reviews since its publication; but none o f them have made a just _____ of the book.

A) summary B) calculation C) evaluation D) account

7. We are offering a substantial ____ for information leading to the capture of this murderer. A) compensation B) treasure C) share D) reward

8. The former mayor of the city was always holding a ______ against new immigrants and made life difficult for them there.

A) prejudice B) priority C) discomfort D) disadvantage

9. Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is ____ me. A) without B) outside C) beside D) beyond

10. I can’t drive this car, as I’m not ____ with its controls. A) accustomed B) aware C) familiar D) informed

11. As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years, he had every _____ for the job.

A) privilege B) obligation C) qualification D) commitment

12. Out of ______ revenge, he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation. A) perfect B) total C) sheer D) thorough

13. We are preparing a dinner for twenty people, but this table is not ____wide for our purpose. A) sufficiently B) considerably C) enough D) indeed

14. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was ____ behind as usual. A) declining B) delaying C) lacking D) lagging

15. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she ____ me and walked on. A) refused B) ignored C) declined D) neglected

16. People in New York City ____ that their city is the most vital city in the world. A) announce B) claim C) describe D) pronounce

17. Some plants are so sensitive ______ pollution that they can only survive in perfectly clean environment.

A) from B) against C) to D) with

18. Reporters asked the Congressman to _____ his position on welfare reform. A) evolve B) clarify C) imply D) quote

19. This terrorist attack has been _____ by the entire international community. A) condemned B) scolded C) criticized D) blamed 20. I was busy ______ plans for the new course. A) setting up B) getting up C) laying down D) drawing up

21. The cost of the war has _____ national development by ten years. A) pulled off B) set back C) backed down D) called off 22. His nationality isn’t ______ to whether he’s a good lawyer.

A) attacked B) relevant C) associated D) regarding

23. Surprisingly, the sixty-year-old man has acquired ________ in a foreign language through practice. A. deficiency B. sufficiency C. proficiency D. efficiency

24. If you _____ bright sunlight _____ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning. A) expose… to B) concentrate…on C) aim …at D) focus …on

25. A well-written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things. A) calls on B) calls for C) calls up D) calls off Keys:

1-5 ACBCA 6-10 CDADC 11-15 CCADB 16-20 BCBAD 21-25 BBCDB

1. It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive _______ light. A. from B. against C. to D. with

1. The price of beer ____ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. A. altered B. ranged C. separated D. differed

1. The personnel manager said that he couldn't ______ Mike's ability without actually seeing him at


A. summarize B. calculate C. evaluate D. account

1. The boss managed to ______ the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic

of environmental protection.

A. attach B. steer C. associate D. stir

1. This decree ____________the Union to delay strikes. A. obliged B. compromised C. committed D. threatened

1. The government has several plans ___ to solve the problem. A. in a way B. by the way C. under way D. in the way

1. The world’s governments have done ____ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents. A. specifically B. vitally C. virtually D. identically

1. We as a company feel that it is ___ to maintain good worker-management relations. A. moderate B. special C. absolute D. essential

9. After so many years in the military service, I’m glad to get back to ____ clothes. A. civil B. civilized C. civilian D. citizen

10. President Banda’s background as a doctor has given him ________ into the medical problem that face the country.

A. a view B. a vision C. an insight D. a sight

11. A sweet smile is a figurative expression(比喻用法), but sweet coffee is a _____ one. A. literal B. literary C. literate D. illiterate

12. While there are some problems with grammar or usage, they are not serious enough to ______ meaning.

A. retort B. distort C. resort D. deny

13. At the same time we have to _____ longer-term plans to guide us towards sustained economic growth in the future.

A. set out B. put up with C. build up D. draw up

1. Perhaps the price of the wine will be much higher next year because the _______ for this year’s

wine harvest are poor.

A. prospects B. promises C. proposals D. privileges

1. This PLA soldier _______ personal danger when he jumped into the icy water to save the

drowning child.

A. refused B. declined C. ignored D. neglected

1. At present, one of this city’s most serious problems is housing that _________ immediate

solution .

A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls off

1. Once ____ of his daughter’s safety, he was casual and relaxed. A. insured B. assured C. ensured D. secured

18. One can _____ even from one’s unpleasant experiences. A) obtain B) earn C) develop D) benefit

19.He carefully joined the cables and ensured the connections were ____. A. dynamic B. rigid C. solid D. positive

1. The experience that he returned to college for the courses that he failed when he was young

_______ him _____much valuable time and money.

A. pulled off B. set back C. backed down D. called off

1. Many animals can ____ with their surroundings, owing to their protective coloring. A. unite B. identify C. connect D. blend

1. He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him

and which ______ led to the good position he now held.

A. consequently B. continuously C. constantly D. consistently

1. The Chinese _________ Test (HSK) is a series test to assess the Chinese language proficiency of

non-native speakers.

A. Capability B. Sufficiency C. Proficiency D. Capacity

1. The steel output of these countries fell by a wide ______ in July. A. border B. edge C. margin D. brim

1. The food in this restaurant is good and the same ______ the service. A. is true of B. is true in C. be true for D. be true at 题号 答案 题号 答案 题号 答案 题号 答案 1 2 3 4 C B C B 8 9 10 11 D C C A 15 16 17 18 C B B D 22 23 24 25 A C C A

41-45D B B C A

46. The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military ________. A) alienation B) prowess C) connection D) confrontation

47. We don’t think your proposal quite _______, so you should give it up. A) in faith B) in a way C) in place D) at large

48. For 12 years, we’ve sought to ______ this ultimate threat of disaster. A)starve off B) root for C) back up D)rely on

49. You can’t accept ______ drug use and expect to control the drug problem. A) contemporary B) fundamental C) recreational D) reactionary

50. Which sport has the most expenses ________ training equipment, players’ equipment and uniform. A) along with B) in terms of C) in quest to D) in the name of 46-50 D C A C B

5 6 7 A C C 12 13 14 B D A 19 20 21 C B D Unit 5

1.Professor Wang has a strong view against video games and _______the closing of all the recreation facilities for such games.

A. assists B. acknowledges C. advocates D. admits

2. The movie is not ____ for the children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes. A. profound B. valid C. decent D. upright

3. They are trying to _____ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A. expose B. exhibit C. exhaust D. exploit

4. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an ____ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations. A. inspirational B. educational C. excessive D. instantaneous

5.We can’t help being ____of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.

A. skeptical B. appreciative C. suspicious D. tolerant 1—5 CCDAC

6.For three quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost ____as micro-organisms. A. precisely B. instantly C. initially D. exclusively

7.The secret agent concealed her real mission, therefore many local people were ____into thinking that she was a good person.

A. betrayed B. driven C. deceived D. convinced

8. When people become unemployed , it is ____ which is often worse than lack of wages. A. laziness B. poverty C. idleness D. inability

9. In order to stimulate the domestic economy , the government has ______ to reduce imports. A. hesitated B. suggested C. resorted D. pledged

10. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longest life ____, 77.2 years.

A. rank B. span C. scale D. scope 6----10 DCCDB

11. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _____ from the United States.

A. deliveries B. transmissions C. transfer D. transportation

12. This writer, as well as his _____ , was interested in the same subjects. A. contemporaries B. temporaries C. temporals D. temptations 13. I think the way she’s been treated is a ____ disgrace. A. partial B. downright C. partly D. complementary

14. I have to question the ____ of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment. A. morality B. obstruction C. conscience D. advantage

15.They suggest that virtues is an essential ingredient in the _______ for success. A. recite B. receipt C. reception D. recipe 11---15 BABAD

16. A good _______is a soft pillow.

A. conscious B. conscience C. cautious D. courteous

17. In defence of his policy, the Minister _____ the sharp decrease in road deaths. A. pointed to B. pointed at C. pointed out D. pointed up

18. After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and ____ journalism. A. took on B. took out C. took to D. took off

19. John didn’t come to his office on time this morning, because his car ___ on the way to work. A. broke out B. broke in C. broke down D. broke through 20. He didn’t want to visit her but conscience ____ him to. A. obstructed B. compelled C. propelled D. required 16----20 BACCB

21. Any public ____ of this information would be very damaging to the company. A. disclosure B. enclosure C. closure D. pleasure

22. ―I understand how difficult it must be for you.‖ she said with ___. A. compassion B. company C. conscience D. companion

23. The clerk at the foreign exchange counter is too slow and each _____ seems to last forever. A. transaction B. transmission C. transportation D. translation 24. The bad weather _____ me from attending the meeting. A. banned B. obstructed C. forbade D. required

25. Man will suffer many disappointments in his ______for truth. A. request B. conquest C. quest D. inquest 21----25 AAABC

1. Those who _______ for doctor-assisted suicide believe that the terminally ill shouldn’t have to suffer. A. advocate B. support C. propagate D. publicize

2. Republicans _______ three Senate seats that had been held by Democrats. A. captured B. segmented C. arrested D. captivated

3. Women’s employment opportunities are often severely _______ by family commitments and by low expectations.

A. sustained B. detained C. remained D. constrained

4. Did he feel any _______ for the victim of his crime? A. compass B. companion C. company D. compassion 5. He was fined for _______ the work of the police. A. abstracting B. obstructing C. constructing D. obtaining 1— 5 A A DDB

6. The film _______ the idea that women should be pretty and dumb. A. advances B. refines C. restores D. reinforces

7. I have battled with my _______ over whether I should actually send this letter. A. consciousness B. conscientiousness C. conscience D. consideration

8. The train was _______ because of the accident and many people got injured. A. derailed B. delay C. blocked D. denounce

9. Opposition leaders said that the elections had been _______ by corruption. A. fainted B. painted C. polluted D. tainted

10. Your _______ shows that you’re just the one we need. A. testimonial B. testament C. texture D. evident 6 — 10 DC A D A

11. The continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness _______ and for most men this comes chiefly through their work. A. in accordance B. in consequence C. in the long run D. in correspondence

12. The committee is totally opposed _______ any changes being made in the plans. A. of B. on C. to D. against

13. The meeting ended with a(n) _______ to step up cooperation between the six states of the region. A. decaying B. offer C. proverb D. pledge

14. The moody athlete was _______ with loaded questions such as why he didn’t quit skating since he had always choked at big events.

A. inflicted B. plagued C. embraced D. plunged 15. They sued the company for _______ of contract. A. breach B. breakdown C. collapse D. transgression 11— 15 C C D B A

16. Local housing authorities have been _______ by the housing crisis to make offers of sub-standard accommodation.

A. compensated B. enraged C. spurred D. compelled 17. The bank charges a fixed rate for each _______. A. trade B. transaction C. dealing D. transcription

18. Over a _______ of only three years, shopping online has become an integral part of many people’s everyday life.

A. session B. passage C. span D. scope

19. Some job applicants were taken in because of the insufficient _______ of negative information about the company.

A. publication B. propaganda C. advertising D. disclosure

20. The boss said that the error the employee had made would come back to _______ them for years to come.

A. publish B. haunt C. impress D. improve 16— 20 D B C D B

21. If you give your baby juice, you should _______ it well with cooled, boiled water. A. dilute B. stir C. diffuse D. disperse

