新版PEP小学四年级英语上册导学案(全册) - 图文

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课题:Unit 1My classroom A Let’s learn 课型:新授课 课时:第一课时


1、我能听懂、会说:What's in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中来问答教室中的各种物品。

2、我能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light。

重、难点预测:学习What's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light。


教 学 过 程 自学导航:

1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk


3、你能知道教室里有什么设备吗?请大家分享一下吧。 4、写出下列单词的中文意思:

classroom window door picture blackboard light 5、 教师发指令,学生做动作。

Open your pencil-box. Carry your bag. Close your book.

Put your pencil on your desk. Put your eraser under your chair. 6、呈现目标、自主学习


2)、听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)

3)、跟录音读,跟老师读,尝试记住它们的发音。 探究提升: (合作交流,群学) 1、自己先读单词。

2、小组内讨论交流难读单词或难懂句子,或组长检查。 3、Learn with teacher.

(1) 教学单词picture和句子Put up the picture.

教师将一张教室的图片裁成四份,出示其中一份提问:What’s this?引导学生回答:It’s a picture.教师接下来说:Let me put up the picture.并将图片贴到黑板上,灾情几名学生说: Let me put up the picture.并贴图片。

(2) 师生做“拼图”游戏,教学单词classroom

教师指着黑板上的四张图片提问:How many pictures do you see? What’s in the picture? 之后将图片拼完整,说:I see a classroom in the picture.教学单词classroom. (3) 教师指着教室问:What’s in the classroom?手指着其中的window, door,light与学生问答: What’s this?How many... ?适时板书新单词并形成话轮: ——What’s in the classroom?

——Two doors,...windows,...lights,many desks and chairs.


教师指着黑板说:This is a board. What colour is the board? 教学单词blackboard,并向学

生解释blackboard由两个单词black和board合成。 (5)师生Let’s do板块的活动。 4、大小展示:由小组长带领组员用各种方式学和记单词。(各小组可任意选任以下一种表演的方式到黑板前进行表演)

1)、小组长带领组员读单词或句子。 2)、小组长抽背单词。



( )1、A.door B.blackboard C.window D.in ( )2、A.three B.eight C. light D.seven ( )3、A.classroom B.chair C.desk D.picture ( )4、A.on B.in C.many D.under ( )5、A.lights B.blackboard C. pictures D. windows 二、选词填空。

(1) is in the classroom?

A. Where B. Who C. What

(2) I see one blackboard, four and many . A. window/desk B. windows/desks C. window/desks 三、根据中文意思,补全短文。

We have a new (教室).The (黑板)is long. We have three (窗户).The (图画)is near the door.We have many (书桌)and (椅子).


1、听P5 Let’s learn录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍自己的教室的设施。


Unit 1 My classroom

A Let’s learn What’s in the classroom? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs... picture light windows doors 教学反思:


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课题:Unit 1 My classroom A Let’s talk 课型:新授课 课时:第二课时

学习目标: 1、我能听懂、会说句型We have a new classroom. Let's go and see!Where is it? It’s near the window.

2、我能够在情境中运用句型Where is....? It’s in/on//under/near the...询问并回答物品的位置。

重、难点预测:学习We have a new classroom.用near表示方位。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

2、请同学翻开课本P4,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列句子的中文意思:

(1) We have a new classroom. (2) Let’s go and see!

(3) Where is it?

(4) It’s near the window.

4、你能正确读出Part A Let’s talk,请认真复习,期待你在课堂Show出来。 5、 出示图片复习单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light。

句型:What’s in the classroom?Two doors, ... lights, ...windows, many desks and chairs. 6、呈现目标、自主学习


2)、听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)、带问题听录音。(判断对错) 1) We have an old classroom. ( ) 2)It’s so big! ( )

3) Where is the picture?It’s near the window.( ) 4)、听录音后,根据问题判断对错.(核对答案) 5)、跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升: (合作交流,对学、群学)



教师出示一本新书,提问:What’s this?并将该物品放在课桌或椅子的不同位置,再提 问:Where is it?学生根据实际所见逐一回答。教师接下来将新书放在桌子上的一个铅笔盒或一张图片旁边,教学near the pencil box/picture,及时板书重点句子和词汇。

Hide and seek

教师将一支新钢笔藏起来,提问:Where is my new pen?学生猜测位置,最后教师出示钢笔并揭示答案。学生根据教师的示范,两人一组进行游戏。最后,几组学生展示对话。 Let’s play:I spy游戏

(2)What’s in the classroom?话轮的呈现与操练


教师说:I see so many things in the classroom.板书单词classroom并用下划线将它划分成两个音节,帮组学生认读和记忆单词。

教师请学生用classroom说一个符合实际情况的句子,如:We have a new classroom./This is our classroom./ The classroom is so big.等。


教师指着教室的窗边一张图片,教学单词window与picture。师生对话如下: ——What’s in the classroom?——Look,a picture, four windows and...

——Where is the picture?——It’s near the window. 学生小组练习对话并进行展示。 2、大小展示:创编对话

1)、组长带领组员在组内创编对话。 2)、请两个小组上台展示。 目标测评: 一、连词成句

1. ①go ②see ③Let’s ④and ! 2. ①near ②It’s ③window ④the . 3. ①it ②is ③Where ? 4. ①have ②new ③classroom ④We ⑤a . 二、情景交际。

( )1.新学期你们换了一间大教室,想告诉你的好朋友,应该说: A. We have a new classroom. B. We have a big classroom. ( )2.你的朋友想知道教室里有什么,应该说:

A.What’s in the classroom? B.What in the classroom? ( )3.你想知道你的图画在哪儿,应该说:

A.What is my picture? B. Where is my picture? Homework

1、听P4 Let’s talk录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍自己的教室的设施。


Unit 1 My classroom

A Let’s talk

We have a new classroom. Let's go and see! Where is it? It’s near the window 教学反思:


主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom A Let’s spell 课型:新授课 课时:第三课时


1.我能掌握元音字母a-e在单词中的发音规则,即a-e在单词中发长音/ei /。


重、难点预测:我能够读出符合a-e发音规则的单词;并能够根据发音拼写出符合a-e发音 规则的单词。


教 学 过 程


1、Sing a song. Phonics字母歌

2、Let’s chant

Look at the cat , It is fat . Look at the pig , It is big .

Look at the monkey, It is funny . Look at the mouse ,In my house .

3、Let’s read.

先读一些旧的单词: bag 、cat 、 dad 、 hand 、 cap 、 map然后引出新单词,新单词的发音。


1、Let’s spell. (课本的新单词)

1)读课本的新单词。(个人读、小组读、齐读) cake face name make 2)用新单词来造句。

e.g: My name is Kate. I make the cake. This my face.

(小组内交流讨论后,指名汇报) 3)Listen to the tape and then repeat.

My is Jake. My is Jake. I like my .And I can a . Hello, Jake. Hello,Jake. My is Dave. I like to eat a .

(学生有节奏地朗读几次后,请个别学生展示,重点关注学生a-e的发音是否到位。) 4)Let’s try.

1.bake 2.name 3.make 4.late 5.bate 6.mate 7. cate 8.hate

(①Read by yourselves first. ②Read in groups.)



1) bag cat cake dad 2)name make date black 3.)hate map cap hat

Play a game.

2、Do some exercises. 1)Read,listen and tick. 2)Listen ,circle and write.

3、、Listen to a story.

My name is Kate. This is my cap. This is my bag. What’s in my cap? A cat is in the cap. Oh, I hate the cat. What’s in my bag? A cake is in the bag. I make the cake. I like to eat the cake. Oops, look at my face! 1)Read and choose.

( ) ①What’s in my cap? A. A cat. B. A map. ( ) ②What’s in my bag A. An apple. B. A cake. 2)Act the story.


1、听P6 Let’s spell录音并跟读5遍。 2、用英语本抄写单词各一行。


Unit 1 My classroom

A Let’s spell

a : /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ cake a : /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ face a : /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ name a : /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ make



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom B Let’s learn 课型:新授课 课时:第四课时


1、我能听懂、会说:This is the new classroom.The floor is green...并能用This is...和表示颜色的词来描述教室中的物品。

2、我能听、说、认读本课主要单词:computer, teacher's desk, fan, wall, floor。



教 学 过 程 自学导航:

1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk


3、你能知道其它的室里设施的名称吗?请大家分享一下吧。 4、写出下列单词的中文意思:

computer teacher's desk fan wall floor 5、复习单词:light picture classroom blackboard door。 6、.Let’s do

Open the door. Turn on the light. Close the window.

Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard. 7、呈现目标,自主学习


2)听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)

3)跟录音读,跟老师读,尝试记住它们的发音。 探究提升: (合作交流,群学) 1、自己先读单词。


3、Learn with teacher.

(1) 师生一起做“听一听,指一指”游戏,教学词组teacher’s desk


最后教师说teacher’s desk,学生指向讲台。教师板书teacher’s desk,引导学生分音节拼 读单词teacher。

(2) 师生根据实际情况进行问答,教学新单词computer和句子The computer is black. 教师提问:What’s on the teacher’s desk?教学单词 computer 。教师继续提问:What colour is the computer? Where is it? 学生根据实际情况回答:The computer is black . It’s on the teacher’s desk.

师生继续问答大教室中其他物品的颜色与位置。在问到复数形式的单词如windows时 教师提示学生并板书正确的答句:The windows are...学生两人一组选择教师中的几样物 品描述其颜色及位置。

(3) 教师引导学生根据已学单词和新学单词之间的语音联系教学wall,floor 和fan

(4) Colour and say 4、大小展示:


1)小组长带领组员读单词或句子。 2)小组表演背单词。



( )1、A. door B.near C. wall D.floor ( ) 2、A. light B.fan C. computer D.window

( ) 3、A. teacher’s desk B.blackboard C. classroom D.picture 二、单项选择。

( ) 1.Look!The door orange. The desks blue. A. is; is B. is; are C. are; are ( ) 2.We have three in the classroom. A. fans B. fan C.fanes ( ) 3.The computer is .

A. black B. a black C.the black ( ) 4.This is our desk.

A. teachers B. teacher C.teacher’s


1、听P8 Let’s learn录音并跟读5遍。 2、抄写P8单词。 3、介绍教室的设备。


Unit 1 My classroom

B Let’s learn

This is the new classroom.The floor is green...

computer blue teacher's desk black fan orange wall white floor red 教学反思:


主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom B Let’s talk 课型:新授课 课时:第五课时


1、我能听懂、会说句型Let's clean the classroom!和Let me clean the teacher’s desk.及其表示赞同的回答:OK.

2、我能够在情景中运用句型Let’s... Let me....提出行动建议。 重、难点预测:能够在情景中运用句型Let’s... Let me....提出行动建议。


教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

2、同学翻开课本P7,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列句子的中文意思: (1) Let’s clean the classroom!

(2)Let me clean the windows.

(3) Let me help you.

4、你能正确读出Part B Let’s talk,请认真复习,期待你在课堂Show出来。 5、出示图片复习单词:computer teacher’s desk fan wall floor。 句型:Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange.



2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)带问题听录音。 (1) Is the classroom clean? (2)What can Wu Yifan’s do?


5)跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)


1、师生做“听一听,指一指”游戏,引入词组teacher’s desk

教师(或个别学生)读出A Let’s learn板块的单词,学生指向教室中相应的物品。最 后教师说:I see a teacher’s desk.教学词组teacher’s desk。

2、教师教学短语clean the teacher’s desk,引导学生进一步学习clean the windows,clean the classroom等短语。

教师做出擦讲台的动作并说:Look!The teacher’s desk is so dirty. Let me clean the

teacher’s desk.板书clean the teacher’s desk,请学生跟读。

教师指向教师中的窗户、课桌、椅子、黑板等处,或以图片呈现这些物品,引导学生 说出短语:clean the windows,clean the desk,clean the chairs,clean the doors等。最后教师 指向整个教室,引导学生说出clean the classroom,教师板书。 3、做TPR活动进行巩固操练 4、师生做Let’s play板块的游戏


1)组长带领组员在组内创编对话。 2)请两个小组上台展示。 目标测评:


1.Where is it? A.One computer, four fans… 2.What’s in the classroom? B.It’s on the desk. 3.Let me clean the teacher’s desk. C.Really? 4.We have a new classroom. D.OK. 二、情景交际。

( )1.轮到你们值日了,你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你会说: A. Let me clean the classroom. B. Let’s clean the classroom. ( )2.你想自己擦讲台,应该说:

A.Let me clean the teacher’s desk. B.Let’s clean the teacher’s desk. ( )3.你想帮助别人,应该说:

A.Let me help you. B. Please help me. ( )4.当别人帮助你时,你应该说: A.Thank you . B. Excuse me. Homework:

1、听P7 Let’s talk录音并跟读5遍。 2、背诵P7。 板书设计:

Unit 1 My classroom

B Let’s talk

Let's clean the classroom! Let me clean the teacher’s desk.



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom B Read and write 课型:新授课 课时:第六课时


1.我能读懂四组句子并完成判断正误的读后任务。 2.我能够按意群和正确的语音语调朗读四组句子。




教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

2、请同学翻开课本P11,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列单词的中文意思:

classroom window blackboard light

picture door fan floor wall teacher’s desk computer

4、出示图片复习单词:classroom window computer teacher’s desk fan wall floor blackboard light picture door

5、句型:What’s in the classroom? Let’s /Let me the clean... . Where is it? It’s near the... .



2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)带问题听录音。(判断对错)

(1)Where is the green book? It is under the teacher’s desk.( ) (2)Where is the kite? It is near the window. ( ) (3) Where is the picture? It is near the kite. ( ) (4) Where is the blue pencil box? It is on the floor. ( ) 4)听录音后,核对答案。 5) 跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)

合作探究单词或句型(创设情景,学习、理解、操练和运用句型) 1、呈现与操练

(1) 教师出示一些图片,如:窗户、尺子、书本、风筝、等。教师手指其中一张图片,如 尺子,示范说:This is a ruler. It is a long ruler.请学生模仿造句,用一个形容词描述他们 喜欢的图片。 (2)“记忆力大挑战”活动

教师课件出示一张教室的图片,把上述物品分别把放在教室的不同位置。师生根据图片 内容问答:Where is the…?It is in/on/under/near/the…

教师图片消失后,教师出示一些句子,如:The red apple is on the teacher’s desk.等,学 生凭记忆判断句子的正误,错误的句子需要订正。 (3) 学习按意群朗读 教师手指“记忆力大挑战”活动中的句子,按照句子结构和句意在每个意群处加下划线, 请学生注意按意群朗读。

学生尝试朗读整个句子,教师提示按意群朗读,可在每个意群处短暂停顿。 2、巩固与拓展

(1)学生进行“朗读之星”评比活动 (2)完成Read and tick or cross活动 (3)完成Look, choose and write活动 3、大小展示(小组选择喜欢的方式展示) 1)小组齐读课文。

2)分男女同学朗读课文。 目标测评:


( )1.A. Let me clean the desk. B. Let me clean the teacher’s desk. ( )2.A. The chairs are brown. B. The desks are brown.

( )3.A. Look! The bee is on the wall. B. Look! The bee is on the light.

( )4.A. There are four walls and a floor. B. There are five walls and four windows. ( )5.A. The pencil box is under the book. B. The ruler is under the pencil box. 二、阅读短文判断正( T )误( F )。

We have a new classroom, It’s very nice. You can see two blackboards, a new computer, three purple fans, eight lights, many blue desks and chairs .The windows are orange. The walls are green. The door is yellow. My seat(座位) is near the teacher’s desk. ( )1.Our classroom is nice.

( )2.We have three fans and six lights. ( )3.The walls are green ( )4.The window is yellow. ( )5.My seat is near the door. Homework:

1、听P11 Let’s talk录音并跟读5遍。 2、背诵P7、P8。



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom 课型:测评课 课时:第七课时



教 学 过 程 一、听音,选出与你所听到的单词属于同一类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. pencil B. pen C. yellow ( ) 2. A. window B. desk C. red ( ) 3. A. sweep B. window C. red ( ) 4. A. clean B. white C. desk ( ) 5. A. clean B. white C. us 二.选择与图片对应的句子。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A.Turn on the light . B. Sweep the floor . C. Open the door. D.Clean the blackboard. E. Put up the picture. F. Clean the window. 三、选择最佳答句,将其序号填在横线上。

( )1. --Let’s clean the floor.


A. Good idea! B. Goodbye! C.Thank you. ( )2. --We have a new classroom.. --_____________________

A. What is it? B. Let’s go and see. C. It’s big. ( )3. --Where’s my chair?


A. It’s so big. B. It’s under the desk. C.It’s a bag. ( )4. --Look at the picture. --___________________

A. It’s nice. B. Near the door. C.It’s black. ( )5.Chen Jie :Let me clean the blackboard . Amy: _____________________.

A . OK. B. Hello. C.Thank you. ( )6..教室里面有什么?

A What’s in the classroom ? B What’s on the blackboard ? ( )7.我们有一间新教室。 C.I have a pencil .

A.I have a pen . B. We have a new classroom . ( )8.A: Where’s my ball ? B:________________.(在门旁边)

A .It’s near the door . B. It’s near the desk . C. Hello.

( ) 9. --- What’s in the classroom? ---Two doors and _____ chairs. A. many B. may C. math ( ) 10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧!

A. Let’s clean the window . B. Let me clean the blackboard 四、读一读,选择适当的词填空。

1.What’s the classroom? (on in at) 2.Turn the light. (on in at)

3.We a new classroom. It’s very big. (are has have)

4. lights are there in the classroom? (What How many How much) 五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将序号填在题前括号中。

I’m Miss Liu. I am your English teacher. We have a new classroom. It is very big and clean.This is my new desk. There are some new English books. They are blue and white. These new desks and chairs are for you.

( )1.Miss Liu is teacher. A. a Chinese B. an English

C. a maths

( )2.They have a classroom. A. small B. old C. new ( )3.Their English books are .A. blue B. white C. blue and white ( )4 has a new desk?A. Miss Liu B. Mrs Liu C. Mr Liu ( )5.The new classroom is .A. clean B. clean and big C. big



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 1 My classroom 课型:讲评课 课时:第八课时


1、我能总结第一单元综合训练的重要知识点。 2、我能找出错处的原因。



教 学 过 程 一、课前精彩三分钟。 二、测试情况

教师简要介绍本次测试情况,表扬优生,鼓励进步的学生。 三、课内探究

1、目标:对试卷分析,査疑解惑。 2、要求:

A. 自己对错题进行分析。 B. 自行纠错,分析错的原因。

C. 自己不能改正或明确的问题,小组内交流讨论,组内不能解决的问题,在试卷上做好标记。

D. 先以小组为单位认领问题进行讲解,教师随机点拨。 四、达标检测

1. 目标:完成测试中出现的重点问题变成训练,进一步巩固内化。

2.要求: A.先独立完成; B. 组内讨论交流; C.针对难点教师精讲点拨。


书写 倾听 展示 测评 达标 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 组长评价:


Unit 1 My classroom What’s in the classroom? Where is the... .

It’s in/on/under/near the... Let’s clean the... Let me clean...


中心小学四年级英语导学案主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 2My schoolbag A Let’s learn 课型:新授课 课时:第一课时


1、我能听说认读 schoolbag,maths book,English book,Chinese book,storybook并能在实际情景中运用。

2、我能掌握句型 What’s in your schoolbag? An English book …

重、难点预测:能够掌握三会单词并掌握句子 What’s in your schoolbag? An English book …

学法指导: 见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk


3、你会读书包和书本的名称吗?请大家分享一下吧。 4、写出下列单词的中文意思:

schoolbag maths book storybook English book Chinese book 5、复习学过的文具类的单词:

pen pencil ruler book eraser pencil box crayon bag 6、呈现目标,自主学习


(2)、听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)

(3)、跟录音读,跟老师读,尝试记住它们的发音。 探究提升:(合作交流,群学) 1、自己先读单词。


3、Learn with teacher.

(1) 教师带学生一起做三年级上册第一单元Let’s do板块“听听,做做”活动:Show me your pencil. Show me your ruler. Show me your book. 在学生举起书本后,教师随机教学词

组:an English book, a maths book, a Chinese book, a storybook。

(2) 教完上述词组后,教师提问:Where is your Chinese/maths/English book?引导学生回答 Schoolbag, 教师教学该单词。

(3) 教师利用单词卡片或实物书本反复教读上述词组。利用三年级上册第一单元BLet’s Chant的歌谣:I have a pencil. Me too!用本课时所学词组进行替换,编创新歌谣。

(4)以课件呈现一个书包的图片,提问学生:What’s in the schoolbag?再以课件呈现不同书本 操练新学的词组: English book, maths book, Chinese book, storybook。教师及时追问 How many...?引导学生关注名词的复数形式。最后教师提问:What about your schoolbag? 请学生运用所学语言进行对话,示例如下: ---What’s in your schoolbag?

---Two Chinese books, three maths books...and two English books. 4、 大小展示

由小组长带领组员用各种方式学和记单词。(各小组可任意选任以下一种表演的方式 到黑板前进行表演)

1、小组长带领组员读单词或句子。 2、小组长抽背单词。



( )1、A. schoolbag B. maths book C.storybook ( ) 2、A. Chinese book B.picture C. English book ( ) 3、A.storybooks B.maths book C.Chinese books ( ) 4、A.schoolbag B.book C.red

( ) 5、A.window B.door C.Chinese books


( )1.It is an .

A. English book B. schoolbag C. teacher’s desk ( )2. your Chinese book in your desk.

A. Turn on B. Put up C. Put ( )3. in your schoolbag?

A. What B. What’s C. Where ( ) 4. I have book.

A. a B. the C. Many ( )5. I have three .

A. storybook B. maths book C. pencils Homework:

1、听P5 Let’s learn录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍自己的教室的设施。 板书设计:

Unit 2 My schoolbag

A Let’s learn

What’s in your schoolbag?

An English book,a maths book, a Chinese book, three storybooks. Put your...on/in/under/near your...



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 2My schoolbag A Let’s talk 课型:新授课 课时:第二课时


1、我能听懂会说句型 What’s in your schoolbag? An English book …并能在实际情景中运用。 2、能够在语境中理解新词schoolbag, English book, maths book , storybook的意思,并能正确发音。



教 学 过 程


1、 课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

2、请同学翻开课本P13,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列句子的中文意思: (1)What’s in your schoolbag?

(2)An English book, a maths book, three storybooks and...

4、你能正确读出Part A Let’s talk,请认真复习,期待你在课堂Show出来。

5、 出示图片复习单词:schoolbag,maths book,English book,Chinese book,storybook 句型:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book … 6、呈现目标,自主学习


(2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) (3)带问题听录音。

1) What colour is Amy’s new schoolbag? 2)What’s in Amy’s new schoolbag? 3)What does it look like? (4)、听录音后,回答问题。 (5)、跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)



播放第一单元歌曲We have a new classroom,学生跟唱。 (2)以课件呈现整体对话

播放A Let’s talk对话的视频,请学生回答,以课件呈现不同书包的图片,教学新词 schoolbag。教师继续提问:What colour is Amy’s new schoolbag?What does it look like? 再播放对话视频,提示学生关注Amy新书包的颜色和形状,请学生看完后再回答。

出示胖鼓鼓的熊猫书包图片,引导学生扮演Amy,看图简单描述自己的书包:I have a new schoolbag. It’s black and write. It’s a panda.教师指着书包问:It’s so fat. What’s in the schoolbag?请学生在对话中找出答案:An English book, a maths book,three storybooks And...利用实物书本教学上述词组。

(3)学生两人结对,利用书包、书本等练习对话。 2、大小展示 创编对话:

1)组长带领组员在组内创编对话。 2)请两个小组上台展示。 目标测评:


( ) 1. A. guess B. hands C. ears ( ) 2. A. maths B. English C. eraser ( ) 3. A.light B. ruler C.fan ( ) 4. A. white B. new C. black ( ) 5. A. three B.fat C. big 二、选择最佳答案。

( )1. I have new storybooks.

A. a B. three C. one ( )2. What’s your schoolbag?

A. in B. to C.at ( )3. It’s a . A. maths books B. English books C. Chinese book ( )4. ——What’s in your hand?—— big eraser.

A. Two B. A C. An ( )5. This is an book.

A. Chinese B. English C. China 三、句子排序。

( )What’s in your hand? ( )A crayon? ( )Guess.

( )No.It’s a pencil. Homework:

1、听P4 Let’s talk录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍自己的教室的设施。 教学反思:


主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 课题:Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let’s spell 课型:新授课 使用时间:



Look! This is my new schoolbag. It’s big. It’s blue and white. I have an English book, a Chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. In my pencil-box,you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a notebook. Oh, where is my schoolbag? It’s on my chair.

( )1.My schoolbag is small.

( )2.I have three Chinese books.

( )3.My pencil-case is in my schoolbag .

( )4.There are six pencils in the pencil-case.

( )5.The schoolbag is on the chair.


中心小学四年级英语导学案主备人: 讨论人: 使用人:

课题:Unit 2 My schoolbag 课型:讲评课 学习目标:

1、我能总结第二单元综合训练的重要知识点。 2、我能找出错处的原因。

使用时间: 课时:第八课时


教 学 过 程 一、课前精彩三分钟。


教师简要介绍本次测试情况,表扬优生,鼓励进步的学生。 三、课内探究

1.目标:对试卷分析,査疑解惑。 2.要求:

A.自己对错题进行分析。 B.自行纠错,分析错的原因。


D.先以小组为单位认领问题进行讲解,教师随机点拨。 四、达标检测

1. 目标:完成测试中出现的重点问题变成训练,进一步巩固内化。

2.要求: A.先独立完成; B. 组内讨论交流; C.针对难点教师精讲点拨。


书写 倾听 展示 测评 达标 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 组长评价:


Unit 2 My schoolbag

What’s in your schoolbag?

An English book,a maths book, a Chinese book, three storybooks. Put your...on/in/under/near your... What colour is it? It’s...



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 3 My friends A Let’s learn 课型:新授课 课时:第一课时


1.我能听懂会说本课对话:I have a good friend. He's tall and strong. Who is he?His name is...

2. 我能牢记新词组和单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet. 重、难点预测:

1.能听懂会说本课对话:I have a good friend. He's tall and strong.Who is he?His name is...

2.掌握单词friendly, quite的发音。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk


3、你能知道有什么词形容朋友吗?请大家分享一下吧。 4、写出下列单词的中文意思:

tall strong short thin friendly quiet 5、 一边听录音一边跟读三年级下册第三单元Let’s do部分的内容,复习fat, thin,tall,short,long, big, small等形容词。 6、呈现目标、自主学习


2)听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)

3)跟录音读,跟老师读,尝试记住它们的发音。 探究提升:(合作交流,群学) 1、自己先读单词。


3、 Learn with teacher.

(1) 教师播放三年级下册第三单元Let’s sing部分的录音,学生一边打拍子一边跟唱。 (2) 教师把右手的食指放在嘴上,做出让学生安静的动作,同时说:Be quite!让学生跟说:Be quite!出示卡片,让学生认读quite,并把单词卡片贴在黑板上。让学生上台指着全班学生说:Be quite!然后指着一个女孩说:She is quite.让学生跟着说出:She is quite.教师讲解quite的用法。

(3) 教师指着班里一位小个子而且比较瘦的女生说:She is short and thin.然后教师领读句子,并请几位学生找出班上也符合 “short and thin”外貌特征的学生。同样方法教学tall and strong.


(5)师生说唱Let’s chant。 4、大小展示

由小组长带领组员用各种方式学和记单词。(各小组可任意选任以下一种表演的方式 到黑板前进行表演)


2、小组长抽背单词。 3、小组表演背单词。 目标测评:


quite 又高又壮 short and thin 友好的 friendly 安静的

tall and strong 又矮又瘦 二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。

( )1. A.nurse B.friend C. friendly ( )2. A.new B.thin C. Strong ( )3. A.his B.her C. me ( )4. A.eraser B.umbrella C. really ( )5. A.look B.yes C. no 三、单项选择。

( )1.——What’s name? ——My name is Jack. A. your B. her C. his ( )2.My friend is very . A. friend B. friends C. friendly ( )3.Look!He is and short.

A. long B.tall C. thin Homework:

1、听P25 Let’s learn录音并跟读5遍。 2、用英语介绍自己的朋友给父母听。 板书设计:

Unit 3 My good friends

A Let’s learn tall and strong . He’s short and thin . quite/friendly .

I have a good friend. He is tall and strong . Who is he ? His name is ... 教学反思:


主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 3 My friends A Let’s talk 课型:新授课 课时:第二课时


1、我能听懂、会说What's his name? His name is... He’s...

2、我能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's his name? His name is.... 重、难点预测: 1、熟练运用句型What's his name? His name is... He’s...

2、能用He’s...这个句型去描述自己的朋友 。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程



2、请同学翻开课本P24,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列句子的中文意思:

1) What's his name?

2)His name is Zhang Peng. 3)He’s very friendly. 4) I have a new friend. 4、你能正确读出Part A Let’s talk,请认真复习,期待你在课堂Show出来。

5、 出示图片复习单词和词组:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet。 句型:I have a good friend. He's tall and strong. Who is he?His name is...



2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)带问题听录音。(判断对错) (1) John has a Chinese friend. ( ) (2)John’s Chinese friend is Chen Jie. ( ) (3) Zhang Peng is short and thin.( ) 4)听录音后,根据问题判断对错.(核对答案) 5)跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)

1、合作探究单词或句型(创设情景,学习、理解、操练和运用句型) (1)T: My name’s... What’s your name?(指问一名男生) S1:My name is ...

T: His name is... He is ...(教师面向大家介绍这位男生) (多做几组同样的练习)

(2)教师指着一个女生说:She’s... Her name is...然后问学生:What’s her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is...教师再指几个女生问:What’s her name?让学生两人一组做What’s her name?Her name is...的问答练习。

(3)出示课文人物图片,让学生做问答练习What’s his /her name? His /Her name is... (4)出示班里某个学生的照片,说:I have a good friend. Look1 he’s tall and strong. What’s his name?

(5)让学生带着问题观看Let’s talk部分的课件。Does John have a Chinese friend?What’s his name? Is he tall?

(6) 学生跟读对话,然后回答问题。 (7)学生表演对话。


1)组长带领组员在组内创编对话。 2)请两个小组上台展示。

目标测评: 一、连词成句。

1、his ,What's ,name?

? 2、Mr Jones, name ,His , is.

. 3、trong, He, is, short, and .

. 4、have, I, new ,a ,friend.

. 二、选出正确的选项。

( )1.She tall and thin. A.is B. Are

( )2.I a new friend. A.has B. have

( )3. name is Lucy A .His B. Her

( )4. Zhang Peng is tall and . A.strong B. short Homework:

1、听P24 Let’s talk录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍自己的朋友或父母。 板书设计:

Unit 3 My good friends

A Let’s talk I have a Chinese friend.

What’s his name? His name is... What’s her name? Her name is...



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 3 My friends A Let’s spell 课型:新授课 课时:第三课时学习目标:


2、我能正确区分字母o 在不同单词中的发音及会朗读含有字母o的单词。重、难点预测: 1.掌握字母o的两种发音。



教 学 过 程


1、Sing a song.


2、Let’s chant

Look at the dog , It is fat . Look at the nose , It is big . Look at the box, It is funny .

3、Let’s read.

先读一些旧的单词: box 、dog、 not 然后引出新单词,新单词的发音。 探究提升:

1、Let’s spell. (课本的新单词)

1)读课本的新单词。(个人读、小组读、齐读) nose note Coke Mr Jones 2)用新单词来造句。

e.g: It’s a note . I like Coke. This my nose.

(小组内交流讨论后,指名汇报) 2、Listen to the tape and then repeat.

Old Mr put the on the . Old Mr put the on his .Old Mr put the on the .Can old Mr put his on his ?

(学生有节奏地朗读几次后,请个别学生展示,重点关注学生a-e的发音是否到位。) 3、Let’s try.

1)hope 2)home 3)lot 4)hot 5)rose 6)mop 7)top 8)note

(①Read by yourselves first. ②Read in groups.)


1、 圈出发音与众不同的单词。

1) not note hope home 2) box dog nose hot 3) rose nose lost Coke

Play a game.

2、Do some exercises. 1)Read,listen and tick. 2)Listen ,circle and write.

3、Listen to a story.

Mr Jones is busy today. He is going to meet his friend. When(什么时候)will they meet?(见面)

Look at the note.They meet at 2p.m. Look.Mr Jones and his friend are in the cafe(咖啡屋).What are they drinking? Oh,they are drinking Coke. 1)Read and choose.

( ) ①When(什么时候)will they meet?(见面) A. At 2p.m. B. At 2 a.m. ( ) ②What are they drinking? A. Coke. B. A Cafe. 2)Act the story.


1、听P26 Let’s spell录音并跟读5遍。 2、用英语本抄写单词各一行。


Unit 3 My friends

A Let’s spell

Mr Jones nose note Coke hope home rose

box dog not lot hot mop top



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 3 My friends B Let’s learn 课型:新授课 课时:第四课时


1、我能听、说、认读短语long hair、short hair、a green bag、blue glasses、brown shoes。及句子My friend has blue glasses. It’s Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue!

2、能在实际情景中灵活运用以下句型来描述人物的特征:He/She is...He/She has...His /Her...is/are...

重、难点预测:1、能够掌握描述人物的特征的单词,并能根据已学单词灵活变通。 2、正确使用He/She is...He/She has...His /Her...is/are...句型来描述人物的特征。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程 自学导航:

1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk T: Make yourself tall.

S:Tall, tall, tall.(学生一边说一边做动作) T: Make yourself short .

S: Short,short, short.(学生一边说一边做动作) T: Make yourself strong.

S:Strong, strong, strong.(学生一边说一边做动作) T: Make yourself thin.

S:Thin, thin, thin.(学生一边说一边做动作) 2、请同学翻开课本P28,跟录音读5遍。

3、你能知道表示形状的反义词吗?请大家分享一下吧。 4、写出下列单词的中文意思:

long hair short hair a green bag blue glasses brown shoes

5、复习单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet.

6、句型: I have a good friend. He's tall and strong. Who is he?His name is... 7、呈现目标、自主学习


2)听力大冲关。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。)

3)跟录音读,跟老师读,尝试记住它们的发音。 探究提升: (合作交流,群学) 1、自己先读单词。


3、 Learn with teacher.

(1) T:She has long hair.(教师指着一名女生的头发说)板书并教读句子:She has long hair.教师用手指着班上女生的长头发,学生用She has long hair.来逐一描述。

(2) T:He has long hair.(教师指着一名男生的头发说)板书并教读句子:He has short hair.教师用手指着班上男生的长头发,学生用He has short hair.来逐一描述。

(3) 教师请一名短头发的男生带上蓝色墨镜,教师指着眼镜说:blue glasses. He has blue glasses. His glasses are blue.教师板书并教读blue glasses及句子He has blue glasses.His glasses are blue.然后请学生分别戴上眼镜,师生一起分别用两种句型来进行描述。 (4) 用同样的方法教学 green bag brown shoes.

(5)让学生两人一组,运用这两种句型进行对话,相互描述对方的特征,再请两三组学生上台表演。 4、大小展示

由小组长带领组员用各种方式学和记单词。(各小组可任意选任以下一种表演的方式 到黑板前进行表演)

1)小组长带领组员读单词或句子。 2)小组表演背单词。



1. I have an old bag. My friend has a (new / fat) one. 2. This dog is small, but that dog is (thin / big). 3. I’m strong, but my friend is (thin / tall). 4. The pencil is long. The pen is (short / big). 5. She’s short, but her brother is (small / tall). 6. I have black hair. My grandmother has (blue /white) hair. 二、找出不同类的一项。

( )1、A、his B、her C、he ( )2、A、strong B、shoe C、tall ( )3、A、big B、boy C、girl ( )4、A、quiet B、friendly C、who ( )5、A、hair B、eye C、short Homework:

1、听P28 Let’s learn录音并跟读5遍。 2、介绍朋友的外貌。 板书设计:

Unit 3 My good friends

B Let’s learn

She has long hair. He has short hair. He has blue glasses. His glasses are blue. She has brown shoes. Her shoes are brown.

She has a green bag. Her bag is green.



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人: 使用时间:

课题:Unit 3 My friends B Let’s talk 课型:新授课 课时:第五课时


1、我能听懂、会说:Who is he/she? Is he…?He has…and his shoes are…Is he/she...?

2 、会用所学的举行描述身边的朋友和家人。 重、难点预测:正确使用句型:

1、Who is he/she? Is he…?He has…and his shoes are…Is he/she...? 2、正确区分单词he, she, have, has的用法。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

T:A boy or girl?(教师蒙上眼睛,随便点一名学生) Ss: A boy.

T:Who’s he? Ss: He’s...

T:Who’s this girl? Is she ....? Ss: Yes.

2、请同学翻开课本P27,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列句子的中文意思:

(1) Who’s he? (2)His shoes are blue. (3)Is he Wu Yifan? (4)He has glasses. 4、你能正确读出Part B Let’s talk,请认真预习,期待你在课堂Show出来。

5、出示图片复习单词:long hair、short hair、a green bag、blue glasses、brown shoes。 句型:My friend has blue glasses. It’s Wu Yifan. His glasses are blue! 6、呈现目标、自主学习


2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)带问题听录音。

(1) Does Mike have a good friend ?(2)Who’s Mike’s friend? 4)听录音后,回答问题。(核对答案) 5)跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)

1、合作探究单词或句型(创设情景,学习、理解、操练和运用句型) (1) 联系上面的游戏,讲解:Who’s he? Is he ...?并带读句子。

(2)出十多张学生熟悉的名人照片,师生练习Who is he/she? 的句型。

(3) 教师描述班上一名男生:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.Who’s he?让学生猜。操练中加上评语,如:You’re right! (4)出示Chen Jie的照片,问学生:A boy or a girl?学生答出:A girl.教师再问:Who’s she? Is she Chen Jie?在实际情景中引入课本中的句型。

(5)出示John的照片,问学生:A boy or a girl?学生答出:A boy.教师再问:Who’s he? Is he Mike?多次引领学生演练句型。

(6)教师说:Mike and John are talking about their friends.让学生带着问题去观看Let’s talk部分的课件。

(7)学生两人一组表演课文。 2、大小展示:创编对话

1)组长带领组员在组内创编对话。 2)请两个小组上台展示。 目标测评:


( )1. A.thin B. strong C. friend ( )2. A.he B. she C.his ( )3. A.friend B. boy C. girl

( )4. A.green B. blue C. new


( )1、What’s name?

A. she B. he C. her

( )2、Zhang Peng white shoes.

A.has B.is C. are

( )3、-- is he ?—He is Tim.

A. Who B. What C. How

( )4、His glasses blue.

A. am B. is C. are

( )5、He has black and big .

A. hair , eye B. hairs , eyes C. hair , eyes


1、Copy the dialogue and recite.

2、Introduce your friends to your family. 板书设计:

Unit 3 My friends

B Let’s talk

I have a friend. He’s...He has...His...is/are... Who’s he? Is he...



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人:

课题:Unit 3 My friends B Read and write 课型:新授课 学习目标:

1、我能掌握单词short, tall, thin, bag, glasses。 2、我能用She/he has... She/He...描述自己的朋友。 重、难点预测:1、掌握单词short, tall, thin, bag, glasses。

2、能用She/he has... She/He...描述自己的朋友。 学法指导:见教学过程中的教学环节

教 学 过 程


1、课前热身Warm-up: Free talk

T:Be fat.Be fat. S: Be fat,fat, fat! T:Be thin.Be thin. S:Be thin,thin, thin.

T:Be strong.Be strong. S: Be strong, strong, strong. 2、请课本P29与P30,跟录音读5遍。 3、写出下列单词的中文意思:

strong friendly quite



hair shoe glasses

4、 出示图片复习单词: strong friendly quite hair shoe glasses 句型:What's his name? His name is... He/She is...He/She has...His /Her...is/are... 5、呈现目标、自主学习


2)听录音。(listen to the tape and try to remember their pronunciation.)(听录音,用红笔画出你不会读的单词或句子。) 3)带问题听录音。

(1)He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name? (2)She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? (3) She is tall. She is friendly.She has a blue hat. Who is she?

(4)He is short and thin.He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he? 4)听录音后,核对答案。 5) 跟录音读,跟老师读。 探究提升:(合作交流,对学、群学)


(1) 教师出示挂图片,请学生仔细观察挂图中的人物特点,然后教师对挂图中的内容进行描述,与学生展开如下活动:

T: Short hair. S:Short hair.

T:A big green bag. S:A big green bag.

T:He has short hair. He has a big green bag. S:He has short hair. He has a big green bag. 教师适时运用句子,询问学生:

T: He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name? S :His name is... T:She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? S : Her name is... (2)教师根据挂图中的图片,综合运用句型She/He is...She/He has...Who is she/ he?询问某人,请学生回答。

(3) 教师将对话中描述人物的问句和答句与学生进行交换,让学生齐声描述挂图中的人物特征。


(1)学生进行“朗读之星”评比活动。 (2)完成Read and mach。

(3)完成Look, choose and write。 3、大小展示(小组选择喜欢的方式展示)

1)小组齐读课文。 2)分男女同学朗读课文。 目标测评 : 一、连线。

glasses 安静的 friendly 眼镜

quite 又高又壮 short brown hair 友好的

tall and strong 棕色的短头发 long black hair 又矮又瘦

short and thin 又长又黑的头发 二、选择正确的译文。

( )1. 她有着棕色的短头发。

A.She has long brown hair. B. She has short brown hair. ( )2. 他叫什么名字?

A.What’s his name? B. What’s her name? ( )3. 他是谁?

A.Who’s he? B. Who’s she? Homework:

1、听P31 Story time录音并跟读5遍。 2、说说教室设备的所在位置。 板书设计:

Unit 3 My good friends

B Read and write He /She has...

What is his/her name? Who is he/she?



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人:

课题:Unit 3 My friends 课型:测评课



教 学 过 程

一、判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。(6分)( )1、A. not B. home ( )2、A. box B. go ( )3、A. hot B. dog ( )4、A. pig B. six ( )5、A. cat B. have ( )6、A. lost B. no 使用时间:



( )1、A、his B、her C、he ( )2、A、strong B、shoe C、tall ( )3、A、big B、boy C、girl ( )4、A、quiet B、friendly C、who ( )5、A、hair B、eye C、short ( )6、A、hat B、 thin C、shoe 三、按要求选出正确的选项。(12分)

( )1、boy(对应词) A. girl B.student ( )2、friend(形容词形式)A.friends B.friendly ( )3、her(人称代词)A.she B.he ( )4、glass(复数形式)A、glass B、glasses ( )5、am (同类词) A、are B、like

( )6、have(第三人称单数形式)A.having B.has 四、选出最佳答案。(14分) ( )1、What’s name?

A、she B、he C、her

( )2、Zhang Peng white shoes.

A、has B、is C、are

( )3、-- is he ?—He is Tim.

A、Who B、What C、How

( )4、His glasses blue.

A、am B、is C、are

( )5、He has black and big .

A、hair , eye B、hairs , eyes C、hair , eyes

( )6、她又高又瘦,应说:

A、She’s tall and thin. B、She’s tall and strong. C、She’s short and thin.

( )7、你想介绍一下你的新朋友,应说:

A、This is my good friend. B、That is my new friend. C、This is my new friend.


1. I have an old bag. My friend has a (new / fat) one. 2. This dog is small, but that dog is (thin / big). 3. I’m strong, but my friend is (thin / tall). 4. The pencil is long. The pen is (short / big). 5. She’s short, but her brother is (small / tall). 6. I have black hair. My grandmother has (blue /white) hair. 六、给下列问句选出合适的答语。(12分)

( )1、I have a new friend. A、A boy. ( )2、A boy or girl? B、Yes.You are right. ( )3、Is he Wu Yifan? C、Really?

( )4、What’s her name? D、His name is Mike. ( )5、Who is she? E、Her name is Chen Jie. ( )6、What’s his name?. F、She is Sarah. 七、读一读,连一连。(10分)

1、Where is my ruler? A、他有黑色的短发。

2、My brother is strong. B、我有一个好朋友。 3、He has short black hair. C、他叫什么名字? 4、I have a good friend. D、我的尺子在哪里? 5、What’s his name? E、我弟弟很强壮。 八、按要求完成句子。(10分)

1、is tall and He strong (.) (连词成句) 2、He shoes are yellow. (改错)


( )

3、her is What name (?)(连词成句) 4、She has a (绿色的书包). (填空) 5、She is Amy。(对划线部分提问) is she?


Hello,everyone! I am Lily. I am a student. I have long hair. I like painting. I have two friends in China. One is a girl from Changchun. She is short. She is quiet. The other is a boy from Guangzhou. He is tall. He is strong. He likes sports. ( )1. I have three friends. ( )2. My girl friend is quiet. ( )3. I have short hair.

( )4. My friend from Changchun likes music. ( )5. My friend from Guangzhou is strong. ( )6. My friend from Guangzhou is a boy.



主备人: 讨论人: 使用人:

课题:Unit 3 My friends 课型:讲评课 学习目标:

1、我能总结第三单元综合训练的重要知识点。 2、我能找出错处的原因。


教 学 过 程



教师简要介绍本次测试情况,表扬优生,鼓励进步的学生。 三、课内探究


课时:第八课时 1.目标:对试卷分析,査疑解惑。 2.要求:

A.自己对错题进行分析。 B.自行纠错,分析错的原因。


D.先以小组为单位认领问题进行讲解,教师随机点拨。 四、达标检测

1. 目标:完成测试中出现的重点问题变成训练,进一步巩固内化。

2.要求: A.先独立完成; B. 组内讨论交流; C.针对难点教师精讲点拨。 五、自我评价

书写 倾听 展示 测评 达标 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 组长评价:


Unit 3 My friends He /She has...

What is his/her name? Who is he/she?

