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world-bank-president-says-ending-extreme-poverty-within-reach 听力下载地址:http://pan.http://www.wodefanwen.com//s/1pJqQB5h 【绿色单词为六级词汇,橙色单词为四级词汇】
简介:The head of the World Bank says slowing economic growth around the world is hurting the institution’s goal of ending extreme poverty by the year 2030. While the challenges may be great, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said the goal remains within reach - but only if world leaders and emerging financial and development institutions do their part. 听力原文:
What is extreme poverty? According to the United Nations it’s a condition characterized by a lack of basic human needs, like clean drinking water, food, sanitation (公共卫生)and education.
The good news, says World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, is that the world has made some progress.
“Over 25 years, we’ve gone from nearly two billion people living in extreme poverty to fewer than one billion,\
Despite inroads, nearly a billion people still live on less than a $1.25 per day.
Further complicating the goal of eradicating(eradicate 根除) poverty is the economic slowdown in developed and emerging(新兴的) economies.
One solution is to partner with new financial institutions such as the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank - led by China - and the New Development Bank founded by the so-called BRICS countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
“We at the World Bank Group see these development banks as potentially very strong allies in tackling(tackle 处理,解决) the enormous challenge of bringing much needed infrastructure(基础设施)to the developing world,\
Such banking coalitions(联盟,联合政府)could help address the infrastructure spending gap that the World Bank alone can't fill. Amy Studdart is deputy director in Political Economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
“There’s a huge infrastructure gap in Asia. The World Bank itself estimates that it was $2.5 trillion(万亿) worth of investment that needs to happen in South Asia and South East Asia alone,\
Despite the perceived need for such lending groups, some - including the United States - fear such institutions could further diminish(使减少,使变小) Western influence in Asia. But Jim Yong Kim says influence is not the issue.
“The fundamental issue for us is, your enemy cannot be other institutions. Your enemy has to be poverty,\
The World Bank is expected to address those issues when world leaders come together at the United Nations later this year to establish global priorities. Among them - ending poverty.
sanitation /?s?n??te???n/ CET6+
? 1.N-UNCOUNT Sanitation is the process of keeping places clean and healthy, especially by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply. (尤指通过提供排污系统和洁净水源的) 公共卫生 例:
...the hazards of contaminated water and poor sanitation. …污水和不良公共卫生的危害。
environmental sanitation环境卫生 food sanitation食品卫生 sanitation worker环卫工人
eradicate /??r?d??ke?t/ CET6 TEM4 (eradicating,eradicated,eradicates)
? 1.V-T To eradicate something means to get rid of it completely. 根除 例:
They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus. 他们已经在为根除疟疾、破伤风等疾病而斗争。
? 2.N-UNCOUNT 根除 eradication 例:
...a significant contribution toward the eradication of corruption. …一个为根除腐败而做出的重要贡献。
tackle /?t?k?l/ CET4 TEM4 (tackling,tackled,tackles)
? 1.V-T If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way. 处理 例:
The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children's lives. 解决这些问题的首要原因是为了挽救孩子们的生命。
? 3.N-COUNT Tackle is also a noun. 擒抱撞倒; 抢断 例:
...a tackle by fullback Brian Burrows. …后卫布赖恩?伯罗斯的阻截。
? 4.V-T If you tackle someone about a particular matter, you speak to them honestly about it, usually in order to get it changed or done. 坦率地与某人交谈 例:
I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty. 我坦率地与他谈论哪有人能在如此的极度贫困中生活。
? 5.V-T If you tackle someone, you attack them and fight them. 攻击 例:
Two security guards tackled and apprehended a man suspected of robbing 17 banks. 两名保安与一名涉嫌抢劫17家银行的男子搏斗并逮捕了他。
? 6.N-UNCOUNT Tackle is the equipment that you need for a sport or activity, especially fishing. (尤指钓鱼等活动的) 器具 例:
...fishing tackle. …渔具。
infrastructure /??nfr??str?kt??/ CET6+ TEM8
? 1.N-VAR The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transportation, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function. (国家、社会、组织赖以行使职能的) 基础设施 例:
...improvements in the country's infrastructure. …国家基础设施的改善。
coalition /?k????l???n/ CET6 TEM4
? 1.N-COUNT A coalition is a government consisting of people from two or more political parties. 联合政府 例:
Since June the country has had a coalition government. 从6月起,这个国家有了一个联合政府。
? 2.N-COUNT A coalition is a group consisting of people from different political or social groups who are cooperating to achieve a particular aim. 联盟 例:
He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights, women's, and Latino organizations.
trillion /?tr?lj?n/ CET6
? ?
1.NUM A trillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. 百万兆 2.NUM A trillion is 1,000,000,000,000. 万亿 例:
...a 4 trillion dollar debt. …一笔4万亿美元的债务。
diminish /d??m?n??/ CET6 TEM4 (diminishing,diminished,diminishes)
? 1.V-T/V-I When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity. 使减少; 变少 例:
The threat of nuclear war has diminished. 核战的威胁变小了。
Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state. 联邦制度旨在削弱中央政府的权力。
? 2.V-T If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are. 贬低 例:
He never put her down or diminished her. 他从未轻视过她或贬低过她。
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