高考英语二轮复习 第3部分 阅读理解 完形填空 语法填空 短文改错

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There is some unwelcome news for students preparing for exams and officers putting in long hours—you don't need the break as much as you may think that makes you feel less tired.

Scientists have long assumed that willpower (意志力) is a limited resource,which is why you feel the need to have a rest,have a snack and come back to a task when you're feeling better.They argued that the only way to restore willpower was by rest,food or entertainment.

But psychologists have challenged this theory,saying weak willpower is all in your head.They found that people's beliefs in willpower determine how long and how well they'll be able to work on a tough mental exercise.“If you think of willpower as something that's limited,you're more likely to be tired when you perform a difficult task,” said Prof.Veronika Job.“But if you think of willpower as something that is not easily used up,you can go on and on.”

The researchers designed four experiments to test students' beliefs in willpower.After a tiring task,those,who believed or were led to believe that willpower is a limited resource,performed worse on standard concentration tests than those who thought of willpower as something they had more control over.They also found that leading up to final exam week,students who believed the limited resource theory ate junk food 24 percent more often than those who believed they had more control in resisting temptation (诱惑).

Mr.Job said.“The theory that willpower is a limited resource is interesting,but it has had unintended consequences.Students who may already have trouble studying are being told that their power of concentration is limited,and they need to take frequent breaks.But a belief in willpower as a non-limited resource makes people stronger in their ability to work through challenges.”

The findings could help people who are battling temptation.Willpower isn't driven by a biologically based process as much as we used to think.The belief in it is what influences your behavior.

1.The theory that willpower is limited supports that .


A.people must eat snacks when they feel tired B.people do need a break to restore their willpower C.there's no way to strengthen people's willpower D.weak willpower doesn't affect people's life much

2.What have the scientists long believed regarding willpower? A.It is in the charge of people. B.It is a limited resource.

C.There is no way to restore willpower. D.It doesn't easily run out.

3.Which of the following best helps the students to prepare better for their exams?

A.Push themselves even if they want to take a break. B.Don't eat fast food while studying. C.Remind themselves willpower is not limited. D.Stay in a comfortable and quiet place. 4.What's the best title for the passage? A.A New Theory about Willpower B.How to Build Strong Willpower C.The Great Influence of Willpower D.Willpower Doesn't Last Long

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,属于日常生活类短文阅读。人们长久以来认为意志力是有限的,所以人们累了就需要休息。但是一项新的研究表明,人的意志力是无限的,这会导致人们更加专注,对于那些和诱惑作斗争的人,这个发现是很有用的。

1.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They argued that the only way to restore willpower was by rest,food or entertainment.”可知,人们的意志力是有限的,支持了人们需要休息修复他们的意志力这种说法。故选B。

2.解析:选B。细节理解题。第二段中的“Scientists have long assumed that willpower ...have a snack and come back to a task when you're feeling better.”可知,科学家长期以来认为意志力是一个有限的资源。故选B。

3.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“After a tiring task,those,who believe ...as something they had more control over.”可知,提醒孩子自己的意志力不是有限的,可以帮助他们更好地准备考试。故选C。

4.解析:选A。文章标题题。根据第一段中的“There is some unwelcome news for students preparing for exams and officers putting in long hours—you don't need the


break as much as you may think that makes you feel less tired.”可知,文章介绍了一个关于意志力的新发现,所以A是最好的标题。


When I was a kid,Dad and I would go for long walks together.Sometimes we'd spy 1 along the way—a penny here,a dime there. 2 I picked up a penny,he would ask,“Is it a wheat?” It always thrilled him when we found one of those 3 coins produced from 1909 to 1958,the year of my birth.On one of these walks,he told me he often 4 of finding coins.I was amazed.“I always have that dream too!” I told him.It was our secret connection.

One gray winter day in 2002,not long after his 5 ,I was walking down Fifth Avenue,feeling 6 and lonely,and I suddenly found myself in front of a church,where Dad had been working there,but I hadn't 7 for a long time.When I walked into it,I heard the hymn (赞美诗) was A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.

That's Dad's 8 ,one we'd sung at his funeral.Hearing this again,I burst into 9 .After the service,I stepped onto the sidewalk—and there was a penny.I 10 to pick it up and turned it over,and 11 enough,it was a wheat!

That started it.Suddenly wheat pennies began 12 on the sidewalks of New York everywhere.I got most of the 13 years: his birth year,the year he graduated from college,the year he 14 my mom,the year they got married ...

One Sunday,when I was walking up Fifth Avenue,I 15 a penny in the middle of a crossing.It was a 16 street; taxis were speeding by—should I 17 it?I just had to get it.A wheat!But the penny was 18 ,and I couldn't read the date.When I took out my magnifying glass to see it clearly,there was my birthday.As a journalist,I'm in a profession where doubting is a necessary and honest 19 .But I found 21 wheat pennies in the year after my father died,and I don't think that's a(n) 20 .

1.A.cash C.cents 2.A.Whenever C.Before 3.A.light C.special 4.A.thought C.connected

B.coins D.currency B.However D.After B.apparent D.unclear B.suspected D.dreamed


5.A.death C.illness 6.A.sad C.lost 7.A.reached C.attended 8.A.memory C.impression 9.A.laughter C.song 10.A.ran C.fell 11.A.sure C.shabbily 12.A.turning down C.turning away 13.A.serious C.important 14.A.met C.loved 15.A.caught C.spotted 16.A.wide C.empty 17.A.observe C.find 18.A.magic C.worn 19.A.devotion C.conduct 20.A.accident C.evidence

B.disappearance D.division B.bored D.desperate B.visited D.entered B.happiness D.favorite B.tears D.anger B.bent D.returned B.certainly D.curiously B.turning up D.turning out B.pleasant D.familiar B.married D.left B.picked D.took B.lucky D.busy B.risk D.make B.new D.precious B.advantage D.virtue B.incident D.coincidence

【解题导语】 父子两人一起散步,经常捡到一些特殊年份的硬币。父亲去世后,作者很伤心,碰巧走到父亲生前工作过的地方,又捡到特殊硬币,作者发现父子亲情无论何时都



1.解析:选B。根据设空后的a penny here,a dime there可知,父子俩散步时经常会发现硬币,而不是cash(现金),cent(美分),currency(货币)。故选B项。

快解:本题根据第4空后的finding coins也可知答案,为原词重现。


3.解析:选C。句意:当我们发现产自1909年到1958年(我出生的年份)间的一枚特殊硬币时,他总是很激动。从the year of my birth及下文可知,这些硬币代表与作者或父亲相关的具有特殊意义的年份,很有纪念意义,所以应该是很特殊的(special),故选C项。light意为“轻的;淡色的”;apparent意为“明显的”;unclear意为“不清楚的”。

4.解析:选D。根据第4空后作者的回答I always have that dream too!可知,父亲经常梦到(dreamed)发现硬币,故选D项。think意为“认为;思考”;suspect意为“怀疑”;connect意为“连接;联系”。




8.解析:选D。父亲曾在教堂工作过,结合空后的one we'd sung at his funeral可知,这首赞美诗是父亲最喜欢的。故选D项。memory意为“回忆”;happiness意为“快乐,幸福”;impression意为“印象”。



11.解析:选A。根据第一段中的“Is it a wheat?”可知,作者和父亲一直想捡到麦穗图案的硬币,结合空后的it was a wheat!可知,此处指作者十分肯定这就是一枚麦穗图案的硬币。sure enough为固定短语,意为“果真,果然(如此)”,表示发生的事与预料的相符。故选A项。certainly意为“无疑;确定”;shabbily 意为“破旧不堪地”;curiously意为“好奇地”。

12.解析:选B。根据下文的I got most of the 13 years ...及But I found 21 wheat


pennies ...可知,自从捡了麦穗图案的硬币后,麦穗图案的硬币就突然经常出现在纽约的人行道上。turn down意为“关小;拒绝”;turn up意为“调高;出现”;turn away意为“转身”;turn out意为“结果是,原来是”。故选B项。

13.解析:选C。根据第13空后的his birth year,the year he graduated from college,the year he 14 my mom,the year they got married可知,那些年份都是跟父亲有关的重要的(important)有纪念意义的年份,因此C项最合适。serious意为“严重的;严肃的”;pleasant意为“愉悦的”;familiar意为“熟悉的”。


15.解析:选C。根据下文I just had to get it.可知,本空不可能是已经拿到手了,因此caught(抓住),picked(捡起),took(携带;拿走),均不符合语境。此处应指“发现”了一枚硬币。故选C项。spot意为“发现”。

16.解析:选D。根据空后的taxis were speeding by可知,出租车在街道上快速驶过,因此可以判断道路上车很多,交通繁忙,故选busy。

17.解析:选B。根据前文可知,街道繁忙,出租车快速驶过,因此作者在犹豫是不是要冒险穿过车流去捡硬币,因此B项符合语境。observe意为“观察到,看到”,find意为“发现”,make it意为“获得成功;准时到达”,均不符合语境。

误区诊断:本题易误选D项,make it意为“获得成功”,但与空前的speeding by及should(应该)不相符。

18.解析:选C。根据下一句I couldn't read the date及作者用magnifying glass(放大镜)才看得清楚可知,这枚硬币比较破旧(worn)了。故选C项。magic意为“魔力的,魔法的”;new意为“新的”;precious意为“珍贵的”。





(2016·山东文登市高三模拟)It is reported that many middle school students are


just not getting enough sleep,especially during the school week.The problem seems to get 1. (bad)as they get older.Year 7 students sleep 8.4 hours in a school night,and Year 9 students only 6.9 hours.

It's also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause 2. (problem)in a student's life.Many students fall 3. (sleep)in school or

while doing their homework,so it is not 4 . (surprise)that they get lower grades than those who get enough sleep.Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students.

Of the students who feel 5. (happy)and nervous,73% don't get enough sleep at night.

Why aren't students getting enough sleep?Many students have one of the 6. (follow)things,like telephone,television,or computer in their bedrooms.Using them on a school night not 7. takes their time away from homework,but also makes 8. difficult for them to sleep.As a result,many students can't sleep before 11 p.m,yet they must get up early 9. (go)to school.

Scientists also suggest students should not do exciting activities for an hour 10. bedtime.

【解题导语】 本文描述了一个普遍存在的现象。调查显示大部分青少年学生的睡眠时间不足,这是导致他们学习成绩差的原因之一。

1.解析:worse。考查比较级。这里与get older 相对应,所以都应该用比较级,bad的比较级是worse,get worse“变得更糟糕”。故填worse。


3.解析:asleep。考查固定短语。fall asleep“入睡;睡着”。故填asleep。 4.解析:surprising。考查形容词。surprise vt. & n.“使吃惊;惊奇”,主要用法有:(1)in surprise“惊奇地”;(2)by surprise“出其不意地”;(3)to one's surprise“使人吃惊的是”;surprised adj.“吃惊的”,一般修饰人, 如:be surprised to do; surprising也是形容词,“使人吃惊的”,一般修饰物,it is not surprising that...“不足为奇”。故填surprising。



7.解析:only。考查固定搭配的使用。后半句出现了but also,所以这里应该是not only,


not only...but also“不仅??而且”。故填only。


9.解析:to go。考查动词不定式的使用。get up to do something“起床做某事”。故填to go。




My Plan of the Summer Holiday

1.Read famous English classics 2.Learn to cook by myself 3.Do some voluntary work 注意:1.词数100左右;

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.格式和开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Peter,

How are you doing?

Yours, Li Hua

One possible version: Dear Peter,

How are you doing? I am very glad to receive your e-mail asking for my

plan of the coming summer holiday.Now I have worked out my schedule.

Firstly,I want to read some famous English classics,which will be able to help me learn about the cultures of foreign countries and improve my English level.Secondly,I am going to learn to cook by myself in order to develop my ability of independent living.Besides,I will spare some time to take an active part in some voluntary work in the nearby community,which I believe will make a difference to society.

Do you have better advice for me?I'd appreciate it if you could reply earlier.


Yours, Li Hua


