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Period 4 Function; Pronunciation and Everyday English



本节让学生练习描述地点, 通过使用一些方位介词和副词来描述地方和方位。语音部分练习反意疑问句的表达语气, 其升调和降调表达不同的意思。日常用语部分则通过练习巩固所学的内容。


1. 知识与技能

1)Let students know how to describe location.

2)Train their speaking skills.

3)Improve their pronunciation.

2. 过程与方法

1)Learn how to describe location by using some prepositions.

2)Encourage students to speak in class through organizing some pair or group work.

3)Practice to improve their pronunciation.

3. 情感与价值

Through the study of this period students will surely have a deeper understanding of how to describe location by using some prepositional phrases. Besides, they will master the raising and falling of question tags.


1. Motivate students to work together.

2. Teach students how to describe location using some prepositions.

3. Help improve their pronunciation.


1. Help students use different prepositions to describe location.

2. Help them master the raising and falling of question tags.


Induction and practice


→ Step 1 Revisi on

Have students do some exercises to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

(Show the following on the screen. )

1. —Each of students, working hard at his or her lessons,_____________ to go to university.

—So do I.

A. hope

B. hopes

C. hoping

D. hoped

2. The number of people invited_____________ fifty, but a number of them_____________ absent for different reasons.

A. were; was

B. was; was

C. was; were

D. were; were

3. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _____________ by 2007.

A. has been completed

B. has completed

C. will have been completed

D. will have completed

4. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people_____________ to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. persuade

B. will persuade

C. be persuaded

D. are persuaded

5. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,_____________ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.

A. was

B. were

C. had been

D. would be

6. All the employees except the manager_____________ to work online at home.

A. encourages

B. encourage

C. is encouraged

D. are encouraged

7. —What happened to the priceless works of art?

—_____________ .

A. They were destroyed in the earthquake

B. The earthquake was destroying them

C. They destroyed in the earthquake

D. The earthquake destroyed them

8. This is Ted’s photo. We miss him a lot. He_____________ trying to save a child in the earthquake.

A. killed

B. is killed

C. was killed

D. was killing

Suggested answers:

1. B

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. C

→ Step 2 Function

1. Activity One

1)The teacher shows a map of Europe to the class and pointing at a few places, he/she may say a few sentences. For example,

Italy is in the south of Europe.

Portugal is to the west of Spain.

Barcelona is on the northeast of Spain.

2)Ask students to observe the preposition in each sentence and work out the differences of “in, on, to” in describing location. A few minutes later, call back their answers.

Suggested answers:


to表示A地在B地范围之外, 即相离。图解为

on 表示“与……接壤”和“沿……”。图解为


3)Give them a few minutes to write three similar ones about places in China.

Possible answers:

Guang Zhou is in the south of China.

Beijing is to the north of Xiamen.

Fuzhou is on the southeast coast of China.

2. Activity Two

1)Show the following sentences on the screen.

The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe.

Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Guiyang is between Changsha and Kunming.

Taiwan and Fuzhou face each other across the Taiwan Strait.

Get students to observe the sentences and try to think of the following questions:

(1)What’s the difference between on the coast and off the coast?

(2)What’s the difference between across and between?

Suggested answers:

(1) on the coast means that the place is actually on the land, where it meets the sea; off the coast means that the place is an island(or on an island)not far from the mainland.

(2) across means that something is on the other side, that there is something between two places, two objects or also two people(e. g. You can sit across the table from someone; live across the street from them); between refers to the “thing” which separates two objects, places or people. E. g. There is a river between the two parts of the city; there is a busy street between your house and mine.

2)Have students complete the following sentences using correct prepositions.

1. Paris is situated_____________ the River Seine.

2. France and England face each other_____________ the English Channel.

3. There is a mountain range_____________ between France and Italy.

4. Barcelona is a city_____________ the coast of Spain.

5. Britain is an island_____________ the coast of continental Europe.

Suggested answers:

1. on

2. across

3. between

4. on

5. off

3. The teacher shows much more prepositional phrases on the screen and asks them to find which ones can be used to describe locations and which ones can be used to describe movement.

on the left on the right between in front of to behind near next to opposite above below beside with from

Suggested answers:

Location: on the left, on the right, between, in front of, behind, near, next to, opposite, above, below, beside

Movement: to, form, (“with”is extr a)

4. Do Activity Four as consolidation.

Fill in the blanks

1. Mongolia is_____________ China and Russia.

2. China is_____________ of India.

3. Guangzhou is_____________ of China.

4. Shenyang is_____________ Beijing and Harbin.

5. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is_____________ of China.

Suggested answers:

1. between

2. to the northeast of

3. in the south

4. between

5. in the southwest

5. Now that students have a better understanding of how to describe locations, you may ask them to write a few sentences to describe geographical areas of China. For example: Chongqing is situated on the Yangtze River.

→ Step 3 Pronunciation and Everyday English

1. Activity One & Activity Two

Option One

1)Students read the dialogue individually and try to make sense of it.

2)Play the tape through once while they listen.

3)Ask them to mark the rises and falls as indicated in their books.

4)Call back their answers. You may do this by getting them to actually say the sentences with the correct intonation, or by writing the relevant sentences on the board and having students come out and draw arrows over the question tags.

Suggested answers:


Amy, you are from Wales, aren’t you?


1. That’s the capital of Scotland, isn’t it?

2. That’s in the west, isn’t it?

3. That’s in Scotland, isn’t it?

5)Play the tape one more time, pausing after each utterance for students to repeat. When you come to the question tags, make sure that they listen to them and practice them several times.

6)Do the dialogue as a conversation between yourself and the whole class in chorus. Do it at least twice, swapping roles.

Option Two

1)Students are required to listen to the dialogue in Listening section and then point out a few sentences with question tags. After that ask students to explain why different intonations are used.

The following may be the possible answers:

Your voice rises when you ask a real question, while it falls when you check you know something.

2)Listen to the dialogue on Page 8 and then mark the rises and falls.

3)Give students a few minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs and then ask some pairs to perform for the class. However, they must say whether it’s going to be a “real question” or “checking what they know” before. The rest of the class checks that the intonation is correct.

2. Activity Three

1)Pair students to do this activity.

2)Have a few pairs to perform for the class and the teacher monitor their performance for remedial work.

3. Activity Four

1)(Show the following on the screen. )

1. Hollywood is in the US, isn’t it?

2. France is in Europe, isn’t it?

3. Leonardo da V inci was a painter, wasn’t he?

4. Picasso painted the Mona Lisa, didn’t he?

5. Amy lives in London, doesn’t she?

6. You speak English, don’t you?

2)Ask students work in pairs for the conversation.

3)Get them to prepare some of the things they are going to talk about first. However, they don’t need to write the whole conversation down.

4)Circulate and monitor the production for laster remedial work.

5)Finally, you may have some students perform their dialogues for the whole class.

→ Step 4 Consolidation

Today students learned how to use some prepositional phrases to describe location. Next you may ask them to do a few exercises to consolidate this period.

(Show the following on the screen. )

Fill in the blanks.

1. China is_____________ the east of Asia.

2. Beijing is_____________ the north of Guangzhou.

3. Inner Mongolia lies_____________ the north of China.

4. Korea is_____________ the east of China.

5. HongKong is_____________ the southwest of Fujian.

6. Shanghai is_____________ the west of Taiwan.

7. India is_____________ the west of China.

Suggested answers:

1. in

2. to

3. in

4. on

5. to

6. to

7. on

→ Step 5 Summary and Homework

In this period we have learned how to describe location by using prepositions. In addition, we’ve practiced the intonation of ques tion tags.


Finish Activity 10 on Page 69.

Work in pairs to describe location to each other. You may wish to use a map of China or a map of Europe.


Module 1 Europe

Period 4 Function; Pronunciation and Everyday English

Prepositions :

on the left

on the right


in front of



near next to







Pronunciation and Everyday English

Remember: Your voice rises when you ask a real question, and falls when you check you know something.


1. Hollywood is in the US, isn’t it?

2. France is in Europe, isn’t it?

3. Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, wasn’t he?

4. Picasso painted the Mona Lisa, didn’t he?

5. Amy lives in London, doesn’t she?

6. You speak English, don’t you?


1. Find a map and practice describing location.

2. Find out more materials to practice your pronunciation.

