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Us 3

In 1782, the french who settled in pennsy first asked the question " what is an American" in his book Letters from An American Farmer.

The New world of america was peopled as a result of two long-continuing immigration movements, the first one from Asia and the second from Europe and Africa.

American indians had developed three brilliant civilizations before the Europeans arrived. These three civilizations were the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas. Columbus discovered the new world in the year of 1492

The English king claimed the territory of North America based on the voyage of John Cabot.

Martin luther was the first to start the Religious reformation and the next important leader of the reformation was John Calvin.

The first permanent settlement in north america was established in today's Virginia in the year of 1607.

The crop tobacco that was transplanted from the west indian saved virginia. lord Baltimore who set up the colony of Maryland was Catholics in religion.

New england was founded by a group of religious believers called Puritans while pennsylvania was planted by William Penn who was a Quakev in religion.

Us 4

After the war of independence was won, the national government was called the congress and the agreement that guided the government was the Articles of Confederation.

The city where the declaration of independence was signed and where the US constitution was made is Philadelphia.

The constitutional convention was held in the year of 1787 and the president of the convention was George Washington.

The constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government.

A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constitution with some rights reserved to each.

The US federal government consists of the following three branches: the executive ,the legislative and the judicial.

The congress is divided into the House of Representatives with 435 members who serve two year terms, and the Senate with 100 lawmakers who serve sixyear terms. Group who try to persuade congressmen to vote for or against a bill are known as lobbies.

The supreme court is composed of 1 chief justice and 8 associate justice.

The supreme court has the function of determining whether congressional legislative or executive action violates the constitution. this power is called judicial review. There are 26 amendments to the US constitution

The two major political parties are the democratic party, which is thought to be more liberal, and the republican party, which is believed to be more conservative.

US unit6

1. WASP stands for

2. The Great Awakening of the 1740s tried to breathe new feeling and strength into religion, and cut across the the lines of

3. According to John Locke, the right to govern comes from an agreement or voluntarily entered into by free people.

4.believes that reason teaches that God exists but leaves man free to settle his own affairs5. The majority of the Catholics in the US are descendants of immigrants from and Poland.

6. Prayer and Bible reading in public schools in the US are

7. The Three Faiths in the US refer to Protestant, .

8. According to the text, in England, four-fifths of the people except Catholics go to church less than once a month; in Sweden the majority hardly ever go to church at all. Yet of American Protestants are active church members.

9. Freedom of religious belief or non-belief is provided in the in the US Constitution.

10. The first Catholic president in the US was

US unit7

1. are the two major writers of the post-Revolutionary period.

2. "The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Fall of the House of usher" were stories written

3. In 1852, a New England woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel titled , which intensified the political debate on slavery.

4. Mark Twain's is considered the greatest novel in American literature.

5. Upton Sinclair's novel exposed the horrible lives of meat-packing factory workers.

6. Ezra Pound's poetry is famous for , the use of strong, concrete images.

7. T.S. Eliot's long poem revealed a pessimistic view of post-World War I society. He dominated the so-called “Modern” movement in poetry.

8. After World War I, many novelists produced literary works of disillusionment. Some of them lived abroad and were known as the 9. F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel was about youth's golden dream turning to disappointment.

10. The following three novels were the best-known written by Ernest Hemingway:

11. William Faulkner effectively uses multiple points of view, symbolism and imagery in his novels.

12. is a great American playwright, whose plays include Desire Under the Elms and Long Day's Journey into Night.

13. John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath was a portrait of a poor family during the period of

14. Richard Wright wrote the novel , and Ralph Ellison wrote the novel Invisible Man. Both were black writers.

15. The representative work of the "Beat Generation" was Alan Ginsberg's poem16. won the Nobel prize for Literature in 1993, the first Afro-American writer to receive this honor.

UK unit 1

1. The full name of United kingdom is the

2. The island of Great Britain is made up of

3. The United King has been a member of the since 1973.

4. Britain is now a society which produces a population of which 1 in 20 are of ethnicity.

5. London plays a significant role in Britain's economic and cultural life, it's not only the financial of the nation, but also one of the major international financial centres in the world.

6. Britain is a country with a history of invasions. In 43 AD Britain was invaded by the in the late 8th century they experienced raids from Scandinavia and in the 11th century they suffered invasions from

7. The Anglo-Saxons began to settle in Britain in the century.

8. The capital of Britain is , which has great influence on the UK in all fields including government, finance, and .

UK unit 1-2

9. Charles the First, king of Britain, was executed, because he arrempted to overthrow in the English Revolution.

10. Name two Scottish cities which have ancient and internationally respected universities:

11. The battle of Bannockburn led by Robert the Bruce succeeded in winning the full independence of .

12. Both the Scottish and Welsh people elect their members of parliaments to the London parliament and each holds seats respectively.

13. The capital of Scotland is which is well-known for its natural

14. Although wales is the smallest of the three nations on the mainland, it's good at getting from abroad, particularly Japan and . UK unit 3-1

1. , the ancestor of the present Queen, Elizabeth II, united England under his rule in 829.

2. The doctrine of the "divine right of kings" held that the sovereign derived his authority from , not from.

3. During the civil war in the 17th century, those who represented the interests of Par

liament are called , and those who supported the King were called

4. In 1215, some feudal barons and the Church forced King to sign the to place some limits on the King's power.

5. In medieval times, kings would summon a group of wealthy barons and representatives of counties, towns and cities-called l to raise money.

6. In 1689, Parliament passed to ensure that the King would never be able to ignore Parliament.

7. In the 18th century, King George I left the job of chairing cabinet meetings to one of his ministers who later came to be called .

8. In Britain, the oficial head of state is , while the real centre of political life is in the

9. The British Constitution consists of statute law,

10. The most important function of the Parliament is to

11. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen, 12. Life peers should be nominated by and appointed by n.

UK unit4

1. The UK is divided into 650 constituencies with each of them represented by a member

2. The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms and its party leader becomes

3. Normally, a government can be in power for 5 years, and then it has to resign and hold a general election.

4. If a government loses a n the House of Commons, it has to resign.

5. The amount of time given to each party in the "party electoral broadcasts" is proportional to the which the party received at the previous election.

6. The Liberal Democrats are regarded by many people as comparatively and in their balance of the individual and the social.

7. There are three major parties in the UK: , the Labour party and .

8. was established by the Labour government in 1948, providing health care for

all the people.

9. From 1979 to 1997, won 4 consecutive elections and was in power for quite a long time.

10. People who do unskilled office work and skilled well-paid manual work are likely to be described as class.

11. A university teacher would probably read a newspaper like while a manual worker would probably read.

12. One distinctive feature about the class system in Britain is that it still retains a

13. Most of the recent immigrants come from South Asian countries such as and Sri Lanka; and countries such as Jamaica and Trinidad.

14. On February 12, 2010, British Prime Minister took part in a video-conference with UN Ban Ki-moon and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia to launch a High Level Advisory Group on .

15. The UK government has followed a forthright policy in dealing with climate change since was signed in 1997.

UK unit6

1.One of the oldest of the early"old English"literary work is a long poem from Anglo Saxon times called

2. written by Geoffrey chaucer is often studied by middle school and college students today.

3. Shakespeare's plays fall into three categories. They are 4. Name two of the tragedies written by Shakespeare:.

5. Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte are noted for their respective novel which are largely the love stories of a woman for a man.

6. Charles Dickens and Elizabeth Gaskell are regarded not only as novelists but also as socialin the 19th century.

7. The author of Ivanhoe was ; Charles Dickens's novel tells the story of an orphan child drawn into crime in the London underworld.

8.20th-century literature can be broadly divided into two stylistic periods: .

9. Virginia Woolf was one of the most famous writers of the 20th century.

Her work was concerned with the individual consciousness, especially the consciousness. She sometimes used the technique of the in her writing.

10. The Heart of Darkness was written by ; the author of the book 7984 was

11. The best-known novel by William Golding is titled

12. In popular fiction, lan Fleming's fantastic stories are well-known, especially for their numerous film versions.

Unit 9

1. Britain's three most popular activities are watching TV, listening to the radio and 2. Britain has one of the world's oldest established newspaper industries. The which appeared in 1791, is the world's oldest newspaper, while The Times, which began publishing in 1785, is Britain's oldest newspaper.

3. The newspapers carry more serious and in-depth articles of particular political and social importance.

4. The is regarded as the most left-wing newspaper in Britain.

5. The other category of newspapers is the which are often called"the gutter press".

6. Officially speaking the British newspapers are free from government control and and can print what they like, but many British aws limit the freedom of newspapers.

7. The BBC stands for

8. For a long time the BBC had two channels. entertains people with sports, drama, current affairs, etc.; provides special interest audience with documentaries and shows

.9. The News of the World, which began publishing in 1843, is considered as one of the

10. carries business stories, and this paper is printed not only at home but also in many other countries of the world such as Germany, France, Spain and Japan.

11. The media are also affected by , a legal act which demands that all government information is kept secret unless the government agrees to release it.

12. The media have many . They provide people with information about political and social problems. They carry advertising and also play an important role in forming a national

