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The People's Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate
Made and supervised by the Ministry of housing and urban-rural construction of P.R.China (2012 version)
Housing registration number: 46010
According to Property Law of the People's
Republic of China, the housing ownership
certificate is the certification of the obligee's right of the housing ownership. Housing
Bureau of Wuzhishan
Property Right Certificate Wu Zi No. WZS1303169 Property owner Share of the house Full owner of suite Room XXX, Building No.XXX, Feicui Site of the house New Residential Quarter (Shanshuilongwan), north side of Haiyuzhongxian, Wuzhishan, Hainan Date of register 24th December 2013 Property of housing Commodity residential building Ownership Usage of the house Residence State of Domestic Room the house Floors building building area area (m2) (m2) 9 86.22 69.96
Following blank
The land of the real estate has been registered Land No. State of land Source of land-use right Expiration date From To
Certificate of Housing Wuzhishan Administration Issue license Office (Seal): People’s Bureau of Wuzhishan government housing registration
1. The property ownership certificate shall be the evidence for
the holder’s ownership of a property.
2. The right holder or interested party may consult the
registration materials in the registration organ.
3. Should the items recorded in Housing Registration are inconsistent with those recorded in this certificate, unless it is proved that there is any wrong in the Housing Registration, the one recorded in the Registration shall prevail.
4. Besides the certificate authority and the issuing unit, other
units or individuals cannot remark or seal on this certificate. 5. This certificate shall be under proper keep. The loss and
destroy of the certificate shall made a report and apply for re-issue promptly
No. 00018648
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