Unit 9 E-commerce and Logistics

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Unit 9 E-commerce and Logistics E-commerce E-commerce and Logistics


【Lead-in】E-commerce has a great impact on logistics. Text One in this unit is an introduction to e-commerce, including its definition, types and advantages. And Text Two mainly illustrates how e-commerce affects logistics and supply chain.


【Learning Objectives】1. To know the definition of e-commerce. 2. To know the types and advantages of e-commerce. 3. To understand how e-commerce affects logistics and supply chain.


Listening & SpeakingⅠ. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.1. The Internet provides a basic platform of communication between business partners.2. Companies could advertise, spread information or even offer online customer service. through the Internet.


3. There has been explosive growth in B2B transactions via the Internet. 4. You will have the opportunity to create sustainable competitive advantage for your firm with advanced B2B technologies. 5. The business models for e-commerce described affect the structure of supply chain of whole industries .


Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.1. A: What are you doing? B: I am surfing the Internet. I just want to buy one shirt online. Look, They are so cheap! A: Don’t devote too much time to this. How will you deal with it if the size does not fit you? B: Don’t worry. In that case, I will ask the seller to change it for another. A: Sounds fine.


2. A: Hello, this is Jane speaking, who’s that? B: This is Susan. I ordered two machines online from your company yesterday, so I want to know where the goods is now. A: Let me check it. Ah, I am so sorry that there’s something wrong with the goods, but I will settle. it as soon as possible. B: I hope things will go as what you said. A: Don’t worry. I guarantee that it will never happen again. B: OK. Thank you. Bye!


Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard, the first letters have been given.When you build a business case for B2B initiatives, the first tool to prioritize and analyze these projects should be a qualitative(定性的) assessment of how well technologies support and reinforce the overall business strategy. Are you trying to replicate industry best practices or trying to achieve u nique. strategic positioning? Neither is “right” or “wrong”, but without a qualitative assessment, your business case can become weak, if only you don’t have reasons. for evaluating B2B system for implementation.


ReadingText 1 E-commerce【Key Terms】e-commerce 电子商务 economic transaction 电子交易 B2B (Business to Business) 企业对企业 B2C (Business to Consumer) 企业对消费者 C2B (Consumer to Business) 消费者对企业 C2C (Consumer to Consumer) 费者对消费者 B2G (Business to Government) 企业对政府


【New Words and Phrases】propose /pr p uz/ vt. 提出 via / vai / prep. 经

由,经过 electronic trading 电子贸易 electronic messaging 电子信息 electronic mail (e-mail) 电子邮件 electronic catalogue 电子目录 intranet /intr net n. 内部网络;专用网 / extranet / ekstr net/ n. 外联网 conduct / k nd kt/ vt. 组织;实施;进行


connection /k nek n/ n. 连接 currently / k r ntli/ adv. 目前;普遍地 relatively / rel tivli/ adv. 比较地;相对地 have access to 有(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利 solely / s ulli/ adv. 唯一 recommend / rek mend vt. 推荐;劝告 / dispatch /dis pæt vt. 派遣,派送 / in theory 理论上 delay /di lei n. 耽搁,延迟 / contrast / k ntrɑ:st/ n. 对比 arena / ri:n n. 场地;竞技场 /


submission /s b mi n/ n. 提交 airways / weiz/ n. 航空公司 auction / :k n/ n./vt. 拍卖 in reality 实际上,事实上 announce / nauns vt. 宣布,宣告 / tender / tend vi. 投标 / dramatic /dr mætik adj. 戏剧的,戏剧性的 / potentially /p ten li/ adv. 可能地,潜在地 expand /ik spænd vt. 扩大,扩张 / streamline / stri:mlain vt. 精简;使效率更高 /


【Text Learning】What Is E-commerceBroadly speaking, e-commerce refers to any form of economic activity conducted via electronic connections.


Types of E-commerce B2B (Business to Business) B2C (Business to Consumer) C2B (Consumer to Business) C2C (Consumer to Consumer) B2G (Business to Government)



Advantages of E-commerce lower transaction costs reduce inventory holdings provide a competitive business advantage expand one’s market increase the speed to market streamline supply chain management


【Notes】1. E-commerce includes electronic trading, electronic messaging, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail (e-mail), electronic catalogue, internet, intranet and extranet services. 电子商务包括电子贸易、电子信息、电子数据交换 (EDI)、电子邮件、电子目录、互联网、内联网和外联 网服务。


内联网是用因特网技术建立的可支持企 事业内部业务处理和信息交流的综合网络信 息系统,通常采用一定的安全措施与企事业 外部的因特网用户相隔离,它对内部用户在 信息使用的权限上也有严格的规定。 外联网是不同单位之间为了频繁交换业 务信息,而基于互联网或其他公网设施构建 的单位之间的专用网络通道。


2. In the past, EDI was conducted on a direct link of some form between the two businesses, while the most popular connection is the Internet today. 过去,电子数据交换是直接将两个企业以某种方式连 接起来而进行的,而当今最为流行的连接方式就是互联网。


3. After reading the tasting notes, the user can place an order along with delivery and payment details directly into the merchant’s inventory system. 读完

品酒记录,该用户可以直接在商家的库存系统 中下订单,并说明交货和付款细节。 along with 与……一起 Example: Jenny will come along with us today to lunch. 今天珍妮将会陪我们去吃午饭。


4. A certain airways accesses the facility and sees his submission, then it offers him a return ticket for $250. 某航空公司访问该网站,看到了他的计划,然后向他 提供了250美元的往返机票。 5. A consumer lists items for sale on a commercial auction site, and other consumers accessing the site place bids on the items. 一位消费者在商业拍卖网站上列出其预售货物,访问 该网站的其他消费者就这些货物进行投标。

