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Agreement 协议

Concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions*


(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)


Addendum 116: Regulation No. 117 附录116:第17号法规 Revision 2 修正2

Incorporating all valid text up to: 合并所有以下有效文件:

Corrigendum 1 to the Revision 1 - Erratum 对01修正案的勘误1-书写错误

Corrigendum 2 to the 01 series - Date of entry into force: 25 June 2008 对于01修正案的勘误2—强制实施日期:2008年6月25日

Corrigendum 3 to the 01 series - Date of entry into force: 10 March 2009 对01修正案的勘误3—强制实施日期:2009年3月10日

02 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 30 January 2011 02修正案—强制实施日期2011年1月30日

Corrigendum 1 to the 02 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 30 January 2011 02修正案正误1—强制实施日期:2011年1月30日

Corrigendum 2 to the 02 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 22 June 2011 02修正案正误2—强制实施日期2011年6月22日

Corrigendum 3 to the 02 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 22 June 2011 02修正案正误3—强制实施日期:2011年6月22日

Uniform Provisions concerning the Approval of Tyres with regard to Rolling Sound Emissions and to Adhesion on Wet Surfaces and/or to Rolling Resistance 关于轮胎对于滚动噪音,湿地抓取及滚动阻力认证的统一规定



* Former title of the Agreement:

Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognitionof Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958. 协议曾用题目:


Regulation No. 117 第117号法规

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of tyres with regard to rolling sound emissions and to adhesion on wet surfaces and/or to rolling resistance

关于轮胎滚动噪音、湿地抓取能力及滚动阻力认证的统一规定 Contents 目录

1. Scope 范围 ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Definitions 定义................................................................................................................................ 5 3. Application for approval认证申请 ............................................................................................... 9 4. Markings标记................................................................................................................................. 10 5. Approval认证.................................................................................................................................. 11 6. Specifications 标准......................................................................................................................... 14 7. Modifications of the type of pneumatic tyre and extension of approval充气轮胎认证修改及认证延期 ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 8. Conformity of production生产一致性 ........................................................................................... 18 9. Penalties for non-conformity of production 与生产不一致的处罚............................................... 19 10. Production definitely discontinued 生产确定中断...................................................................... 19 11. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authority执行认证检测的技术技术服务及行政部门地址、电话.................................... 19 12. Transitional provisions初级规定................................................................................................... 19


1. Communication concerning the approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or

production definitely discontinued of a type of tyre with regard to \and \ and/or to \No. 117

对于根据法规117的一种类型轮胎的“滚动噪音”及“湿地表面抓取力”及/或“滚动阻力”的认证的认证或延伸或驳回或取消或者生产中断的交流 ................................................ 21 2. Example of Approval Marks 认证标记举例

Appendix 1附件1: Arrangements of Approval Marks - Approval according to Regulation No. 117 认证标识的整理—根据法规117进行的认证............。。。................................................................ 23 Appendix 2附件2: Approval according to Regulation No. 117 coincident with approval toRegulation No. 30 or 54 与30号或54号法规认证一致的根据117法规进行的认证...................... 24

Appendix 3: Extensions to combine approvals issued in accordance with Regulations Nos. 117, 30 or 54

扩展以联合依据117、30及54法规发行的认证........................................................................ 27 Appendix 4: Extensions to combine approvals issued in accordance with Regulation No. 117扩展以联合依据117法规发行的认证.......................................................................................................... 29 3. Coast-by test method for measuring tyre-rolling sound emission滑行—通过测量轮胎滚动噪音的测试方法 .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Appendix 1: Test report附件1:测试报告………..................................................................... 39 4. Specifications for the test site试验场地说明 .............................................................................. 41 5. Test procedure for measuring wet grip湿地抓取力测试步骤 ..................................................... 49 Appendix 1: Test report (Adhesion on wet surface)附件1:测试报告(在湿地表面的抓取力 56 6. Test procedure for measuring rolling resistance滚动阻力步骤 ................................................ 58 Appendix 1: Test equipment tolerances附件1:测试设备公差 ............................................ 68 Appendix 2: Measuring rim width附件2:测试轮辋宽度 .................................................... 71 Appendix 3: Test report and Test data (Rolling resistance) 附件3:测试报告及测试数据(滚动阻力) ................................................................................................................................................... 73 7. Procedures for snow performance testing雪地胎性能测试步骤 ............................................. 74 Appendix 1: Pictogram definition of \附件1:“阿尔卑斯山标记”象形图........ 78 Appendix 2: Test reports and Test data 附件2:测试报告及测试数据 ....................................... 79

1. Scope 范围

1.1. This Regulation applies to new pneumatic tyres of Classes C1, C2 and C3 with regard to their sound emissions, rolling resistance and to new pneumatic tyres of Class C1 with regard to adhesion performance on wet surfaces (wet adhesion). It does not, however, apply to:


1.1.1. Tyres designed as \ tyres\


1.1.2. Tyres having a nominal rim diameter code ≤ 10 (or ≤ 254 mm) or ≥ 25 (or ≥ 635 mm);

名义轮辋直径代号≤ 10 (或者≤ 254 mm) 或者≥ 25 (或者≥ 635 mm)的轮胎; 1.1.3 Tyres designed for competitions;


1.1.4. Tyres intended to be fitted to road vehicles of categories other than M, N and O1; 非M,N,O1车使用轮胎

1.1.5. Tyres fitted with additional devices to improve traction properties (e.g. studded tyres); 轮胎配备附加设置以增强牵引力性能(如:镶钉胎)

1.1.6. Tyres with a speed rating less than 80 km/h (speed symbol F); 轮胎速度级别低于80km/h(速度标记F)

1.1.7. Tyres designed only to be fitted to vehicles registered for the first time before 1 October 1990. 为第一次注册时间在1990年10月1日之前的车辆配备的轮胎

1.1.8. Professional off-road tyres for the requirements on rolling resistance and rolling sound. 专业越野胎的滚动阻力及噪音要求

1.2. Contracting Parties shall issue or accept approvals to rolling sound and/or wet adhesion and/or rolling resistance.缔约方应当发行或者接受滚动噪音/湿地抓取力/滚动阻力的认证。 2. Definitions 定义

For the purpose of this Regulation, in addition to the definitions contained in Regulations Nos. 30 and 54, the following definitions apply.


2.1. \ of tyre\ means, in relation to this Regulation, a range of tyres consisting of a list of tyre size designations, brand names and trade descriptions, which do not differ in such essential characteristics as: 根据此法规,“轮胎类型”意为包括一系列轮胎型号标识,商标名称及商品说明,与以下必要因素必须保持一致:

(a) The manufacturer's name; 制造商名称

(b) The tyre class (see paragraph 2.4.); 轮胎等级(见2.4段) (c) The tyre structure; 轮胎结构

(d) The category of use: normal tyre, snow tyre and special use tyre; 使用分类:普通轮胎,雪地胎及特殊使用轮胎

(e) For Class C1 tyres: 对于C1胎: (i) In case of tyres submitted for approval of rolling sound emission levels, whether

normal or reinforced (or extra load);


(ii) In case of tyres submitted for approval of performance adhesion on wet surfaces, whether normal tyres or snow tyres


with a speed category of Q or below excluding H (≤ 160 km/h) or speed category R and above including H (> 160 km/h); 分类为速度级别为Q或者以下不包括H(≤ 160 km/h),或者速度级别为R或者以上包括H(> 160 km/h) (f) For Class C2 and C3 tyres: 对于C2及C3胎

(i) In case of tyres submitted for approval of rolling sound emission levels at stage 1, whether M+S marked or not;


(ii) In case of tyres submitted for approval of rolling sound emission levels at stage 2, whether traction tyre or not;

如果递交滚动噪音认证第二阶段时,确认是否为牵引胎 (g) The tread pattern (see paragraph 3.2.1.). 胎面花纹(见3.2.1段)

2.2. \ the identification of the tyre as given by the tyre manufacturer. The Brand name may be the same as that of the manufacturer and the Trade description may coincide with the trade mark.


2.3. \and the road surface.

滚动噪音意为在轮胎运动过程中与地表面接触中发散的声音。 2.4. \ “轮胎等级”意为以下组中之一:

2.4.1. Class C1 tyres: Tyres conforming to Regulation No. 30; C1胎:符合30法规的轮胎

2.4.2. Class C2 tyres: Tyres conforming to Regulation No. 54 and identified by a load capacity index in single formation lower or equal to 121 and a speed category symbol higher or equal to \


2.4.3. Class C3 tyres: Tyres conforming to Regulation No. 54 and identified by: C3胎:符合54法规的轮胎,且符合以下定义:

(a) A load capacity index in single formation higher or equal to 122; or 单胎负荷指数≥122,或者 (b) A load capacity index in single formation lower or equal to 121 and a speed category symbol lower or equal to \


2.5. \ tyre size\ the tyre size which is submitted to the test described in Annex 3 to this Regulation with regard to rolling sound emissions, or Annex 5 for adhesion on wet surfaces or Annex 6 for rolling resistance to assess the conformity for the

TypeApproval of the type of tyre, or Annex 7 for snow performance to assess the category of use \ “典型轮胎型号”意为提交进行本规范附录3关于滚动声音发散部分及附录5关于潮湿路面抓地性的


2.6. \spare tyre\means a tyre different from a tyre intended to be fitted to any vehicle for normal driving conditions; but intended only for temporary use under restricted driving conditions.

“备用胎”区别于任何车辆普通驾驶条件所用轮胎,为计划用于受限制驾驶条件使用的备用胎。 2.7. \sport competition and not intended for non-competitive on-road use.

“赛车胎”意为专门用于赛车运动竞技轮胎且不用于非竞技路面使用的轮胎。 2.8. \ “普通轮胎”意为普通路面行驶轮胎。

2.9. \ tyre\ or \ load tyre\ of Class C1 means a pneumatic-tyre structure designed to carry more load at a higher inflation pressure than the load carried by the corresponding standard version tyre at the standard inflation pressure as specified in ISO 4000-1:20102 C1胎中的“加强胎”为与根据ISO4000-20102的说明在标准充气压力下的相应标准承载能力相比,在更高的充气压力的情况下可以承载更多的负载的充气轮胎结构。

2.10. \ tyre\ means a tyre in class C2 or C3 bearing the inscription

TRACTION and intended to be fitted primarily to the drive axle(s) of a vehicle to maximize force transmission in various circumstances.


2.11. \ tyre\means a tyre whose tread pattern, tread compound or structure are primarily designed to achieve in snow conditions a performance better than that of a normal tyre with regard to its ability to initiate, maintain or stop vehicle motion.


2.12. %use tyre\means a tyre intended for mixed use both on- and off-road or for other special duty. These tyres are primarily designed to initiate and maintain the vehicle in motion in off-road conditions.


2.13. \off-road tyre\is a special use tyre primarily used for service in severe off-road conditions.


2.14. \“胎面深度”为理论沟槽深度。

2.14.1. \tyre tread, which, in the case of passenger and light truck (commercial) tyres, have the treadwear indicators located in the base.


2.15. \oid to fill ratio\means the ratio between the area of voids in a reference surface and the area of this reference surface calculated from the mould drawing. 无效填充系数为意指在模具图纸中参考表面的空白面积和此参考表面面积比值计算值。

2.16. \ reference test tyre\ (SRTT) means a tyre that is produced, controlled and stored in accordance with the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)

standards E1136-93 (2003) (size P195/75R14). “标准参考测试轮胎”(SRTT)意指按照ASTM(美国测试及材料协会)标准E1136-93(2003)(规格P195/75R14)生产、控制及储存的轮胎。

2.17. Wet Grip measurements - Specific definitions 湿滑测量—定义

2.17.1. \ test vehicle equipped with the candidate tyre in comparison to that of the same test vehicle equipped with a reference tyre (SRTT).


2.17.2. \tyre\means a tyre, representative of the type that is submitted for approval in accordance with this Regulation.


2.17.3. \ tyre\ a normal production tyre that is used to establish the

wet grip performance of tyre sizes unable to be fitted to the same vehicle as the standard reference test tyre - see paragraph of Annex 5 to this Regulation. “控制轮胎”意指一条普通生产的轮胎,用来建立不能像标砖参考测试轮胎一样安装在相同的车辆上的轮胎规格的湿地抓取性能——见本法规附件5中的2.2.2.16

2.17.4. \ grip index (\ means the ratio between the performance of the candidate tyre and the performance of the standard reference test tyre. 湿地抓取系数(G)为候选轮胎与标准参考测试轮胎性能对比。

2.17.5. \vertical load on the tyre prior to wheel lock-up. “最大制动力系数”(pbfc)意指在车轮锁定之前垂直加载在轮胎上的最大制动力比值。

2.17.6. \basis of the measured distance recorded when decelerating a vehicle between two specified speeds. “平均减速度(mfdd)”为当车辆在两个指定速度间减速时,在记录的测量距离的基础上计算平均减速度值。

2.17.7. \ (hitch) height\means the height when measured perpendicularly from the centre of the articulation point of the trailer towing coupling or hitch to the ground, when the towing vehicle and trailer are coupled together. The vehicle and trailer shall be standing on level pavement surface in its test mode complete with the appropriate tyre(s) to be used in the particular test.

“联接(钩挂)高度”意为牵引车辆和拖车联接到一起时由拖车的中心联接点到联接或钩挂到地面的垂直测量距离。车辆和拖车必须在测试状态下安装特定测试所需要的相应轮胎且立于水平路面。2.18. Rolling resistance measurement - Specific definitions 滚动阻力测试方法—定义 2.18.1. Rolling resistance Fr滚动阻力Fr

Loss of energy (or energy consumed) per unit of distance traveled3 行驶过程中单位距离的能量损失(或能量消耗)

2.18.2. Rolling resistance coefficient Cr 滚动阻力系数Cr Ratio of the rolling resistance to the load on the tyre4 滚动阻力与轮胎负载的比值

2.18.3. New test tyre 新测试轮胎

A tyre which has not been previously used in a rolling deflected test that raises its temperature above that generated in rolling resistance tests, and which has not

previously been exposed to a temperature above 40 °C5, 6

. 此前未曾用于使它的温度长处滚动阻力试验所产生温度的滚动试验和未曾暴露于超出40℃温度下的轮胎。

2.18.4. Laboratory Control Tyre 试验控制轮胎

Tyre used by an individual laboratory to control machine behaviour as a function of time

各自试验室用来调控设备的轮胎,比如时间等。 2.18.5. Capped inflation 封闭式充气

Process of inflating the tyre and allowing the inflation pressure to build up, as the tyre is warmed up while running.

给轮胎充气并允许轮胎的气压在运行升温过程中增加的充气方法。 2.18.6. Parasitic loss 附加损失

Loss of energy (or energy consumed) per unit distance excluding internal tyre losses, attributable to aerodynamic loss of the different rotating elements of the test equipment, bearing friction and other sources of systematic loss which may be inherent in the measurement. 除去轮胎内部损失后的单位距离的附加损失(损失消耗),附加损失可认为是由测试设备的转动部件的空气阻力,轴承摩擦力以及与其他与测量方法有关的系统损失。 2.18.7. Skim test reading分离法试验

Type of parasitic loss measurement, in which the tyre is kept rolling without slippage, while reducing the tyre load to a level at which energy loss within the tyre itself is virtually zero. 附加损失测试的一种方法,保证轮胎刚好滚动没有滑动,减少轮胎负载到一定值时轮胎自身的损失为零。

2.18.8. Inertia or Moment of Inertia. 惯量或转动惯量

Ratio of the torque applied to a rotating body to the rotational acceleration of this body8 .施加到一个旋转体的转矩与此旋转体角加速度的比值 3.Application for approval 认证申请

3.1. The application for approval of a type of tyre with regard to this Regulation shall be submitted by the tyre manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative. It shall specify:

根据此法规的轮胎规格认证申请需要由轮胎生产商或者他适当的供热代理人提交。需要指明: 3.1.1. The performance characteristics to be assessed for the tyre type; \

sound emissions level\ \ resistance level\ Tyre \ performance level\ in cases where the category of use is snow; 需要对该轮胎类型进行评估的使用性能;“滚动声音发散级别”或“潮湿路面下抓地性能级别及滚动声音发散级别”或“滚动阻力水平”。当轮胎为雪地胎时轮胎的“雪地性能水平”。 3.1.2. Name of manufacturer; 制造商名称

3.1.3. Name and address of applicant; 申请者的名称及地址

3.1.4. Address(es) of manufacturing plant(s); 制造商生产基地地址

3.1.5. Brand name(s), trade description(s), trade mark(s); 商标,商品说明,商品标记 3.1.6. Tyre class (Class C1, C2 or C3) (see paragraph 2.4. of this Regulation); 轮胎等级(C1 C2 C3轮胎)(见本法规2.4段) Section width range for class C1 tyres (see paragraph 6.1.1. of thisRegulation);


Note: This information is required only for approval with regard to rolling sound emission level.

备注:此信息仅为噪音认证时所要求。 3.1.7. Tyre structure;轮胎结构

3.1.8. For Class C1 tyres, state whether: 对于C1轮胎,标明是否为:

(a) Reinforced (or extra load) in case of approval with regard to rolling sound emission level; 滚动噪音认证时加强胎

(b) Speed category symbol \ or below (excluding \ or \ and above (including \ to adhesion on wet surfaces;


For Class C2 and C3 tyres, state whether: 对于C2及C3轮胎,标明是否为:

(a) M+S marked in case of approval with regard to rolling sound emission level at stage 1;


(b) Traction in case of approval with regard to rolling sound emission level at stage 2.

根据此法规认证噪音第二阶段时是否是牵引胎 3.1.9. Category of use (normal, snow, or special); 用途分类(普通,雪地,特殊使用)

3.1.10. A list of tyre size designations covered by this application. 轮胎规格定义清单都需提供。

3.2. The application for approval shall be accompanied (in triplicate) by: 认证申请应当提供以下信息(一式三份):

3.2.1. Details of the major features, with respect to the effects on the performance (i.e. rolling sound emission level, adhesion on wet surfaces, rolling resistance and snow grip) of the tyres, including the tread pattern, included in the designated range of tyre sizes. This may be by means of descriptions supplemented by technical data, drawings, photographs and Computer Tomography (CT), and must be sufficient to allow the Type Approval Authority or technical service to determine whether any subsequent changes to the major features will adversely affect the tyre performance. The effects of changes to minor details of tyre construction on tyre performances will be evident and determined during checks on conformity of production;



3.2.2. Drawings or photographs of the tyre sidewall, showing the information given in paragraph 3.1.8. above and the approval marking referred to in paragraph 4., shall be submitted once the production has been established, but no later than one year after the date of granting of Type Approval. 一旦产品确定,需提交能够显示3.1.8段信息的胎侧的图纸或者照片及4段提及到的认证标记,但


3.2.3. In the case of applications relating to special use tyres, a copy of the mould drawing of the tread pattern shall be supplied in order to allow verification of the void-to-fill ratio. 如果申请牵扯到特殊使用轮胎,为了能通过填充比例的确认,应提供花纹模具图纸。

3.3. At the request of the Type Approval Authority, the applicant shall submit samples of tyres for test or copies of test reports from the technical services, communicated as given in paragraph 11 of this Regulation. 应认证机构的要求,申请人需提交轮胎样品来测试或者从技术服务部门得到的测试报告复印件,如此法规中11段提及的内容。

3.4. With regard to the application, testing may be confined to a worst case selection, at the discretion of the Type Approval Authority or designated technical service.


3.5. The laboratories and test facilities of a tyre manufacturer may be designated as an approved laboratory and the Type Approval Authority shall have the option of being represented during any tests.


4. Markings 标记

4.1. All tyres constituting the type of tyre shall be marked as prescribed by either Regulation No. 30 or 54, as applicable.

组成轮胎类型的所有轮胎必须依据ECE第30号法规或第54号法规规定显示相应标识。 所有轮胎规格组成的轮胎应当 4.2. In particular tyres shall bear: 特殊轮胎需要标记:

4.2.1. The manufacturer's name or trade mark; 制造商的名称或者商标;

4.2.2. The trade description (see paragraph 2.2.). However, the trade description is not required when it coincides with the trade mark; 商品说明(见2.2段)。但是,商品说明与商品名称一致时可以不用提交。 4.2.3. The tyre size designation; 轮胎规格;

4.2.4. The inscription \ (or alternatively \LOAD\ if the tyre is classified as reinforced;

如果轮胎类型为加强型,烙刻“REINFORCED”(或者也可用“EXTRA LOAD”); 4.2.5. The inscription \ 如果轮胎为牵引型,应烙刻“TRACTION”。

4.2.6. The inscription \ in the case of a tyre designed to ensure in mud and fresh or melting snow a performance better than that of a normal tyre.

如果轮胎设计为比普通轮胎雪地性能要好,那应烙刻\或者 \或者 \

4.2.7. The \ symbol (\ with snowflake\ see Annex 7 Appendix 1) for all categories if the tyre is classified in the category of use \ 如果为雪地胎应烙刻“Alpine”标记(见附件7中1段中“三个雪峰标记”)

4.2.8. The inscription \the category of use \


ET means Extra Tread, ML stands for Mining and Logging, MPT means Multi-Purpose Truck and POR means Professional Off-Road.


4.3. Tyres shall provide adequate space for the approval mark as shown in Annex 2 to this Regulation.


4.4. The approval mark shall be moulded into or onto the sidewall of the tyre, shall be clearly legible and shall be located in the lower area of the tyre on at least one of the sidewalls. 认证号应该雕刻在轮胎胎侧处,认证号应当清晰易读,且应位于轮胎较低位置,至少在一侧胎侧。 4.4.1. However, in the case of tyres identified by the tyre to rim fitment configuration symbol \ the marking may be located anywhere on the outside sidewall of the tyre.


5. Approval认证

5.1. If the representative tyre size of the type of tyre submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraphs 6 and 7. below, approval of that type of tyre shall be granted. 如果代表的轮胎规格按照此法规提交认证时,结果能够满足以下第6及7段的内容,那么认证通过。 5.2. An approval number shall be assigned to the type of tyre approved. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number to another type of tyre.

认证编号是针对于认证的轮胎规格的,相同的缔约方不会发放相同的编号给予不同的轮胎规格。 5.3. Notice of approval or extension of approval or refusal of approval of a type of tyre pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement, which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to the Regulation. 依据本规范出具某一类型轮胎的认证通知、认证延期或认证驳回应通知本协议的缔约方,缔约方以与本规范附录1范例所示的形式应用本法规。

5.3.1. Tyre manufacturers are entitled to submit an application for extension of Type Approval to the requirements of other Regulations relevant to the tyre type. In that case, a copy of the relevant Type Approval communication(s), as issued by the relevant Type Approval Authority, shall be attached to the application for extension of approval. All applications for extension of approval(s) shall only be granted by the Type Approval Authority which issued the original approval for the tyre.

轮胎制造商有资格提交依据轮胎类型的其他法规的要求的类型认证的延期申请。在此种情况下,应提交相关类型认证联系方式依据相关类型认证管理部门发布的,将其附在认证延期的申请上。所有的认证延期的申请只能由发布轮胎认证的类型认证批准机关授予。 When extension of approval is granted to incorporate into the communication form (see Annex 1 to this Regulation) certification(s) of conformity to other Regulations, the approval number on the communication form shall be supplemented by suffix(es) to identify the given Regulation(s) and the technical prescriptions which have been incorporated by the extension of approval. In relation to each given suffix, the specific Type Approval number(s) and the Regulation itself shall be added to paragraph 9. of the communication form.

若认证延期是与其他法规证书共同在联系表格(见本规范附录1)中授予,联系表格中的认证号码后应以后缀的形式补充说明授予依据的法规以及认证延期包括的技术标准。对于每个给出的后缀,具体的类型认证编号以及法规本身均应添加到联系表格的段落9中。 The prefix shall identify the series of amendments of the prescription on tyre performances for the relevant Regulation, e.g. 02S2 to identify the second series of amendments on tyre road rolling sound emissions at stage 2 or 02S1WR1 to identify the second series of amendments on tyre road rolling sound emissions at stage 1, tyre adhesion on wet surfaces and rolling resistance at stage 1 (see paragraph 6.1. for stage 1 and stage 2 definitions). No identification to the series of amendments shall be required if the relevant Regulation is in its original form.


5.3.2. The following suffixes have been already reserved to identify specific Regulations on tyre performance parameters:


S To identify additional conformity to the requirements on tyre rolling sound emissions; S 为轮胎滚动噪音要求的附加一致性;

W To identify additional conformity to the requirements on tyre adhesion on wet surfaces; W 为轮胎湿地表面抓取要求的附加一致性;

R To identify additional conformity to the requirements on tyre rolling resistance. R为轮胎滚动阻力要求的附加一致性。

Taking into account that two stages are defined for rolling sound and rolling resistance specifications in paragraphs 6.1. and 6.3., S and R will be followed either by the suffix \ for compliance to stage 1 or by the suffix \ for compliance to stage 2.


5.4. In the space referred to in paragraph 4.3. and in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4.4. there shall be affixed to every tyre size, conforming to the type of tyre approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:


5.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter \followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval;; and 一个圆圈包围的“E”,其后为授予认证的国家的区别代码;以及

5.4.2. The approval number, which shall be placed close to the circle prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. either above or below the \ to the left or right of that letter. 在5.4.1中规定的圆周上或者下方或者字母E的左方及右方放置认证号。

5.4.3. The suffix(es), and the identification to the relevant series of amendments, if any, as specified in the communication form.


One of the suffixes listed below or any combination of them can be used.

以下列明的任一后缀或者他们的组合将被使用。 S1 Sound level at stage 1 S1 噪音等级第一阶段 S2 Sound level at stage 2 S2 噪音等级第二阶段 W Wet adhesion level W 湿地抓取等级

R1 Rolling resistance level at stage 1 R1 滚动阻力等级第一阶段

R2 Rolling resistance level at stage 2 R2 滚动阻力等级第二阶段

These suffixes shall be placed to the right or below the approval number, if part of the original approval.


If the approval is extended subsequent to Regulation No. 30 or 54 approvals, the addition sign \ and the series of amendment to Regulation No. 117 shall be placed in front of the suffix or any combination of suffixes to denote an extension to the approval.


If the approval is extended subsequent to the original approval under Regulation No. 117, the addition sign \shall be placed between the suffix or any combination of suffixes of the original approval and the suffix or any combination of suffixes added to denote an extension to the approval.


5.4.4. The marking on the tyre sidewalls of suffix(es) to the approval numberremoves the requirement for any additional marking on the tyre of the specific Type Approval number for conformity to the Regulation(s) to which the suffix refers as per paragraph 5.3.2. above.


5.5. If the tyre conforms to Type Approvals under one or more other Regulations annexed to the Agreement in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. need not be repeated. In such a case the additional numbers and symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed adjacent to the symbol prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. above.


5.6. Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval marks. 附件2是针对此法规的认证标记举例。

6. Specifications 标准

6.1. Rolling sound emission limits, as measured by the method described in Annex 3 to this Regulation.


6.1.1. For Class C1 tyres, the rolling sound emission value shall not exceed the values pertinent to the applicable stage given below. These values refer to the nominal section width as given in paragraph of Regulation No. 30: 对于C1等级的轮胎,滚动噪音值不等超出与以下适用阶段有关的值。这些值与法规R30中2.17.1.1段中给出的轮胎名义断面宽有关。

第一阶段 名义断面宽度D/mm D≤145 145<D≤165 165<D≤185 185<D≤215 215<D 限值/dB(A) 72 73 74 75 76 如果是加强型轮胎,以上限制应当增加1dB(A),如果是特殊使用轮胎应当增加2dB(A) 第二阶段 名义断面宽 限值dB(A) D≤185 70 185<D≤245 71 245<D≤275 72 275<D 74 如果是雪地胎或者加强型轮胎或者任意分类的组合以上限值都要加1 dB(A) 6.1.2 For Class C2 tyres, the rolling sound emission value with reference to its category of use (see paragraph 2.1. above) shall not exceed the values pertinent to the applicable stage given below: 对于C2轮胎,关于使用种类的滚动噪音值(见上方的2.1段)不应超出以下所适用的限制: 第一阶段 种类 普通 雪地(*) 专用 *限值只使用于烙刻M+S的轮胎 第二阶段 限值dB(A) 75 77 78

种类 普通 雪地 专用 限值dB(A) 72 73 74 如果是普通及特殊使用的牵引胎应当增加1 dB(A),如果是雪地胎使用的牵引胎,应当增加2 dB(A) 6.1.3. For Class C3 tyres, the rolling sound emission value with reference to its category of use (see paragraph 2.1. above) shall not exceed the values pertinent to the applicable stage given below: 对于C3轮胎,关于使用种类的滚动噪音值(见上方的2.1段)不应超出以下所适用的限制: 第一阶段 种类 普通 雪地(*) 专用 *限值只使用于烙刻M+S的轮胎 第二阶段 种类 普通 雪地 专用 如果是牵引胎,以上限值都增加2 dB(A) 6.2. The wet grip performance will be based on a procedure that compares either peak brake force coefficient (\ or mean fully developed deceleration (\ against values achieved by a standard reference test tyre (SRTT). The relative performance shall be indicated by a wet grip index (G). 潮湿路面抓地性基于对最大制动力系数(“pbfc”)或平均充分开发减速(“mfdd”)与标准测试轮胎(SRTT)得到的数值的比较。相应的性能应以潮湿抓地性指数(G)表示。 6.2.1. For Class C1 tyres, tested in accordance with either procedure given in Annex 5 to this Regulation, the tyre shall meet the following requirements: 对于C1类型的轮胎,依据本规范附录5给出的步骤进行测试,轮胎应符合以下要求: 使用类型 潮湿抓地指数(G) 标明最大许可速度为低于≥0.9 160km/h的速度标记(“Q”或低于负的“H”)的雪地胎 限值dB(A) 73 74 75 限值dB(A) 76 78 79 标明最大许可速度大于160km/h≥1.0 的速度标记(“R”及以上, 一般(公路用)轮胎 ≥1.1 6.3. Rolling resistance coefficient limits, as measured by the method described in Annex 6 to this Regulation. 按照本法规附件6中的测试方法测试的滚动阻力系数限值 6.3.1. The maximum values for stage 1 for the rolling resistance coefficient shall not exceed the following (value in N/kN is equivalent to value in kg/tonne): 第一阶段最大滚动阻力系数不应超出以下值(单位N/KN等于kg/吨) 第一阶段 轮胎等级 最大值(N/KN) C1 12.0 C2 10.5 C3 8.0 对于雪地胎,限值应增加1N/KN 6.3.2. The maximum values for stage 2 for the rolling resistance coefficient shall not exceed the following (value in N/kN is equivalent to value in kg/tonne): 第二阶段最大滚动阻力系数不应超出以下值(单位N/KN等于kg/吨) 第二阶段 轮胎等级 最大值(N/KN) C1 10.5 C2 9.0 C3 6.5 对于雪地胎,限值应增加1N/KN 6.4. In order to be classified in the category of use \requirements based on a test method by which: 轮胎按照以下试验方法测试满足性能要求后才可划分为雪地胎: (a) The mean fully developed deceleration (\ 制动测试中平均充分开发减速(“mfdd”) (b) Or alternatively an average traction force in a traction test; 或者在牵引测试中的平均牵引力 (c) Or alternatively the mean fully developed acceleration in an acceleration test; 或者在加速测试中的平均充分开发减速 of a candidate tyre is compared to that of a standard reference tyre. 候选胎与标准参考轮胎对比 The relative performance shall be indicated by a snow index. 相关性能应当作为雪地指数列明。 6.4.1 Tyre snow performance requirements 轮胎雪地性能要求 Class C1 and C2 tyres C1及C2轮胎 The minimum snow index value, as calculated in the procedure described in Annex 7 and compared with the SRTT shall be as follows: 最小雪地指数值,在附录7中描述计算出,与标准参考测试轮胎对比后应当如下: 轮胎分类 雪地性能指数(雪地上刹车法) 雪地性能指数(旋转牵引法) C1 1.07 1.10 C2 N/A 1.10

6.5. In order to be classified as a \of paragraph 6.5.1. below.


6.5.1. The tyre shall have a tread pattern with minimum two circumferential ribs, each containing a minimum of 30 block-like elements, separated by grooves and/or sipe elements the depth of which has to be minimum of one half of the tread depth. The use of an alternative option of a physical test will only apply at a later stage following a further amendment to the Regulation including a reference to an appropriate test methods and limit values.


6.6. In order to be classified as a \ in which the blocks are larger and more widely spaced than for normal tyres and have the following characteristics:

轮胎胎面花纹块中一种块要比普通胎大,且面积广,且满足以下特性为“特殊使用轮胎” For C1 tyres: a tread depth ≥ 11 mm and void to fill ratio ≥ 35 per cent 对于C1轮胎:胎面深度≥ 11 mm 及无效填充系数≥ 35%

For C2 tyres: a tread depth ≥ 11 mm and void to fill ratio ≥ 35 per cent C2轮胎:: 胎面深度≥ 11 mm 及无效填充系数≥ 35 %

For C3 tyres: a tread depth ≥ 16 mm and void to fill ratio ≥ 35 per cent C3轮胎:胎面深度≥ 16 mm 及无效填充系数≥ 35 %

6.7. In order to be classified as a 'professional off-road tyre', a tyre shall have all of the following characteristics:

轮胎满足以下性能才可划分为专业越野胎 (a) For C1 and C2 tyres:

对于C1及C2胎 i) A tread depth ≥ 11 mm;

胎面深度≥ 11 mm; ii) A void-to-fill ratio ≥ 35 per cent;

无效填充系数≥ 35 % iii) A maximum speed rating of ≤ Q.

最大速度级≤ Q

(b) For C3 tyres:

对于C3轮胎 i) A tread depth ≥ 16 mm;

胎面深度≥ 16 mm ii) A void-to-fill ratio ≥ 35 per cent; iii) 无效填充系数≥ 35 % iv) A maximum speed rating of ≤ K.

最大速度级≤ K

7. Modifications of the type of pneumatic tyre and extension of approval


7.1. Every modification of the type of tyre, which may influence the performance characteristics approved in accordance with this Regulation, shall be notified to the Type Approval Authority which approved the type of tyre. The authority may either:


7.1.1. Consider that the modifications are unlikely to have any appreciable adverse effect on the performance characteristics approved and that the tyre will comply with the requirements of this Regulation; or


7.1.2. Require further samples to be submitted for test or further test reports from the designated technical service.


7.1.3. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the modifications, shall be communicated by the procedure given in paragraph 5.3. of this Regulation to the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.


7.1.4. The Type Approval Authority granting the extension of approval shall assign a series number for such an extension which shall be shown on the communication form.


8. Conformity of production 生产的一致性

The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2) with the following requirements:


8.1. Any tyre approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform to the performance characteristics of the type of tyre approved and satisfy the requirements of paragraph 6. above;


8.2. In order to verify conformity as prescribed in paragraph 8.1. above, a random sample of tyres bearing the approval mark required by this Regulation shall be taken from the series production. The normal frequency of verification of conformity of production shall be at least once every two years; 为核实上文段落8.1中规定的一致性,应从产品系列中随机挑选一条带有本规范需要的认证号码的样品。一般对产品一致性核实的频率应该至少为每两年一次。

8.2.1. In the case of verifications with regard to approvals in accordance with paragraph 6.2., these shall be carried out using the same procedure (see Annex 5 to this Regulation) as that adopted for original approval, and the Type Approval Authority shall satisfy

itself that all tyres falling within an approved type comply with the approval requirement. The assessment shall be based upon the production volume of the tyre type at each manufacturing facility, taking into account the quality management system(s) operated by the manufacturer. Where the test procedure involves testing a number of tyres at the same time, for example a set of four tyres for the purpose of testing wet grip performance in accordance with the standard vehicle procedure given in Annex 5 to this Regulation, then the set shall be considered as being one unit for the purposes of calculating the number of tyres to be tested.

关于依据段落6.2 进行的认证的核实, 应与原始认证采取同样的步骤(见本规范附录5),且类型认证当局应确保所有认证类型包括的轮胎均符合认证需要。此种评估应基于每个生产设施生产的该类型轮胎的数量,同时考虑制造商操作的质量管理体系。如果测试过程同时包括几条轮胎,例如一批四条轮胎依据本规范附录5的标准车辆步骤进行潮湿路面抓地性测试,那么这一批轮胎在计算测试轮胎的数量时应看做是一个单元。

8.3. Production shall be deemed to conform to the requirements of this Regulation if the levels measured comply with the limits prescribed in paragraph 6.1. above, with an additional allowance of + 1 dB(A) for possible mass production variations. 若测试等级满足上文段落6.1的规定,则认为与本规范要求相符,对于大批量生产的情况,可以允许+1dB。

8.4. Production shall be deemed to conform to the requirements of this Regulation if the levels measured comply with the limits prescribed in paragraph 6.3. above, with an additional allowance of + 0.3 N/kN for possible mass production variations. 若测试等级满足上文段落6.3的规定,则认为与本规范要求相符,对于大批量生产的情况,可以允许+ 0.3 N/kN。

9. Penalties for non-conformity of production 生产不一致的处罚

9.1. The approval granted in respect of a type of tyre pursuant to this Regulation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8. above are not complied with, or if any tyre of the type of tyre exceeds the limits given in paragraph 8.3. or 8.4. above. 如果发现没有遵守上文段落8.中的要求,或者该类型中任意轮胎超出了上文段落8.3或者8.4中给出的限制,依据本规范授予的类型认证可以被撤销。

9.2. If a Party to the Agreement, which applies this Regulation, withdraws an approval, it has previously granted, it shall forthwith notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a copy of the approval form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to the Regulation。


10. Production definitely discontinued


If the holder of an approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of pneumatic tyre approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority, which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication that authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation

by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.


11. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests of Type Approval Authority


The Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations Secretariat, the names and addresses of the Technical Services conducting approval tests and of the Type Approval Authority which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or extension of approval or refusal or withdrawal of approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.


12. Transitional provisions


12.1. As from the date of entry into force of the 02 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant ECE approval under this Regulation for a type of tyre if the tyre complies with the requirements of the 02 series of amendments, including the stage 1 or stage 2 rolling sound requirements set out in paragraphs 6.1.1. to 6.1.3., the requirements for wet grip performance set out in paragraph 6.2.1., and the stage 1 or stage 2 rolling resistance requirements set out in paragraph 6.3.1. or 6.3.2


12.2. As from 1 November 2012, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECE approval if the tyre type to be approved does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series of amendments, and shall, in addition, refuse to grant ECE approval if the stage 2 rolling sound requirements set out in paragraphs 6.1.1. to 6.1.3., the requirements for wet grip performance set out in paragraph 6.2.1., and the stage 1 rolling resistance requirements set out in paragraph 6.3.1. are not complied with.


12.3. As from 1 November 2014, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may refuse to allow the sale or entry into service of a tyre which does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series, and which does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series of amendments including the wet grip performance requirements set out in paragraph 6.2.1.


国可以拒绝销售或者使用此种轮胎。 12.4. As from 1 November 2016, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant ECE approval if the tyre type to be approved does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series of amendments including the stage 2 rolling resistance requirements set out in paragraph 6.3.2. 如果认证轮胎不满足6.3.2段中的02系列修正案中滚阻第二阶段的要求,那么自2016年11月1日起,各成员国拒绝ECE的认证。 12.5. As from 1 November 2016, any Contracting Party applying this Regulation may refuse to allow the sale or entry into service of a tyre which does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series, and which does not meet the stage 2 rolling sound requirements set out in paragraphs 6.1.1. to 6.1.3. 如果轮胎不满足本法规02系列修正案中6.1.1至6.1.3段滚动噪音第二阶段的要求,自2016年11月1日起,各成员国可以拒绝销售或者使用此种轮胎。 12.6. As from the dates given below, any Contracting Party applying this Regulation may refuse to allow the sale or entry into service of a tyre which does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series, and which does not meet the stage 1 rolling resistance requirements set out in paragraph 6.3.1.: 自以下给定的日期之后,适用本规范的缔约方应拒绝在本规范范围之内但不满足规范02系列修正案要求的轮胎进行销售或使用,及本法规中6.3.1段中滚动阻力的第一阶段。 轮胎类别 日期 C1,C2 2014.11.1 C3 2016.11.1 12.7. As from the dates given below, any Contracting Party applying this Regulation may refuse to allow the sale or entry into service of a tyre which does not meet the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 02 series, and which does not meet the stage 2 rolling resistance requirements set out in paragraph 6.3.2.:


轮胎类别 日期 C1,C2 2018.11.1 C3 2020.11.1 Annex 1 附录1



(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)) (最大格式:A4 (210 x 297 mm))

签发者: 管理机构名称: ...................................... ......................................



of a type of tyre with regard to \ sound emission level\ and/or \

依据法规R117关于“滚动噪音水平”,“湿地表面抓取性能”及“滚动阻力”的轮胎规格。 Approval No. 认证编号....... ........................................ Extension No.延期编号 ............................... 1. Manufacturer's name and address(es): .........................................................................

制造商的名称及地址: .........................................................................

2. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative: ..............................

如果需要,制造商代理人的名称及地址: ..............................

3. \ ................................................

该类型轮胎的“轮胎等级”及“适用类型”: ................................................

4. Brand(s) name(s) and/or Trade description(s) of the type of tyre: ...............................

该类型轮胎的商标名称及商品说明: ...............................

5. Technical service and, where appropriate, test laboratory approved for purposes of approval or of verification of conformity tests: ........................................

技术服务机构,以及(如果需要)认可的认证或一致性审核的测试实验室: ........................................ 6. Performance(s) approved: sound level at (stage 1/stage 2), wet adhesion level,

rolling resistance level (stage 1/stage 2)

性能认证:噪音水平(第一阶段/第二阶段),湿地抓取水平,滚动阻力水平(第一阶段/第二阶段) 6.1. Sound level of the representative tyre size, see paragraph 2.5. of Regulation No. 117, as

per item 7 of the test report in the appendix to Annex 3: ................ dB(A) at reference speed of 70/80 km/h

代表型号轮胎的噪音水平见法规R117中2.5段,如测试报告中附录3中的第7条款:……………dB(A)在参考速度70/80 km/h

6.2. Wet adhesion level of the representative tyre size, see paragraph 2.5. of Regulation No. 117,

as per item 7. of the test report in the Appendix to Annex 5: ……………………… (G) using the vehicle or trailer method

代表型号轮胎的湿地抓取水平,见法规R117中第2.5段中附录5中的第7条款:……………. (G)使用车辆或者拖车方法。

6.3. Rolling Resistance level of the representative tyre size, see paragraph 2.5. of Regulation

No. 117, as per item 7. of the test report in the appendix to Annex 6.....................................................................................................................


7. Number of report issued by that service: .....................................................................


8. Date of report issued by that service: ...........................................................................


9. Reason(s) of extension (if applicable): .........................................................................


10. Any remarks:.................................................................................................................


11. Place: ............................................................................................................................


12. Date: .............................................................................................................................


13. Signature: .....................................................................................................................


14. Annexed to this communication are: ............................................................................


14.1. A list of documents in the approval file deposited at the Administration services having delivered the approval and which can be obtained upon request 认证的文件清单,存储于管理服务机构,如果需要可进行索取

14.2. A list of tread-pattern designations: Specify for each trademark or brand name and trade description the list of tyre size designations, adding in case of Class C1 tyres the mark \ load\ the speed symbol of snow tyres or in the case of tyres of Classes C2 and C3, the mark \ if so required by paragraph 3.1. of this Regulation.

胎面设计花纹清单:轮胎规格描述清单中需指明每个商标或商标名称以及商品说明,如果是C1轮胎需添加“reforced”(或“extra load”)或者雪地胎的速度符号,如果是C2及C3轮胎,如果本法规中3.1段要求,需添加“traction”

Annex 2 附录2 Appendix 1 附件1

Example of Approval Marks 认证标记举例

Arrangements of Approval Marks 认证标记排布

(See paragraph 5.4. to this Regulation) (见本法规中5.4段) Approval according to Regulation No. 117根据本法规R117认证

Example 1范例1

The above approval mark, affixed to a pneumatic tyre shows that a tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 (marked by S2 (rolling sound at stage 2) only), under approval number 0212345. The first two digits of the approval number (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to the requirements 02 series of amendments of this Regulation.


Example 2范例2

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 (marked by S1 (rolling sound at stage 1) W (wet adhesion), and R1 ( Rolling resistance at stage 1 ) under approval number 0212345. This indicates that the approval is for S1WR1. The first two digits of the approval number (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to the requirements of the 02 series of amendments of this Regulation.



Annex 2 附录2 Appendix 2 附件2

Approval according to Regulation No. 117 coincident with approval to Regulation No. 30 or 541 根据法规R117的认证,与法规30及54认证一致。 Example 1范例1

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 (marked by S2 (rolling sound at stage 2)), under approval number 0212345 and Regulation No. 30, under approval number 0236378. The first two digits of the approval number (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to the 02 series of amendments and Regulation No. 30 included the 02 series of amendments.


Example 2范例2

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 (marked by S2WR2 (rolling sound at stage 2 wet adhesion and rolling resistance at stage 2)), under approval number 0212345 and Regulation No. 30 under approval number 0236378. The first two digits of the approval number (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to the 02 series of amendments and Regulation No. 30 included the 02 series of amendments.


Example 3范例3

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 and the 02 series of amendments under approval number 0212345 (marked by S2), and Regulation No. 54. This indicates that the approval is for rolling sound stage 2 (S2). The first two digits of the Regulation No. 117 approval number (02) in conjunction with \indicate that the first approval was granted in accordance with Regulation No. 117 which included the 02 series of amendments. The first two digits of Regulation No. 54 (00) indicate that this Regulation was in its original form.


Example 4范例4

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 and the 02 series of amendments under approval number 0212345 (marked by S2 R2), and Regulation No. 54. This indicates that the approval is for rolling sound stage 2 (S2) and rolling resistance stage 2. The first two digits of the Regulation No. 117 approval number (02) in conjunction with \indicate that the first approval was granted in accordance with Regulation No. 117 which included the 02 series of amendments. The first two digits of Regulation No. 54 (00) indicate that this Regulation was in its original form.


Annex 2 附录2

Appendix 3 附件3

Extensions to combine approvals issued in accordance with Regulations Nos. 117, 30 or 54 联同法规117,法规30,法规54发行认证的延伸 Example 1范例1

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been initially approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 30 and the 02 series of amendments under approval number 0236378. It is also marked by + 02S1 (rolling sound at stage 1) which indicates that its approval is extended under Regulation No. 117 (02 series of amendments). The first two digits of the approval number (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to Regulation No. 30 (02 series of amendments). The addition (+) sign indicates that the first approval was granted in accordance with Regulation No. 30 and has been extended to include the approval(s) granted according to Regulation No. 117 (02 series of amendments) for rolling sound at stage 1.


Example 2范例2

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been initially approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 30 and the 02 series of amendments

under approval number 0236378. This indicates that the approval is for S1 (rolling sound at stage 1) W (wet adhesion) and R2 (rolling resistance at stage 2). The S1WR2 preceded by (02) indicates that it has had its approval extended under Regulation No. 117 which included the 02 series of amendments. The first two digits of the approvalnumber (02) indicate that the approval was granted according to Regulation No. 30 (02 series of amendments). The addition (+) sign indicates that the first approval was granted in accordance with Regulation No. 30 and has been extended to include Regulation No. 117 approval(s) (02 series of amendments).


Annex 2 附录2 Appendix 4 附件4

Extensions to combine approvals issued in accordance with Regulation No. 117 根据法规117发行认证的延伸 Example 1范例1

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been initially approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 and the 02 series of amendments under approval number 0212345. This indicates that the approval is for W (wet grip). The S2R2 preceded by + indicates that it has had its approval extended under Regulation No. 117 to rolling sound at stage 2 and rolling resistance at stage 2 based on separate certificate(s).


Example 2 范例2

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been initially approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 and the 02 series of amendments under approval number 0212345. This indicates that the approval is for S1 (rolling soundat stage 1) and W (wet grip). The R1 preceded by + indicates that it has had its approval extended under Regulation No. 117 to rolling resistance at stage 1 based on separate certificate(s).


Example 3范例3

The above approval mark shows that the tyre concerned has been initially approved in the Netherlands (E4) pursuant to Regulation No. 117 and the 01 series of amendments under approval number 0167890. This indicates that the approval is for S (rolling sound at stage 1) and W (wet grip). The 02R1 preceded by + indicates that it has had its approval extended under Regulation No. 117 and the 02 series of amendments to rolling resistance at stage 1 based on separate certificate(s).



Coast-by test method for measuring tyre-rolling sound emission 测试轮胎通过噪音的滑行测试方法

0. Introduction 介绍

The presented method contains specifications on measuring instruments, measurement conditions and the measurement method, in order to obtain the sound level of a set of tyres mounted on a test vehicle rolling on a specified road surface. The maximum sound pressure level is to be recorded, when the test vehicle is coasting, by remote-field microphones; the final result for a reference speed is obtained from a linear regression analysis. Such test results cannot be related to tyre rolling sound measured during acceleration under power or deceleration under braking. 为得到安装在测试车辆上的一组轮胎通过接触地面的噪音水平,目前的方法包括测试设备,测试条件及测试方法。当测试车辆通过的时候,利用测试麦克风记录最大的声压水平;在一个参考速度下的最终结果是从一个线性回归的分析方法得到的。这样的测试结果是不能够与在受力加速与刹车减速的噪音测试方法相联系的。

1. Measuring instruments 测试设备 1.1. Acoustic measurements 声学测量

The sound level meter or the equivalent measuring system, including the windscreen recommended by the manufacturer shall meet or exceed the requirements of Type 1 instruments in accordance withIEC 60651:1979/A1:1993, second edition. The measurements shall be made using the frequency weighting A, and the time weighting F. When using a system that includes a periodic monitoring of the A-weighted sound level, a reading should be made at a time interval not greater than 30 ms.

声级计或者等同的测试系统,包括由制造商提供的挡风玻璃都应该符合或者超过根据IEC 60651:1979/A1:1993第二版本第一类型设备的要求。设备应可测量频率A及时间F。使用包括周期监测的A-测量声音级别系统时,读数间隔时间应不大于30毫秒。 1.1.1. Calibration 校准

At the beginning and at the end of every measurement session, the entire measurement system shall be checked by means of a sound calibrator that fulfils the requirements for sound calibrators of at least precision Class 1 according to IEC 60942:1988. Without any further adjustment the difference between the readings of two consecutive checks shall be less than or equal to 0.5 dB. If this value is exceeded, the results of the measurements obtainedafter the previous satisfactory check shall be discarded.

每次测试的开始及结束,整个测试系统都应用声音校准装置检测一遍,这样才可至少满足IEC 60942:1988的声音校准精度1等级的要求。两次连贯的检测读数差异小于或者等于0.5dB可以不进行调整。如果值超出范围,在得到满意结果之前的测试值都应舍弃。 1.1.2. Compliance with requirements 遵守要求

The compliance of the sound calibration device with the requirements of IEC 60942:1988 shall be verified once a year and the compliance of the instrumentation system with the requirements of IEC 60651:1979/A1:1993, second edition shall be verified at least every two years, by a laboratory which is authorized to perform calibrations traceable to the appropriate standards.


1.1.3. Positioning of the microphone 麦克风定位

The microphone (or microphones) shall be located at a distance of 7.5 ±0.05 m from track reference line CC' (Figure 1) and 1.2 ±0.02 m abovethe ground. Its axis of maximum sensitivity shall be horizontal and perpendicular to the path of the vehicle (line CC').

麦克风(一个或多个)必须放置在距离轨道参考线CC’’(图形1)距离7.5±0.05m切地面之上1.2±0.02m的位置。其最大敏感轴心必须水平且垂直于车辆行驶的道路(线CC’’)。 1.2. Speed measurements 速度测量

The vehicle speed shall be measured with instruments with accuracy of ±1 km/h or better when the front end of the vehicle has reached line PP (Figure 1). 当车辆后部达到PP线(图1)的开端时,车辆速度测试设备的精度应为±1 km/h或者更好 1.3. Temperature measurements 温度测量

Measurements of air as well as test surface temperature are mandatory. 空气和测试表面温度的测量是强制性的。

The temperature measuring devices shall be accurate within ±1 °C. 温度测试装置精度应在±1 °C范围之内。 1.3.1. Air temperature 空气温度

The temperature sensor is to be positioned in an unobstructed location close to the microphone in such a way that it is exposed to the airflow and protected from direct solar radiation. The latter may be achieved by any shading screen or similar device. The sensor should be positioned at a height of 1.2 ±0.1 m above the test surface level, to minimize the influence of the test surface thermal radiation at low airflows.

温度感应器应放置在一个没有障碍的位置且靠近麦克风以便将其暴露在气流中且避免阳光直射。后者可以通过任意遮挡屏风或类似设施实现。感应器应定置在测试路面以上1.2±0.1m的高度以金玲降低测试表面低气流的热辐射对其造成的影响。1.3.2. Test surface temperature 测试表面温度 The temperature sensor is to be positioned in a location where the temperature measured is representative of the temperature in the wheel tracks, without interfering with the sound measurement.


If an instrument with a contact temperature sensor is used, heat-conductive paste shall be applied between the surface and the sensor to ensure adequate thermal contact.

如果使用带有接触温度感应器的装置,导热胶应用在表面和感应器之间以确保充分的热接触。 If a radiation thermometer (pyrometer) is used, the height should be chosen to ensure that a measuring spot with a diameter of ≥ 0.1 m is covered. 如果使用辐射温度计(高温计),高度的选择应确保测量点的覆盖直径≥0.1m。 1.4. Wind measurement 风的测量

The device shall be capable of measuring the wind speed with a tolerance of ±1 m/s. The wind shall be measured at microphone height. The wind direction with reference to the driving direction shall be recorded.

此测量风速的设备精度需要在±1 m/s。风速测试时传感器需放置在麦克风的高度。风向需要记录作为驾驶方向的参考。

2. Conditions of measurement 测试条件 2.1. Test site 测试地点

The test site shall consist of a central section surrounded by a substantially flat test area. The measuring section shall be level; the test surface shall be dry and clean for all measurements. The test surface shall not be artificially cooled during or prior the testing.


The test track shall be such that the conditions of a free sound field between the sound source and the microphone are attained to within 1 dB(A). These conditions shall be deemed to be met if there are no large sound reflecting objects, such as fences, rocks, bridges or building within 50 m of the centre of the measuring section. The surface of the test track and the dimensions of the test site shall be in accordance with Annex 4 to this Regulation.


A central part of at least 10 m radius shall be free of powdery snow, tall grass, loose soil, cinders or the like. There shall be no obstacle, which couldaffect the sound field within the vicinity of the microphone and no persons shall stand between the microphone and the sound source. The operator carrying out the measurements and any observers attending the measurements shall position themselves so as not to affect the readings of the measuring instruments.


2.2. Meteorological conditions 气象条件

Measurements shall not be made under poor atmospheric conditions. It shall be ensured that the results are not affected by gusts of wind. Testing shall not be performed if the wind speed at the microphone height exceeds 5 m/s.

在恶劣的环境条件下不应进行测试。且测试结果不应受阵风的影响。如果麦克风高度的风速超过5 m/s就不可以进行测试。

Measurements shall not be made if the air temperature is below 5 °C or above 40 °C or the test surface temperature is below 5 °C or above 50 °C.

如果空气温度低于5℃高于40℃或者测试表面低于5℃高于50℃,那么不应进行测试。 2.3. Ambient noise 环境噪声

2.3.1. The background sound level (including any wind noise) shall be at least 10 dB(A) less than the measured tyre rolling sound emission. A suitable windscreen may be fitted to the microphone provided that account is taken of its effect on the sensitivity and directional characteristics of the microphone.


2.3.2. Any measurement affected by a sound peak which appears to be unrelated to the characteristics of the general sound level of tyres, shall be ignored.


2.4. Test vehicle requirements 测试车辆要求 2.4.1. General 总括

The test vehicle shall be a motor vehicle and be fitted with four single tyres on just two axles. 测试车辆应该为机动车辆,且只有两个轮轴,上面有四个单独的轮胎。 2.4.2. Vehicle load 车辆负载

The vehicle shall be loaded such as to comply with the test tyre loads as specified in paragraph 2.5.2. below.

车辆的负载应该与测试轮胎负载一致,下面2.5.2段会介绍到。 2.4.3. Wheelbase 轴距

The wheelbase between the two axles fitted with the test tyres shall for Class C1 be less than 3.50 m and for Class C2 and Class C3 tyres be less than 5 m.

对于C1胎测试轮胎的两个轴之间的轴距需小于3.5米,C2及C3轮胎需小于5米 2.4.4. Measures to minimize vehicle influence on sound level measurements 降低车辆对于噪音测试影响的测试方法

To ensure that tyre rolling sound is not significantly affected by the test vehicle design the following requirements and recommendations are given.

为确保轮胎的滚动声音受到测试车辆设计的要求不至于太大,给出以下要求和建议: Requirements: 要求

(a) Spray suppression flaps or other extra device to suppress spray shall not be fitted;


(b) Addition or retention of elements in the immediate vicinity of the rims and tyres, which may screen

the emitted sound, is not permitted;


(c) Wheel alignment (toe in, camber and caster) shall be in full accordance with the

vehicle manufacturer's recommendations; 前轮定位(前轮内倾、轮胎与垂直面夹角、脚轮倾距)应与车辆制造商所给出的建议一致; (d) Additional sound absorbing material may not be mounted in the wheel housings or under the



(e) Suspension shall be in such a condition that it does not result in an abnormal

reduction in ground clearance when the vehicle is loaded in accordance with the testing requirement. If available, body level Regulation systems shall be adjusted to give a ground clearance during testing which is normal for unladen condition.

悬浮应在以下条件下进行:车辆加依据测试要求加负荷以后不会导致离地净高的异常减少。如果可以的话,应对主体级别规范系统进行调整以便在测试过程中给出一个离地净高,此离地净高对于负荷状态下来说应该属于正常情况。 Recommendations to avoid parasitic noise: 避免寄生噪音的建议

(a) Removal or modification on the vehicle that may contribute to the background

noise of the vehicle is recommended. Any removals or modifications shall be recorded in the test report;


(b) During testing it should be ascertained that brakes are not poorly released,

causing brake noise;


(c) It should be ascertained that electric cooling fans are not operating;


(d) Windows and sliding roof of the vehicle shall be closed during testing.


2.5. Tyres 轮胎 2.5.1. General 总括

Four identical tyres shall be fitted on the test vehicle. In the case of tyres with a load capacity index in excess of 121 and without any dual fitting indication, two of these tyres of the same type and range shall be fitted to the rear axle of the test vehicle; the front axle shall be fitted with tyres of size suitable for the axle load and planed down to the minimum depth in order to minimize the influence of tyre/road contact noise while maintaining a sufficient level of safety. Winter tyres that in certain Contracting Parties may be equipped with studs intended to enhance friction shall be tested without this equipment. Tyres with special fitting requirements shall be tested in accordance with these requirements (e.g. rotation direction). 将四个相同的轮胎安装到测试车辆上。如果轮胎的负荷能力指数超过121且不包含任何并装说明,两个相同类型和系列的此种轮胎必须安装到测试车辆的后轴;前轴必须安装适合轴负载和计划至最小深度的轮胎以便尽量减少轮胎/路面摩擦噪音的同时保证充分的安全级别。特定缔约方的可以安装双头螺丝以增加摩擦的冬季轮胎在测试时应去除此装置。有特殊装配要求的轮胎应依据这些要求(例如:转动方向)进行测试。轮胎开始试车之前必须保有全部花纹深度。

The tyres shall have full treaddepth before being run-in. Tyres are to be tested on rims permitted by the tyre manufacturer.

测试前轮胎应该有完整的胎面深度。且应该安装在制造商允许的轮辋上。 2.5.2. Tyre loads 轮胎负载

The test load Qt for each tyre on the test vehicle shall be 50 to 90 per cent of the reference load Qr, but the average test load Qt,avr of all tyres shall be 75 ±5 per cent of the reference load Qr.

测试车辆上每条轮胎的测试负载Qt应该为参考负载Qr的50%-90%,但是平均测试负载Qt,avr应该为参考负载Qr的75% ±5%

For all tyres the reference load Qr corresponds to the maximum mass associated with the load capacity index of the tyre. In the case where the load capacity index is constituted by two numbers divided by slash (/), reference shall be made to the first number.

所有轮胎的参考负荷Qr与轮胎负荷能力指数相关的最大负荷一致。如果负荷能力指数由两个被斜杠(/)分开的数字组成,参考数值应依据第一个数字采取。 2.5.3. Tyre inflation pressure 轮胎充气压力

Each tyre fitted on the test vehicle shall have a test pressure Pt not higher than the reference pressure Pr and within the interval:


For Class C2 and Class C3 the reference pressure Pr is the pressure corresponding to the pressure index marked on the sidewall.


For Class C1 the reference pressure is Pr = 250 kPa for \ tyres and 290 kPa for \ 对于C1轮胎,标准轮胎的参考压力Pr为250kpa,加强型轮胎为290kpa;最小测试压力应该为150kpa。 2.5.4. Preparations prior to testing 测试之前的准备工作

The tyres shall be \prior to testing to remove compound nodules or other tyre pattern characteristics resulting from the moulding process. This will normally require the equivalent of about 100 km of normal use on the road.


The tyres fitted to the test vehicle shall rotate in the same direction as when they were run-in.


Prior to testing tyres shall be warmed up by running under test conditions. 测试之前应通过在测试条件下运行使轮胎升温。

3. Method of testing


3.1. General conditions


For all measurements the vehicle shall be driven in a straight line over the measuring section (AA' to BB') in such a way that the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle is as close as possible to the line CC'.


When the front end of the test vehicle has reached the line AA' the vehicle driver shall have put the gear selector on neutral position and switched off the engine. If abnormal noise (e.g. ventilator, self-ignition) is emitted by the test vehicle during the measurement, the test shall be disregarded.


3.2. Nature and number of measurements 测试的本质及次数

The maximum sound level expressed in A-weighted decibels (dB(A)) shall be measured to the first decimal place as the vehicle is coasting between lines AA' and BB' (Figure 1 - front end of the vehicle on line AA', rear end of thevehicle on line BB'). This value will constitute the result of the measurement.

以A-权重分贝(Db(A))为单位表示的最大声音级别在车辆在AA’线和BB’线之间滑行过程中应测量至一位小数点。(数值1- 车辆前头在AA’线,后头在BB’线)。此数值将成为组成整个测量的一部分。

At least four measurements shall be made on each side of the test vehicle at test speeds lower than the reference speed specified in paragraph 4.1. and at least four measurements at test speeds higher than the reference speed. The speeds shall be approximately equally spaced over the speed range specified in paragraph 3.3.


3.3. Test speed range


The test vehicle speeds shall be within the range: 测试车辆的速度应该在以下范围之内

(a) From 70 to 90 km/h for Class C1 and Class C2 tyres;

对于C1C2轮胎,速度应该70至90km/h之间 (b) From 60 to 80 km/h for Class C3 tyres. 对于C3轮胎速度应该在60-80之间

4. Interpretation of results


The measurement shall be invalid if an abnormal discrepancy between the values is recorded (see paragraph 2.3.2. of this annex).


4.1. Determination of test result


Reference speed Vref used to determine the final result will be: 用来决定最终结果的参考速度Vref将是: (a) 80 km/h for Class C1 and Class C2 tyres;

对于C1及C2轮胎为80km/h (b) 70 km/h for Class C3 tyres.


4.2. Regression analysis of rolling sound measurements


The tyre-road rolling sound level LR in dB(A)is determined by a regression analysis according to:



L is the mean value of the rolling sound levels Li, measured in db(A): L是滚动噪音Li的平均值,单位为dB(A)

n is the measurement number (n ≥ 16), n是测试次数,(n ≥ 16),

ν is the mean value of logarithms of speeds Vi: ν是速度Vi的对数的平均值

a is the slope of the regression line in dB(A): a 是线性回归的斜率,单位为dB(A):

4.3. Temperature correction 温度校正

For Class C1 and Class C2 tyres, the final result shall be normalized to a test surface reference temperature ?ref by applying a temperature correction, according to the following:



? = the measured test surface temperature, ? =测试表面的测量温度 ?ref = 20 °C, ?ref = 20 °C,

For Class C1 tyres, the coefficient K is: -0.03 db(A)/°C, when ?>?ref 对于C1轮胎,纠正系数K是:-0.03 db(A)/°C, 当?>?ref and: -0.06 dB(A)/°C when ?

For Class C2 tyres, the coefficient K is -0.02 dB(A)/°C 对于C2轮胎,纠正系数K为-0.02 dB(A)/°C

If the measured test surface temperature does not change more than 5 °C within all measurements necessary for the determination of the sound level of one set of tyres, the temperature correction may be made only on the final reported tyre rolling sound level as indicated above, utilizing the arithmetic mean value of the measured temperatures. Otherwise each measured sound level Li shall be corrected, utilizing the temperature at the time of the sound recording.

如果测量的测试表面温度在所有决定某一系列的轮胎的声音级别所必需的测量中变化不超过5℃,温度改正可以只对最终记录的轮胎滚动声音级别如上所示用所测量数值的算术平均值进行。否则每个测量所得的声音级别Li需利用声音记录当时的温度进行改正。 There will be no temperature correction for Class C3 tyres. 对于C3轮胎没有温度校正

4.4In order to take account of any measuring instrument inaccuracies, the results according to paragraph 4.3. shall be reduced by 1 dB(A).

考虑到任意的测试设备的精度,根据4.3段中的结果应该减小1 dB(A)

4.5. The final result, the temperature corrected tyre rolling sound level LR(?ref) in dB(A), shall be rounded down to the nearest lower whole value.


Figure 1 图1

Microphone positions for the measurement测试时麦克风定位

Annex 3 附录3 Appendix 1 附件1 Test Report 测试报告

Part 1 - Report 第一部分—报告

1. Type Approval authority or Technical Service: ...........................................................


2. Name and address of applicant: ................................................................................... 申请者的名称及地址

3、Test report No.: ............................................................................................................


4 Manufacturer and Brand Name or Trade description: ..................................................


5. Tyre Class (C1, C2 or C3): ..........................................................................................


6. Category of use: ...........................................................................................................


7. Sound level according to paragraphs 4.4. and 4.5. of Annex 3: ....................... dB(A) at reference speed of 70/80 km/h1................................................................................ 在参考速度为70/80km/h时根据附录3中4.4及4.5段中内容的声音水平

8. Comments (if any): ...................................................................................................... 结论(如果需要)

9. Date: ............................................................................................................................. 日期

10. Signature: ..................................................................................................................... 签字

Part 2 - Test data 第二部分—测试数据

1. Date of test: ..................................................................................................................


2. Test vehicle (Make, model, year, modifications, etc.): ................................................ 测试车辆(制造,型号,年份,修改,等等)

2.1. Test vehicle wheelbase: ....................................................................................... mm 测试车辆轴距mm

3 Location of test track: ..................................................................................................


3.1. Date of track certification to ISO 10844:1994: ............................................................

轨道通过ISO 10844:1994认证的日期

3.2. Issued by: .....................................................................................................................


3.3. Method of certification: ...............................................................................................


4 Tyre test details: ...........................................................................................................

测试轮胎细节 4.1. Tyre size designation: .................................................................................................. 轮胎规格描述 4.2. Tyre service description: .............................................................................................. 轮胎使用描述 4.3. Reference inflation pressure: ................................................................................ kPa 参考充气压力kpa 4.4. Test data: ...................................................................................................................... 测试数据 Front left Front right Rear left Rear right 左前 右前 左后 右后 Test mass (kg) 测试负载(kg) Tyre load index (%) 轮胎负荷指数(%) Inflation pressure (cold) (kPa) 充气压力(冷) (kpa) 4.5. Test rim width code: ....................................................................................................


4.6. Temperature measurement sensor type: .......................................................................


5. Valid Test results: ........................................................................................................

有效测试结果 Run Test Direction Sound Sound Air Track Sound Sound CommenNo. Speedof run level left level temp. temp. level left level right ts结论 行驶测试测试方measured right o o temp. temp. 编号 速度 向 dB(A) Measured C C corrected corrected km/h 左侧测dB(A) 空气轨道dB(A) dB(A) 试声音右侧测温度 温度 温度校温度校正级别 试声音正后左后右侧声级别 侧声音音级别 级别 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5.1. Regression line slope: .................................................................................................. 线性回归斜率

5.2. Sound level after temperature correction according to paragraph 4.3. of Annex 3: ......................................................................................................................................dB(A) 根据附录3中4.3段内容进行温度校正后的声音级别,单位为dB(A)

Annex 4 附录4

Specifications for the test site 测试地的规范

1. Introduction 介绍

This annex describes the specifications relating to the physical characteristics and the laying of the test track. These specifications based on a special standarddescribe the required physical characteristics as well as the testmethods for these characteristics. 本附录讲解的是关于测试轨道的分布图及物理特性的规范。这些规范是基于描述所需的物理特性及对于这些物理特性的测试方法的一项特殊法规

2. Required characteristics of the surface 表面特性要求

A surface is considered to conform to this standard provided that the texture and voids content or sound absorption coefficient have been measured and found to fulfil all the requirements of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. below and provided that the design requirements (paragraph 3.2.) have been met.

表面只有在质地和孔隙率或声音吸收系数去人满足下文段落2.1和2.4的所有要求且假设满足设计要求(段落3.2)的情况下才能认为是满足此标准。 2.1. Residual voids content 剩余孔隙率

The residual voids content (VC) of the test track paving mixture shall not exceed 8 per cent. For the measurement procedure, see paragraph 4.1.

测试轨道的铺设混合物的剩余孔隙率(VC)不应超过8%。测试步骤见4.1段。 2.2. Sound absorption coefficient 吸音系数

If the surface fails to comply with the residual voids content requirement, the surface is acceptable only if its sound absorption coefficient α≤ 0.10. For the measurement procedure, see paragraph 4.2. The requirement of paragraphs 2.1. and 2.2. is met also if only sound absorption has been measured and found to be α≤ 0.10.


Note: The most relevant characteristic is the sound absorption, although the residual voids content is more familiar among road constructors. However, sound absorption needs to be measured only if the surface fails to comply with the voids requirement. This is motivated because the latter is connected with relatively large uncertainties in terms of both measurements and relevance and some surfaces thereforeerroneously may be rejected when based only on the voids measurement.


2.3. Texture depth 路表构造深度

The texture depth (TD) measured according to the volumetric method (seeparagraph 4.3. below) shall be: TD ≥ 0.4 mm

根据体积法(见下面的4.3段内容)测量路表构造深度(TD)应当:TD ≥ 0.4 mm 2.4. Homogeneity of the surface 表面均匀性

Every practical effort shall be taken to ensure that the surface is made to be as homogeneous as possible within the test area. This includes the texture and voids content, but it should also be observed that if the rolling process resultsin more effective rolling at some places than others, the texture may be different and unevenness causing bumps may also occur.

尽量采取所有实用的措施以确保测试区域的表面尽量同一。其中包括质地和空隙率,但是同时如果在某一位置的滚动过程结果比其他位置效率要高,则需要进一步观察,表面的质地可能不一样,或者是可能由表面不平导致的凸起。 2.5. Period of testing 检测周期

In order to check whether the surface continues to conform to the texture and voids content or sound absorption requirements stipulated in this standard, periodic testing of the surface shall be done at the following intervals:


(a) For residual voids content (VC) or sound absorption (α): 对剩余孔隙率(VC)或声音吸附(α) When the surface is new当路面是新铺设好的:

If the surface meets the requirements when new, no further periodical testing is required. If it does not meet the requirement when it is new, it may do so later because surfaces tend to become clogged and compacted with time;

如果新路面满足要求,那么就不需要进行周期性检测。如果新路面不满足要求,那它应该过一段时间再进行检测,因为随着时间路面空隙会被堵塞而变得密实。 (b) For texture depth (TD):对于路表构造深度(TD) When the surface is new当路面是新铺设好的:

When the noise testing starts (Note: not before four weeks after laying); 当噪音测试开始时(备注:在铺设后4个周之后) Then every twelve months. 每12个月进行一次。 3. Test surface design 试验路面的设计 3.1. Area 区域

When designing the test track layout it is important to ensure that, as a minimum requirement, the area traversed by the vehicles running through the test strip is covered with the specified test material with suitable margins for safe and practical driving. This will require that the width of the track is at least 3 m and the length of the track extends beyond lines AA and BB by at least 10 m at either end. Figure 1 shows a plan of a suitable test site and indicates the minimum area which shall be machine laid and machine compacted with the specified test surface material. According to Annex 3, paragraph 3.2., measurements have to be made on each side of the vehicle. This can be made either by measuring with two microphone locations (one on each side of the track) and driving in one direction, ormeasuring with a microphone only on one side of the track but driving the

vehicle in two directions. If the latter method is used, then there are no surface requirements on that side of the track where there is no microphone.

设计测试轨道铺设时,保证以下要求十分重要:最低要求为,穿过测试条的车辆横穿的区域由指定的测试材料,留有合适的安全和驾驶的边缘。这要求轨道的宽度至少为3米且轨道的长度延伸至AA线和BB线外每端至少10米。图形1显示的是一个适合测试的区域的计划,同时表明了安放的设备和加入了指定的测试表面材料的设备。依据附录3段落3.2,必须在车辆的每一侧都进行测量。这个可以通过安放两个麦克风位置(轨道一侧一个)测量而向一个方向驾驶实现,也可以通过安放一个麦克风测量而分别向两个方向驾驶实现。如果采用后者的方法,那么在没有麦克风的一侧则不存在表面要求。 Figure 1 图1

Minimum requirements for test surface area. The shaded part is called \ 对于测试表面面积最小要求。阴影部分称为“测试区域”




备注:在此半径范围内不应存在声音发射物体。 3.2. Design and preparation of the surface 路表面的设计及准备

3.2.1. Basic design requirements 基础设计要求

The test surface shall meet four design requirements: 测试表面应该满足以下四点设计要求 It shall be a dense asphaltic concrete. 应当为密集沥青混凝土 The maximum chipping size shall be 8 mm (tolerances allow from 6.3 mm to 10 mm). 最大颗粒尺寸应该为8mm(误差允许为6.3mm至10mm之间) The thickness of the wearing course shall be ≥ 30 mm.磨耗层厚度应该≥30mm The binder shall be a straight penetration grade bitumen without modification. 铺设路面的沥青应该一定针入度级的未改性沥青。 3.2.2. Design guidelines 设计指南

As a guide to the surface constructor, an aggregate grading curve which will give desired characteristics is shown in Figure 2. In addition, Table 1 gives some guidelines in order to obtain the desired texture and durability. The grading curve fits the following formula: P (% passing) = 100 · (d/dmax) 1/2



d = square mesh sieve size, in mm d = 正方形筛孔尺寸,单位是mm

dmax = 8 mm for the mean curve 对于平均曲线为8mm

= 10 mm for the lower tolerance curve 对于公差下限曲线为10mm = 6.3 mm for the upper tolerance curve 对于公差上限曲线为6.3mm Figure 2 图2

Grading curve of the aggregate in the asphaltic mix with tolerances 沥青混合料中石子级配曲线

In addition to the above, the following recommendations are given: 除去以上部分,给出下列要求

(a) The sand fraction (0.063 mm < square mesh sieve size < 2 mm) shall include no more than 55 per

cent natural sand and at least 45 per cent crushed sand;

砂粒级别(0.063 mm <正方形筛孔尺寸< 2 mm)应包括小于55%的天然砂及至少45%的破碎砂。

(b)The base and sub-base shall ensure a good stability and evenness, according to best road construction practice;


(c)The chippings shall be crushed (100 per cent crushed faces) and of a material with a high resistance to crushing;

石子应压碎(100%压碎表面)且使用一种高抗压的材料; (d)The chippings used in the mix shall be washed;


(e) No extra chippings shall be added onto the surface;


(f) The binder hardness expressed as PEN value shall be 40 - 60, 60 - 80 or even 80 - 100 depending on

the climatic conditions of the country. The rule is that as hard a binder as possible shall be used, provided this is consistent with common practice;


(g) The temperature of the mix before rolling shall be chosen so as to achieve by

subsequent rolling the required voids content. In order to increase the probability of satisfying the specifications of paragraphs 2.1. to 2.4. above, the compactness shall

be studied not only by an appropriate choice of mixing temperature, but also by an appropriate number of passings and by the choice of compacting vehicle. 旋转之前混合物的温度应按照能够实现随后滚动所需孔隙率的要求来选择。为了增加满足上文段落2.1至段落2.4的要求的概率,不仅仅需要研究压实的合适的温度选择,同时还应研究适合的经过的适合的次数和压实的车辆的选择。 Table 1 表1 Design guidelines 设计指南 目标值 允差 按混合物按石子质总质量计 量计 石块质量,正方筛孔尺寸(SM)47.6% 50.5% ±5 >2mm 砂质量 0.063<SM<2mm 38.0% 40.2% ±5 填充物质量 SM<0.063mm 8.8% 9.3% ±5 沥青质量(沥青) 5.8% N.A ±0.5 最大石子尺寸 8mm 6.3-10 沥青针入度 (见段落3.2.2(f)) 石料磨光值(PSV) >50 压实度,相对于马歇尔压实度 98% 4. Test method 测试方法 4.1. Measurement of the residual voids content 空隙率的测量 For the purpose of this measurement, cores have to be taken from the track in at least four different positions, which are equally distributed in the test area between lines AA and BB (see Figure 1). In order to avoid in homogeneity and unevenness in the wheel tracks, cores should not be taken in wheel tracks themselves, but close to them. Two cores (minimum) should be taken close tothe wheel tracks and one core (minimum) should be taken approximately midway between the wheel tracks and each microphone location. 为进行此测量,至少应在测试区域AA线和BB线(见图示1)之间取四个等距离分布的不同的位置的中心。为避免在轮轨距之间存在不同质和不均匀,中心不应区在轮距本身上,而应该是靠近它们。两个中心(至少)应取在靠近轮轨距,一个中心(至少)应取在轮轨距和每个麦克风的定置的大约中间位置。 If there is a suspicion that the condition of homogeneity is not met (see paragraph 2.4.), cores shall be taken from more locations within the test area. 如果怀疑均匀性的要求不能满足(见段落2.4),应在测试区中其他地方再取样。

The residual voids content has to be determined for each core, then the average value from all cores shall be calculated and compared with the requirement of paragraph 2.1. In addition, no single core shall have a voids value, which is higher than 10 per cent. 对每个中心确定剩余空隙率,然后计算所有中心的平均值并将其与段落2.1的要求比较。另外,不能有一个中心的孔隙率高出10%。

The test surface constructor is reminded of the problem, which may arise when the test area is heated by pipes or electrical wires and cores shall be taken from this

area. Such installations shall be carefully planned with respect to future core drilling locations. It is recommended to leave a few locations of size approximately 200 mm x 300 mm where there are no wires/pipes or where the latter are located deep enough in order not to be damaged by cores taken from the surface layer.


4.2. Sound absorption coefficient声音吸收系数

The sound absorption coefficient (normal incidence) shall be measured by the impedance tube method using the procedure specified in ISO 10534-1:1996 or ISO 10534-2:1998.

声音吸收系数(垂直入射)应采用阻抗管法依据ISO 10534-1:1996或ISO10534-2:1998列出的步骤进行测量。

Regarding test specimens, the same requirements shall be followed as regarding the residual voids content (see paragraph 4.1.). The sound absorption shall be measured in the range between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and in the range between 800 Hz and 1,600 Hz (at least at the centre frequencies of third octave bands) and the maximum values shall be identified for both of these frequency ranges. Then these values, for all test cores, shall be averaged to constitute the final result. 关于试样,应遵循关于生育孔隙率(见段落4.1)相同的要求。声音吸附应在400Hz到800Hz之间, 800Hz到1600Hz(至少在中心频率在3倍频带)进行测量且这些频率范围之内的最大值都应进行鉴别。然后所有测试中心的这些值应进行平均以组成最终结果。

4.3. Volumetric macro-texture measurement 体积宏观构造测量

For the purpose of this standard, texture depth measurements shall be made on at least 10 positions evenly spaced along the wheel tracks of the test strip and the average value taken to compare with the specified minimum texture depth. See Standard ISO 10844:1994 for description of the procedure.

以此标准为目标,质地深度测量应至少在测试带沿着轮轨距平均分布的10个位置进行测量并取其平均值与制定的最小构造制度进行比较。请见标准ISO 10844:1944的过程描述。

5.Stability in time and maintenance时间和维护的稳定性

5.1. Age influence 时间影响

In common with any other surfaces, it is expected that the tyre rolling sound level measured on the test surface may increase slightly during the first 6-12 months after construction. 与其他所有表面一样,在测试表面测量到的轮胎滚动啥呢隔音级别预计在建造之后的6-12个月会有略微的增加。

The surface will achieve its required characteristics not earlier than four weeks after

construction. The influence of age on the noise from trucks is generally less than that from cars.


The stability over time is determined mainly by the polishing and compaction by vehicles driving on the surface. It shall be periodically checked as stated in paragraph 2.5.


5.2. Maintenance of the surface 路面的维护

Loose debris or dust, which could significantly reduce the effective texture depth shall be removed from the surface. In countries with winter climates, salt is sometimes used for de-icing. Salt may alter the surface temporarily or even permanently in such a way as to increase noise and is therefore not recommended.


5.3. Repaving the test area重铺测试区域

If it is necessary to repave the test track, it is usually unnecessary to repave more than the test strip (of 3 m width in Figure 1) where vehicles are driving, provided the test area outside the strip met the requirement of residual voids content or sound absorption when it was measured. 如果需要重铺测试区域,假设在测试带以外的测试区域仍然满足剩余孔隙率或声音吸附要求,一般不需要重铺比车辆驾驶的测试带(图示1中的3m宽)更多的位置。

6. Documentation of the test surface and of tests performed on it 测试表面和在其上进行的测试的报告

6.1. Documentation of the test surface 检查路面的报告

The following data shall be given in a document describing the test surface: 路面测试报告应包括以下数据。 6.1.1. The location of the test track;


6.1.2. Type of binder, binder hardness, type of aggregate, maximum theoretical density

of the concrete (DR), thickness of the wearing course and grading curve determined from cores from the test track;


6.1.3. Method of compaction (e.g. type of roller, roller mass, number of passes);


6.1.4. Temperature of the mix, temperature of the ambient air and wind speed

during laying of the surface;


