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【全册18份】2015-2016高中英语 外研版必修1同步练习及答案


1.1 课堂作业 Ⅰ.单词拼写

1.I like playing basketball, volleyball and tennis. But my ________ (最喜欢的) sport is football.


2.I like ________ (数学) because I like working out questions about numbers. 答案:maths 3.I think IT (________ (信息) Technology) is important because it can make our life easier and better.


4.I can't recognize your handwriting, so you need to ________ (提高,改善) it. 答案:improve

5.He is a newcomer here. Can you ________ (介绍) him to us all? 答案:introduce

6.He can speak several languages ________ (流利地). 答案:fluently

7.To my ________ (失望), I didn't catch the first train. 答案:disappointment

8.His lecture makes a strong ________ (印象) on all the students. 答案:impression

9.Can you give a ________ (描述) to her work? 答案:description

10.You'd better follow the ________ (说明) on the tin of paint.




1.The child is ________ before strangers. (embarrass) 答案:embarrassed

2.The lecture was so ________ that the students fell asleep. (bore) 答案:boring

3.The visit to Pudong Development Zone left us a strong ________. (impress) 答案:impression

4.To my great ________, it rained the whole day yesterday, so we missed the match. (disappoint)


5.If you have difficulty learning chemistry, come to me for my ________. (assist)



1.Our school often paints the walls ________ the start of the year. 答案:at 2.________ the beginning of the party, Mr White introduced Betty ________ all of us.

答案:At, to

3.In class we often discuss questions ________ groups. 答案:in

4.Please divide this line ________ 20 equal parts. 答案:into

5.He is a shy boy who doesn't like to communicate ________ others ________ English.

答案:with; in Ⅳ.阅读理解


My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headmaster of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young (and he was old), he gave me presents, and seated me on his knees, and told me stories,but I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.

At school, when he walked into a room full of noisy boys, there was silence at once. When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eyes, that boy went red in the face, and looked down at his shoes. If a boy brought him poor, careless work, which was not the best that boy could do, my grandfather picked up the boy's book and threw it across the room, shouting, “Do it all again,and bring it back early in the morning!” If the boy was late,or if he forgot to bring the work,he had to do it again and again, and yet again. My grandfather never forgot.

He was a very different man at school from the man I saw day by day in his own



1.I know my grandfather was kind and gentle, because ________. A. he was the headmaster of a boys' school B. he gave me presents and told me stories C. he told me stories about how kind he was D. he never scolded me

答案与详细分析:B 由文章第一段“he gave me presents,and seated me on his knees,and told me stories”可知答案为B。

2.When he looked at a boy in a certain way, that boy ________. A. went red in the face and could not return my grandfather's look B. looked back at my grandfather's red face C. changed another one

D. went red in the face because his shoes were dirty

答案与详细分析:A 细节考查题。由文章第二段可知,当“爷爷”用某种表情看一个孩子时,这个孩子会脸红,不敢与“爷爷”对视。

3.My grandfather didn't like to receive ________. A. worse work than he could do himself B. work that the boys could not do

C. work that was not as good as the boys could do D. the work that the boys did

答案与详细分析:C 由文章第二段“which was not the best that boy could do”,可得出“爷爷”不喜欢“没有尽力做好”的作业。

4.When he received poor work, my grandfather ________. A. shouted at the boy and threw his work across the room B. went red in face

C. threw the book on the floor, and shouted across the room D. threw the book at the boy

答案与详细分析:A 细节考查题。当收到不好的作业时,“爷爷”会“picked up the boy's book and threw it across the room,shouting...”。

5.He was a different man at home because ________. A. he didn't get angry at school like he did at home B. he was not as gentle as at home

C. he didn't throw books about at school like he did at home D. he didn't usually get angry at home

答案与详细分析:D 通读全文可知,“爷爷”在家“和蔼可亲”,在学校对学生“非常严格”,经常发脾气。


One day in the evening, a sheep was enjoying himself at the mountainside, when a wolf came out all of a sudden and intended to eat him. The sheep jumped away immediately and used his horns to knock back the wolf, crying out loudly to his friends for help.

The horse looked down and saw the wolf, and then he ran away quickly. The donkey stopped and found the wolf, and then slipped away quietly.

The pig passed by and saw the wolf, and then rushed down the mountain right away.

The dog heard the cries and hurried to the mountainside. He jumped out of the bushes and bit the wolf's neck. The wolf felt so painful that he shouted angrily and ran away quickly.


