新概念英语第一册Unit6和Unit7 讲义

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Unit6 Is this your shirt?


whose pron.谁的 blue adj. 蓝色的 perhaps adv. 大概

★whose pron. 谁的


★blue adj. 蓝色的 ① 蓝色的,蔚蓝的 ② 沮丧的,忧郁的

His mood is blue. 他的情绪低落。 He looks a bit blue. 他看上去有点儿忧郁。

★catch v. 抓住 ① v. 接住,拦住

② v. 逮住,捕获 catch a thief

white adj. 白色的

catch v. 抓住

★colour n. 颜色=color(美) what colour is…? 什么颜色? What make is …? 什么车牌?

★come v. 来

come on:快点来;拜托,得了吧;过来 Come on. I’m not 18 years old again. 拜托,得了吧。 go:去,加油

★smart adj. 时髦的,巧妙的 ① 漂亮的,时髦的,巧妙的 You look smart.

② 聪明的,伶俐的,精明的 He is a smart engineer.

③ v. 染上(疾病)

I catch a bad cold. 我得了重感冒


HEACHER: shirt ? HEACHER:Is this your shirt, Dave? DAVE: No. Sir. It's not my shirt.

DAVE: This is my shirt. My shirt's blue. TEACHER: Is this shirt Tim's?

DAVE: Perhaps it is, sir. . HEACHER:Tim! TIM: Yes, sir?

HEACHER:Is this your shirt? TIM: Yes, sir.

HEACHER:Here you are. Catch! TIM: Thank you, sir.

【Useful Expressions】

1.Whose shirt is that?(Whose is that shirt?) 那是谁的衬衫?这是特殊疑问句。


以疑问词 whose 引导的特殊疑问句是用来询问所有关系。

所有者总是一个人而且期望得到的回答是某人的名字加-‘s形式(如 Tim’s),或者是一个所有格代词。(如 mine)。

2. Here you are. 给你。是给对方东西时的习惯用语。

递给对方东西或对方在找某物而你指出该物在什么地方时,往往用这种表达方式。 也可以说:Here it is.(指单数的物)或Here they are.(指复数的物)。 3.非省略形式和省略形式之间的关系。it is not = it isn't = it's not。


1. 所有格形容词和所有格代词:



如:my hat, his coat, her pen, our cases, their passports


如:my hat = mine, your book= yours, his coat = his, her pen = hers, our cases = ours, their passports = theirs

I have my handbag, and she has hers. 我有我的包,她有她的。

2. 名词所有格

定义:表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 ’s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。

名词+ ’s (主要用于有生命的事物)

1、单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加’s构成所有格 例如: Jimmy’s book(吉米的书) Jane’s schoolbag(简的书包) Mark’s room (马克的房间)

Qianqian’s mother (倩倩的妈妈)

Children’s Day(儿童的节日、六一儿童节)

Wuhan’s summer is very hot.(武汉的夏天非常热。) Qianqian ’s math is very good.(倩倩的数学很好。) 2、复数名词以-s结尾的只需要加’ 构成所有格。

例如: Twins’ father is Mr. Brown. (双胞胎的爸爸是布朗先生。)

Girls’ favorite food is ice-cream. (女孩们最喜欢的食物是冰激凌。) 特殊所有格


例如: This is Tom and Jim’s room. 这是汤姆和吉姆共有的房间。

These are Tom’s and Jim’s rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。


Unit7 A new dress


colour n. 颜色 smart adj. 时髦的,巧妙的 green adj. 绿色 hat n. 帽子 come v. 来 same adj. 相同的 upstairs adv. 楼上 lovely adj. 可爱的,秀丽的 【Text】

LOUISE: your new dress? ANNA: ANNA: Come upstairs and see it. LOUISE: Thank you. ANNA: Look! Here it is!

LOUISE: That's a nice dress. It's very smart. ANNA: My hat's new, too. LOUISE: it?

ANNA: It's the same colour. LOUISE: That is a lovely hat! 【Useful Expressions】

What colour is your ____? 对于颜色的提问,意思是: 你的……是什么颜色的?


一、 完成下列句子,用his、her、our或是their填空。 1. Is this Nicola’s coat? No, it isn’t. coat is grey. 2. Are these your pens? No, they aren’ pens are red. 3. Is this Mr. Jackson’s hat? No, it isn’ hat is black.

4. Are these the children’ books are pink. 5. Is this Helen’dog is brown and white. 6. Is this your father’tie is orange. 7. Is that Tim’s shirt? --- Yes, it is. It’s shirt.

8. Is this Emma’s umbrella? --- Yes, it is. It’s umbrella. 9. Is that Steven’s new coat? --- Yes, it is. It’s new coat.

10. Is this my watch? --- Yes, it is. It’s watch. (It isn’t my watch!) 11. Is that your ticket? --- Yes, it is. It’s ticket.


Mr. Brown Mrs. Brown

Tim Brown Sophie Brown

Mr. Brown is a 1 and Mrs. Brown is a . Mr. Brown is Tim and Sophie’sand Mrs. Brown is Tim and Sophie’s 4. Tim is Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s 5. Sophie is Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s 6. Tim is Sophie’s


. 三、 根据答案写出正确的疑问句。

1 ? --- This blue umbrella is my brother’s. 2 ? --- That shirt is Tim’s. 3 ? --- This tie is my brother’s. 4 ? --- That blouse is my sister’s.

四、 模仿例句提问并回答,选用名词所有格形式’s或代词所有格形式his或her。 Example: shirt/ Tim

Whose is this shirt? It’s Tim’s. It’s his shirt. 1 handbag/ Stella

2 umbrella/ Sophie

3 pen/ my daughter

4 dress/ my son

5 suit/ my father


1.复习背诵课文Unit6,熟读Unit7。 2.背诵单词默写单词。


