
更新时间:2024-03-13 06:18:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





There was a little cat. He spent much time eating and sleeping. He ate once (11) ______ day, and then went to bed and slept. When he slept, his snoring (鼾声) sound (12) ______ very loud. He hardly took exercises, (13) ______ he was very heavy. Other (14) ______ (animal) were angry at the cat, (15) ______ they couldn’t sleep well at night.

One day, a big cat (16) ______ (plan) to teach the little cat a lesson. He asked a few animals to help (17) ______ (he). They wanted to catch the little cat and beat (打) him. Because (18) ______ cat never exercised, he was too heavy to move.

When other animals ran after him, he couldn’t run (19) _______ (quick). He knew it’s (20) _________ (importance) to do exercises when he was caught.


Dear Grace,

I arrived in Shenzhen for (16) ______ trip last week. (17)______ weather is fine now. I enjoy (18) ______ (my) here. It is my (19)______ (one) time here, so everything (20)______ (look) fresh (新鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (21) ______ the places were crowded. Yesterday I went shopping and bought something (22) ______ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (23) ______ it didn’t matter. I usually go out and have dinner in a restaurant and it takes me about (24) ______ hour because the food there is fantastic. I took many (25) ______ (photo), so you can see when I come back home. See you! Yours, Linda


Hello, I’m Bruce. I have three good (16) ______ (friend). We are different (17) ______ each other. Jack is thirteen years old. He is one year (18) _______ (old) than me. And he is much taller than any one of us. He is talented for sports. And football is his favorite sport. Tom is as tall as me. He is very (19) ______ (fun) and outgoing. He often (20) ______ (make) us laugh. We both like (21) ______ (read). Henry is one year younger than me. And he is shorter than any of us. (22) ______

he is as heavy as me. He is good at (23) ______ (draw). He likes drawing pictures a lot.

I’m (24) _____ (quiet) than them. But we are all friendly to each other (25) ______ can share everything.


Last week’s talent show (16) _______ really successful. (17) ______ all the performers, Li Ping and Li Hua were the (18) _____ (winner). Li Ping is (19) _____ outgoing and cool boy. At the talent show, he could (20) _____ (play) six balls at the same time very well. He (21) _____ (win) the prize for the most (22) ____ (excited) performance. Li Hua is a girl with curly hair. She is a great magician. She could put knives (刀) into the body of a person. (23)_____ the person wasn’t hurt at all. We were so afraid that some of us shouted (24) ____ (loud). She was the most creative performer although (25)_____ (she) show was the most frightening (令人恐惧的).


Mr Hunt always gets up early in the morning and does morning (16) _____ (exercise). He thinks (17)_____ (him) is healthy and never goes to see (18) ______ doctor.

(19) ______ this week Mr Hunt looks (20) ______ (worry). Because last Friday morning when (21) ______ (walk) near the garden he (22) ______ (sudden) fell to the ground. There (23)_______ nobody around him. So he stood up and went back slowly. He was afraid that something was wrong with him.

This morning Mr Hunt came to the hospital. He (24) ______ (tell) the doctor what happened to him. (25)_______ young doctor looked him over carefully and then said, “I’m so sorry to tell you, Mr Hunt. You must give up coffee if you want to be healthy.”


Dear Grace,

I arrived in Shenzhen for (16) ______ trip last week. (17)______ weather is fine now. I enjoy (18) ______ (my) here. It is my (19)______ (one) time here, so everything (20)______ (look) fresh (新鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (21) ______ the places were crowded. Yesterday I went shopping and bought something (22) ______ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (23) ______ it didn’t matter. I usually go out and have dinner in a restaurant and it takes me about (24) ______ hour because the food there is fantastic. I took many (25) ______ (photo), so you can see when I come back home. See you! Yours Lind


Do you want to travel on your own? Being (16) _____ exchange student is (17) ______ good way. Exchange students can live in a foreign country and learn (18) ______ (it) language and culture. Students go to a high school (19) ______ live with a host family, often for six (20) _____ (month) to a year. These programmes (21) _____ (be) very good for students. They can learn a lot about a (22) ______ (difference) culture. They can also learn to be more independent and (23) ______ (feel) more confident (自信的). Being an exchange student helps you (24) ______ (make) friends with different people. Besides, it can help improve your understanding of (25) ______ world. Exchange students share their own culture with people in the new country as well.


Niu Lang was a cowboy. One day, 5._______ cow told him that he would meet a fairy girl (仙女) and advised him to take 6. _______ girl’s clothes away when she was swimming in the river. Niu Lang 7.______ (do) as the cow told him. In this way, Niu Lang 8._______ (meet) the fairy girl, Zhi Nv. They fell in love and got 9. _______ (marry).

10._______ (luck), Zhi Nv’s grandmother Wang Mu learnt about it and was very angry. She 11. ______ (take) her back and made a river in the sky to separate (分开) them. 12. ______ (final) Wang Mu was deeply moved by their love 13. ______ decided to let them meet 14.______ July 7th every year.


My grandparents (16) ______ (move) to the countryside six years ago. They (17) _____ (live) there for six years. They like the life there because there is fresh air. They loved travelling when they (18) ____ (be) young. So far, they (19) _____ (visit) many countries, such as Japan, France, America and Thailand. In the past, my parents and I often (20) _____ (go) back to the countryside to visit them. But we (21) ____ (not see) them since last year because my parents (22) ____ (busy) with their work and I (23) ____ (work) hard on my studies. My grandmother once (24) _____ (call) us. They have missed us so much. In fact, we have also missed them. So we (25) _____ (decide) to go back this Spring Festival since we received that call. I’m sure we’ll have a happy new year.


“You’ll think twice about plucking your eyebrows (拔眉毛) 16. ______ you find their important

role,” says Greg Foot. They are one of 17. _______ most expressive(有表现力的) parts of our bodies. 18. ______ your eyebrows, you can tell your feelings to other people. 19._______ is that their only purpose (目的)?

Over several thousand 20. _______ (year), we have lost lots of body hair, so it’s strange that hair still 21. _______ (remain) on our brows. Some scientists say that eyebrows mainly work as 22. ______ special form of protection for the eyes. In fact, their job is so 23._______ (importance) that some researchers are sure that if we didn’t have 24. ______ (they), we’d have evolved (进化) some other facial features to 25. ________ (do) the same task.


My name’s Jim Brown. I’ve taught in China (16) _____ 5 years. I don’t like to write letters, (17) _____ I enjoy (18) _____ (get) letters from my family and other people. They always say you have to write letters if you expect to (19) _____ (get) some. But that isn’t (20) _____ (truly). I hardly ever write to anybody. However, I always get lots of mails. I hear from my brother in Germany two or three (21)______ (time) a month, and I get letters regular (定期地) from my sister in Paris and from (22)______ (friend) in Britain and Canada. My cousin Harry (23) _____ (work) in an airline company and travels all around (24) _____ world. He writes to me very often too. A friend of Harry’s writes to me simply (仅仅) (25) ______ he learns that I collect stamps.


It is widely agreed that the brain is one of (6) ______ most important parts of the body. Its main function (功能) is to store (储存) information. This ability is called memory. (7)________ good memory means a lot, (8) ________ how do people have a good memory? First, enough sleep would be very (9) ________ (help). The scientists find out if you are lacking in sleep for a long time, your memory will slow down (10) ________ (quick). Second, try to relax (11)________ (you) regularly (定期地). Think about the happy things, (12) _______ this will keep you away from all the terrible (13) ________ (memory). If they are all gone, you can easily pay attention to your study. At last, the memorizing methods also play (14) _______ important role in memorizing (15) _______ (thing). If you often see a thing, you can keep it in your long-term memory.


There’re many methods to have (6) _______ good memory, such as associating, creating images, developing (7) _______ interest in the subject (8) _______ having a break or rest.

Some people have (9) _______ (good) memory than others (10) _______ they are better at (11) _______ (create) images. When things come to their brain, they will recall swiftly (敏捷地).

(12) ______ addition, building a connection helps people connect one thing with another. A study shows that practice can improve (13) ______ (we) memory. For example, we develop our abilities to solve Maths (14) _______ (problem) by doing a lot of exercises. More importantly, we should (15) ________ (have) a break or rest after learning for a long time because having a rest helps our brains to make new connections.


A magician (魔术师) was working on a ship. The audience (观众) would be (16) _______ (difference) every week, (17) _______ the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was only one problem: (18) ______ parrot saw the shows each week and began to (19) _______ (understand) how the magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting, “Look, it’s not the same hat”, “Look, he is (20) ______ (put) the flowers under the table.” The magician was (21) _____ (anger) but couldn’t do anything. It was, after all, the captain’s parrot. One day the ship had (22) ______ accident and sank. The magician found (23) _______ (he) on a piece of wood in the ocean (24) ______ the parrot. They stared at each other with hate, but did not say a word. This went on for some (25) ______ (day). After a week the parrot said, “OK, I give up. Where’s the boat?”


You may have trouble (6) _____ (learn) a language. Here are a few (7) ______ (idea) to help you learn a language well.

Learning the pronunciation of a language is (8) ______ important part of your language learning. You can learn this (9) ________ listening to the language as much as possible over the radio or on TV.

Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many (10) ________ (year). Learning words from the context (上下文) in writing and speaking materials is probably the best way (11) _______ (do) this.

Learning the grammar of a language can make you understand (12) _____ sentences are constructed (构成). And then you can construct your own sentences. (13) ______ best ways to learn grammar well (14) _______ (be) to take notes and (15) ________ (remember) some

important sentences.


Sometimes we have problems about learning English, so (8) ____ should we learn English? I have some advice for (9) _______ (your). First of all, we must learn how (10) _____ (memorize) new words. For example, we can learn it by (11) _____ (make) flashcards (抽认卡) and word lists. (12) _______ then, we can learn English by joining the English Club. The best way to learn English is to (13) _____ (have) great English conversations. When we have (14) _____ (problem), we can solve them by asking teachers for help. Listening (15) _______ tapes is also a good way to practise our (16) _____ (speak) skills. Well, that’s all my advice for you. I (17) _____ (hope) you can make great progress.


As an international student, applying to study in the USA needs to make a plan and do lots of (16) ____ (work). You may have some problems and (17) ____ (need) some help to apply to study in the USA. We have (18) _____ (make) it easier for you to succeed by (19) ____ (put) together a free database (数据库) of articles and stories (20) ____ international students, the US educational system (系统) (21) _____ much more.

Here (22) _____ (be) our 12 most popular articles, including How to Get a Student Visa, Transferring to a US University, Applying to a US University and Learning English. (23) ____ you don’t need them you can also find other (24) ____ (use) articles here. We are trying (25) ____ (help) you succeed in studying in the USA.


I like music very much. (16) _____ I was young, I studied music at university. I (17) ____ (choose)

to study in Vienna, Austria because of its musical culture. Vienna is a city (18) ____ a long history and it is also a place where many great musicians have (19) ____ (live).

By (20) ________ (study) there for about one term, I was able to (21) _______ (understand) music on a high level. I took part in some of the most famous teachers’ (22) ____ (class) to learn from them and the teachers all taught me (23) _______ (patient).I toured around many places of interest in Austria when I was free. There I learnt different culture and experienced different lifestyles.

All in all, studying abroad is (24) ______ wonderful cultural experience for me, so I will never forget it. Now I know that my college experience is perfect. I have learnt so much about (25) ________ (I): who I am and what I should pay attention to.


When I’m growing up, I don’t hear the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never says them (16) ____ you when you are a child, it’ll get harder and harder for him to say those words as he gets (17) _____ (old). I can’t remember when I last (18) ____ (say) those words to him either. I decided (19) ____ (make) the first move. In the next phone conversation I Said, “Dad … I love you!”

There was a silence(沉默)at the other end and Dad was (20) ______ (surprise) to answer, “Well, the same back to you!”

“Dad, I know you love me; you will say what you want to say,” I cried.

Fifteen (21) ____ (minute) later my mother called and nervously asked, “Paul, (22) ____ (be) everything OK?”

A few weeks later, on the phone my father said, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work (23) ____ the tears were running in my eyes as I (24) _____ (final) “heard” the love. As we both sat there in tears we knew that this special moment took our relationship to (25) _____ new way. Both of us were glad to see that.


1. 11. a 12. was 13. so 14. animals 15. because 16. planned 17. him 18. the 19. quickly 20. important


16. friends 17. from 18. older 19. funny 20. makes 21. reading 22. But 23. drawing 24. quieter 25. and

3. 16. interesting 17.a 18. groups 19. thought 20. really 21. boring 22. are 23. But 24. What 25. When

4. 16. exercises 17. he 18. a 19. But 20. worried 21. walking 22. suddenly 23. was 24. told 25. The

5. 16. a 17. The 18. myself 19. first 20. looks 21. of 22. interesting 23. but 24. an 25. photos

6. 16. an 17. a 18. its 19. and 20. months 21. are 22. different 23. feel 24. make 25. the

7. 5. a 6. the 7. did 8. met 9. married 10. Unluckily 11. took 12. Finally 13. and 14. on

8. 16. moved 17. have lived 18. were 19. have visited 20. went 21. haven’t seen

22. have been busy 23. have worked 24. called 25. have decided

9. 16. when 17. the 18. With 19. But 20. years 21. remains 22. a 23. important 24. them 25. Do

10. 16. for 17. but 18. getting 19. get 20. true 21. times 22. friends 23. works 24. the 25. because

11. 6. the 7. A 8. but 9. helpful 10. quickly 11 . yourself 12. and 13. memories 14. an 15. things

12. 6. a 7. an 8. and 9. better 10. because 11 . creating 12. In 13. our 14. problems 15. Have

13. 16. different 17. so 18. A 19. understand 20. putting 21. angry 22. an 23. himself 24. with 25. Days

14. 6. learning 7. ideas 8. an 9. by 10. years 11. to do 12. how 13. The 14. are 15. to remember

15. 8. how 9. you 10. to memorize 11 . making 12. And 13. have 14. problems 15. to 16. speaking 17. Hope

16. 16. work 17. need 18. made 19. putting 20. about 21. and 22. are 23. If 24. useful 25. to help

17. 16. When 17. chose 18. with 19. lived 20. studying 21. understand 22. classes 23. patiently 24. a 25. myself

18. 16. to 17. older 18. said 19. to make 20. surprised 21. minutes 22. is 23. and 24. finally 25. a

