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材料力学期中测验 --杆件受力的有限元计算
文件格式要求: 1、题号、划分的网格、(至少两种)应力、应变的云图。
以下问题以ansys10.0 ED 为标准
问题 1 分布载荷作用下的悬臂梁应力计算
分析模型如图1-1 所示, 梁的横截面为矩形 宽х高 = 1х2 m2. 受到分布载荷作用。材料的弹性模量200GPa, 泊松比0.3。习题文件名: Cantilever beam。
注意:用实体单元离散,长度单位m, 力的单位 N,对应应力单位 Pa,按照平面应力处理。
qA=10KN/m A qB=0
B L=10m 图1-1 悬臂梁的的计算分析模型 1.1 进入ANSYS
程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 → input Initial jobname: Cantilever beam→OK 1.2设置计算类型
Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 1.3选择单元类型
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 182 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options →select K1: Reduced integration → K3: Plane Stress →OK→Close (the Element Type window) 1.4定义材料参数
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200e9,PRXY:0.3→ OK 1.5生成几何模型 生成特征点
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Key points →In Active CS →依次输入四个点的坐标(每次输入后按Apply,最后按OK):input:1(0,0,0), 2(10,0,0), 3(10,2,0), 4(0,2,0) →OK 生成面
Main Menu: Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Areas → Arbitrary → Through KPS →依次连接四个特征点,1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → OK 注意:上面两步也可简化为:
Main Menu: Preprocessor → Modeling → Create →Areas → Rectangle → By two corners → WP X, WP Y均输入0, Width 输入10, Height输入2 → OK 1.6 网格划分
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set → 拾取长边: OK→input NDIV: 50→Apply→ 拾取短边: →input NDIV: 10 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped
→Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window) 1.7 模型施加约束 给左边施加固定约束
Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On lines → 选左边线 →OK →select 第一行: ALL DOF → 第四行 VALUE 选 0: → OK 给梁的上边施加线性分布载荷
ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Parameters →Functions →Define/Edit →
1) 在下方的下拉列表框(第三行)内选择X作为设置的变量; 2) 在Result窗口中出现{X},写入所施加的载荷函数(力的单位:N):10000-1000*{X}; 3) File → Save 输入my_q(文件扩展名:func) → 返回:Parameters → Functions → Read from file:将需要的my_q.func文件打开,任给一个参数名qq, Local coordinate system id for (x,y,z) 栏选0→OK
Utility menu → plotctrls → Symbols → Show pres and
convect as 表框内的Face outline下拉改为 arrows
Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural → Pressure → On Lines →拾取梁的上层线 → OK → 在下拉列表框中选择:Existing table →Apply →选择需要的载荷参数名qq→OK
solution→load step opts→write LSFile输入文件名(注意:显示的载荷箭头应当沿着长度有长短不同) 1.8 分析计算
Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK (to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK 1.9 结果显示
Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape? → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu?→ select: Stress → X Component of stress → OK 1.10 退出系统
ANSYS Utility Menu: File → Exit→ Save Everything → OK
问题 2表面效应单元模拟一螺栓扭转问题
问题描述:表面效应单元:类似一层皮肤,覆盖在实体单元的表面。它利用实体表面的节点形成单元。因此,表面效应单元不增加节点数量(孤立节点除外),只增加单元数量。用ANSYS对螺栓模型施加扭转荷载,求解并在后处理器中观察整体柱坐标系下的UY。载荷和边界条件:沿螺栓上端的扭矩Mt等效为切向等效切应力:q=10MPa,底部固定 (UX=UY=UZ=0)。设:螺栓直径d=100mm,螺栓长度L=200mm,螺帽直径D=160mm,螺帽高度H=30mm。材料应力—应变关系为线弹性模型,弹性模量E?200GPa,泊松比??0.3。
2.1 进入ANSYS
ANSYSED 10.0 →input Initial jobname: bolt_torque →OK 2.2设置计算类型
Main Menu: Preferences? →select Structural → OK 2.3选择单元类型
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type →Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Brick 8node 45 → Apply→ select Surface Effect →3D structural 154 OK (back to Element Types window) → Close
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:200E3, PRXY:0.3 → OK
生成带帽螺栓,用Sweep 方法,分别生成中空圆环状的螺帽(R=80mm, r=50mm, H=30mm)和圆柱状的螺栓(r=50mm,L=200mm),然后用布尔命令Glue,将两体结合.
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create
→Volumes →Cylinder →By Dimensions在弹出的对话框中输入Outer radius 50,
Z-coordinates0 200 →Apply
在对话框中输入螺帽的尺寸。Outer radius 50,Optional inner radius 80, Z-coordinates 0 30. →OK
生成图形之后点击ansys截面右上角的蓝色立方体按键(Isometric view) Utility Menu →workplane →offset WP by Increments,
在弹出的对话框中XY,YZ,ZX一栏中填入0,-90,0 →OK Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Operate →Booleans →Divide →Volu by WrkPlane →Pick All →点击蓝色立方体(Isometric view)
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Operate →Booleans →Glue →Volumes →Pick All
2.6 网格划分
Main Menu: Preprocessor → Meshing → MeshTool 在弹出的MeshTool对话框中,并在SizeControls一栏中的Lines组里点击set按键。
用鼠标选中所有圆的轮廓线,如图。(如果选错可以点击鼠标左键取消)选好之后在左边的Element Size on lines 的对话框中点击Apply。会弹出Element Sizes on Picked Lines 对话框。在NDIV栏里填入5 →Apply. 同样做法,选AB段→NDIV:5.选BC,CD段→NDIV:2. →OK
Main Menu: Preprocessor → Meshing → MeshTool 在对话框第4栏Shape组中选中Hex 和Sweep选项。选中后点击Sweep按钮。弹出的对话框选择Pick All。
2.7 选择螺栓帽的侧表面, 然后选择与面相关的节点:
Utility Menu → Select → Entities → Areas → From Full:用鼠标选取螺栓帽的侧表 OK Utility Menu → Plot → Areas
Utility Menu →Select →Entities →Nodes →Attached →Areas All →Select All → OK Utility Menu → Plot → Nodes
2.8 设置单元类型指针指向2 (SURF154),并建立表面效应单元: Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements → Elem Attributes → Element type Num → 指向2: SURF154 →OK Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Create → Elements → Surf /Contact→Surf Effect→Generl Surface→No extra Node - Pick All
2.9 选择所有第2类单元,打开单元坐标显示并画出它们: Utility Menu →Select →Entities →Elements →By Attributes→ Element Type Num →2 →OK
Utility Menu → PlotCtrls → Symbols → Surface load Symbols →Tan-X Pressure → OK
Utility Menu → Plot → Elements
2.10 在总体坐标原点建立11号局部柱坐标系:
Utility Menu → WorkPlane → Local Coordinate Systems →
Create Local CS → At Specified Loc + →在对话框中填入(0,0,0)→OK →OK 2.11 把SURF154单元的单元坐标(ESYS)改变为11 :
Main Menu → Preprocessor → Modeling → Move / Modify → Elements → Modify Attrib - 改变为11
Utility Menu → Plot → Elements 2.12 建立名为 “e_surf”的所有第2类单元的组件: Utility
→Select →Create
Component →建立e_surf所有第2类单元的组件→ ok 2.13 关闭单元坐标系:
Utility Menu → PlotCtrls → Symbols → CS → OFF 2.14 在 SURF154 单元上施加10MPa切向力(沿单元 X 方向) :
Main Menu → Preprocessor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Pressure → On Element → Pick all (Pick e_surf) 2.15 把 “切向X压力”符号改为箭头 Utility Menu → PlotCtrls → Symbols → Show pre and convect as → Arrow → OK 2.16 选择 everything 并画出单元: Utility Menu → Select → Everything Utility Menu → Plot → Elements 2.17 Z=0):
Main Menu → Preprocessor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement
→ On Areas选择螺栓的底面,→OK→All DOF,在displacement栏中填入数值0→OK 2.18 使用求解器求解:
Main Menu → Solution → Solve → Current LS
2.19 进入通用后处理器,把结果坐标系转换为柱坐标,然后打开单元轮廓线绘等值线图: von Mises stress图
Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results → Contour Plot →Nodal Solu→ select: Stress →von Mises stress→OK
Utility Menu → PlotCtrls → Style → Edge Options ... Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results → Contour Plot →Nodal Solu→ select: Stress
2.20 在轴的二分之一长度取横截面,画等效应力von Mises stress,显示剖面结果 先平移工作平面 (沿z轴平移50mm)
Utility Menu→WorkPlane→ offset WP by Increments:X,Y, Z offsets 输入0,0,50点击Apply
Utility menu → plotctrls → style → hidden line options → type Fo plot:capped hidden → cutting plane workplane is →Working Plane →OK 2.21退出。
问题 3 悬臂“工”字梁的屈曲建模计算 计算模型如下图:
基本参数:集中力F=106N杨氏弹性模量E=2.0e5MPa,泊松比v=0.2,梁长度为2.5 m。 横截面积尺寸见下表:
宽度B 150 3.1 进入ANSYS
程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: I-BEAM→OK 3.2设置计算类型
Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 3.3选择单元类型
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Beam 3 node 189 →OK(back to Element Types window) →Close (the Element Type window) 3.4定义材料参数
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.0e11, PRXY:0.2 → OK 3.5定义截面
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Sections →Beam →Common Sections →在Sub-Type中选择“工”型截面 →定义截面:w1=0.15,w2=0.15,w3=0.25,t1=0.015,t2=0.015,t3=0.015 →截面网格疏密程度Coarse-Fine滚动条选择2 → Apply → Preview(观察截面形状) → Meshview(显示截面的网格) →OK 3.6生成几何模型 生成特征点
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入三个点的坐标:input:1(0,0,0),2(2.5,0,0),3(1.25,1,0) →OK
高度H 250 腹板厚t1 15 翼缘厚t2 15 生成梁
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →Lines →Straight Lines →连接两个特征点,1(0,0,0), 2(2.5,0,0) →OK 3.7 网格划分
Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Attributes →Picked lines →拾取:直线 →OK →Pick Orientation Keypoint(s):YES→OK→拾取:3#特征点(1.25,1,0) →OK→Mesh Tool → (Size Controls) lines: Set →Pick All(in Picking Menu) →input NDIV:10 →OK (back to Mesh Tool window) → Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close (the Mesh Tool window) 3.8 显示梁体
ANSYS命令菜单栏:PlotCtrls →Pan Zoom Rotate →Iso →Close
ANSYS命令菜单栏:PlotCtrls →Style →Size and Shape →[/ESHAPE] →On →OK 3.9 模型施加约束 给特征点1施加约束
Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Keypoints →拾取1 keypoint →OK →select All DOF → OK 给自由端施加集中力
Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Force/Moment → On Keypoints →拾取 2 keypoint →Lab:FX,VALI:-1e6 →OK
3.10 特征值屈曲分析与结果显示 / 静力分析
Main Menu: Solution →Unabridged Menu(打开完整菜单,back to Main Menu) →Solution →Analysis Type → Sol’n Controls → Calculate Prestress effects打钩 →OK Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
Main Menu: Finish(暂时退出求解器) 特征值屈曲分析与屈曲模态扩展
Main Menu: Solution →Analysis Type →New Analysis →Eigen Buckling →OK(back to Analysis Type) →Analysis Options →Method: Block Lanczos,NMODE: 6 →OK(back to Solution) →Load Step Opts →Expansion Pass →Single Expand →Expand Modes →NMODE:6 ,Calculate Elem results: Yes →OK(back to Solution) →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
Main Menu: Finish(暂时退出求解器) 3.11 观察特征值屈曲分析结果
读入文件 Main Menu: General Postproc →Read Results →First Set 观察屈曲模态 Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape → select Def+undef edge →OK
3.12 依次读入个载荷步的结果,采用同样的方式来观察其他的五阶屈曲模态。退出系统。
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