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安全, 编码规范 文档类别: 开发技术文档 文件名: 编码安全规范.doc 版本



日期 2007-02-19 2007-2-28 2007-3-8 2007-3-12 作者 wolfliu applelin Tony, Coolcyang applelin stevezheng Dum applelin 版本号 V0.1 V0.2 V0.3 V0.4 V0.5 V0.6 备注 分割了一下原来的V0.2的文档,抽出一个单列的格式,以便后续修改。 根据新的格式整理并补充 补充示例

第一篇 防止堆栈溢出类漏洞 ..................................................................................................4 1.1对任何用户输入数据必须首先校验其长度,避免由于长度越界引起的缓冲区溢出。 ..........4 1.2C++和MFC程序字符串处理,选择现有的处理类库,禁止自己编写类库。.....................4 1.3编码中禁止使用危险函数。 ..............................................................................................4 1.4Unicode和ANSI缓冲区大小不匹配问题,必须注意大小计算的单位。...............................5 1.5不将用户输入串拼接到任何格式字符串内。避免字符格式化漏洞。 ...................................6 1.6多个字符串存储在一个数据区时,尽量不依靠分隔符区分边界。用户数据需要转义后传输,存储。 ...................................................................................................................................7 1.7 C\\C++中数组大小应该是sizeof(pArray)/sizof(pArray[0]) .....................................................7 1.8其他可能出现缓冲区溢出的函数 .......................................................................................7 第二篇 防止SQL恶意构造性漏洞 .........................................................................................8 2.1 防止SQL恶意构造漏洞。 不直接使用外部输入的数字、字符串拼接SQL语句。 ..........8 2.2 web编程对于用户的任何输入必须做关键字过滤.............................................................9 第三篇 防止目录,文件名恶意构造性漏洞 .............................................................................9 3.1必须:禁止使用外部输入字串作为下列函数的参数的一部分, 确保用户不能欺骗系统从而执行任意命令。如果必须传递参数,从数据库、文件、管道、套接字等IPC通信方式传递。 .....9 3.4验证所有可能的数据,甚至包括数据库中的数据,本地文件。 ........................................ 10 3.5不将用户输入串直接加入html文件、js脚本、xml文件、配置文件、模板文件。............ 10 3.6 避免使用有安全风险的windows API。 ........................................................................... 10 第四篇 防止内存堆溢出漏洞 .............................................................................................. 11 4.1分配内存,要判断返回值。 ............................................................................................ 11 4.2内存操作,特别是内存拷贝,必须检查长度是否超出分配内存的大小 ............................. 11 4.3对于无效指针,一定要置NULL,同时数组不要保存无效指针 ........................................ 12 4.4时刻注意表达式是否会上溢、下溢 .................................................................................. 13 4.5过程/函数中分配的资源(包括内存、文件等),在过程/函数退出之前要释放。 ............... 13 4.6 MFC中使用CArray删除数据,需要倒后遍历. ................................................................ 13 第五篇 其他一些注意事项.................................................................................................. 14 5.1检查所有与安全相关的函数的返回值 .............................................................................. 14 5.2调用可能被预测的函数前,引入随机量 ........................................................................... 14 5.3 在代码中添加安全性注释 ............................................................................................... 15


摘 要:

为了提高公司软件安全质量,公司对安全编程作出统一的规范约束。 本规范由安全中心负责维护更新。

本规范是一个最初级的基本规范。所有的开发者均应熟练掌握。 本规范的示例多以C\\C++为背景。


必须:强制必须遵守的原则。 建议:可以加以考虑的原则。 禁止:必须加以避免的原则。


本规范从属于编码层面,不包含应用安全架构设计,不包含应用安全部署以及应用安全运营等方面的内容。开发者除了本规范以外,还必须熟悉 App设计方面的安全规范,协议接口设计规范,熟悉部署层面安全规范,以及熟悉运营层面的安全规范。


(1) 防止堆栈溢出类漏洞

(*) 防止缓冲区溢出漏洞

(2) 防止恶意SQL构造性漏洞

(3) 防止文件名,路径恶意构造漏洞

(4) 防止内存堆溢出类漏洞,防止进程Core Dump 的漏洞

第一篇 防止堆栈溢出类漏洞


字符串长度计算。尽量使用单独保存的长度变量或read等输入函数返回的长度来计算字符串,不能完全相信strlen()。 示例:

main(int argc, char *argv[]){

char buff[128]={0} ;

strcpy(buff,argv[1])//可能溢出 }


建议:使用MFC 的Cstring 类、ATL 的CComBSTR 类 或者STL 的string 类等等。



禁止使用 strcpy, wcscpy, lstrcpy, strcpy, _tcscpy, _ftcscpy,_mbscpy 替换函数 strncpy,wcsncpy, lstrcpyn,_tcsncpy, _ftcsncpy,_mbsncpy strncat strcat, wcscat, lstrcat, strcat, _tcscat, _ftcscat,_mbscat vsprintf, vswprintf, wvsprintf, _vsnprintf, _vsnwprintf, wvnsprintf, _vstprintf _vsntprintf sprintf, swprintf, wsprintf, _snprintf, _snwprintf, wnsprintf, _stprintf _sntprintf gets, _getws, _getts fgetws fgets 可以使用安全中心提供危险函数扫描工具:soc.itil.com\\tcodescan\\index.html


对于Windows Client Side 的代码, 建议使用microsoft SDK中的strsafe.h提供的字符串安全函数 ,使用手册可以参考:



Windows系列操作系统中,一般同时支持,但 Unicode函数按宽字符(2个字节)计算大小,而不是按单字符(1个字节)计算大小。 示例:

BOOL GetName(char *szName) {

WCHAR wszUserName [256 ]; //将ANSI名称转换到Unicode. MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0, szName, -1, wszUserName, sizeof(wszUserName)); }



MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0, szName, -1, wszUserName, sizeof(wszUserName)/sizeof(wszUserName [0 ]));

可能出现问题的函数还有: MultiWideToByteChar



scanf(), fscanf(), sscanf(), vscanf(), vsscanf(), vfscanf(), printf(), fprintf(), sprintf(), vprintf(), vfprintf(), vsprintf(), syslog(), vsyslog(), err(), errx(), warn(), warnx(), verr(), verrx(), vwarn(), vwarnx(),

setproctitle() (BSD系统与某些linux系统)



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

char buffer[512]=\


printf(buffer); //非安全编程实践:格式控制串由外部提供, 输入 //%.622496x%.622496x%n类似的东西就会发生格式化漏洞

return 0; }


printf(\个数不匹配 sprintf(buff,fmt,ap);//当fmt为用户输入时


建议:在数据设计的时候,避免使用 | / \\ $ , ; : — + !\\0等符号做多个字符串分隔符,目前较为安全可靠的办法是通过字符串长度来决定字符串的边界。

示例: char string[] = \input:A string\\tof ,,tokens\\nand some more tokens\

char seps[] = \这些分割符是不可靠的 char *token;

void main( void ) {

printf( \

/* Establish string and get the first token: */ token = strtok( string, seps ); while( token != NULL ) {

/* While there are tokens in \ printf( \ /* Get next token: */

token = strtok( NULL, seps ); } }

1.7 C\\C++中数组大小应该是sizeof(pArray)/sizof(pArray[0])


int pArray[10];

//数组大小应该是sizeof(pArray)/sizeof (pArray[0]),以下访问


for( int i=0; i


realpath() getopt() getpass() streadd() strecpy() strtrns() getwd()


int main (int argc, char **argv) {

int oc; char *b_opt_arg;

while((oc = getopt(argc, argv, \ {

switch(oc) {

case 'n':

printf(\ break; case 'g':

printf(\ break; case 'l':

b_opt_arg = optarg;

printf(\ break; } }

return 0; }

第二篇 防止SQL恶意构造性漏洞

本段落的编码规范,主要是防止恶意的SQL构造漏洞。除了这个编码的规范以外,还必须在Database的访问模式上,采用更为安全的应用接口封装的模式。 在接入层,比如CGI等,严禁使用SQL-Client 来访问Database。所有的Database接口必须封装在 APP-Interface中。

详见 《接入层安全规范》 以及 《DB层安全规范》。

2.1 防止SQL恶意构造漏洞。 不直接使用外部输入的数字、字符串拼接SQL语句。



字母串:应先保证每个字符必须在规定的范围内,比如大小写字母、下划线等。 建议使用正则表达式做有效性校验。必须: 拼接SQL语句前字符串必须经过转义。

混合串:应严格限制非字母数字符号以及不可显示符号的使用。 建议使用正则表达式做有效性校验 如不能避免,必须: 拼接SQL语句前字符串必须经过转义。

mysql 转义函数



2.2 web编程对于用户的任何输入必须做关键字过滤

详见 《CGI安全规范》 中的《HTML字符控制规范》

第三篇 防止目录,文件名恶意构造性漏洞

在ClientSide 的应用中,当需要进行目录访问,文件存取的时候,比较容易出现参数检查不严格,出现被恶意构造的安全漏洞。


Windows 中

文件类函数CreateDirectory, CreateDirectoryEx DeleteFile CreateFile OpenFile MoveFile MFC:Cfile

进程类函数 ShellExecute ShellExecuteEx CreateProcess WinExec CreateProcessAsUser CreateProcessWithLogonW Linux中

execl() execlp() execle() execv() execvp() system() popen()


fchown()替代chown() fchgrp()替代chgrp() fchmod()替代chmod()




system()使用 escapeshellarg() 或 escapeshellcmd()来传递参数 popen()使用 escapeshellarg() 或 escapeshellcmd()来传递参数 exec()使用 escapeshellarg() 或 escapeshellcmd() 来传递参数

passthru()使用 escapeshellarg() 或 escapeshellcmd() 来传递参数 proc_open()使用 escapeshellarg() 或 escapeshellcmd() 来传递参数

应使用内部自行生成的递增递减数字串、时间串或者字母串做文件名路径名。 如实在无法避免,应严格验证字符的有效性。

路径字符串内绝对禁止出现 .. 符号 ,绝对禁止以 / 或者 ~/ 开头。禁止出现任何非字母数字下划线的字符,尤其是不可显示字符。

最后应检验路径是否在规定的路径之下,禁止跳出范围访问。 尽量避免使用符号链接。


CString strFileName = “..\\\\...\\\\autoexec.bat”;

CString strFilePath = “C:\\\\Program file\\\\tencent\\\\” + strFileName; CFile file;

if( file.Open(strFilePath,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::typeBinary) ) {

file.Write(pszFileData,nFileLength); file.Close(); }




不能完全信任本地文件、数据库数据,这些文件很可能是由用户输入间接转化过来的,因次使用这些输入数据时,必须校验其有效性。 示例:getenv()不可信。





3.4 避免使用有安全风险的windows API。

CreateProcess、CreateProcessAsUser、CreateProcessWithLogonW、WinExec 等函数 参数中的可执行程序的名称必须是第一个用空格分隔的字符串。但是,如果可执行程


以下示例是危险的,因为该进程将试图运行“Program.exe”(如果该程序存在),而不是“foo.exe”。 示例:

CreateProcess(NULL, \

如果恶意用户要在系统中创建名为“Program.exe”的特洛伊程序,那么任何使用“Program Files”目录不正确地调用 CreateProcess 的程序都将启动特洛伊程序,而不是要调用的应用程序。

注意不要传递 NULL,以避免函数根据其运行时参数来分析并确定可执行文件路径名。否则,如果参数 lpApplicationName 为 NULL,则用引号将 参数lpCommandLine 中的可执行路径引起。 示例:

CreateProcess(NULL, \ WinExec(\


最好不要创建具有 NULL DACL 的安全描述符(即:pDacl 为 NULL),因为这样的 DACL 无法为对象提供安全性。实际上,攻击者可在对象上设置一个 Everyone (Deny All Access) ACE,从而拒绝每个人(包括管理员)访问该对象。NULL DACL 没有为对象提供任何免受攻击的保护。 示例:

SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); 会导致编译器警告:

c:\\Code\\testDACL\\testDACL.cpp(21) : warning C6248: Setting a

SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR's DACL to NULL will result in an unprotected object

第四篇 防止内存堆溢出漏洞




内存操作主要是指对数组、指针、内存地址等的操作。内存操作越界是软件系统主要错误之一,后果往往非常严重,所以当我们进行这些操作时一定要仔细小心。 示例:


#define MAX_USR_NUM 10

unsigned char usr_login_flg[MAX_USR_NUM]= \

void set_usr_login_flg( unsigned char usr_no ) {

if (!usr_login_flg[usr_no]) {

usr_login_flg[usr_no]= TRUE; } }

当usr_no为10时,将使用usr_login_flg越界。可采用如下方式解决。 void set_usr_login_flg( unsigned char usr_no ) {

if (!usr_login_flg[usr_no - 1]) {

usr_login_flg[usr_no - 1]= TRUE; } }

示例: BYTE* p1[] = new BYTE[10]; Memcpy(p1,p2,20); //拷贝内存越界



CObject* pObject = new CObject;

CArray< CObject*, CObject*> arrObject; arrObject.Add(pObject); Delete pObject;

For (int i=0; i







示例:如下程序将造成变量下溢。 unsigned char size ;

while (size-- >= 0) // 将出现下溢 {

... // program code }


char size; // 从unsigned char 改为char while (size-- >= 0) {

... // program code }

4.5过程/函数中分配的资源(包括内存、文件等),在过程/函数退出之前要释放。 4.6 MFC中使用CArray删除数据,需要倒后遍历.


CArray arrData;

int nCount = arrData.GetSize(); For( int i=0 ; i< nCount; i++)



第五篇 其他一些注意事项


如果对安全相关函数的调用,因任何原因而失败,则不允许对客户端进行模拟。 客户端请求将在进行调用的进程所在的安全环境中进行。如果进程作为高度特权化的帐户(如 LocalSystem)来运行,或作为管理组的成员来运行,则用户可能可以执行在其他情况下不允许进行的操作。所以,您务必要始终检查调用的返回值,如果该值未报出错误,则不要继续执行客户端请求。 可能存在的问题的函数: RpcImpersonateClient

ImpersonateNamedPipeClient SetThreatToken ImpersonateSelf


ImpersonateDdeClientWindow ImpersonateSecurityContext ImpersonateLoggedOnUser 示例:

RPC_STATUS status = RpcImpersonateClient(NULL); if ( status != RPC_S_OK ) {


\ status ) ); return status; }

HANDLE hToken;

DWORD dwError = OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(),TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, &hToken);

if(!dwError ) {


\ dwError ) );






drand48() erand48() jrand48() lcong48() lrand48() mrand48() nrand48() random() seed48() setstate() srand() strfry()

#include ; #include ; main() {

int ram,i;

srandom((int)time(0));// 引入随机量 for(i=5;i>;0;i--) {

ram=random()0000;//控制位数 printf(\} }

5.3 在代码中添加安全性注释

安全注释可以节约大量别人阅读的时间,给代码审计提供帮助,降低日常运维修改的风险。如果你的代码有安全要求或执行了与安全有关的操作,必须在代码的相应位置注释 示例:

// SECURITY. 使用数据保护API存储口令

// SECURITY. 口信和附加的信息从GatherDetails()传递给我们 // SECURITY. pOut是一个从GatherDetails()传递给我们的指针 assert(pOut != NULL); if (pOut != NULL) {

DATA_BLOB blobPwd={cbPwd,szPwd};

DATA_BLOB blobEntropy={cbEntropy,bEntropy}; BOOL fRet = CryptProtectData(blobPwd, L\blobEntrpoy, NULL,NULL,


附录:Security Recommendations for Design

1. All functional and design specifications should contain a section describing impacts on

security. 2. Security Architecture Documentation: A security architecture document minimally contains

the following items:

a. Attack Surface Measurement: After all design specifications are complete, teams

should define and document what the default and maximum attack surface for the product will be. The magnitude of the attack surface is an indication of the product?s likelihood for being successfully attacked. Minimizing the attack surface will reduce the odds of a successful attack. Reviewing attack surface during design is strongly recommended. b. Product structure or layering: Software that exhibits a high degree of structure and

well-defined dependencies among components is less likely to exhibit vulnerabilities than software with less structure. Ideally the software should be structured in a

layered hierarchy so that higher components (layers) depend on services of lower, but lower layers never depend on higher. Developing layered designs of this sort is a difficult task, and may not be feasible with legacy or pre-existing software.

However teams developing new products should consider layered designs and seek to achieve as high a degree of structure as possible.

3. Minimize default attack surface/Enable Least Privilege:

a. All feature specifications should consider whether the features should be enabled by

default. Less frequently used features should be disabled. Careful consideration should be given to not enabling less frequently used functionality by default. b. If the product needs to create new user accounts, ensure they have the least privileges

possible for the required function and that they also have strong passwords. c. Pay close attention to access control. Always run code with the least possible

privilege. When code fails, instead of raising the privilege, find out why it failed and fix the problem. The higher the privilege demanded by any code, the more exposed it is to abuse.

4. Default installation is secure: For the functionality that is enabled by default and constitutes

the attack surface, all exposed features should be carefully reviewed to ensure that no vulnerabilities exist. 5. Defense in Depth: Begin considering “defense in depth.” The most exposed entry points

should have multiple protection mechanisms to reduce the likelihood that remaining security vulnerabilities can be exploited successfully. 6. If there are competitive products with similar functionality in the marketplace, it is helpful to

review public sources of information for known vulnerabilities in competitive products and to analyze the vulnerabilities in order to determine if the same issues can exist in this product. If so, appropriate design considerations will enable the product to avoid the same mistakes. 7. If the product is a new release of an existing product, it is helpful to examine past

vulnerabilities in previous versions of the product and analyze their root causes. This analysis may uncover additional instances of the same classes of problems. 8. Deprecate outdated functionality: If the product is a new release of an existing product,

evaluate support for of older protocols, file formats and standards and strongly consider removing them in the new release. Older code written before security awareness was as prevalent almost always contains security vulnerabilities.

9. All sample source code released with the product should be reviewed by the product team for

security issues with the same level of scrutiny as object code released with the product. 10. If the product is a new release of an existing product, migrating any possible legacy code

from unmanaged code to managed code should be considered. 11. For any new code developed, implement new code using managed code whenever possible. 12. When developing with managed code, take advantage of .NET security features:

a. Refuse unneeded permissions. b. Request optional permissions.

c. Be careful in your use of CodeAccessPermission Assert and LinkDemand. Use

Assert in as small a window as possible. d. Disable tracing and debugging before deploying ASP.NET applications.

13. Watch for canonical representation issues: Hackers will try to force code into following a

dangerous path or URL by hiding their intent in escaped characters or obscure conventions. Always design code to deal with full canonical representations and not act directly upon externally provided data. The canonical representation of something is the standard, most direct and least ambiguous way to represent it. 14. Remain informed on security issues in the industry. Attacks and threats are evolving

constantly, so keeping up to date is critically important. Keep the product team informed about new threats and vulnerabilities. 15. Ensure that everyone on your team knows about unsafe functions and coding patterns.

Maintain a list of your code?s vulnerabilities. Add the code patterns to PREfast so that others can use them. When new vulnerabilities are found, publish them to the whole team so that folks can find similar or related problems. Make security everyone?s business. 16. Be careful with error messages. If sensitive information is displayed in the error message that

gives the attacker privileged information, such as a file path on a server or the structure of a query, this will make it easier for an attacker to attack any defenses. In general, record detailed failure messages in a secure log, and provide discreet failure messages to the user. 17. For online services, ensure appropriate logging is enabled for forensics. 18. For online services, page flow integrity checking should be performed.

Security Requirements for Implementation

1. Build tools: Use the currently required (or later) versions of compilers and compile options for the

“Win32” platforms as in Security-recommendations.doc. A summary of issues that may apply to a platform is listed below.

? ? ? ?

Compile C/C++ code with /GS Link C/C++ code with /SAFESEH Link C/C++ code with /NXCOMPAT Use MIDL with /robust

2. Code analysis tools: Use the currently required (or later) versions of code analysis tools for either

native (C and C++) or Managed (C#) code that are available for the target platforms as in Security-recommendations.doc.

3. Service /GS crashes in existing products that were compiled with /GS using VS2003 or later.

Since the GS compiler option mitigates some types of BO exploits but not all of them, if a buffer overrun is reported, it must be fixed in the code. 4. Banned APIs: New native code (C and C++) must not use “banned” versions of string buffer

handling functions. Avoiding use of BADAPIs is one actionable way to remove a significant number of vulnerabilities. 5. No writable shared PE sections: Shipping binaries must not contain sections marked as ?shared?.

Those represent a potential security threat and should not be used. Properly secured dynamically created shared memory objects should be used instead.

