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For Loading or Unloading Dry Bulk Cargo Carriers

船名 港口 Port Ship's name 日期 Date 码头 Terminal/Quay 泊位水深 Available depth of water in berth 到港吃水(读数/计算) Arrival draught (read/ calculated) 最小水上高度* 水上高度 水上高度 Minimum Air draught* Air draught Air draught 计算出港吃水 Calculated departure draught 本表应由船长、码头负责人或其代表共同填写;填写内容参见所附指南*。操作的安全要求所有问题做肯定回答并在方格内相应标记;否则应写明原因。并且,船方与码头应达成采用的预防措施的协议。如某一条不适用,则填写“N/A”并注明原因。

The Master and terminal manager, or their representatives, should complete the checklist jointly. Advice on points to be considered is given in the accompanying guidelines. The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively and the boxes ticked. If this is not possible, the reason should be given, and agreement reached upon precautions to be taken between ship and terminal. If a question is considered to be not applicable write “N/A”,explaining why if appropriate.


岸安全检查项目表填写指南》 序号 项 目 NO. 1. Item 船方 Ship 码头 Terminal 备注 Remark 泊位水深及水上高度是否适合货物装卸? Is the depth of water at the berth, and the air draught, adequate for the cargo operation? 2. 系泊设备是否适合当地所有潮汐、海流、天气、通航及船舶离靠港的影响? 3. 4. Are mooring arrangements adequate for all local effects of tide, current, weather, traffic and craft alongside? 紧急情况下船舶是否可以随时离开码头? In emergency, is the ship able to leave the berth at any time? 船舶与码头之间的通路是否安全? Is there safe access between the ship and the wharf? 由船方/码头(不适用者划去)负责 Tended by Ship/Terminal(cross out the appropriate) 5. 船方/码头同意的通信系统是否有效? Is the agreed ship/terminal communications system operative? 通信方式 Communication method 语言 Language 无线电话频道/电话号码 Radio channels/phone numbers 序号 项 目 NO. Item 船方 Ship 码头 Terminal 备注 Remark 操作时通信联络人员是否可以识别? Are the liaison contact persons during operations positively identified? 船方联络人员 6. Ship contact persons 岸上联络人员 Shore contact person (s) 位置 Location 船上及码头是否配备足够处理紧急情况的人员? 7. Are adequate crew on board, and adequate staff in the terminal, for emergency? 是否准备或计划进行加油操作? 8. Have any bunkering operations been advised and agreed? 船舶靠港期间是否准备或计划对码头或船舶进行修理? 9. Have any intended repairs to wharf or ship whilst alongside been advised and agreed? 是否接受由于货物装卸操作造成损坏的报告和记录程序? 10. Has a procedure for reporting and recording damage from cargo operations been agreed? 船上是否具有港口和码头规定(包括安全和防污染要求及应急措施)的副本? 11. Has the ship been provided with copies of port and terminal regulations, including safety and pollution requirements and details of emergency services? 托运人是否向船长提供SOLAS 等 VI章要求所述的货物性质? 12. Has the shipper provided the Master with the properties of the cargo in accordance with the requirements of chapter VI of SOLAS. 对于可能需要进入的货舱和围闭处所,其空气是否安全?熏蒸货物是否标明?船方和码头对需要进行大气监控是否达成一致? Is the atmosphere safe in holds and enclosed spaces 13. to which access may be required, have fumigated cargoes been identified, and has the need for monitoring of atmosphere been agreed by ship and terminal? 序号 项 目 NO. Item 船方 Ship 码头 Terminal 备注 Remark 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 货物装卸能力和每台装/卸货机运行限制是否已通知船方/码头? Have the cargo handling capacity and any limits of travel for each loader/unloader been passed to the ship/terminal? 装货机 Loader 装货机 Loader 装货机 Loader 对于装货/排压载或卸货/加压载在各个阶段的装卸货操作计划是否已经计算? Has a cargo loading or unloading plan been calculated for all stages of loading / deballast or unloading/ballasting?计划副本持有人Copy lodged with 装卸货计划中是否已经清楚地说明作业货舱,是否标明作业次序及每次作业货舱转移的货物等级和吨数? Have the holds to be worked been clearly identified in the loading or unloading plan, showing the sequence of work, and the grade and tonnage of cargo to be transferred each time the hold is worked? 已经讨论货物是否需要平舱?其方法和范围是否已取得一致? Has the need for trimming of cargo in the holds been discussed, and the method and extent been agreed? 船方和码头是否理解并接受如果压载和货物作业失调,货物装卸将暂停直到压载操作调整正常? Do both ship and terminal understand and accept that if the ballast program becomes out of step with the cargo operation, it will be necessary to suspend cargo operation until the ballast operation has caught up? 船方是否已经知道并同意卸货时移去遗留货物的预定程序? Have the intended procedures for removing cargo residues lodged in the holds while unloading, been explained to the ship and accepted? 船舶最终纵平衡程序是否已确立并取得一致意见? Have the procedures to adjust the final trim of the loading ship been decided and agreed? 21. 码头传输系统传输记录的吨数 Tonnage held by the terminal conveyor system 是否已经通知码头货物装卸完成后船舶准备开航所需的时间? Has the terminal been advised of the time required for the ship to prepare for sea, on completion of cargo work? 同意以上各项内容:














